import {SpecularMaterial} from '@xeokit/xeokit-sdk/src/viewer/scene/materials/SpecularMaterial.js'
Configures the normal rendered appearance of Meshes using the physically-accurate specular-glossiness shading model.
- Useful for insulators, such as wood, ceramics and plastic.
- MetallicMaterial is best for conductive materials, such as metal.
- PhongMaterial is appropriate for non-realistic objects.
- LambertMaterial is appropriate for high-detail models that need to render as efficiently as possible.
In the example below we'll create a Mesh with a buildTorusGeometry and a SpecularMaterial.
Note that in this example we're providing separate Texture for the SpecularMaterial#specular and SpecularMaterial#glossiness channels, which allows us a little creative flexibility. Then, in the next example further down, we'll combine those channels within the same Texture for efficiency.
import {Viewer, Mesh, buildTorusGeometry, SpecularMaterial, Texture} from "";
const viewer = new Viewer({ canvasId: "myCanvas" });
const myMesh = new Mesh(viewer.scene,{
geometry: new ReadableGeometry(viewer.scene, buildTorusGeometry()),
material: new SpecularMaterial(viewer.scene,{
// Channels with default values, just to show them
diffuse: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
specular: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
glossiness: 1.0,
emissive: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
alpha: 1.0,
// Textures to multiply some of the channels
diffuseMap: new Texture(viewer.scene, { // RGB components multiply by diffuse
src: "textures/diffuse.jpg"
specularMap: new Texture(viewer.scene, { // RGB component multiplies by specular
src: "textures/specular.jpg"
glossinessMap: new Texture(viewer.scene, { // R component multiplies by glossiness
src: "textures/glossiness.jpg"
normalMap: new Texture(viewer.scene, {
src: "textures/normalMap.jpg"
Combining Channels Within the Same Textures
In the previous example we provided separate Texture for the SpecularMaterial#specular and SpecularMaterial#glossiness channels, but we can combine those channels into the same Texture to reduce download time, memory footprint and rendering time (and also for glTF compatibility).
Here's our SpecularMaterial again with those channels combined in the SpecularMaterial#specularGlossinessMap Texture, where the RGB component multiplies by SpecularMaterial#specular and A multiplies by SpecularMaterial#glossiness.
const myMesh = new Mesh(viewer.scene,{
geometry: new ReadableGeometry(viewer.scene, buildTorusGeometry()),
material: new SpecularMaterial(viewer.scene,{
// Channels with default values, just to show them
diffuse: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
specular: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
glossiness: 1.0,
emissive: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
alpha: 1.0,
diffuseMap: new Texture(viewer.scene, {
src: "textures/diffuse.jpg"
specularGlossinessMap: new Texture(viewer.scene, { // RGB multiplies by specular, A by glossiness
src: "textures/specularGlossiness.jpg"
normalMap: new Texture(viewer.scene, {
src: "textures/normalMap.jpg"
Although not shown in this example, we can also texture SpecularMaterial#alpha with the A component of SpecularMaterial#diffuseMap's Texture, if required.
Alpha Blending
Let's make our Mesh transparent. We'll redefine SpecularMaterial#alpha and SpecularMaterial#alphaMode, causing it to blend 50% with the background:
const myMesh = new Mesh(viewer.scene,{
geometry: new ReadableGeometry(viewer.scene, buildTorusGeometry()),
material: new SpecularMaterial(viewer.scene,{
// Channels with default values, just to show them
diffuse: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
specular: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
glossiness: 1.0,
emissive: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
alpha: 0.5, // <<----------- Changed
alphaMode: "blend", // <<----------- Added
diffuseMap: new Texture(viewer.scene, {
src: "textures/diffuse.jpg"
specularGlossinessMap: new Texture(viewer.scene, { // RGB multiplies by specular, A by glossiness
src: "textures/specularGlossiness.jpg"
normalMap: new Texture(viewer.scene, {
src: "textures/normalMap.jpg"
Alpha Masking
Now let's make holes in our Mesh. We'll give its SpecularMaterial an SpecularMaterial#alphaMap and configure SpecularMaterial#alpha, SpecularMaterial#alphaMode, and SpecularMaterial#alphaCutoff to treat it as an alpha mask:
const myMesh = new Mesh(viewer.scene,{
geometry: buildTorusGeometry(viewer.scene, ReadableGeometry, {}),
material: new SpecularMaterial(viewer.scene, {
// Channels with default values, just to show them
diffuse: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
specular: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
glossiness: 1.0,
emissive: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
alpha: 1.0, // <<----------- Changed
alphaMode: "mask", // <<----------- Changed
alphaCutoff: 0.2, // <<----------- Added
alphaMap: new Texture(viewer.scene, { // <<---------- Added
src: "textures/diffuse/crossGridColorMap.jpg"
diffuseMap: new Texture(viewer.scene, {
src: "textures/diffuse.jpg"
specularGlossinessMap: new Texture(viewer.scene, { // RGB multiplies by specular, A by glossiness
src: "textures/specularGlossiness.jpg"
normalMap: new Texture(viewer.scene, {
src: "textures/normalMap.jpg"
Background Theory
For an introduction to physically-based rendering (PBR) concepts, try these articles:
- Joe Wilson's Basic Theory of Physically-Based Rendering
- Jeff Russel's Physically-based Rendering, and you can too!
- Sebastien Legarde's Adapting a physically-based shading model
SpecularMaterial Properties
The following table summarizes SpecularMaterial properties:
Property | Type | Range | Default Value | Space | Description |
SpecularMaterial#diffuse | Array | [0, 1] for all components | [1,1,1,1] | linear | The RGB components of the diffuse color of the material. |
SpecularMaterial#specular | Array | [0, 1] for all components | [1,1,1,1] | linear | The RGB components of the specular color of the material. |
SpecularMaterial#glossiness | Number | [0, 1] | 1 | linear | The glossiness the material. |
SpecularMaterial#specularF0 | Number | [0, 1] | 1 | linear | The specularF0 of the material surface. |
SpecularMaterial#emissive | Array | [0, 1] for all components | [0,0,0] | linear | The RGB components of the emissive color of the material. |
SpecularMaterial#alpha | Number | [0, 1] | 1 | linear | The transparency of the material surface (0 fully transparent, 1 fully opaque). |
SpecularMaterial#diffuseMap | Texture | null | sRGB | Texture RGB components multiplying by SpecularMaterial#diffuse. If the fourth component (A) is present, it multiplies by SpecularMaterial#alpha. | |
SpecularMaterial#specularMap | Texture | null | sRGB | Texture RGB components multiplying by SpecularMaterial#specular. If the fourth component (A) is present, it multiplies by SpecularMaterial#alpha. | |
SpecularMaterial#glossinessMap | Texture | null | linear | Texture with first component multiplying by SpecularMaterial#glossiness. | |
SpecularMaterial#specularGlossinessMap | Texture | null | linear | Texture with first three components multiplying by SpecularMaterial#specular and fourth component multiplying by SpecularMaterial#glossiness. | |
SpecularMaterial#emissiveMap | Texture | null | linear | Texture with RGB components multiplying by SpecularMaterial#emissive. | |
SpecularMaterial#alphaMap | Texture | null | linear | Texture with first component multiplying by SpecularMaterial#alpha. | |
SpecularMaterial#occlusionMap | Texture | null | linear | Ambient occlusion texture multiplying by surface's reflected diffuse and specular light. | |
SpecularMaterial#normalMap | Texture | null | linear | Tangent-space normal map. | |
SpecularMaterial#alphaMode | String | "opaque", "blend", "mask" | "blend" | Alpha blend mode. | |
SpecularMaterial#alphaCutoff | Number | [0..1] | 0.5 | Alpha cutoff value. | |
SpecularMaterial#backfaces | Boolean | false | Whether to render Geometry backfaces. | ||
SpecularMaterial#frontface | String | "ccw", "cw" | "ccw" | The winding order for Geometry frontfaces - "cw" for clockwise, or "ccw" for counter-clockwise. |
Constructor Summary
Public Constructor | ||
public |
constructor(owner: Component, cfg: *) |
Member Summary
Public Members | ||
public set |
Sets the factor in the range [0..1] indicating how transparent this SpecularMaterial is. |
public get |
Gets the factor in the range [0..1] indicating how transparent this SpecularMaterial is. |
public set |
Sets the alpha cutoff value. |
public get |
Gets the alpha cutoff value. |
public get |
Gets the RGB Texture with alpha in its R component. |
public set |
Sets the alpha rendering mode. |
public get |
alphaMode: * |
public set |
Sets whether backfaces are visible on attached Meshes. |
public get |
Gets whether backfaces are visible on attached Meshes. |
public set |
Sets the RGB diffuse color of this SpecularMaterial. |
public get |
Gets the RGB diffuse color of this SpecularMaterial. |
public get |
Gets the RGB Texture containing the diffuse color of this SpecularMaterial, with optional A component for alpha. |
public set |
Sets the RGB emissive color of this SpecularMaterial. |
public get |
Gets the RGB emissive color of this SpecularMaterial. |
public get |
Gets the RGB texture containing the emissive color of this SpecularMaterial. |
public set | ||
public get | ||
public set |
Sets the Factor in the range [0..1] indicating how glossy this SpecularMaterial is. |
public get |
Gets the Factor in the range |
public get |
Gets the RGB texture containing this SpecularMaterial's glossiness in its R component. The R component multiplies by SpecularMaterial#glossiness.
public set |
Sets the SpecularMaterial's line width. This is not supported by WebGL implementations based on DirectX [2019]. Default value is |
public get |
Gets the SpecularMaterial's line width. |
public get |
Gets the RGB tangent-space normal Texture attached to this SpecularMaterial. |
public get |
Gets the RGB ambient occlusion Texture attached to this SpecularMaterial. |
public set |
Sets the SpecularMaterial's point size. Default value is |
public get |
Sets the SpecularMaterial's point size. |
public set |
Sets the RGB specular color of this SpecularMaterial. |
public get |
Gets the RGB specular color of this SpecularMaterial. |
public set |
Sets the factor in the range |
public get |
Gets the factor in the range |
public get |
Gets the RGBA texture containing this SpecularMaterial's specular color in its RGB components and glossiness in its A component. The RGB components multiplies SpecularMaterial#specular, while the A component multiplies by SpecularMaterial#glossiness. |
public get |
Gets the RGB texture containing the specular color of this SpecularMaterial. |
Method Summary
Public Methods | ||
public |
destroy() Destroys this SpecularMaterial. |
Inherited Summary
From class Component | ||
public get |
The Component that owns the lifecycle of this Component, if any. |
public |
True as soon as this Component has been destroyed |
public |
ID of this Component, unique within the Scene. |
public |
meta: * Arbitrary, user-defined metadata on this component. |
public |
The parent Scene that contains this Component. |
public |
viewer: Viewer The viewer that contains this Scene. |
public |
clear() Destroys all Components that are owned by this. |
public |
destroy() Destroys this component. |
public |
Logs an error for this component to the JavaScript console. |
public |
Fires an event on this component. |
public |
Returns true if there are any subscribers to the given event on this component. |
public |
Tests if this component is of the given type, or is a subclass of the given type. |
public |
Logs a console debugging message for this component. |
public |
Cancels an event subscription that was previously made with Component#on or Component#once. |
public |
Subscribes to an event on this component. |
public |
Subscribes to the next occurrence of the given event, then un-subscribes as soon as the event is subIdd. |
public |
scheduleTask(task: *) Schedule a task to perform on the next browser interval |
public |
Logs a warning for this component to the JavaScript console. |
From class Material | ||
public |
destroy() |
Public Constructors
public constructor(owner: Component, cfg: *) source
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
owner | Component | Owner component. When destroyed, the owner will destroy this component as well. |
cfg | * |
The SpecularMaterial configuration | | String |
Optional ID, unique among all components in the parent Scene, generated automatically when omitted. |
cfg.diffuse | Number[] |
RGB diffuse color of this SpecularMaterial. Multiplies by the RGB components of SpecularMaterial#diffuseMap. |
cfg.diffuseMap | Texture |
RGBA Texture containing the diffuse color of this SpecularMaterial, with optional A component for alpha. The RGB components multiply by SpecularMaterial#diffuse, while the A component, if present, multiplies by SpecularMaterial#alpha. |
cfg.specular | Number |
RGB specular color of this SpecularMaterial. Multiplies by the SpecularMaterial#specularMap and the RGB components of SpecularMaterial#specularGlossinessMap. |
cfg.specularMap | Texture |
RGB texture containing the specular color of this SpecularMaterial. Multiplies by the SpecularMaterial#specular property. Must be within the same Scene as this SpecularMaterial. |
cfg.glossiness | Number |
Factor in the range [0..1] indicating how glossy this SpecularMaterial is. 0 is no glossiness, 1 is full glossiness. Multiplies by the R component of SpecularMaterial#glossinessMap and the A component of SpecularMaterial#specularGlossinessMap. |
cfg.specularGlossinessMap | Texture |
RGBA Texture containing this SpecularMaterial's specular color in its RGB component and glossiness in its A component. Its RGB components multiply by SpecularMaterial#specular, while its A component multiplies by SpecularMaterial#glossiness. Must be within the same Scene as this SpecularMaterial. |
cfg.specularF0 | Number |
Factor in the range 0..1 indicating how reflective this SpecularMaterial is. |
cfg.emissive | Number[] |
RGB emissive color of this SpecularMaterial. Multiplies by the RGB components of SpecularMaterial#emissiveMap. |
cfg.emissiveMap | Texture |
RGB Texture containing the emissive color of this SpecularMaterial. Multiplies by the SpecularMaterial#emissive property. Must be within the same Scene as this SpecularMaterial. |
cfg.occlusionMap | Texture |
RGB ambient occlusion Texture. Within shaders, multiplies by the specular and diffuse light reflected by surfaces. Must be within the same Scene as this SpecularMaterial. |
cfg.normalMap | Texture |
{Texture} RGB tangent-space normal Texture. Must be within the same Scene as this SpecularMaterial. |
cfg.alpha | Number |
Factor in the range 0..1 indicating how transparent this SpecularMaterial is. A value of 0.0 indicates fully transparent, 1.0 is fully opaque. Multiplies by the R component of SpecularMaterial#alphaMap and the A component, if present, of SpecularMaterial#diffuseMap. |
cfg.alphaMap | Texture |
RGB Texture containing this SpecularMaterial's alpha in its R component. The R component multiplies by the SpecularMaterial#alpha property. Must be within the same Scene as this SpecularMaterial. |
cfg.alphaMode | String |
The alpha blend mode - accepted values are "opaque", "blend" and "mask". See the SpecularMaterial#alphaMode property for more info. |
cfg.alphaCutoff | Number |
The alpha cutoff value. See the SpecularMaterial#alphaCutoff property for more info. |
cfg.backfaces | Boolean |
Whether to render Geometry backfaces. |
cfg.frontface | Boolean |
The winding order for Geometry front faces - "cw" for clockwise, or "ccw" for counter-clockwise. |
cfg.lineWidth | Number |
Scalar that controls the width of {@link Geometry lines. |
cfg.pointSize | Number |
Scalar that controls the size of Geometry points. |
Public Members
public set alpha: Number source
Sets the factor in the range [0..1] indicating how transparent this SpecularMaterial is.
A value of 0.0
is fully transparent, while 1.0
is fully opaque.
Multiplies by the R component of SpecularMaterial#alphaMap and the A component, if present, of SpecularMaterial#diffuseMap.
Default value is 1.0
public get alpha: Number source
Gets the factor in the range [0..1] indicating how transparent this SpecularMaterial is.
public set alphaCutoff: Number source
Sets the alpha cutoff value.
Specifies the cutoff threshold when SpecularMaterial#alphaMode equals "mask". If the alpha is greater than or equal to this value then it is rendered as fully opaque, otherwise, it is rendered as fully transparent. A value greater than 1.0 will render the entire material as fully transparent. This value is ignored for other modes.
Alpha is the combined result of the SpecularMaterial#alpha and SpecularMaterial#alphaMap properties.
Default value is 0.5
public get alphaMap: Texture source
Gets the RGB Texture with alpha in its R component.
The R component multiplies by the SpecularMaterial#alpha property.
public set alphaMode: String source
Sets the alpha rendering mode.
This governs how alpha is treated. Alpha is the combined result of the SpecularMaterial#alpha and SpecularMaterial#alphaMap properties.
Accepted values are:
- "opaque" - The alpha value is ignored and the rendered output is fully opaque (default).
- "mask" - The rendered output is either fully opaque or fully transparent depending on the alpha value and the specified alpha cutoff value.
- "blend" - The alpha value is used to composite the source and destination areas. The rendered output is combined with the background using the normal painting operation (i.e. the Porter and Duff over operator)
public get alphaMode: * source
public set backfaces: Boolean source
Sets whether backfaces are visible on attached Meshes.
The backfaces will belong to ReadableGeometry compoents that are also attached to the Meshes.
Default is false
public set diffuse: Number[] source
Sets the RGB diffuse color of this SpecularMaterial.
Multiplies by the RGB components of SpecularMaterial#diffuseMap.
Default value is [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
public get diffuseMap: Texture source
Gets the RGB Texture containing the diffuse color of this SpecularMaterial, with optional A component for alpha.
The RGB components multipliues by the SpecularMaterial#diffuse property, while the A component, if present, multiplies by the SpecularMaterial#alpha property.
public set emissive: Number[] source
Sets the RGB emissive color of this SpecularMaterial.
Multiplies by SpecularMaterial#emissiveMap.
Default value is [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
public get emissiveMap: Texture source
Gets the RGB texture containing the emissive color of this SpecularMaterial.
Multiplies by SpecularMaterial#emissive.
public set glossiness: Number source
Sets the Factor in the range [0..1] indicating how glossy this SpecularMaterial is.
is no glossiness, 1
is full glossiness.
Multiplies by the R component of SpecularMaterial#glossinessMap and the A component of SpecularMaterial#specularGlossinessMap.
Default value is 1.0
public get glossiness: Number source
Gets the Factor in the range [0..1]
indicating how glossy this SpecularMaterial is.
public get glossinessMap: * source
Gets the RGB texture containing this SpecularMaterial's glossiness in its R component.
The R component multiplies by SpecularMaterial#glossiness.
- @type {Texture}
public set lineWidth: Number source
Sets the SpecularMaterial's line width.
This is not supported by WebGL implementations based on DirectX [2019].
Default value is 1.0
public get normalMap: Texture source
Gets the RGB tangent-space normal Texture attached to this SpecularMaterial.
public get occlusionMap: Texture source
Gets the RGB ambient occlusion Texture attached to this SpecularMaterial.
Multiplies by the specular and diffuse light reflected by surfaces.
public set specular: Number[] source
Sets the RGB specular color of this SpecularMaterial.
Multiplies by SpecularMaterial#specularMap and the A component of SpecularMaterial#specularGlossinessMap.
Default value is [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
public set specularF0: Number source
Sets the factor in the range [0..1]
indicating amount of specular Fresnel.
Default value is 0.0
public get specularF0: Number source
Gets the factor in the range [0..1]
indicating amount of specular Fresnel.
public get specularGlossinessMap: Texture source
Gets the RGBA texture containing this SpecularMaterial's specular color in its RGB components and glossiness in its A component.
The RGB components multiplies SpecularMaterial#specular, while the A component multiplies by SpecularMaterial#glossiness.
public get specularMap: Texture source
Gets the RGB texture containing the specular color of this SpecularMaterial.
Multiplies by SpecularMaterial#specular.