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public class | source


An element of reusable geometry within an XKTModel.

Member Summary

Public Members

The text label - "A", "B1".


Compressed RGBA vertex colors.


Indices that organize the vertex positions as edges.


Unique ID of this XKTGeometry in XKTModel#geometries.


Index of this XKTGeometry in XKTModel#geometriesList.


Indices that organize the vertex positions and normals as triangles.


Non-compressed 3D vertex normals.


Compressed vertex normals.


The number of XKTMeshs that reference this XKTGeometry.


Non-quantized 3D vertex positions.


Quantized vertex positions.


The type of primitive - "triangles" | "points" | "lines".

public get

Convenience property that is true when XKTGeometry#numInstances is greater that one.


When XKTGeometry#primitiveType is "triangles", this is true when this geometry is a watertight mesh.


Non-compressed vertex UVs.


Compressed vertex UVs.

Public Members

public axisLabel: String source

The text label - "A", "B1".

public colorsCompressed: Uint8Array source

Compressed RGBA vertex colors.

Defined only for point primitives. Ignored for triangles and lines.

public edgeIndices: Uint32Array source

Indices that organize the vertex positions as edges.

Defined only for triangle primitives. Ignored for points and lines.

public geometryId: Number source

Unique ID of this XKTGeometry in XKTModel#geometries.

public geometryIndex: Number source

Index of this XKTGeometry in XKTModel#geometriesList.

public indices: Uint32Array source

Indices that organize the vertex positions and normals as triangles.

Defined only for triangle and lines primitives. Ignored for points.

public normals: Float32Array source

Non-compressed 3D vertex normals.

Defined only for triangle primitives. Can be null if we want xeokit to auto-generate them. Ignored for points and lines.

public normalsOctEncoded: Int8Array source

Compressed vertex normals.

Defined only for triangle primitives. Ignored for points and lines.

This array is later created from XKTGeometry#normals by XKTModel#finalize.

Will be null if XKTGeometry#normals is also null.

public numInstances: Number source

The number of XKTMeshs that reference this XKTGeometry.

public positions: Float64Array source

Non-quantized 3D vertex positions.

Defined for all primitive types.

public positionsQuantized: Uint16Array source

Quantized vertex positions.

Defined for all primitive types.

This array is later created from XKTGeometry#positions by XKTModel#finalize.

public primitiveType: String source

The type of primitive - "triangles" | "points" | "lines".

public get reused: boolean: * source

Convenience property that is true when XKTGeometry#numInstances is greater that one.



public solid: boolean source

When XKTGeometry#primitiveType is "triangles", this is true when this geometry is a watertight mesh.

Defined only for triangle primitives. Ignored for points and lines.

Set by XKTModel#finalize.

public uvs: Float32Array source

Non-compressed vertex UVs.

public uvsCompressed: Uint16Array source

Compressed vertex UVs.