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Plugin → DistanceMeasurementsPlugin

Viewer plugin for measuring point-to-point distances.


Example 1: Creating DistanceMeasurements Programmatically

In our first example, we'll use an XKTLoaderPlugin to load a model, and then use a DistanceMeasurementsPlugin to programmatically create two DistanceMeasurements.

Note how each DistanceMeasurement has origin and target endpoints, which each indicate a 3D World-space position on the surface of an Entity. The endpoints can be attached to the same Entity, or to different Entitys.

[Run example]

import {Viewer, XKTLoaderPlugin, DistanceMeasurementsPlugin} from "";

const viewer = new Viewer({
    canvasId: "myCanvas",
    transparent: true
}); = [-2.37, 18.97, -26.12]; = [10.97, 5.82, -11.22]; = [0.36, 0.83, 0.40];

const xktLoader = new XKTLoaderPlugin(viewer);

const distanceMeasurements = new DistanceMeasurementsPlugin(viewer);

const model = xktLoader.load({
     src: "./models/xkt/duplex/duplex.xkt"

model.on("loaded", () => {

     const myMeasurement1 = distanceMeasurements.createMeasurement({
         id: "distanceMeasurement1",
         origin: {
             entity: viewer.scene.objects["2O2Fr$t4X7Zf8NOew3FLOH"],
             worldPos: [0.044, 5.998, 17.767]
         target: {
             entity: viewer.scene.objects["2O2Fr$t4X7Zf8NOew3FLOH"],
             worldPos: [4.738, 3.172, 17.768]
         visible: true,
         wireVisible: true

     const myMeasurement2 = distanceMeasurements.createMeasurement({
         id: "distanceMeasurement2",
         origin: {
             entity: viewer.scene.objects["2O2Fr$t4X7Zf8NOew3FNr2"],
             worldPos: [0.457, 2.532, 17.766]
         target: {
             entity: viewer.scene.objects["1CZILmCaHETO8tf3SgGEXu"],
             worldPos: [0.436, 0.001, 22.135]
         visible: true,
         wireVisible: true

Example 2: Creating DistanceMeasurements with Mouse Input

In our second example, we'll use an XKTLoaderPlugin to load a model, then we'll use a DistanceMeasurementsMouseControl to interactively create DistanceMeasurements with mouse input.

After we've activated the DistanceMeasurementsMouseControl, the first click on any Entity begins constructing a DistanceMeasurement, fixing its origin to that Entity. The next click on any Entity will complete the DistanceMeasurement, fixing its target to that second Entity.

The DistanceMeasurementsMouseControl will then wait for the next click on any Entity, to begin constructing another DistanceMeasurement, and so on, until deactivated again.

[Run example]

import {Viewer, XKTLoaderPlugin, DistanceMeasurementsPlugin, DistanceMeasurementsMouseControl, PointerLens} from "";

const viewer = new Viewer({
    canvasId: "myCanvas",
    transparent: true
}); = [-2.37, 18.97, -26.12]; = [10.97, 5.82, -11.22]; = [0.36, 0.83, 0.40];

const xktLoader = new XKTLoaderPlugin(viewer);

const distanceMeasurements = new DistanceMeasurementsPlugin(viewer);

const distanceMeasurementsControl  = new DistanceMeasurementsMouseControl(distanceMeasurements, {
    pointerLens : new PointerLens(viewer)

distanceMeasurementsControl.snapToVertex = true;
distanceMeasurementsControl.snapToEdge = true;


const model = xktLoader.load({
    src: "./models/xkt/duplex/duplex.xkt"

Example 3: Configuring Measurement Units and Scale

In our third example, we'll use the Scene's Metrics to set the global unit of measurement to "meters". We'll also specify that a unit within the World-space coordinate system represents ten meters.

The wires belonging to our DistanceMeasurements show their lengths in Real-space coordinates, in the current unit of measurement. They will dynamically update as we set these configurations.

const metrics = viewer.scene.metrics;

metrics.units = "meters";
metrics.scale = 10.0;

Example 4: Attaching Mouse Handlers

In our fourth example, we'll attach event handlers to our plugin, to catch when the user hovers or right-clicks over our measurements.

[Run example]

import {Viewer, XKTLoaderPlugin, DistanceMeasurementsPlugin, DistanceMeasurementsMouseControl, PointerLens} from "";

const viewer = new Viewer({
    canvasId: "myCanvas",
    transparent: true
}); = [-2.37, 18.97, -26.12]; = [10.97, 5.82, -11.22]; = [0.36, 0.83, 0.40];

const xktLoader = new XKTLoaderPlugin(viewer);

const distanceMeasurements = new DistanceMeasurementsPlugin(viewer);

const distanceMeasurementsControl  = new DistanceMeasurementsMouseControl(distanceMeasurements, {
    pointerLens : new PointerLens(viewer)

distanceMeasurementsControl.snapToVertex = true;
distanceMeasurementsControl.snapToEdge = true;


distanceMeasurements.on("mouseOver", (e) => {

distanceMeasurements.on("mouseLeave", (e) => {

distanceMeasurements.on("contextMenu", (e) => {
    // Show context menu

const model = xktLoader.load({
     src: "Duplex.xkt"

model.on("loaded", () => {

     const myMeasurement1 = distanceMeasurements.createMeasurement({
         id: "distanceMeasurement1",
         origin: {
             entity: viewer.scene.objects["2O2Fr$t4X7Zf8NOew3FLOH"],
             worldPos: [0.044, 5.998, 17.767]
         target: {
             entity: viewer.scene.objects["2O2Fr$t4X7Zf8NOew3FLOH"],
             worldPos: [4.738, 3.172, 17.768]
         visible: true,
         wireVisible: true

     const myMeasurement2 = distanceMeasurements.createMeasurement({
         id: "distanceMeasurement2",
         origin: {
             entity: viewer.scene.objects["2O2Fr$t4X7Zf8NOew3FNr2"],
             worldPos: [0.457, 2.532, 17.766]
         target: {
             entity: viewer.scene.objects["1CZILmCaHETO8tf3SgGEXu"],
             worldPos: [0.436, 0.001, 22.135]
         visible: true,
         wireVisible: true

Example 5: Creating DistanceMeasurements with Touch Input

In our fifth example, we'll show how to create distance measurements with touch input, with snapping to the nearest vertex or edge. While creating the measurements, a long-touch when setting the start or end point will cause the point to snap to the nearest vertex or edge. A quick touch-release will immediately set the point at the tapped position on the object surface.

[Run example]

import {Viewer, XKTLoaderPlugin, DistanceMeasurementsPlugin, DistanceMeasurementsTouchControl} from "";

const viewer = new Viewer({
    canvasId: "myCanvas",
    transparent: true
}); = [-2.37, 18.97, -26.12]; = [10.97, 5.82, -11.22]; = [0.36, 0.83, 0.40];

const xktLoader = new XKTLoaderPlugin(viewer);

const distanceMeasurements = new DistanceMeasurementsPlugin(viewer);

const model = xktLoader.load({
     src: "./models/xkt/duplex/duplex.xkt"

const distanceMeasurements = new DistanceMeasurementsPlugin(viewer);

const distanceMeasurementsTouchControl  = new DistanceMeasurementsTouchControl(distanceMeasurements, {
    pointerLens : new PointerLens(viewer),
    snapToVertex: true,
    snapToEdge: true


Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

constructor(viewer: Viewer, cfg: Object)

Member Summary

Public Members
public get
this get was deprecated.

Gets the default DistanceMeasurementsControl.

public set

Sets the minimum length, in pixels, of an axis wire beyond which its label is shown.

public get

Gets the minimum length, in pixels, of an axis wire beyond which its label is shown.

public get

Gets the existing DistanceMeasurements, each mapped to its DistanceMeasurement#id.

public get

Gets the PointerLens attached to this DistanceMeasurementsPlugin.

public set

Sets whether the measurement added is rotation adjusted or not.

public get

Gets whether the measurement added is rotation adjusted or not.


zIndex: *

Method Summary

Public Methods


Destroys all DistanceMeasurements.


Destroys this DistanceMeasurementsPlugin.


Destroys a DistanceMeasurement.


Gets if the axis wires of each DistanceMeasurement are visible.


getContainerElement(): * | HTMLElement | HTMLElement

Gets the plugin's HTML container element, if any.


setAxisVisible(labelsShown: Boolean)

Shows all or hides the axis wires of each DistanceMeasurement.


setLabelsShown(labelsShown: Boolean)

Shows all or hides the distance label of each DistanceMeasurement.

Inherited Summary

From class Plugin

ID for this Plugin, unique within its Viewer.


viewer: Viewer

The Viewer that contains this Plugin.


Destroys this Plugin and removes it from its Viewer.


error(msg: String)

Logs an error message to the JavaScript developer console, prefixed with the ID of this Plugin.


fire(event: String, value: Object, forget: Boolean)

Fires an event on this Plugin.


Returns true if there are any subscribers to the given event on this Plugin.


log(msg: String)

Logs a message to the JavaScript developer console, prefixed with the ID of this Plugin.


off(subId: String)

Cancels an event subscription that was previously made with Plugin#on or Plugin#once.


on(event: String, callback: Function, scope: Object): String

Subscribes to an event on this Plugin.


once(event: String, callback: Function, scope: Object)

Subscribes to the next occurrence of the given event, then un-subscribes as soon as the event is subIdd.


scheduleTask(task: *)

Schedule a task to perform on the next browser interval


warn(msg: String)

Logs a warning message to the JavaScript developer console, prefixed with the ID of this Plugin.

Public Constructors

public constructor(viewer: Viewer, cfg: Object) source

Creates this Plugin and installs it into the given Viewer.




viewer Viewer

The Viewer.

cfg Object
  • optional

Plugin configuration. String
  • optional
  • default: "DistanceMeasurements"

Optional ID for this plugin, so that we can find it within Viewer#plugins.

cfg.labelMinAxisLength Number
  • optional
  • default: 25

The minimum length, in pixels, of an axis wire beyond which its label is shown.

cfg.container HTMLElement
  • optional

Container DOM element for markers and labels. Defaults to document.body.

cfg.defaultVisible boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

The default value of the DistanceMeasurements visible property.

cfg.defaultOriginVisible boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

The default value of the DistanceMeasurements originVisible property.

cfg.defaultTargetVisible boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

The default value of the DistanceMeasurements targetVisible property.

cfg.defaultWireVisible boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

The default value of the DistanceMeasurements wireVisible property.

cfg.defaultLabelsVisible boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

The default value of the DistanceMeasurements labelsVisible property.

cfg.defaultXLabelEnabled boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

The default value of the DistanceMeasurements xLabelEnabled property.

cfg.defaultYLabelEnabled boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

The default value of the DistanceMeasurements yLabelEnabled property.

cfg.defaultZLabelEnabled boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

The default value of the DistanceMeasurements zLabelEnabled property.

cfg.defaultLengthLabelEnabled boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

The default value of the DistanceMeasurements lengthLabelEnabled property.

cfg.defaultAxisVisible boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

The default value of the DistanceMeasurements axisVisible property.

cfg.defaultXAxisVisible boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

The default value of the DistanceMeasurements xAxisVisible property.

cfg.defaultYAxisVisible boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

The default value of the DistanceMeasurements yAxisVisible property.

cfg.defaultZAxisVisible boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

The default value of the DistanceMeasurements zAxisVisible property.

cfg.useRotationAdjustment boolean
  • optional
  • default: false

The default value of DistanceMeasurements useRotationAdjustment property.

cfg.defaultColor string
  • optional
  • default: #00BBFF

The default color of the length dots, wire and label.

cfg.zIndex number
  • optional

If set, the wires, dots and labels will have this zIndex (+1 for dots and +2 for labels).

cfg.defaultLabelsOnWires boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

The default value of the DistanceMeasurements labelsOnWires property.

cfg.pointerLens PointerCircle
  • optional

A PointerLens to help the user position the pointer. This can be shared with other plugins.

Public Members

public get control: DistanceMeasurementsControl source

this get was deprecated.

Gets the default DistanceMeasurementsControl.

public defaultAxisVisible: * source

public defaultColor: * source

public defaultLabelsOnWires: * source

public defaultLabelsVisible: * source

public defaultLengthLabelEnabled: * source

public defaultOriginVisible: * source

public defaultTargetVisible: * source

public defaultVisible: * source

public defaultWireVisible: * source

public defaultXAxisVisible: * source

public defaultXLabelEnabled: * source

public defaultYAxisVisible: * source

public defaultYLabelEnabled: * source

public defaultZAxisVisible: * source

public defaultZLabelEnabled: * source

public set labelMinAxisLength: number source

Sets the minimum length, in pixels, of an axis wire beyond which its label is shown.

The axis wire's label is not shown when its length is less than this value.

This is 25 pixels by default.

Must not be less than 1.

public get labelMinAxisLength: number: * source

Gets the minimum length, in pixels, of an axis wire beyond which its label is shown.



public get measurements: {String: DistanceMeasurement} source

Gets the existing DistanceMeasurements, each mapped to its DistanceMeasurement#id.

public get pointerLens: PointerCircle: * source

Gets the PointerLens attached to this DistanceMeasurementsPlugin.



public set useRotationAdjustment: boolean source

Sets whether the measurement added is rotation adjusted or not.

public get useRotationAdjustment: number: * source

Gets whether the measurement added is rotation adjusted or not.



public zIndex: * source

Public Methods

public clear() source

Destroys all DistanceMeasurements.

public createMeasurement(params: Object): DistanceMeasurement source

Creates a DistanceMeasurement.

The DistanceMeasurement is then registered by DistanceMeasurement#id in DistanceMeasurementsPlugin#measurements.


params Object

DistanceMeasurement configuration. String

Unique ID to assign to DistanceMeasurement#id. The DistanceMeasurement will be registered by this in DistanceMeasurementsPlugin#measurements and Scene.components. Must be unique among all components in the Viewer.

params.origin.worldPos Number[]

Origin World-space 3D position.

params.origin.entity Entity

Origin Entity. Number[]

Target World-space 3D position. Entity

Target Entity.

params.visible Boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

Whether to initially show the DistanceMeasurement.

params.originVisible Boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

Whether to initially show the DistanceMeasurement origin.

params.targetVisible Boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

Whether to initially show the DistanceMeasurement target.

params.wireVisible Boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

Whether to initially show the direct point-to-point wire between DistanceMeasurement#origin and DistanceMeasurement#target.

params.axisVisible Boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

Whether to initially show the axis-aligned wires between DistanceMeasurement#origin and DistanceMeasurement#target.

params.xAxisVisible Boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

Whether to initially show the X-axis-aligned wires between DistanceMeasurement#origin and DistanceMeasurement#target.

params.yAxisVisible Boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

Whether to initially show the Y-axis-aligned wires between DistanceMeasurement#origin and DistanceMeasurement#target.

params.zAxisVisible Boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

Whether to initially show the Z-axis-aligned wires between DistanceMeasurement#origin and DistanceMeasurement#target.

params.xLabelEnabled Boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

Whether to initially show the x label.

params.yLabelEnabled Boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

Whether to initially show the y label.

params.zLabelEnabled Boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

Whether to initially show the z label.

params.lengthLabelEnabled Boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

Whether to initially show the length label.

params.labelsVisible Boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

Whether to initially show the labels.

params.lengthLabelVisible Boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

Whether to initially show the labels.

params.color string
  • optional

The color of the length dot, wire and label.

params.labelsOnWires Boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

Determines if labels will be set on wires or one below the other.

public destroy() source

Destroys this DistanceMeasurementsPlugin.

Destroys all DistanceMeasurements first.



public destroyMeasurement(id: String) source

Destroys a DistanceMeasurement.


id String

ID of DistanceMeasurement to destroy.

public getAxisVisible(): Boolean source

Gets if the axis wires of each DistanceMeasurement are visible.



Whether or not the axis wires are visible.

public getContainerElement(): * | HTMLElement | HTMLElement source

Gets the plugin's HTML container element, if any.


* | HTMLElement | HTMLElement

public setAxisVisible(labelsShown: Boolean) source

Shows all or hides the axis wires of each DistanceMeasurement.


labelsShown Boolean

Whether or not to show the axis wires.

public setLabelsShown(labelsShown: Boolean) source

Shows all or hides the distance label of each DistanceMeasurement.


labelsShown Boolean

Whether or not to show the labels.