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public class | since 2.0.13 | source



Plugin → WebIFCLoaderPlugin

Viewer plugin that uses web-ifc to load BIM models directly from IFC files.

[Run this example]


  • Loads small-to-medium sized BIM models directly from IFC files.
  • Uses web-ifc to parse IFC files in the browser.
  • Loads IFC geometry, element structure metadata, and property sets.
  • Not for large models. For best performance with large models, we recommend using XKTLoaderPlugin.
  • Loads double-precision coordinates, enabling models to be viewed at global coordinates without accuracy loss.
  • Allows to set the position, scale and rotation of each model as you load it.
  • Filter which IFC types get loaded.
  • Configure initial appearances of specified IFC types.
  • Set a custom data source for IFC files.
  • Load multiple copies of the same model.


Loading and parsing huge IFC STEP files can be slow, and can overwhelm the browser, however. To view your largest IFC models, we recommend instead pre-converting those to xeokit's compressed native .XKT format, then loading them with XKTLoaderPlugin instead.

Scene representation

When loading a model, WebIFCLoaderPlugin creates an Entity that represents the model, which will have Entity#isModel set true and will be registered by Entity#id in Scene#models. The WebIFCLoaderPlugin also creates an Entity for each object within the model. Those Entities will have Entity#isObject set true and will be registered by Entity#id in Scene#objects.


When loading a model, WebIFCLoaderPlugin also creates a MetaModel that represents the model, which contains a MetaObject for each IFC element, plus a PropertySet for each IFC property set. Loading metadata can be very slow, so we can also optionally disable it if we don't need it.


In the example below we'll load the Duplex BIM model from an IFC file. Within our Viewer, this will create a bunch of Entitys that represents the model and its objects, along with a MetaModel, MetaObjects and PropertySets that hold their metadata.

Since this model contains IFC types, the WebIFCLoaderPlugin will set the initial appearance of each object Entity according to its IFC type in WebIFCLoaderPlugin#objectDefaults.

import {Viewer, WebIFCLoaderPlugin} from "";
import * as WebIFC from "";

// 1. Create a Viewer,
// 2. Arrange the camera

// 1
const viewer = new Viewer({
     canvasId: "myCanvas",
     transparent: true

// 2 = [-2.56, 8.38, 8.27]; = [13.44, 3.31, -14.83]; = [0.10, 0.98, -0.14];

// 1. Create a web-ifc API, which will parse IFC for our WebIFCLoaderPlugin
// 2. Connect the API to the web-ifc WASM module, which powers the parsing
// 3. Initialize the web-ifc API

// 1

const IfcAPI = new this._webIFC.IfcAPI();

// 2


// 3

IfcAPI.Init().then(() => {

     // 1. Create a WebIFCLoaderPlugin, configured with the web-ifc module and a web-ifc API instance
     // 2. Load a BIM model fom an IFC file, excluding its IfcSpace elements, and highlighting edges

    const ifcLoader = new WebIFCLoaderPlugin(viewer, {

    // 2
    const model = ifcLoader.load({          // Returns an Entity that represents the model
        id: "myModel",
        src: "../assets/models/ifc/Duplex.ifc",
        excludeTypes: ["IfcSpace"],
        edges: true

    model.on("loaded", () => {

        // 1. Find metadata on the bottom storey
        // 2. X-ray all the objects except for the bottom storey
        // 3. Fit the bottom storey in view

        // 1
        const metaModel = viewer.metaScene.metaModels["myModel"];       // MetaModel with ID "myModel"
        const metaObject
                = viewer.metaScene.metaObjects["1xS3BCk291UvhgP2dvNsgp"];  // MetaObject with ID "1xS3BCk291UvhgP2dvNsgp"

        const name =;                                   // "01 eerste verdieping"
        const type = metaObject.type;                                   // "IfcBuildingStorey"
        const parent = metaObject.parent;                               // MetaObject with type "IfcBuilding"
        const children = metaObject.children;                           // Array of child MetaObjects
        const objectId =;                                 // "1xS3BCk291UvhgP2dvNsgp"
        const objectIds = viewer.metaScene.getObjectIDsInSubtree(objectId);   // IDs of leaf sub-objects
        const aabb = viewer.scene.getAABB(objectIds);                   // Axis-aligned boundary of the leaf sub-objects

        // 2
        viewer.scene.setObjectsXRayed(viewer.scene.objectIds, true);
        viewer.scene.setObjectsXRayed(objectIds, false);

        // 3

        // Find the model Entity by ID
        model = viewer.scene.models["myModel"];

        // Destroy the model


We have the option to rotate, scale and translate each IFC model as we load it.

This lets us load multiple models, or even multiple copies of the same model, and position them apart from each other.

In the example below, we'll scale our model to half its size, rotate it 90 degrees about its local X-axis, then translate it 100 units along its X axis.

     src: "../assets/models/ifc/Duplex.ifc",
     rotation: [90,0,0],
     scale: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5],
     origin: [100, 0, 0]

Including and excluding IFC types

We can also load only those objects that have the specified IFC types.

In the example below, we'll load only the objects that represent walls.

const model2 = ifcLoader.load({
    id: "myModel2",
    src: "../assets/models/ifc/Duplex.ifc",
    includeTypes: ["IfcWallStandardCase"]

We can also load only those objects that don't have the specified IFC types.

In the example below, we'll load only the objects that do not represent empty space.

const model3 = ifcLoader.load({
    id: "myModel3",
    src: "../assets/models/ifc/Duplex.ifc",
    excludeTypes: ["IfcSpace"]

Configuring initial IFC object appearances

We can specify the custom initial appearance of loaded objects according to their IFC types.

This is useful for things like:

  • setting the colors to our objects according to their IFC types,
  • automatically hiding IfcSpace objects, and
  • ensuring that IfcWindow objects are always transparent.
    In the example below, we'll load a model, while configuring IfcSpace elements to be always initially invisible, and IfcWindow types to be always translucent blue.
const myObjectDefaults = {

     IfcSpace: {
         visible: false
     IfcWindow: {
         colorize: [0.337255, 0.303922, 0.870588], // Blue
         opacity: 0.3


     DEFAULT: {
         colorize: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]

const model4 = ifcLoader.load({
     id: "myModel4",
     src: "../assets/models/ifc/Duplex.ifc",
     objectDefaults: myObjectDefaults // Use our custom initial default states for object Entities

When we don't customize the appearance of IFC types, as just above, then IfcSpace elements tend to obscure other elements, which can be confusing.

It's often helpful to make IfcSpaces transparent and unpickable, like this:

const ifcLoader = new WebIFCLoaderPlugin(viewer, {
   wasmPath: "../dist/",
   objectDefaults: {
       IfcSpace: {
           pickable: false,
           opacity: 0.2

Alternatively, we could just make IfcSpaces invisible, which also makes them unpickable:

const ifcLoader = new WebIFCLoaderPlugin(viewer, {
   wasmPath: "../dist/",
   objectDefaults: {
       IfcSpace: {
           visible: false

Configuring a custom data source

By default, WebIFCLoaderPlugin will load IFC files over HTTP.

In the example below, we'll customize the way WebIFCLoaderPlugin loads the files by configuring it with our own data source object. For simplicity, our custom data source example also uses HTTP, using a couple of xeokit utility functions.

import {utils} from "";

class MyDataSource {

     constructor() {

     // Gets the contents of the given IFC file in an arraybuffer
     getIFC(src, ok, error) {
         console.log("MyDataSource#getIFC(" + IFCSrc + ", ... )");
             (arraybuffer) => {
             function (errMsg) {

const ifcLoader2 = new WebIFCLoaderPlugin(viewer, {
      dataSource: new MyDataSource()

const model5 = ifcLoader2.load({
     id: "myModel5",
     src: "../assets/models/ifc/Duplex.ifc"

Loading multiple copies of a model, without object ID clashes

Sometimes we need to load two or more instances of the same model, without having clashes between the IDs of the equivalent objects in the model instances.

As shown in the example below, we do this by setting WebIFCLoaderPlugin#globalizeObjectIds true before we load our models.

ifcLoader.globalizeObjectIds = true;

const model = ifcLoader.load({
     id: "model1",
     src: "../assets/models/ifc/Duplex.ifc"

const model2 = ifcLoader.load({
   id: "model2",
   src: "../assets/models/ifc/Duplex.ifc"

For each Entity loaded by these two calls, Entity#id and MetaObject#id will get prefixed by the ID of their model, in order to avoid ID clashes between the two models.

An Entity belonging to the first model will get an ID like this:


The equivalent Entity in the second model will get an ID like this:


Now, to update the visibility of both of those Entities collectively, using Scene#setObjectsVisible, we can supply just the IFC product ID part to that method:

myViewer.scene.setObjectVisibilities("0BTBFw6f90Nfh9rP1dlXrb", true);

The method, along with Scene#setObjectsXRayed, Scene#setObjectsHighlighted etc, will internally expand the given ID to refer to the instances of that Entity in both models.

We can also, of course, reference each Entity directly, using its globalized ID:

myViewer.scene.setObjectVisibilities("myModel1#0BTBFw6f90Nfh9rP1dlXrb", true);

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

constructor(viewer: Viewer, cfg: Object)

Member Summary

Public Members
public get

Gets the custom data source through which the WebIFCLoaderPlugin can load IFC files.

public set

Sets a custom data source through which the WebIFCLoaderPlugin can load IFC files.

public get

Gets the blacklist of IFC types that are never loaded by this WebIFCLoaderPlugin.

public set

Sets the blacklist of IFC types that are never loaded by this WebIFCLoaderPlugin.

public get

Gets whether we load objects that don't have IFC types.

When loading IFC models and this is true, WebIFCLoaderPlugin will not load objects that don't have IFC types.

public set

Sets whether we load objects that don't have IFC types.

When loading IFC models and this is true, WebIFCLoaderPlugin will not load objects that don't have IFC types.

public get

Gets whether WebIFCLoaderPlugin globalizes each Entity#id and MetaObject#id as it loads a model.

public set

Sets whether WebIFCLoaderPlugin globalizes each Entity#id and MetaObject#id as it loads a model.

public get

Gets the whitelist of the IFC types loaded by this WebIFCLoaderPlugin.

public set

Sets the whitelist of the IFC types loaded by this WebIFCLoaderPlugin.

public get

objectDefaults: {String: Object}

Gets map of initial default states for each loaded Entity that represents an object.

public set

objectDefaults: {String: Object}

Sets map of initial default states for each loaded Entity that represents an object.

public get

Gets the IFC format versions supported by this WebIFCLoaderPlugin.

Method Summary

Public Methods

load(params: *): Entity

Loads an IFC model into this WebIFCLoaderPlugin's Viewer.

Inherited Summary

From class Plugin

ID for this Plugin, unique within its Viewer.


viewer: Viewer

The Viewer that contains this Plugin.


Destroys this Plugin and removes it from its Viewer.


error(msg: String)

Logs an error message to the JavaScript developer console, prefixed with the ID of this Plugin.


fire(event: String, value: Object, forget: Boolean)

Fires an event on this Plugin.


Returns true if there are any subscribers to the given event on this Plugin.


log(msg: String)

Logs a message to the JavaScript developer console, prefixed with the ID of this Plugin.


off(subId: String)

Cancels an event subscription that was previously made with Plugin#on or Plugin#once.


on(event: String, callback: Function, scope: Object): String

Subscribes to an event on this Plugin.


once(event: String, callback: Function, scope: Object)

Subscribes to the next occurrence of the given event, then un-subscribes as soon as the event is subIdd.


scheduleTask(task: *)

Schedule a task to perform on the next browser interval


warn(msg: String)

Logs a warning message to the JavaScript developer console, prefixed with the ID of this Plugin.

Public Constructors

public constructor(viewer: Viewer, cfg: Object) source

Creates this Plugin and installs it into the given Viewer.




viewer Viewer

The Viewer.

cfg Object

Plugin configuration. String
  • optional
  • default: "ifcLoader"

Optional ID for this plugin, so that we can find it within Viewer#plugins.

cfg.WebIFC Object

The web-ifc module, required by WebIFCLoaderPlugin. WebIFCLoaderPlugin uses various IFC type constants defined on this module.

cfg.IfcAPI Object

A pre-initialized instance of the web-ifc API. WebIFCLoaderPlugin uses this to parse IFC. * @param {Object} [cfg.objectDefaults] Map of initial default states for each loaded Entity that represents an object. Default value is IFCObjectDefaults.

cfg.dataSource Object
  • optional

A custom data source through which the WebIFCLoaderPlugin can load model and metadata files. Defaults to an instance of WebIFCDefaultDataSource, which loads over HTTP.

cfg.includeTypes String[]
  • optional

When loading metadata, only loads objects that have MetaObjects with MetaObject#type values in this list.

cfg.excludeTypes String[]
  • optional

When loading metadata, never loads objects that have MetaObjects with MetaObject#type values in this list.

cfg.excludeUnclassifiedObjects Boolean
  • optional
  • default: false

When loading metadata and this is true, will only load Entitys that have MetaObjects (that are not excluded). This is useful when we don't want Entitys in the Scene that are not represented within IFC navigation components, such as TreeViewPlugin.

Public Members

public get dataSource: Object source

Gets the custom data source through which the WebIFCLoaderPlugin can load IFC files.

Default value is WebIFCDefaultDataSource, which loads via HTTP.

public set dataSource: Object source

Sets a custom data source through which the WebIFCLoaderPlugin can load IFC files.

Default value is WebIFCDefaultDataSource, which loads via HTTP.

public get excludeTypes: String[] source

Gets the blacklist of IFC types that are never loaded by this WebIFCLoaderPlugin.

When loading IFC models, causes this WebIFCLoaderPlugin to not load objects whose types are in this list. An object's type is indicated by its MetaObject's MetaObject#type.

Default value is undefined.

public set excludeTypes: String[] source

Sets the blacklist of IFC types that are never loaded by this WebIFCLoaderPlugin.

When IFC models, causes this WebIFCLoaderPlugin to not load objects whose types are in this list. An object's type is indicated by its MetaObject's MetaObject#type.

Default value is undefined.

public get excludeUnclassifiedObjects: Boolean source

Gets whether we load objects that don't have IFC types.

When loading IFC models and this is true, WebIFCLoaderPlugin will not load objects that don't have IFC types.

Default value is false.

public set excludeUnclassifiedObjects: Boolean source

Sets whether we load objects that don't have IFC types.

When loading IFC models and this is true, WebIFCLoaderPlugin will not load objects that don't have IFC types.

Default value is false.

public get globalizeObjectIds: Boolean source

Gets whether WebIFCLoaderPlugin globalizes each Entity#id and MetaObject#id as it loads a model.

Default value is false.

public set globalizeObjectIds: Boolean source

Sets whether WebIFCLoaderPlugin globalizes each Entity#id and MetaObject#id as it loads a model.

Set this true when you need to load multiple instances of the same model, to avoid ID clashes between the objects in the different instances.

When we load a model with this set true, then each Entity#id and MetaObject#id will be prefixed by the ID of the model, ie. <modelId>#<objectId>.

Entity#originalSystemId and MetaObject#originalSystemId will always hold the original, un-prefixed, ID values.

Default value is false.

See the main WebIFCLoaderPlugin class documentation for usage info.

public get includeTypes: String[] source

Gets the whitelist of the IFC types loaded by this WebIFCLoaderPlugin.

When loading IFC models, causes this WebIFCLoaderPlugin to only load objects whose types are in this list. An object's type is indicated by its MetaObject's MetaObject#type.

Default value is undefined.

public set includeTypes: String[] source

Sets the whitelist of the IFC types loaded by this WebIFCLoaderPlugin.

When loading IFC models, causes this WebIFCLoaderPlugin to only load objects whose types are in this list. An object's type is indicated by its MetaObject's MetaObject#type.

Default value is undefined.

public get objectDefaults: {String: Object} source

Gets map of initial default states for each loaded Entity that represents an object.

Default value is IFCObjectDefaults.

public set objectDefaults: {String: Object} source

Sets map of initial default states for each loaded Entity that represents an object.

Default value is IFCObjectDefaults.

public get supportedVersions: string[]: string[] source

Gets the IFC format versions supported by this WebIFCLoaderPlugin.



Public Methods

public load(params: *): Entity source

Loads an IFC model into this WebIFCLoaderPlugin's Viewer.


params *

Loading parameters. String
  • optional

ID to assign to the root Entity#id, unique among all components in the Viewer's Scene, generated automatically by default.

params.src String
  • optional

Path to a IFC file, as an alternative to the ifc parameter.

params.ifc ArrayBuffer
  • optional

The IFC file data, as an alternative to the src parameter.

params.loadMetadata Boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

Whether to load IFC metadata (metaobjects and property sets).

params.objectDefaults {String: Object}
  • optional

Map of initial default states for each loaded Entity that represents an object. Default value is IFCObjectDefaults.

params.includeTypes String[]
  • optional

When loading metadata, only loads objects that have MetaObjects with MetaObject#type values in this list.

params.excludeTypes String[]
  • optional

When loading metadata, never loads objects that have MetaObjects with MetaObject#type values in this list.

params.edges Boolean
  • optional
  • default: false

Whether or not xeokit renders the model with edges emphasized.

params.origin Number[]
  • optional
  • default: [0,0,0]

The model's World-space double-precision 3D origin. Use this to position the model within xeokit's World coordinate system, using double-precision coordinates.

params.position Number[]
  • optional
  • default: [0,0,0]

The model single-precision 3D position, relative to the origin parameter.

params.scale Number[]
  • optional
  • default: [1,1,1]

The model's scale.

params.rotation Number[]
  • optional
  • default: [0,0,0]

The model's orientation, given as Euler angles in degrees, for each of the X, Y and Z axis.

params.matrix Number[]
  • optional
  • default: [1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]

The model's world transform matrix. Overrides the position, scale and rotation parameters. Relative to origin.

params.edges Boolean
  • optional
  • default: false

Indicates if the model's edges are initially emphasized.

params.saoEnabled Boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

Indicates if Scalable Ambient Obscurance (SAO) will apply to the model. SAO is configured by the Scene's SAO component. Only works when SAO#enabled is also true

params.pbrEnabled Boolean
  • optional
  • default: false

Indicates if physically-based rendering (PBR) will apply to the model. Only works when Scene#pbrEnabled is also true.

params.backfaces Number
  • optional
  • default: false

When we set this true, then we force rendering of backfaces for the model. When we leave this false, then we allow the Viewer to decide when to render backfaces. In that case, the Viewer will hide backfaces on watertight meshes, show backfaces on open meshes, and always show backfaces on meshes when we slice them open with SectionPlanes.

params.excludeUnclassifiedObjects Boolean
  • optional
  • default: false

When loading metadata and this is true, will only load Entitys that have MetaObjects (that are not excluded). This is useful when we don't want Entitys in the Scene that are not represented within IFC navigation components, such as TreeViewPlugin.

params.globalizeObjectIds Boolean
  • optional
  • default: false

Indicates whether to globalize each Entity#id and MetaObject#id, in case you need to prevent ID clashes with other models. See WebIFCLoaderPlugin#globalizeObjectIds for more info.

params.stats Object
  • optional

Collects model statistics.

params.dtxEnabled Boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

When true (default) use data textures (DTX), where appropriate, to represent the returned model. Set false to always use vertex buffer objects (VBOs). Note that DTX is only applicable to non-textured triangle meshes, and that VBOs are always used for meshes that have textures, line segments, or point primitives. Only works while DTX#enabled is also true.



Entity representing the model, which will have Entity#isModel set true and will be registered by Entity#id in Scene#models.