Direct Subclass:
Tracks the World, View and Canvas coordinates, and visibility, of a position within a Scene.
A Marker holds its position in the World, View and Canvas coordinate systems in three properties:
- Marker#worldPos holds the Marker's 3D World-space coordinates. This property can be dynamically updated. The Marker will fire a "worldPos" event whenever this property changes.
- Marker#viewPos holds the Marker's 3D View-space coordinates. This property is read-only, and is automatically updated from Marker#worldPos and the current Camera position. The Marker will fire a "viewPos" event whenever this property changes.
- Marker#canvasPos holds the Marker's 2D Canvas-space coordinates. This property is read-only, and is automatically updated from Marker#canvasPos and the current Camera position and projection. The Marker will fire a "canvasPos" event whenever this property changes.
Marker#visible indicates if the Marker is currently visible. The Marker will fire a "visible" event whenever Marker#visible changes.
This property will be false
- Marker#entity is set to an Entity, and Entity#visible is
, - Marker#occludable is
and the Marker is occluded by some Entity in the 3D view, or - Marker#canvasPos is outside the boundary of the Canvas.
In the example below, we'll create a Marker that's associated with a Mesh (which a type of Entity).
We'll configure our Marker to become invisible whenever it's occluded by any Entities in the canvas.
We'll also demonstrate how to query the Marker's visibility status and position (in the World, View and Canvas coordinate systems), and how to subscribe to change events on those properties.
import {Viewer, GLTFLoaderPlugin, Marker} from "";
const viewer = new Viewer({
canvasId: "myCanvas"
// Create the torus Mesh
// Recall that a Mesh is an Entity
new Mesh(viewer.scene, {
geometry: new ReadableGeometry(viewer.scene, buildTorusGeometry({
center: [0,0,0],
radius: 1.0,
tube: 0.5,
radialSegments: 32,
tubeSegments: 24,
arc: Math.PI * 2.0
material: new PhongMaterial(viewer.scene, {
diffuseMap: new Texture(viewer.scene, {
src: "textures/diffuse/uvGrid2.jpg"
backfaces: true
// Create the Marker, associated with our Mesh Entity
const myMarker = new Marker(viewer, {
entity: entity,
worldPos: [10,0,0],
occludable: true
// Get the Marker's current World, View and Canvas coordinates
const worldPos = myMarker.worldPos; // 3D World-space position
const viewPos = myMarker.viewPos; // 3D View-space position
const canvasPos = myMarker.canvasPos; // 2D Canvas-space position
const visible = myMarker.visible;
// Listen for change of the Marker's 3D World-space position
myMarker.on("worldPos", function(worldPos) {
// Listen for change of the Marker's 3D View-space position, which happens
// when either worldPos was updated or the Camera was moved
myMarker.on("viewPos", function(viewPos) {
// Listen for change of the Marker's 2D Canvas-space position, which happens
// when worldPos or viewPos was updated, or Camera's projection was updated
myMarker.on("canvasPos", function(canvasPos) {
// Listen for change of Marker visibility. The Marker becomes invisible when it falls outside the canvas,
// has an Entity that is also invisible, or when an Entity occludes the Marker's position in the 3D view.
myMarker.on("visible", function(visible) { // Marker visibility has changed
if (visible) {
this.log("Marker is visible");
} else {
this.log("Marker is invisible");
// Listen for destruction of Marker
myMarker.on("destroyed", () => {
Constructor Summary
Public Constructor | ||
public |
constructor(owner: Component, cfg: *) |
Member Summary
Public Members | ||
public get |
Canvas-space 2D coordinates of this Marker. |
public set |
Sets the Entity this Marker is associated with. |
public get |
Gets the Entity this Marker is associated with. |
public set |
Sets whether occlusion testing is performed for this Marker. |
public get |
Gets whether occlusion testing is performed for this Marker. |
public get |
Gets the RTC center of this Marker. |
public get |
Gets the RTC position of this Marker. |
public get |
View-space 3D coordinates of this Marker. |
public get |
Indicates if this Marker is currently visible. |
public set |
Sets the World-space 3D position of this Marker. |
public get |
Gets the World-space 3D position of this Marker. |
Method Summary
Public Methods | ||
public |
destroy() Destroys this Marker. |
Inherited Summary
From class Component | ||
public get |
The Component that owns the lifecycle of this Component, if any. |
public |
True as soon as this Component has been destroyed |
public |
ID of this Component, unique within the Scene. |
public |
meta: * Arbitrary, user-defined metadata on this component. |
public |
The parent Scene that contains this Component. |
public |
viewer: Viewer The viewer that contains this Scene. |
public |
clear() Destroys all Components that are owned by this. |
public |
destroy() Destroys this component. |
public |
Logs an error for this component to the JavaScript console. |
public |
Fires an event on this component. |
public |
Returns true if there are any subscribers to the given event on this component. |
public |
Tests if this component is of the given type, or is a subclass of the given type. |
public |
Logs a console debugging message for this component. |
public |
Cancels an event subscription that was previously made with Component#on or Component#once. |
public |
Subscribes to an event on this component. |
public |
Subscribes to the next occurrence of the given event, then un-subscribes as soon as the event is subIdd. |
public |
scheduleTask(task: *) Schedule a task to perform on the next browser interval |
public |
Logs a warning for this component to the JavaScript console. |
Public Constructors
public constructor(owner: Component, cfg: *) source
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
owner | Component |
Owner component. When destroyed, the owner will destroy this Marker as well. |
cfg | * |
Marker configuration | | String |
Optional ID, unique among all components in the parent Scene, generated automatically when omitted. |
cfg.entity | Entity |
Entity to associate this Marker with. When the Marker has an Entity, then Marker#visible will always be |
cfg.occludable | Boolean |
Indicates whether or not this Marker is hidden (ie. Marker#visible is |
cfg.worldPos | Number[] |
World-space 3D Marker position. |
Public Members
public get canvasPos: Number[] source
Canvas-space 2D coordinates of this Marker.
This property is read-only and is automatically calculated from Marker#worldPos and the current Camera position and projection.
The Marker fires a "canvasPos" event whenever this property changes.
public set entity: Entity source
Sets the Entity this Marker is associated with.
An Entity is optional. When the Marker has an Entity, then Marker#visible will always be false
if Entity#visible is false.
public set occludable: Boolean source
Sets whether occlusion testing is performed for this Marker.
When this is true
, then Marker#visible will be false
whenever the Marker is occluded by an Entity in the 3D view.
The Scene periodically occlusion-tests all Markers on every 20th "tick" (which represents a rendered frame). We can adjust that frequency via property Scene#ticksPerOcclusionTest.
public get occludable: Boolean source
Gets whether occlusion testing is performed for this Marker.
When this is true
, then Marker#visible will be false
whenever the Marker is occluded by an Entity in the 3D view.
public get origin: Number[] source
Gets the RTC center of this Marker.
This is automatically calculated from Marker#worldPos.
public get rtcPos: Number[] source
Gets the RTC position of this Marker.
This is automatically calculated from Marker#worldPos.
public get viewPos: Number[] source
View-space 3D coordinates of this Marker.
This property is read-only and is automatically calculated from Marker#worldPos and the current Camera position.
The Marker fires a "viewPos" event whenever this property changes.
public get visible: Boolean source
Indicates if this Marker is currently visible.
This is read-only and is automatically calculated.
The Marker is invisible whenever:
- Marker#canvasPos is currently outside the canvas,
- Marker#entity is set to an Entity that has Entity#visible
, or - or Marker#occludable is
and the Marker is currently occluded by an Entity in the 3D view.
The Marker fires a "visible" event whenever this property changes.