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Component → CameraControl

Controls the Camera with user input, and fires events when the user interacts with pickable Entitys.




Orbit Mode

In orbit mode, CameraControl orbits the Camera about the target.

To enable orbit mode:

const cameraControl = myViewer.cameraControl;
cameraControl.navMode = "orbit";

Then orbit by:

  • left-dragging the mouse,
  • tap-dragging the touch pad, and
  • pressing arrow keys, or Q and E on a QWERTY keyboard, or A and E on an AZERTY keyboard.

Dolly forwards and backwards by:

  • spinning the mouse wheel,
  • pinching on the touch pad, and
  • pressing the + and - keys, or W and S on a QWERTY keyboard, or Z and S for AZERTY.

Pan horizontally and vertically by:

  • right-dragging the mouse,
  • left-dragging the mouse with the SHIFT key down,
  • tap-dragging the touch pad with SHIFT down,
  • pressing the A, D, Z and X keys on a QWERTY keyboard, and
  • pressing the Q, D, W and X keys on an AZERTY keyboard,

Following the Pointer in Orbit Mode

When CameraControl#followPointer is truein orbiting mode, the mouse or touch pointer will dynamically indicate the target that the Camera will orbit, as well as dolly to and from.

Lets ensure that we're in orbit mode, then enable the Camera to follow the pointer:

cameraControl.navMode = "orbit";
cameraControl.followPointer = true;

Smart Pivoting


Showing the Pivot Position

We can configure CameraControl#pivotElement with an HTML element to indicate the current pivot position. The indicator will appear momentarily each time we move the Camera while in orbit mode with CameraControl#followPointer set true.

First we'll define some CSS to style our pivot indicator as a black dot with a white border:

.camera-pivot-marker {
     color: #ffffff;
     position: absolute;
     width: 25px;
     height: 25px;
     border-radius: 15px;
     border: 2px solid #ebebeb;
     background: black;
     visibility: hidden;
     box-shadow: 5px 5px 15px 1px #000000;
     z-index: 10000;
     pointer-events: none;

Then we'll attach our pivot indicator's HTML element to the CameraControl:

const pivotElement = document.createRange().createContextualFragment("<div class='camera-pivot-marker'></div>").firstChild;


cameraControl.pivotElement = pivotElement;

Axis-Aligned Views in Orbit Mode

In orbit mode, we can use keys 1-6 to position the Camera to look at the center of the Scene from along each of the six World-space axis. Pressing one of these keys will fly the Camera to the corresponding axis-aligned view.

View-Fitting Entitys in Orbit Mode

When CameraControl#doublePickFlyTo is true, we can left-double-click or double-tap (ie. "double-pick") an Entity to fit it to view. This will cause the Camera to fly to that Entity. Our target then becomes the center of that Entity. If we are currently pivoting, then our pivot position is then also set to the Entity center.

Disable that behaviour by setting CameraControl#doublePickFlyTo false.

First-Person Mode

In first-person mode, CameraControl rotates the World about the Camera position.

To enable first-person mode:

cameraControl.navMode = "firstPerson";

Then rotate by:

  • left-dragging the mouse,
  • tap-dragging the touch pad,
  • pressing arrow keys, or Q and E on a QWERTY keyboard, or A and E on an AZERTY keyboard.

Dolly forwards and backwards by:

  • spinning the mouse wheel,
  • pinching on the touch pad, and
  • pressing the + and - keys, or W and S on a QWERTY keyboard, or Z and S for AZERTY.

Pan left, right, up and down by:

  • left-dragging or right-dragging the mouse, and
  • tap-dragging the touch pad with SHIFT down.

Pan forwards, backwards, left, right, up and down by pressing the WSADZX keys on a QWERTY keyboard, or WSQDWX keys on an AZERTY keyboard.

Following the Pointer in First-Person Mode

When CameraControl#followPointer is true in first-person mode, the mouse or touch pointer will dynamically indicate the target to which the Camera will dolly to and from. In first-person mode, however, the World will always rotate about the Camera position.

Lets ensure that we're in first-person mode, then enable the Camera to follow the pointer:

cameraControl.navMode = "firstPerson";
cameraControl.followPointer = true;

When the pointer is over empty space, the target will remain the last object that the pointer was over.

Constraining Vertical Position in First-Person Mode

In first-person mode, we can lock the Camera to its current position on the vertical World axis, which is useful for walk-through navigation:

cameraControl.constrainVertical = true;

Axis-Aligned Views in First-Person Mode

In first-person mode we can use keys 1-6 to position the Camera to look at the center of the Scene from along each of the six World-space axis. Pressing one of these keys will fly the Camera to the corresponding axis-aligned view.

View-Fitting Entitys in First-Person Mode

As in orbit mode, when in first-person mode and CameraControl#doublePickFlyTo is true, we can double-click or double-tap an Entity (ie. "double-picking") to fit it in view. This will cause the Camera to fly to that Entity. Our target then becomes the center of that Entity.

Disable that behaviour by setting CameraControl#doublePickFlyTo false.

Plan-View Mode

In plan-view mode, CameraControl pans and rotates the Camera, without rotating it.

To enable plan-view mode:

cameraControl.navMode = "planView";

Dolly forwards and backwards by:

  • spinning the mouse wheel,
  • pinching on the touch pad, and
  • pressing the + and - keys.

Pan left, right, up and down by:

  • left-dragging or right-dragging the mouse, and
  • tap-dragging the touch pad with SHIFT down.

Pan forwards, backwards, left, right, up and down by pressing the WSADZX keys on a QWERTY keyboard, or WSQDWX keys on an AZERTY keyboard.

Following the Pointer in Plan-View Mode

When CameraControl#followPointer is true in plan-view mode, the mouse or touch pointer will dynamically indicate the target to which the Camera will dolly to and from. In plan-view mode, however, the Camera cannot rotate.

Lets ensure that we're in plan-view mode, then enable the Camera to follow the pointer:

cameraControl.navMode = "planView";
cameraControl.followPointer = true; // Default

When the pointer is over empty space, the target will remain the last object that the pointer was over.

Axis-Aligned Views in Plan-View Mode

As in orbit and first-person modes, in plan-view mode we can use keys 1-6 to position the Camera to look at the center of the Scene from along each of the six World-space axis. Pressing one of these keys will fly the Camera to the corresponding axis-aligned view.

CameraControl Events

CameraControl fires events as we interact with Entitys using mouse or touch input.

The following examples demonstrate how to subscribe to those events.

The first example shows how to save a handle to a subscription, which we can later use to unsubscribe.


Event fired when the pointer moves while hovering over an Entity.

const onHover = cameraControl.on("hover", (e) => {
     const entity = e.entity; // Entity
     const canvasPos = e.canvasPos; // 2D canvas position

To unsubscribe from the event:;


Event fired when the pointer moves while hovering over empty space.

cameraControl.on("hoverOff", (e) => {
     const canvasPos = e.canvasPos;


Event fired when the pointer moves onto an Entity.

cameraControl.on("hoverEnter", (e) => {
     const entity = e.entity;
     const canvasPos = e.canvasPos;


Event fired when the pointer moves off an Entity.

cameraControl.on("hoverOut", (e) => {
     const entity = e.entity;
     const canvasPos = e.canvasPos;


Event fired when we left-click or tap on an Entity.

cameraControl.on("picked", (e) => {
     const entity = e.entity;
     const canvasPos = e.canvasPos;


Event fired when we left-click or tap on the surface of an Entity.

cameraControl.on("picked", (e) => {
     const entity = e.entity;
     const canvasPos = e.canvasPos;
     const worldPos = e.worldPos; // 3D World-space position
     const viewPos = e.viewPos; // 3D View-space position
     const worldNormal = e.worldNormal; // 3D World-space normal vector


Event fired when we left-click or tap on empty space.

cameraControl.on("pickedNothing", (e) => {
     const canvasPos = e.canvasPos;


Event fired wwhen we left-double-click or double-tap on an Entity.

cameraControl.on("doublePicked", (e) => {
     const entity = e.entity;
     const canvasPos = e.canvasPos;


Event fired when we left-double-click or double-tap on the surface of an Entity.

cameraControl.on("doublePickedSurface", (e) => {
     const entity = e.entity;
     const canvasPos = e.canvasPos;
     const worldPos = e.worldPos;
     const viewPos = e.viewPos;
     const worldNormal = e.worldNormal;


Event fired when we left-double-click or double-tap on empty space.

cameraControl.on("doublePickedNothing", (e) => {
     const canvasPos = e.canvasPos;


Event fired when we right-click on the canvas.

cameraControl.on("rightClick", (e) => {
     const event = e.event; // Mouse event
     const canvasPos = e.canvasPos;

Custom Keyboard Mappings

We can customizeCameraControl key bindings as shown below.

In this example, we'll just set the default bindings for a QWERTY keyboard.

const input = myViewer.scene.input;

cameraControl.navMode = "orbit";
cameraControl.followPointer = true;

const keyMap = {};

keyMap[cameraControl.PAN_LEFT] = [input.KEY_A];
keyMap[cameraControl.PAN_RIGHT] = [input.KEY_D];
keyMap[cameraControl.PAN_UP] = [input.KEY_Z];
keyMap[cameraControl.PAN_DOWN] = [input.KEY_X];
keyMap[cameraControl.DOLLY_FORWARDS] = [input.KEY_W, input.KEY_ADD];
keyMap[cameraControl.DOLLY_BACKWARDS] = [input.KEY_S, input.KEY_SUBTRACT];
keyMap[cameraControl.ROTATE_X_POS] = [input.KEY_DOWN_ARROW];
keyMap[cameraControl.ROTATE_X_NEG] = [input.KEY_UP_ARROW];
keyMap[cameraControl.ROTATE_Y_POS] = [input.KEY_LEFT_ARROW];
keyMap[cameraControl.ROTATE_Y_NEG] = [input.KEY_RIGHT_ARROW];
keyMap[cameraControl.AXIS_VIEW_RIGHT] = [input.KEY_NUM_1];
keyMap[cameraControl.AXIS_VIEW_BACK] = [input.KEY_NUM_2];
keyMap[cameraControl.AXIS_VIEW_LEFT] = [input.KEY_NUM_3];
keyMap[cameraControl.AXIS_VIEW_FRONT] = [input.KEY_NUM_4];
keyMap[cameraControl.AXIS_VIEW_TOP] = [input.KEY_NUM_5];
keyMap[cameraControl.AXIS_VIEW_BOTTOM] = [input.KEY_NUM_6];

cameraControl.keyMap = keyMap;

We can also just configure default bindings for a specified keyboard layout, like this:

cameraControl.keyMap = "qwerty";

Then, CameraControl will internally set CameraControl#keyMap to the default key map for the QWERTY layout (which is the same set of mappings we set in the previous example). In other words, if we subsequently read CameraControl#keyMap, it will now be a key map, instead of the "qwerty" string value we set it to.

Supported layouts are, so far:

  • "qwerty"
  • "azerty"

Member Summary

Public Members

Identifies the XX action.


Identifies the XX action.


Identifies the XX action.


Identifies the XX action.


Identifies the XX action.


Identifies the XX action.


Identifies the XX action.


Identifies the XX action.


Identifies the XX action.


Identifies the XX action.


Identifies the XX action.


Identifies the XX action.


Identifies the XX action.


Identifies the XX action.


Identifies the XX action.


Identifies the XX action.


Identifies the XX action.


Identifies the XX action.

public set

active(value: Boolean)

Sets if this CameraControl is active or not.

public get

Gets if this CameraControl is active or not.

public set

Sets whether to vertically constrain the Camera position for first-person navigation.

public get

Gets whether to vertically constrain the Camera position for first-person navigation.

public set

dollyInertia(dollyInertia: Number)

Sets the dolly inertia factor.

public get

Gets the dolly inertia factor.

public set

dollyMinSpeed(dollyMinSpeed: Number)

Sets the minimum dolly speed.

public get

Gets the minimum dolly speed.

public set

dollyProximityThreshold(dollyProximityThreshold: Number)

Sets the proximity to the closest object below which dolly speed decreases, and above which dolly speed increases.

public get

Gets the proximity to the closest object below which dolly speed decreases, and above which dolly speed increases.

public set
this set was deprecated.
public get
this get was deprecated.
public set

Sets the double click time frame length in milliseconds.

public get

Gets the double click time frame length in milliseconds.

public set

Sets whether double-picking an Entity causes the Camera to fly to its boundary.

public get

Gets whether double-picking an Entity causes the Camera to fly to its boundary.

public set

dragRotationRate(dragRotationRate: Number)

Sets the current drag rotation rate.

public get

Gets the current drag rotation rate.

public set
this set was deprecated.

Sets whether this CameraControl is in first-person mode.

public get
this get was deprecated.

Gets whether this CameraControl is in first-person mode.

public set

Sets whether the Camera follows the mouse/touch pointer.

public get

Sets whether the Camera follows the mouse/touch pointer.

public set

keyMap(value: String)

Sets custom mappings of keys to CameraControl actions.

public get

keyMap: {Number: Number}: *

Gets custom mappings of keys to CameraControl actions.

public set

keyboardDollyRate(keyboardDollyRate: Number)

Sets how much the Camera dollys each second with keyboard input.

public get

Gets how much the Camera dollys each second with keyboard input.

public set

If true, the keyboard shortcuts are enabled ONLY if the mouse is over the canvas.

public get

Gets whether the keyboard shortcuts are enabled ONLY if the mouse is over the canvas or ALWAYS.

public set
this set was deprecated.

Sets the keyboard layout.

public get
this get was deprecated.

Gets the keyboard layout.

public set

keyboardPanRate(keyboardPanRate: Number)

Sets how much the Camera pans each second with keyboard input.

public get

Gets how much the Camera pans each second with keyboard input.

public set

keyboardRotationRate(keyboardRotationRate: Number)

Sets how many degrees per second the Camera rotates/orbits with keyboard input.

public get

Sets how many degrees per second the Camera rotates/orbits with keyboard input.

public set

mouseWheelDollyRate(mouseWheelDollyRate: Number)

Sets how much the Camera dollys each second while the mouse wheel is spinning.

public get

Gets how much the Camera dollys each second while the mouse wheel is spinning.

public set

navMode(navMode: String)

Sets the current navigation mode.

public get

Gets the current navigation mode.

public set

panInertia(panInertia: Number)

Sets the pan inertia factor.

public get

Gets the pan inertia factor.

public set

Sets whether either right-clicking (true) or middle-clicking (false) pans the Camera.

public get

Gets whether right-clicking pans the Camera.

public set
this set was deprecated.
public get
this get was deprecated.
public set

pivotElement(element: HTMLElement)

Sets the HTMl element to represent the pivot point when CameraControl#followPointer is true.

public set

pivotPos(worldPos: Number[])

Sets the current World-space 3D target position.

public get

Gets the current World-space 3D pivot position.

public set

planView(value: Boolean)

this set was deprecated.

Sets whether this CameraControl is in plan-view mode.

public get
this get was deprecated.

Gets whether this CameraControl is in plan-view mode.

public set

Sets whether mouse and touch input is enabled.

public get

Gets whether mouse and touch input is enabled.

public set

rotationInertia(rotationInertia: Number)

Sets a factor in range [0..1] indicating how much the Camera keeps moving after you finish rotating it.

public get

Gets the rotation inertia factor.

public set

smartPivot(enabled: Boolean)

Sets whether smart default pivoting is enabled.

public get

Gets whether smart default pivoting is enabled.

public set

snapRadius(snapRadius: Number)

Sets the current snap radius for "hoverSnapOrSurface" events, to specify whether the radius within which the pointer snaps to the nearest vertex or the nearest edge.

public get

Gets the current snap radius.

public set

snapToEdge(snapToEdge: boolean)

Sets whether the pointer snap to edge.

public get

Gets whether the pointer snap to edge.

public set

snapToVertex(snapToVertex: boolean)

Sets whether the pointer snap to vertex.

public get

Gets whether the pointer snap to vertex.

public set

touchDollyRate(touchDollyRate: Number)

Sets how much the Camera dollys with touch input.

public get

Gets how much the Camera dollys each second with touch input.

public set

touchPanRate(touchPanRate: Number)

Sets how fast the camera pans on touch panning

public get

Gets how fast the Camera pans on touch panning

public set

Sets whether to zoom the camera on mouse wheel

public get

Gets whether to zoom the camera on mouse wheel

Method Summary

Public Methods

Remove the sphere as the representation of the pivot position.


Sets a sphere as the representation of the pivot position.

Inherited Summary

From class Component
public get

The Component that owns the lifecycle of this Component, if any.


True as soon as this Component has been destroyed


ID of this Component, unique within the Scene.


meta: *

Arbitrary, user-defined metadata on this component.


The parent Scene that contains this Component.


The viewer that contains this Scene.



Destroys all Components that are owned by this.


Destroys this component.


error(message: String)

Logs an error for this component to the JavaScript console.


fire(event: String, value: Object, forget: Boolean)

Fires an event on this component.


Returns true if there are any subscribers to the given event on this component.


isType(type: *): *: Boolean

Tests if this component is of the given type, or is a subclass of the given type.


log(message: String)

Logs a console debugging message for this component.


off(subId: String)

Cancels an event subscription that was previously made with Component#on or Component#once.


on(event: String, callback: Function, scope: Object): String

Subscribes to an event on this component.


once(event: String, callback: Function, scope: Object)

Subscribes to the next occurrence of the given event, then un-subscribes as soon as the event is subIdd.


scheduleTask(task: *)

Schedule a task to perform on the next browser interval


warn(message: String)

Logs a warning for this component to the JavaScript console.

Public Members

public AXIS_VIEW_BACK: Number source

Identifies the XX action.

public AXIS_VIEW_BOTTOM: Number source

Identifies the XX action.

public AXIS_VIEW_FRONT: Number source

Identifies the XX action.

public AXIS_VIEW_LEFT: Number source

Identifies the XX action.

public AXIS_VIEW_RIGHT: Number source

Identifies the XX action.

public AXIS_VIEW_TOP: Number source

Identifies the XX action.

public DOLLY_BACKWARDS: Number source

Identifies the XX action.

public DOLLY_FORWARDS: Number source

Identifies the XX action.

public PAN_BACKWARDS: Number source

Identifies the XX action.

public PAN_DOWN: Number source

Identifies the XX action.

public PAN_FORWARDS: Number source

Identifies the XX action.

public PAN_LEFT: Number source

Identifies the XX action.

public PAN_RIGHT: Number source

Identifies the XX action.

public PAN_UP: Number source

Identifies the XX action.

public ROTATE_X_NEG: Number source

Identifies the XX action.

public ROTATE_X_POS: Number source

Identifies the XX action.

public ROTATE_Y_NEG: Number source

Identifies the XX action.

public ROTATE_Y_POS: Number source

Identifies the XX action.

public set active(value: Boolean) source

Sets if this CameraControl is active or not.

When inactive, the CameraControl will not react to input.

Default is true.

public get active: Boolean: * source

Gets if this CameraControl is active or not.

When inactive, the CameraControl will not react to input.

Default is true.



Returns true if this CameraControl is active.

public set constrainVertical(value: Boolean) source

Sets whether to vertically constrain the Camera position for first-person navigation.

When set true, this constrains Camera#eye to its current vertical position.

Only applies when CameraControl#navMode is "firstPerson".

Default is false.

public get constrainVertical: Boolean: * source

Gets whether to vertically constrain the Camera position for first-person navigation.

When set true, this constrains Camera#eye to its current vertical position.

Only applies when CameraControl#navMode is "firstPerson".

Default is false.



true when Camera is vertically constrained.

public set dollyInertia(dollyInertia: Number) source

Sets the dolly inertia factor.

This factor configures how much the Camera keeps moving after you finish dollying it.

This factor is a value in range [0..1]. A value of 0.0 causes dollying to immediately stop, 0.5 causes dollying to decay 50% on each animation frame, while 1.0 causes no decay, which allows dollying to continue until further input stops it.

You might set dollyInertia to zero when you want be able to precisely position or rotate the Camera, without interference from inertia. This also means that xeokit renders less frames while dollying the Camera, which can improve rendering performance.

Default is 0.

public get dollyInertia: Number: * source

Gets the dolly inertia factor.

Default is 0.



The current dolly inertia factor.

public set dollyMinSpeed(dollyMinSpeed: Number) source

Sets the minimum dolly speed.

Default is 0.04.

public get dollyMinSpeed: Number: * source

Gets the minimum dolly speed.

Default is 0.04.



The current minimum dolly speed.

public set dollyProximityThreshold(dollyProximityThreshold: Number) source

Sets the proximity to the closest object below which dolly speed decreases, and above which dolly speed increases.

Default is 35.0.

public get dollyProximityThreshold: Number: * source

Gets the proximity to the closest object below which dolly speed decreases, and above which dolly speed increases.

Default is 35.0.



The current dolly proximity threshold.

public set dollyToPointer(value: Boolean) source

this set was deprecated.

public get dollyToPointer: Boolean: * source

this get was deprecated.



Returns true if dolly-to-pointer behaviour is enabled.

public set doubleClickTimeFrame(value: Number) source

Sets the double click time frame length in milliseconds.

If two mouse click events occur within this time frame, it is considered a double click.

Default is 250

public get doubleClickTimeFrame(value: Number): * source

Gets the double click time frame length in milliseconds.

Default is 250

public set doublePickFlyTo(value: Boolean) source

Sets whether double-picking an Entity causes the Camera to fly to its boundary.

Default is false.

public get doublePickFlyTo: Boolean: * source

Gets whether double-picking an Entity causes the Camera to fly to its boundary.

Default is false.



Returns true when double-pick-fly-to mode is enabled.

public set dragRotationRate(dragRotationRate: Number) source

Sets the current drag rotation rate.

This configures how many degrees the Camera rotates/orbits for a full sweep of the canvas by mouse or touch dragging.

For example, a value of 360.0 indicates that the Camera rotates/orbits 360.0 degrees horizontally when we sweep the entire width of the canvas.

CameraControl makes vertical rotation half as sensitive as horizontal rotation, so that we don't tend to flip upside-down. Therefore, a value of 360.0 rotates/orbits the Camera through 180.0 degrees vertically when we sweep the entire height of the canvas.

Default is 360.0.

public get dragRotationRate: Number: * source

Gets the current drag rotation rate.

Default is 360.0.



The current drag rotation rate.

public set firstPerson(value: Boolean) source

this set was deprecated.

Sets whether this CameraControl is in first-person mode.

In "first person" mode (disabled by default) the look position rotates about the eye position. Otherwise, Camera#eye rotates about Camera#look.

Default is false.

Deprecated - use CameraControl#navMode instead.

public get firstPerson: Boolean: * source

this get was deprecated.

Gets whether this CameraControl is in first-person mode.

In "first person" mode (disabled by default) the look position rotates about the eye position. Otherwise, Camera#eye rotates about Camera#look.

Default is false.

Deprecated - use CameraControl#navMode instead.



Returns true if first-person mode is enabled.

public set followPointer(value: Boolean) source

Sets whether the Camera follows the mouse/touch pointer.

In orbiting mode, the Camera will orbit about the pointer, and will dolly to and from the pointer.

In fly-to mode, the Camera will dolly to and from the pointer, however the World will always rotate about the Camera position.

In plan-view mode, the Camera will dolly to and from the pointer, however the Camera will not rotate.

Default is true.

See class comments for more info.

public get followPointer: Boolean: * source

Sets whether the Camera follows the mouse/touch pointer.

In orbiting mode, the Camera will orbit about the pointer, and will dolly to and from the pointer.

In fly-to mode, the Camera will dolly to and from the pointer, however the World will always rotate about the Camera position.

In plan-view mode, the Camera will dolly to and from the pointer, however the Camera will not rotate.

Default is true.

See class comments for more info.



Returns true if the Camera follows the pointer.

public set keyMap(value: String) source

Sets custom mappings of keys to CameraControl actions.

See class docs for usage.

public get keyMap: {Number: Number}: * source

Gets custom mappings of keys to CameraControl actions.


{Number: Number}

Current key mappings.

public set keyboardDollyRate(keyboardDollyRate: Number) source

Sets how much the Camera dollys each second with keyboard input.

Default is 15.0, to dolly the Camera 15.0 World-space units per second while we hold down the + and - keys.

public get keyboardDollyRate: Number: * source

Gets how much the Camera dollys each second with keyboard input.

Default is 15.0.



The current keyboard dolly rate.

public set keyboardEnabledOnlyIfMouseover(value: boolean) source

If true, the keyboard shortcuts are enabled ONLY if the mouse is over the canvas.

public get keyboardEnabledOnlyIfMouseover: boolean: * source

Gets whether the keyboard shortcuts are enabled ONLY if the mouse is over the canvas or ALWAYS.



public set keyboardLayout(value: String) source

this set was deprecated.

Sets the keyboard layout.

Supported layouts are:

  • "qwerty" (default)
  • "azerty"

public get keyboardLayout: String: * source

this get was deprecated.

Gets the keyboard layout.

Supported layouts are:

  • "qwerty" (default)
  • "azerty"



The current keyboard layout.

public set keyboardPanRate(keyboardPanRate: Number) source

Sets how much the Camera pans each second with keyboard input.

Default is 5.0, to pan the Camera 5.0 World-space units every second that a panning key is depressed. See the CameraControl class documentation for which keys control panning.

Panning direction is aligned to our Camera's orientation. When we pan horizontally, we pan to our left and right, when we pan vertically, we pan upwards and downwards, and when we pan forwards and backwards, we pan along the direction the Camera is pointing.

Unlike dollying when followPointer is true, panning does not follow the pointer.

public get keyboardPanRate: Number: * source

Gets how much the Camera pans each second with keyboard input.

Default is 5.0.



The current keyboard pan rate.

public set keyboardRotationRate(keyboardRotationRate: Number) source

Sets how many degrees per second the Camera rotates/orbits with keyboard input.

Default is 90.0, to rotate/orbit the Camera 90.0 degrees every second that a rotation key is depressed. See the CameraControl class documentation for which keys control rotation/orbit.

public get keyboardRotationRate: Number: * source

Sets how many degrees per second the Camera rotates/orbits with keyboard input.

Default is 90.0.



The current keyboard rotation rate.

public set mouseWheelDollyRate(mouseWheelDollyRate: Number) source

Sets how much the Camera dollys each second while the mouse wheel is spinning.

Default is 100.0, to dolly the Camera 10.0 World-space units per second as we spin the mouse wheel.

public get mouseWheelDollyRate: Number: * source

Gets how much the Camera dollys each second while the mouse wheel is spinning.

Default is 100.0.



The current mouseWheel dolly rate.

public set navMode(navMode: String) source

Sets the current navigation mode.

Accepted values are:

  • "orbit" - rotation orbits about the current target or pivot point,
  • "firstPerson" - rotation is about the current eye position,
  • "planView" - rotation is disabled.

See class comments for more info.

public get navMode: String: * source

Gets the current navigation mode.



The navigation mode: "orbit", "firstPerson" or "planView".

public set panInertia(panInertia: Number) source

Sets the pan inertia factor.

This factor configures how much the Camera keeps moving after you finish panning it.

This factor is a value in range [0..1]. A value of 0.0 causes panning to immediately stop, 0.5 causes panning to decay 50% on each animation frame, while 1.0 causes no decay, which allows panning to continue until further input stops it.

You might set panInertia to zero when you want be able to precisely position or rotate the Camera, without interference from inertia. This also means that xeokit renders less frames while panning the Camera, wich can improve rendering performance.

Default is 0.5.

public get panInertia: Number: * source

Gets the pan inertia factor.

Default is 0.5.



The current pan inertia factor.

public set panRightClick(value: Boolean) source

Sets whether either right-clicking (true) or middle-clicking (false) pans the Camera.

Default is true.

public get panRightClick: Boolean: * source

Gets whether right-clicking pans the Camera.

Default is true.



Returns false when pan on right-click is disabled.

public set panToPointer(value: Boolean) source

this set was deprecated.

public get panToPointer: Boolean: boolean source

this get was deprecated.



Returns true if dolly-to-pointer behaviour is enabled.

public set pivotElement(element: HTMLElement) source

Sets the HTMl element to represent the pivot point when CameraControl#followPointer is true.

See class comments for an example.

public set pivotPos(worldPos: Number[]) source

Sets the current World-space 3D target position.

Only applies when CameraControl#followPointer is true.

public get pivotPos: Number[]: * source

Gets the current World-space 3D pivot position.

Only applies when CameraControl#followPointer is true.



worldPos The current World-space 3D pivot position.

public set planView(value: Boolean) source

this set was deprecated.

Sets whether this CameraControl is in plan-view mode.

When in plan-view mode, rotation is disabled.

Default is false.

Deprecated - use CameraControl#navMode instead.

public get planView: Boolean: * source

this get was deprecated.

Gets whether this CameraControl is in plan-view mode.

When in plan-view mode, rotation is disabled.

Default is false.

Deprecated - use CameraControl#navMode instead.



Returns true if plan-view mode is enabled.

public set pointerEnabled(value: Boolean) source

Sets whether mouse and touch input is enabled.

Default is true.

Disabling mouse and touch input on CameraControl is useful when we want to temporarily use mouse or touch input to interact with some other 3D control, without disturbing the Camera.

public get pointerEnabled: Boolean: * source

Gets whether mouse and touch input is enabled.

Default is true.

Disabling mouse and touch input on CameraControl is desirable when we want to temporarily use mouse or touch input to interact with some other 3D control, without interfering with the Camera.



Returns true if mouse and touch input is enabled.

public set rotationInertia(rotationInertia: Number) source

Sets a factor in range [0..1] indicating how much the Camera keeps moving after you finish rotating it.

A value of 0.0 causes it to immediately stop, 0.5 causes its movement to decay 50% on each tick, while 1.0 causes no decay, allowing it continue moving, by the current rate of rotation.

You may choose an inertia of zero when you want be able to precisely rotate the Camera, without interference from inertia. Zero inertia can also mean that less frames are rendered while you are rotating the Camera.

Default is 0.0.

Does not apply when CameraControl#navMode is "planView", which disallows rotation.

public get rotationInertia: Number: * source

Gets the rotation inertia factor.

Default is 0.0.

Does not apply when CameraControl#navMode is "planView", which disallows rotation.



The inertia factor.

public set smartPivot(enabled: Boolean) source

Sets whether smart default pivoting is enabled.

When true, we'll pivot by default about the 3D position of the mouse/touch pointer on an imaginary sphere that's centered at Camera#eye and sized to the Scene boundary.

When false, we'll pivot by default about Camera#look.

Default is false.

public get smartPivot: Boolean: * source

Gets whether smart default pivoting is enabled.

When true, we'll pivot by default about the 3D position of the mouse/touch pointer on an imaginary sphere that's centered at Camera#eye and sized to the Scene boundary.

When false, we'll pivot by default about Camera#look.

Default is false.



Returns true when pivoting by default about the selected point on the virtual sphere, or false when pivoting by default about Camera#look.

public set snapRadius(snapRadius: Number) source

Sets the current snap radius for "hoverSnapOrSurface" events, to specify whether the radius within which the pointer snaps to the nearest vertex or the nearest edge.

Default value is 30 pixels.

public get snapRadius: Number: * source

Gets the current snap radius.



The snap radius.

public set snapToEdge(snapToEdge: boolean) source

Sets whether the pointer snap to edge.

public get snapToEdge: boolean: * source

Gets whether the pointer snap to edge.



public set snapToVertex(snapToVertex: boolean) source

Sets whether the pointer snap to vertex.

public get snapToVertex: boolean: * source

Gets whether the pointer snap to vertex.



public set touchDollyRate(touchDollyRate: Number) source

Sets how much the Camera dollys with touch input.

Default is 0.2

public get touchDollyRate: Number: * source

Gets how much the Camera dollys each second with touch input.

Default is 0.2.



The current touch dolly rate.

public set touchPanRate(touchPanRate: Number) source

Sets how fast the camera pans on touch panning

public get touchPanRate: Number: * source

Gets how fast the Camera pans on touch panning

Default is 1.0.



The current touch pan rate.

public set zoomOnMouseWheel(enabled: Boolean) source

Sets whether to zoom the camera on mouse wheel

Default is true

public get zoomOnMouseWheel: Boolean: * source

Gets whether to zoom the camera on mouse wheel



Public Methods

public disablePivotSphere() source

Remove the sphere as the representation of the pivot position.

public enablePivotSphere(cfg: Object) source

Sets a sphere as the representation of the pivot position.


cfg Object
  • optional

Sphere configuration.

cfg.size String
  • optional
  • default: 1

Optional size factor of the sphere. Defaults to 1.

cfg.material String
  • optional
  • default: PhongMaterial

Optional size factor of the sphere. Defaults to a red opaque material.