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public class | source



An entity within a SceneModel

Member Summary

Public Members
public get

World-space 3D axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) of this SceneModelEntity.

public get

Gets if this SceneModelEntity is clippable.

public set

Sets if this SceneModelEntity is clippable.

public get

Gets if this SceneModelEntity is included in boundary calculations.

public set

Sets if this SceneModelEntity is included in boundary calculations.

public get

Gets the SceneModelEntity's RGB colorize color, multiplies by the SceneModelEntity's rendered fragment colors.

public set

Sets the SceneModelEntity's RGB colorize color, multiplies by the SceneModelEntity's rendered fragment colors.

public get

Gets if this SceneModelEntity is culled.

public set

Sets if this SceneModelEntity is culled.

public get
public set
public get
public set
public get

Gets if this SceneModelEntity's edges are enhanced.

public set

Sets if this SceneModelEntity's edges are enhanced.

public get

Gets if this SceneModelEntity is highlighted.

public set

Sets if this SceneModelEntity is highlighted.


id: *

The unique ID of this SceneModelEntity.

public get
public get

Returns false to indicate that this Entity subtype is not a model.

public get

Returns true if this SceneModelEntity represents an object.


meshes: *

The SceneModelMeshes belonging to this SceneModelEntity.


model: *

The SceneModel to which this SceneModelEntity belongs.

public get
public get

The approximate number of triangles in this SceneModelEntity.

public get

Gets the SceneModelEntity's 3D World-space offset.

Default value is [0,0,0].

public set

Sets the SceneModelEntity's 3D World-space offset.

Default value is [0,0,0].

public get

Gets the SceneModelEntity's opacity factor.

This is a factor in range [0..1] which multiplies by the rendered fragment alphas.

public set

Sets the SceneModelEntity's opacity factor.

This is a factor in range [0..1] which multiplies by the rendered fragment alphas.


The original system ID of this SceneModelEntity.

public get

Gets if this SceneModelEntity is pickable.

public set

Sets if this SceneModelEntity is pickable.

public get

scene: *

The Scene to which this SceneModelEntity belongs.

public get

Gets if this SceneModelEntity is selected.

public set

Gets if this SceneModelEntity is selected.

public get

Returns the surface area of this SceneModelEntity.

public get

Gets if this SceneModelEntity is visible.

public set

Sets if this SceneModelEntity is visible.

public get

Returns the volume of this SceneModelEntity.

public get

Gets if this SceneModelEntity is xrayed.

public set

Sets if this SceneModelEntity is xrayed.

Method Summary

Public Methods

getEachIndex(callback: *)


getEachVertex(callback: *)

Public Members

public get aabb: Float64Array source

World-space 3D axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) of this SceneModelEntity.

Represented by a six-element Float64Array containing the min/max extents of the axis-aligned volume, ie. [xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax].

public get clippable: Boolean source

Gets if this SceneModelEntity is clippable.

Clipping is done by the SectionPlanes in Scene#sectionPlanes.

public set clippable: Boolean source

Sets if this SceneModelEntity is clippable.

Clipping is done by the SectionPlanes in Scene#sectionPlanes.

public get collidable: Boolean source

Gets if this SceneModelEntity is included in boundary calculations.

public set collidable: Boolean source

Sets if this SceneModelEntity is included in boundary calculations.

public get colorize: Number[] source

Gets the SceneModelEntity's RGB colorize color, multiplies by the SceneModelEntity's rendered fragment colors.

Each element of the color is in range [0..1].

public set colorize: Number[] source

Sets the SceneModelEntity's RGB colorize color, multiplies by the SceneModelEntity's rendered fragment colors.

Each element of the color is in range [0..1].

public get culled: Boolean source

Gets if this SceneModelEntity is culled.

Only rendered when SceneModelEntity#visible is true and SceneModelEntity#culled is false.

public set culled: Boolean source

Sets if this SceneModelEntity is culled.

Only rendered when SceneModelEntity#visible is true and SceneModelEntity#culled is false.

public get culledLOD: * source

public set culledLOD source

public get culledVFC: * source

public set culledVFC source

public get edges: Boolean source

Gets if this SceneModelEntity's edges are enhanced.

public set edges: Boolean source

Sets if this SceneModelEntity's edges are enhanced.

public get highlighted: Boolean source

Gets if this SceneModelEntity is highlighted.

When SceneModelEntity#isObject and SceneModelEntity#highlighted are both true the SceneModelEntity will be registered by SceneModelEntity#id in Scene#highlightedObjects.

public set highlighted: Boolean source

Sets if this SceneModelEntity is highlighted.

When SceneModelEntity#isObject and SceneModelEntity#highlighted are both true the SceneModelEntity will be registered by SceneModelEntity#id in Scene#highlightedObjects.

public id: * source

The unique ID of this SceneModelEntity.

public get isEntity: boolean source

public get isModel: boolean: boolean source

Returns false to indicate that this Entity subtype is not a model.



public get isObject: Boolean source

Returns true if this SceneModelEntity represents an object.

When this is true, the SceneModelEntity will be registered by SceneModelEntity#id in Scene#objects and may also have a corresponding MetaObject.

public meshes: * source

The SceneModelMeshes belonging to this SceneModelEntity.

  • These are created with SceneModel#createMesh and registered in {@ilnk SceneModel#meshes}
  • Each SceneModelMesh belongs to one SceneModelEntity

public model: * source

The SceneModel to which this SceneModelEntity belongs.

public get numPrimitives: * source

public get numTriangles: Number source

The approximate number of triangles in this SceneModelEntity.

public get offset: Number[] source

Gets the SceneModelEntity's 3D World-space offset.

Default value is [0,0,0].

public set offset: Number[] source

Sets the SceneModelEntity's 3D World-space offset.

Default value is [0,0,0].

public get opacity: Number source

Gets the SceneModelEntity's opacity factor.

This is a factor in range [0..1] which multiplies by the rendered fragment alphas.

public set opacity: Number source

Sets the SceneModelEntity's opacity factor.

This is a factor in range [0..1] which multiplies by the rendered fragment alphas.

public originalSystemId: * source

The original system ID of this SceneModelEntity.

public get pickable: Boolean source

Gets if this SceneModelEntity is pickable.

Picking is done via calls to Scene#pick.

public set pickable: Boolean source

Sets if this SceneModelEntity is pickable.

Picking is done via calls to Scene#pick.

public get saoEnabled: * source

public scene: * source

The Scene to which this SceneModelEntity belongs.

public get selected: Boolean source

Gets if this SceneModelEntity is selected.

When SceneModelEntity#isObject and SceneModelEntity#selected are both `true the SceneModelEntity will be registered by SceneModelEntity#id in Scene#selectedObjects.

public set selected: Boolean source

Gets if this SceneModelEntity is selected.

When SceneModelEntity#isObject and SceneModelEntity#selected are both `true the SceneModelEntity will be registered by SceneModelEntity#id in Scene#selectedObjects.

public get surfaceArea: number: * source

Returns the surface area of this SceneModelEntity.

Only works when {@link Scene.readableGeometryEnabled | Scene.readableGeometryEnabled} is true and the SceneModelEntity contains triangle meshes; returns 0 otherwise.



public get visible: Boolean source

Gets if this SceneModelEntity is visible.

Only rendered when SceneModelEntity#visible is true and SceneModelEntity#culled is false.

When SceneModelEntity#isObject and SceneModelEntity#visible are both true the SceneModelEntity will be registered by SceneModelEntity#id in Scene#visibleObjects.

public set visible: Boolean source

Sets if this SceneModelEntity is visible.

Only rendered when SceneModelEntity#visible is true and SceneModelEntity#culled is false.

When SceneModelEntity#isObject and SceneModelEntity#visible are both true the SceneModelEntity will be registered by SceneModelEntity#id in Scene#visibleObjects.

public get volume: number: * source

Returns the volume of this SceneModelEntity.

Only works when {@link Scene.readableGeometryEnabled | Scene.readableGeometryEnabled} is true and the SceneModelEntity contains solid triangle meshes; returns 0 otherwise.



public get xrayed: Boolean source

Gets if this SceneModelEntity is xrayed.

When SceneModelEntity#isObject and SceneModelEntity#xrayed are both `true the SceneModelEntity will be registered by SceneModelEntity#id in Scene#xrayedObjects.

public set xrayed: Boolean source

Sets if this SceneModelEntity is xrayed.

When SceneModelEntity#isObject and SceneModelEntity#xrayed are both `true the SceneModelEntity will be registered by SceneModelEntity#id in Scene#xrayedObjects.

Public Methods

public getEachIndex(callback: *) source


callback *

public getEachVertex(callback: *) source


callback *