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Component → Scene

Contains the components that comprise a 3D scene.

  • A Viewer has a single Scene, which it provides in Viewer#scene.
  • Plugins like AxisGizmoPlugin also have their own private Scenes.
  • Each Scene has a corresponding MetaScene, which the Viewer provides in Viewer#metaScene.

Getting a Viewer's Scene

var scene = viewer.scene;

Creating and accessing Scene components

As a brief introduction to creating Scene components, we'll create a Mesh that has a buildTorusGeometry and a PhongMaterial:

var teapotMesh = new Mesh(scene, {
    id: "myMesh",                               // <<---------- ID automatically generated if not provided
    geometry: new TorusGeometry(scene),
    material: new PhongMaterial(scene, {
        id: "myMaterial",
        diffuse: [0.2, 0.2, 1.0]
}); = [45, 45, 45];

Find components by ID in their Scene's Scene#components map:

var teapotMesh = scene.components["myMesh"];
teapotMesh.visible = false;

var teapotMaterial = scene.components["myMaterial"];
teapotMaterial.diffuse = [1,0,0]; // Change to red

A Scene also has a map of component instances for each Component subtype:

var meshes = scene.types["Mesh"];
var teapotMesh = meshes["myMesh"];
teapotMesh.xrayed = true;

var phongMaterials = scene.types["PhongMaterial"];
var teapotMaterial = phongMaterials["myMaterial"];
teapotMaterial.diffuse = [0,1,0]; // Change to green

See Node, Node and Model for how to create and access more sophisticated content.

Controlling the camera

Use the Scene's Camera to control the current viewpoint and projection:

var camera =;

camera.eye = [-10,0,0];
camera.look = [-10,0,0];
camera.up = [0,1,0];

camera.projection = "perspective";
camera.perspective.fov = 45;

Managing the canvas

The Scene's Canvas component provides various conveniences relevant to the WebGL canvas, such as firing resize events etc:

var canvas = scene.canvas;

canvas.on("boundary", function(boundary) {


Use Scene#pick to pick and raycast entites.

For example, to pick a point on the surface of the closest entity at the given canvas coordinates:

var pickResult = scene.pick({
     pickSurface: true,
     canvasPos: [23, 131]

if (pickResult) { // Picked an entity

    var entity = pickResult.entity;

    var primitive = pickResult.primitive; // Type of primitive that was picked, usually "triangles"
    var primIndex = pickResult.primIndex; // Position of triangle's first index in the picked Mesh's Geometry's indices array
    var indices = pickResult.indices; // UInt32Array containing the triangle's vertex indices
    var localPos = pickResult.localPos; // Float64Array containing the picked Local-space position on the triangle
    var worldPos = pickResult.worldPos; // Float64Array containing the picked World-space position on the triangle
    var viewPos = pickResult.viewPos; // Float64Array containing the picked View-space position on the triangle
    var bary = pickResult.bary; // Float64Array containing the picked barycentric position within the triangle
    var normal = pickResult.normal; // Float64Array containing the interpolated normal vector at the picked position on the triangle
    var uv = pickResult.uv; // Float64Array containing the interpolated UV coordinates at the picked position on the triangle

Pick masking

We can use Scene#pick's includeEntities and excludeEntities options to mask which Meshes we attempt to pick.

This is useful for picking through things, to pick only the Entities of interest.

To pick only Entities "gearbox#77.0" and "gearbox#79.0", picking through any other Entities that are in the way, as if they weren't there:

var pickResult = scene.pick({
     canvasPos: [23, 131],
     includeEntities: ["gearbox#77.0", "gearbox#79.0"]

if (pickResult) {
      // Entity will always be either "gearbox#77.0" or "gearbox#79.0"
      var entity = pickResult.entity;

To pick any pickable Entity, except for "gearbox#77.0" and "gearbox#79.0", picking through those Entities if they happen to be in the way:

var pickResult = scene.pick({
     canvasPos: [23, 131],
     excludeEntities: ["gearbox#77.0", "gearbox#79.0"]

if (pickResult) {
      // Entity will never be "gearbox#77.0" or "gearbox#79.0"
      var entity = pickResult.entity;

See Scene#pick for more info on picking.

Querying and tracking boundaries

Getting a Scene's World-space axis-aligned boundary (AABB):

var aabb = scene.aabb; // [xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax]

Subscribing to updates to the AABB, which occur whenever Entitys are transformed, their ReadableGeometrys have been updated, or the Camera has moved:

scene.on("boundary", function() {
     var aabb = scene.aabb;

Getting the AABB of the Entitys with the given IDs:

scene.getAABB(); // Gets collective boundary of all Entities in the scene
scene.getAABB("saw"); // Gets boundary of an Object
scene.getAABB(["saw", "gearbox"]); // Gets collective boundary of two Objects

See Scene#getAABB and Entity for more info on querying and tracking boundaries.

Managing the viewport

The Scene's Viewport component manages the WebGL viewport:

var viewport = scene.viewport
viewport.boundary = [0, 0, 500, 400];;

Controlling rendering

You can configure a Scene to perform multiple "passes" (renders) per frame. This is useful when we want to render the scene to multiple viewports, such as for stereo effects.

In the example, below, we'll configure the Scene to render twice on each frame, each time to different viewport. We'll do this with a callback that intercepts the Scene before each render and sets its Viewport to a different portion of the canvas. By default, the Scene will clear the canvas only before the first render, allowing the two views to be shown on the canvas at the same time.

var viewport = scene.viewport;

// Configure Scene to render twice for each frame
scene.passes = 2; // Default is 1
scene.clearEachPass = false; // Default is false

// Render to a separate viewport on each render

var viewport = scene.viewport;
viewport.autoBoundary = false;

scene.on("rendering", function (e) {
     switch (e.pass) {
         case 0:
             viewport.boundary = [0, 0, 200, 200]; // xmin, ymin, width, height

         case 1:
             viewport.boundary = [200, 0, 200, 200];

// We can also intercept the Scene after each render,
// (though we're not using this for anything here)
scene.on("rendered", function (e) {
     switch (e.pass) {
         case 0:

         case 1:

Gamma correction

Within its shaders, xeokit performs shading calculations in linear space.

By default, the Scene expects color textures (eg. PhongMaterial#diffuseMap, MetallicMaterial#baseColorMap and SpecularMaterial#diffuseMap) to be in pre-multipled gamma space, so will convert those to linear space before they are used in shaders. Other textures are always expected to be in linear space.

By default, the Scene will also gamma-correct its rendered output.

You can configure the Scene to expect all those color textures to be linear space, so that it does not gamma-correct them:

scene.gammaInput = false;

You would still need to gamma-correct the output, though, if it's going straight to the canvas, so normally we would leave that enabled:

scene.gammaOutput = true;

See Texture for more information on texture encoding and gamma.

Member Summary

Public Members
public get

Gets the World-space axis-aligned 3D boundary (AABB) of this Scene.


bitmaps: {String: Bitmap}

The Bitmaps in this Scene, each mapped to its Bitmap#id.

public get

Gets the Camera for this Scene.


Manages the HTML5 canvas for this Scene.

public get

Gets the World-space 3D center of this Scene.

public set

When Scene#passes is greater than 1, indicates whether or not to clear the canvas before each pass (true) or just before the first pass (false).

public get

When Scene#passes is greater than 1, indicates whether or not to clear the canvas before each pass (true) or just before the first pass (false).

public set

Sets whether basic color texture rendering is enabled.

public get

Gets whether basic color texture rendering is enabled.

public get

Gets the IDs of the Entitys in Scene#colorizedObjects.


Map of currently colorized Entitys that represent objects.


The Components within this Scene, each mapped to its Component#id.


Configures Cross Sections for this Scene.

public set

Sets whether data texture scene representation (DTX) is enabled for the Scene.

public get

Gets whether data texture-based scene representation (DTX) is enabled for the Scene.

public get

Gets the default EdgeMaterial for this Scene.

public get

Whether Entity#offset is enabled.

public set

Sets the gamma factor to use when Scene#gammaOutput is set true.

public get

Gets the gamma factor to use when Scene#gammaOutput is set true.

public set

Sets whether or not Scene should expect all Textures and colors to have pre-multiplied gamma.

public get

Gets whether or not Scene should expect all Textures and colors to have pre-multiplied gamma.

public set

Sets whether or not to render pixels with pre-multiplied gama.

public get

Gets whether or not to render pixels with pre-multiplied gama.

public get

Gets the default Geometry for this Scene, which is a ReadableGeometry with a unit-sized box shape.

public get

Gets the default highlight EmphasisMaterial for this Scene.

public get

Gets the IDs of the Entitys in Scene#highlightedObjects.


Map of currently highlighted Entitys that represent objects.


Publishes input events that occur on this Scene's canvas.


lightMaps: {String: LightMap}

The LightMaps in this Scene, each mapped to its LightMap#id.


lights: {String: Light}

The Lights in this Scene, each mapped to its Light#id.


lineSets: {String: LineSet}

The LineSets in this Scene, each mapped to its LineSet#id.

public get

Gets the LinesMaterial for this Scene.


The number of models currently loading.

public get

Whether logarithmic depth buffer is enabled.

public get

Gets the Z value of offset for Marker's OcclusionTester. The closest the value is to 0.000 the more precise OcclusionTester will be, but at the same time the less precise it will behave for Markers that are located exactly on the Surface.

Default is -0.001.

public get

Gets the default Material for this Scene, which is a PhongMaterial.


Configures this Scene's units of measurement and coordinate mapping between Real-space and World-space 3D coordinate systems.

public get

Gets the IDs of the Entitys in Scene#models.


models: {String: Entity}

Map of Entitys that represent models.

public set

Sets the number of SectionPlanes for which this Scene pre-caches resources.

public get

Gets the number of SectionPlanes for which this Scene pre-caches resources.

public get

Gets the number of Entitys in Scene#colorizedObjects.

public get

Gets the number of Entitys in Scene#highlightedObjects.

public get

Gets the number of Entitys in Scene#objects.

public get

Gets the number of Entitys in Scene#selectedObjects.

public get

Gets the number of Entitys in Scene#visibleObjects.

public get

Gets the number of Entitys in Scene#xrayedObjects.

public get

Gets the IDs of the Entitys in Scene#objects.


objects: {String: Entity}

Map of Entitys that represents objects.

public get

Gets the IDs of the Entitys in Scene#offsetObjects.


offsetObjects: {String: Object}

Map of Entitys that represent objects whose Entity#offsets were updated.

public get

Gets the IDs of the Entitys in Scene#opacityObjects.


opacityObjects: {String: Object}

Map of Entitys that represent objects whose opacity was updated.

public set

Sets the number of times this Scene renders per frame.

public get

Gets the number of times this Scene renders per frame.

public set

Sets whether physically-based rendering is enabled.

public get

Gets whether physically-based rendering is enabled.

public get
this get was deprecated.

Whether precision surface picking is enabled.

public get

Gets the PointsMaterial for this Scene.

public get

Whether geometry is readable.


The real world offset for this Scene


The ReflectionMaps in this Scene, each mapped to its ReflectionMap#id.


sao: SAO

Configures Scalable Ambient Obscurance (SAO) for this Scene.


The SectionPlanes in this Scene, each mapped to its SectionPlane#id.

public get

Gets the default selection EmphasisMaterial for this Scene.

public get

Gets the IDs of the Entitys in Scene#selectedObjects.


selectedObjects: {String: Object}

Map of currently selected Entitys that represent objects.


The epoch time (in milliseconds since 1970) when this Scene was instantiated.

public set

Sets the number of "ticks" that happen between occlusion testing for Markers.

public get

Gets the number of "ticks" that happen between each render of this Scene.

public set

Sets the number of "ticks" that happen between each render or this Scene.

public get

Gets the number of "ticks" that happen between each render or this Scene.


types: {String: {String: Component}}

For each Component type, a map of IDs to Component instances of that type.


viewer: Viewer

The Viewer this Scene belongs to.

public get

Gets the Viewport for this Scene.

public get

Gets the IDs of the Entitys in Scene#visibleObjects.


visibleObjects: {String: Object}

Map of currently visible Entitys that represent objects.

public get

Gets the default xraying EmphasisMaterial for this Scene.

public get

Gets the IDs of the Entitys in Scene#xrayedObjects.


xrayedObjects: {String: Object}

Map of currently xrayed Entitys that represent objects.

Method Summary

Public Methods


Destroys all non-default Components in this Scene.


Destroys all Lines in this Scene.


Destroys all Lights in this Scene..


Destroys all Lines in this Scene.


Destroys all SectionPlanes in this Scene.


Destroys this Scene.


Performs an occlusion test on all Markers in this Scene.


getAABB(ids: String[]): [Number, Number, Number, Number, Number, Number]

Gets the collective axis-aligned boundary (AABB) of a batch of Entitys that represent objects.


pick(params: *, pickResult: PickResult): PickResult

Attempts to pick an Entity in this Scene.


render(forceRender: Boolean)

Renders a single frame of this Scene.


setObjectsCollidable(ids: String[], collidable: Boolean): Boolean

Batch-updates Entity#collidable on Entitys that represent objects.


setObjectsColorized(ids: String[], colorize: Number[]): Boolean

Batch-updates Entity#colorize on Entitys that represent objects.


Batch-updates Entity#culled on Entitys that represent objects.


Batch-updates Entity#edges on Entitys that represent objects.


setObjectsHighlighted(ids: String[], highlighted: Boolean): Boolean

Batch-updates Entity#highlighted on Entitys that represent objects.


setObjectsOffset(ids: String[], offset: Number[])

Batch-updates Entity#offset on Entitys that represent objects.


setObjectsOpacity(ids: String[], opacity: Number): Boolean

Batch-updates Entity#opacity on Entitys that represent objects.


Batch-updates Entity#pickable on Entitys that represent objects.


Batch-updates Entity#selected on Entitys that represent objects.


Batch-updates Entity#visible on Entitys that represent objects.


Batch-updates Entity#xrayed on Entitys that represent objects.


snapPick(params: Object): *

this method was deprecated.

This method will "tickify" the provided cb function.


withObjects(ids: String[], callback: Function): Boolean

Iterates with a callback over Entitys that represent objects.

Inherited Summary

From class Component
public get

The Component that owns the lifecycle of this Component, if any.


True as soon as this Component has been destroyed


ID of this Component, unique within the Scene.


meta: *

Arbitrary, user-defined metadata on this component.


The parent Scene that contains this Component.


viewer: Viewer

The viewer that contains this Scene.



Destroys all Components that are owned by this.


Destroys this component.


error(message: String)

Logs an error for this component to the JavaScript console.


fire(event: String, value: Object, forget: Boolean)

Fires an event on this component.


Returns true if there are any subscribers to the given event on this component.


isType(type: *): *: Boolean

Tests if this component is of the given type, or is a subclass of the given type.


log(message: String)

Logs a console debugging message for this component.


off(subId: String)

Cancels an event subscription that was previously made with Component#on or Component#once.


on(event: String, callback: Function, scope: Object): String

Subscribes to an event on this component.


once(event: String, callback: Function, scope: Object)

Subscribes to the next occurrence of the given event, then un-subscribes as soon as the event is subIdd.


scheduleTask(task: *)

Schedule a task to perform on the next browser interval


warn(message: String)

Logs a warning for this component to the JavaScript console.

Public Members

public get aabb: Number[] source

Gets the World-space axis-aligned 3D boundary (AABB) of this Scene.

The AABB is represented by a six-element Float64Array containing the min/max extents of the axis-aligned volume, ie. [xmin, ymin,zmin,xmax,ymax, zmax].

When the Scene has no content, will be [-100,-100,-100,100,100,100].

public bitmaps: {String: Bitmap} source

The Bitmaps in this Scene, each mapped to its Bitmap#id.

public get camera: Camera source

Gets the Camera for this Scene.

public canvas: Canvas source

Manages the HTML5 canvas for this Scene.

public get center: Number[] source

Gets the World-space 3D center of this Scene.

public set clearEachPass: Boolean source

When Scene#passes is greater than 1, indicates whether or not to clear the canvas before each pass (true) or just before the first pass (false).

Default value is false.

public get clearEachPass: Boolean source

When Scene#passes is greater than 1, indicates whether or not to clear the canvas before each pass (true) or just before the first pass (false).

Default value is false.

public clippingCaps: boolean source

public set colorTextureEnabled: Boolean source

Sets whether basic color texture rendering is enabled.

Default is true.



True if basic color texture rendering is enabled.

public get colorTextureEnabled: Boolean: * source

Gets whether basic color texture rendering is enabled.

Default is true.



True if basic color texture rendering is enabled.

public get colorizedObjectIds: String[] source

Gets the IDs of the Entitys in Scene#colorizedObjects.

public colorizedObjects: {String: Object} source

Map of currently colorized Entitys that represent objects.

An Entity represents an object if Entity#isObject is true.

Each Entity is mapped here by Entity#id.


colorizedObjects *

public components: {} source

The Components within this Scene, each mapped to its Component#id.

*@type {{String:Component}}

public crossSections: CrossSections source

Configures Cross Sections for this Scene.

public set dtxEnabled: Boolean source

Sets whether data texture scene representation (DTX) is enabled for the Scene.

Even when enabled, DTX will only work if supported.

Default value is false.

public get dtxEnabled: Boolean source

Gets whether data texture-based scene representation (DTX) is enabled for the Scene.

Even when enabled, DTX will only apply if supported.

Default value is false.

public get edgeMaterial: EdgeMaterial source

Gets the default EdgeMaterial for this Scene.

Has EdgeMaterial#id set to "default.edgeMaterial".

Meshs in this Scene have Mesh#edgeMaterial set to this EdgeMaterial by default.

Meshs have their edges emphasized while Mesh#edges is true.

public get entityOffsetsEnabled: Boolean: * source

Whether Entity#offset is enabled.

This is set via the Viewer constructor and is false by default.



True if Entity#offset is enabled.

public set gammaFactor: Number source

Sets the gamma factor to use when Scene#gammaOutput is set true.

Default value is 2.2.

public get gammaFactor: Number source

Gets the gamma factor to use when Scene#gammaOutput is set true.

Default value is 2.2.

public set gammaInput: Boolean source

Sets whether or not Scene should expect all Textures and colors to have pre-multiplied gamma.

Default value is false.

public get gammaInput: Boolean source

Gets whether or not Scene should expect all Textures and colors to have pre-multiplied gamma.

Default value is false.

public set gammaOutput: Boolean source

Sets whether or not to render pixels with pre-multiplied gama.

Default value is false.

public get gammaOutput: Boolean source

Gets whether or not to render pixels with pre-multiplied gama.

Default value is true.

public get geometry: ReadableGeometry source

Gets the default Geometry for this Scene, which is a ReadableGeometry with a unit-sized box shape.

Has ReadableGeometry#id set to "default.geometry".

Meshs in this Scene have Mesh#geometry set to this ReadableGeometry by default.

public get highlightMaterial: EmphasisMaterial source

Gets the default highlight EmphasisMaterial for this Scene.

Has EmphasisMaterial#id set to "default.highlightMaterial".

Meshs in this Scene have Mesh#highlightMaterial set to this EmphasisMaterial by default.

Meshs are highlighted while Mesh#highlighted is true.

public get highlightedObjectIds: String[] source

Gets the IDs of the Entitys in Scene#highlightedObjects.

public highlightedObjects: {String: Object} source

Map of currently highlighted Entitys that represent objects.

An Entity represents an object if Entity#isObject is true is true, and is highlighted when Entity#highlighted is true.

Each Entity is mapped here by Entity#id.


highlightedObjects *

public input: Input source

Publishes input events that occur on this Scene's canvas.


input *

public lightMaps: {String: LightMap} source

The LightMaps in this Scene, each mapped to its LightMap#id.

public lights: {String: Light} source

The Lights in this Scene, each mapped to its Light#id.

public lineSets: {String: LineSet} source

The LineSets in this Scene, each mapped to its LineSet#id.

public get linesMaterial: LinesMaterial source

Gets the LinesMaterial for this Scene.

public loading: Number source

The number of models currently loading.


loading *

public get logarithmicDepthBufferEnabled: Boolean: * source

Whether logarithmic depth buffer is enabled.

This is set via the Viewer constructor and is false by default.



True if logarithmic depth buffer is enabled.

public get markerZOffset: Number: * source

Gets the Z value of offset for Marker's OcclusionTester. The closest the value is to 0.000 the more precise OcclusionTester will be, but at the same time the less precise it will behave for Markers that are located exactly on the Surface.

Default is -0.001.



Z offset for Marker

public get material: PhongMaterial source

Gets the default Material for this Scene, which is a PhongMaterial.

Has PhongMaterial#id set to "default.material".

Meshs in this Scene have Mesh#material set to this PhongMaterial by default.

public metrics: Metrics source

Configures this Scene's units of measurement and coordinate mapping between Real-space and World-space 3D coordinate systems.


metrics *

public get modelIds: String[] source

Gets the IDs of the Entitys in Scene#models.

public models: {String: Entity} source

Map of Entitys that represent models.

Each Entity is mapped here by Entity#id when Entity#isModel is true.


models *

public set numCachedSectionPlanes source

Sets the number of SectionPlanes for which this Scene pre-caches resources.

This property enhances the efficiency of SectionPlane creation by proactively allocating and caching Viewer resources for a specified quantity of SectionPlanes. Introducing this parameter streamlines the initial creation speed of SectionPlanes, particularly up to the designated quantity. This parameter internally configures renderer logic for the specified number of SectionPlanes, eliminating the need for setting up logic with each SectionPlane creation and thereby enhancing responsiveness. It is important to consider that each SectionPlane impacts rendering performance, so it is recommended to set this value to a quantity that aligns with your expected usage.

Default is 0.

public get numCachedSectionPlanes: number: * source

Gets the number of SectionPlanes for which this Scene pre-caches resources.

This property enhances the efficiency of SectionPlane creation by proactively allocating and caching Viewer resources for a specified quantity of SectionPlanes. Introducing this parameter streamlines the initial creation speed of SectionPlanes, particularly up to the designated quantity. This parameter internally configures renderer logic for the specified number of SectionPlanes, eliminating the need for setting up logic with each SectionPlane creation and thereby enhancing responsiveness. It is important to consider that each SectionPlane impacts rendering performance, so it is recommended to set this value to a quantity that aligns with your expected usage.

Default is 0.



The number of SectionPlanes for which this Scene pre-caches resources.

public get numColorizedObjects: Number source

Gets the number of Entitys in Scene#colorizedObjects.

public get numHighlightedObjects: Number source

Gets the number of Entitys in Scene#highlightedObjects.

public get numObjects: Number source

Gets the number of Entitys in Scene#objects.

public get numSelectedObjects: Number source

Gets the number of Entitys in Scene#selectedObjects.

public get numVisibleObjects: Number source

Gets the number of Entitys in Scene#visibleObjects.

public get numXRayedObjects: Number source

Gets the number of Entitys in Scene#xrayedObjects.

public get objectIds: String[] source

Gets the IDs of the Entitys in Scene#objects.

public objects: {String: Entity} source

Map of Entitys that represents objects.

Each Entity is mapped here by Entity#id when Entity#isObject is true.


objects *

public get offsetObjectIds: String[] source

Gets the IDs of the Entitys in Scene#offsetObjects.

public offsetObjects: {String: Object} source

Map of Entitys that represent objects whose Entity#offsets were updated.

An Entity represents an object if Entity#isObject is true.

Each Entity is mapped here by Entity#id.


offsetObjects *

public get opacityObjectIds: String[] source

Gets the IDs of the Entitys in Scene#opacityObjects.

public opacityObjects: {String: Object} source

Map of Entitys that represent objects whose opacity was updated.

An Entity represents an object if Entity#isObject is true.

Each Entity is mapped here by Entity#id.


opacityObjects *

public set passes: Number source

Sets the number of times this Scene renders per frame.

Default value is 1.

public get passes: Number source

Gets the number of times this Scene renders per frame.

Default value is 1.

public set pbrEnabled source

Sets whether physically-based rendering is enabled.

Default is false.

public get pbrEnabled: Boolean: * source

Gets whether physically-based rendering is enabled.

Default is false.



True if quality rendering is enabled.

public get pickSurfacePrecisionEnabled: * | boolean: * source

this get was deprecated.

Whether precision surface picking is enabled.


* | boolean

public get pointsMaterial: PointsMaterial source

Gets the PointsMaterial for this Scene.

public get readableGeometryEnabled: Boolean: * source

Whether geometry is readable.

This is set via the Viewer constructor and is false by default.

The readableGeometryEnabled option for Scene#pick only works if this is set true.

Note that when true, this configuration will increase the amount of browser memory used by the Viewer.



True if geometry is readable.

public realWorldOffset: Number[] source

The real world offset for this Scene

public reflectionMaps: {String: ReflectionMap} source

The ReflectionMaps in this Scene, each mapped to its ReflectionMap#id.

public sao: SAO source

Configures Scalable Ambient Obscurance (SAO) for this Scene.

public sectionPlanes: {String: SectionPlane} source

The SectionPlanes in this Scene, each mapped to its SectionPlane#id.

public get selectedMaterial: EmphasisMaterial source

Gets the default selection EmphasisMaterial for this Scene.

Has EmphasisMaterial#id set to "default.selectedMaterial".

Meshs in this Scene have Mesh#highlightMaterial set to this EmphasisMaterial by default.

Meshs are highlighted while Mesh#highlighted is true.

public get selectedObjectIds: String[] source

Gets the IDs of the Entitys in Scene#selectedObjects.

public selectedObjects: {String: Object} source

Map of currently selected Entitys that represent objects.

An Entity represents an object if Entity#isObject is true, and is selected while Entity#selected is true.

Each Entity is mapped here by Entity#id.


selectedObjects *

public startTime: Number source

The epoch time (in milliseconds since 1970) when this Scene was instantiated.


timeCreated *

public set ticksPerOcclusionTest: Number source

Sets the number of "ticks" that happen between occlusion testing for Markers.

Default value is 20.

public get ticksPerOcclusionTest: Number source

Gets the number of "ticks" that happen between each render of this Scene.

Default value is 1.

public set ticksPerRender: Number source

Sets the number of "ticks" that happen between each render or this Scene.

Default value is 1.

public get ticksPerRender: Number source

Gets the number of "ticks" that happen between each render or this Scene.

Default value is 1.

public types: {String: {String: Component}} source

For each Component type, a map of IDs to Component instances of that type.

public viewer: Viewer source

The Viewer this Scene belongs to.



public get viewport: * source

Gets the Viewport for this Scene.

public get visibleObjectIds: String[] source

Gets the IDs of the Entitys in Scene#visibleObjects.

public visibleObjects: {String: Object} source

Map of currently visible Entitys that represent objects.

An Entity represents an object if Entity#isObject is true, and is visible when Entity#visible is true.


visibleObjects *

public get xrayMaterial: EmphasisMaterial source

Gets the default xraying EmphasisMaterial for this Scene.

Has EmphasisMaterial#id set to "default.xrayMaterial".

Meshs in this Scene have Mesh#xrayMaterial set to this EmphasisMaterial by default.

Meshs are xrayed while Mesh#xrayed is true.

public get xrayedObjectIds: String[] source

Gets the IDs of the Entitys in Scene#xrayedObjects.

public xrayedObjects: {String: Object} source

Map of currently xrayed Entitys that represent objects.

An Entity represents an object if Entity#isObject is true, and is xrayed when Entity#xrayed is true.

Each Entity is mapped here by Entity#id.


xrayedObjects *

Public Methods

public clear() source

Destroys all non-default Components in this Scene.



public clearBitmaps() source

Destroys all Lines in this Scene.

public clearLights() source

Destroys all Lights in this Scene..

public clearLines() source

Destroys all Lines in this Scene.

public clearSectionPlanes() source

Destroys all SectionPlanes in this Scene.

public destroy() source

Destroys this Scene.



public doOcclusionTest() source

Performs an occlusion test on all Markers in this Scene.

Sets each Marker#visible true if the Marker is currently not occluded by any opaque Entitys in the Scene, or false if an Entity is occluding it.

public getAABB(ids: String[]): [Number, Number, Number, Number, Number, Number] source

Gets the collective axis-aligned boundary (AABB) of a batch of Entitys that represent objects.

An Entity represents an object when Entity#isObject is true.

Each Entity on which Entity#isObject is registered by Entity#id in Scene#visibleObjects.

Each Entity is only included in the AABB when Entity#collidable is true.


ids String[]

Array of Entity#id values.


[Number, Number, Number, Number, Number, Number]

An axis-aligned World-space bounding box, given as elements [xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax].

public pick(params: *, pickResult: PickResult): PickResult source

Attempts to pick an Entity in this Scene.

Ignores Entitys with Entity#pickable set false.

When an Entity is picked, fires a "pick" event on the Entity with the pick result as parameters.

Picking the Entity at the given canvas coordinates:

var pickResult = scene.pick({
         canvasPos: [23, 131]

if (pickResult) { // Picked an Entity
        var entity = pickResult.entity;

Picking, with a ray cast through the canvas, hits an Entity:

var pickResult = scene.pick({
        pickSurface: true,
        canvasPos: [23, 131]

if (pickResult) { // Picked an Entity

    var entity = pickResult.entity;

    if (pickResult.primitive === "triangle") {

        // Picked a triangle on the entity surface

        var primIndex = pickResult.primIndex; // Position of triangle's first index in the picked Entity's Geometry's indices array
        var indices = pickResult.indices; // UInt32Array containing the triangle's vertex indices
        var localPos = pickResult.localPos; // Float64Array containing the picked Local-space position on the triangle
        var worldPos = pickResult.worldPos; // Float64Array containing the picked World-space position on the triangle
        var viewPos = pickResult.viewPos; // Float64Array containing the picked View-space position on the triangle
        var bary = pickResult.bary; // Float64Array containing the picked barycentric position within the triangle
        var worldNormal = pickResult.worldNormal; // Float64Array containing the interpolated World-space normal vector at the picked position on the triangle
        var uv = pickResult.uv; // Float64Array containing the interpolated UV coordinates at the picked position on the triangle

    } else if (pickResult.worldPos && pickResult.worldNormal) {

        // Picked a point and normal on the entity surface

        var worldPos = pickResult.worldPos; // Float64Array containing the picked World-space position on the Entity surface
        var worldNormal = pickResult.worldNormal; // Float64Array containing the picked World-space normal vector on the Entity Surface

Picking the Entity that intersects an arbitrarily-aligned World-space ray:

var pickResult = scene.pick({
      pickSurface: true,   // Picking with arbitrarily-positioned ray
      origin: [0,0,-5],    // Ray origin
      direction: [0,0,1]   // Ray direction

if (pickResult) { // Picked an Entity with the ray

      var entity = pickResult.entity;

      if (pickResult.primitive == "triangle") {

         // Picked a triangle on the entity surface

          var primitive = pickResult.primitive; // Type of primitive that was picked, usually "triangles"
          var primIndex = pickResult.primIndex; // Position of triangle's first index in the picked Entity's Geometry's indices array
          var indices = pickResult.indices; // UInt32Array containing the triangle's vertex indices
          var localPos = pickResult.localPos; // Float64Array containing the picked Local-space position on the triangle
          var worldPos = pickResult.worldPos; // Float64Array containing the picked World-space position on the triangle
          var viewPos = pickResult.viewPos; // Float64Array containing the picked View-space position on the triangle
          var bary = pickResult.bary; // Float64Array containing the picked barycentric position within the triangle
          var worldNormal = pickResult.worldNormal; // Float64Array containing the interpolated World-space normal vector at the picked position on the triangle
          var uv = pickResult.uv; // Float64Array containing the interpolated UV coordinates at the picked position on the triangle
          var origin = pickResult.origin; // Float64Array containing the World-space ray origin
          var direction = pickResult.direction; // Float64Array containing the World-space ray direction

    } else if (pickResult.worldPos && pickResult.worldNormal) {

        // Picked a point and normal on the entity surface

        var worldPos = pickResult.worldPos; // Float64Array containing the picked World-space position on the Entity surface
        var worldNormal = pickResult.worldNormal; // Float64Array containing the picked World-space normal vector on the Entity Surface


params *

Picking parameters.

params.pickSurface Boolean
  • optional
  • default: false

Whether to find the picked position on the surface of the Entity.

params.pickSurfacePrecision Boolean
  • optional
  • default: false

When picking an Entity surface position, indicates whether or not we want full-precision PickResult#worldPos. Only works when Scene#readableGeometryEnabled is true. If pick succeeds, the returned PickResult will have PickResult#precision set true, to indicate that it contains full-precision surface pick results.

params.pickSurfaceNormal Boolean
  • optional
  • default: false

Whether to find the picked normal on the surface of the Entity. Only works if pickSurface is given.

params.canvasPos Number[]
  • optional

Canvas-space coordinates. When ray-picking, this will override the origin and direction parameters and will cause the ray to be fired through the canvas at this position, directly along the negative View-space Z-axis.

params.origin Number[]
  • optional

World-space ray origin when ray-picking. Ignored when canvasPos given.

params.direction Number[]
  • optional

World-space ray direction when ray-picking. Also indicates the length of the ray. Ignored when canvasPos given.

params.matrix Number[]
  • optional

4x4 transformation matrix to define the World-space ray origin and direction, as an alternative to origin and direction.

params.snapRadius Number
  • optional
  • default: 30

The snap radius, in canvas pixels.

params.snapToVertex boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

Whether to snap to vertex. Only works when canvasPos given.

params.snapToEdge boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

Whether to snap to edge. Only works when canvasPos given.

pickResult PickResult
  • optional

Holds the results of the pick attempt. Will use the Scene's singleton PickResult if you don't supply your own.



Holds results of the pick attempt, returned when an Entity is picked, else null. See method comments for description.

public render(forceRender: Boolean) source

Renders a single frame of this Scene.

The Scene will periodically render itself after any updates, but you can call this method to force a render if required.


forceRender Boolean
  • optional
  • default: false

Forces a render when true, otherwise only renders if something has changed in this Scene since the last render.

public setObjectsCollidable(ids: String[], collidable: Boolean): Boolean source

Batch-updates Entity#collidable on Entitys that represent objects.

An Entity represents an object when Entity#isObject is true.


ids String[]

Array of Entity#id values.

collidable Boolean

Whether or not to set collidable.



True if any Entitys were updated, else false if all updates were redundant and not applied.

public setObjectsColorized(ids: String[], colorize: Number[]): Boolean source

Batch-updates Entity#colorize on Entitys that represent objects.

An Entity represents an object when Entity#isObject is true.


ids String[]

Array of Entity#id values.

colorize Number[]
  • optional
  • default: (1,1,1)

RGB colorize factors, multiplied by the rendered pixel colors.



True if any Entitys changed opacity, else false if all updates were redundant and not applied.

public setObjectsCulled(ids: String[], culled: Boolean): Boolean source

Batch-updates Entity#culled on Entitys that represent objects.

An Entity represents an object when Entity#isObject is true.


ids String[]

Array of Entity#id values.

culled Boolean

Whether or not to cull.



True if any Entitys were updated, else false if all updates were redundant and not applied.

public setObjectsEdges(ids: String[], edges: Boolean): Boolean source

Batch-updates Entity#edges on Entitys that represent objects.

An Entity represents an object when Entity#isObject is true.


ids String[]

Array of Entity#id values.

edges Boolean

Whether or not to show edges.



True if any Entitys were updated, else false if all updates were redundant and not applied.

public setObjectsHighlighted(ids: String[], highlighted: Boolean): Boolean source

Batch-updates Entity#highlighted on Entitys that represent objects.

An Entity represents an object when Entity#isObject is true.

Each Entity on which both Entity#isObject and Entity#highlighted are true is registered by Entity#id in Scene#highlightedObjects.


ids String[]

Array of Entity#id values.

highlighted Boolean

Whether or not to highlight.



True if any Entitys were updated, else false if all updates were redundant and not applied.

public setObjectsOffset(ids: String[], offset: Number[]) source

Batch-updates Entity#offset on Entitys that represent objects.

An Entity represents an object when Entity#isObject is true.


ids String[]

Array of Entity#id values.

offset Number[]
  • optional

3D offset vector.

public setObjectsOpacity(ids: String[], opacity: Number): Boolean source

Batch-updates Entity#opacity on Entitys that represent objects.

An Entity represents an object when Entity#isObject is true.


ids String[]

Array of Entity#id values.

opacity Number
  • optional
  • default: 1.0

Opacity factor, multiplied by the rendered pixel alphas.



True if any Entitys changed opacity, else false if all updates were redundant and not applied.

public setObjectsPickable(ids: String[], pickable: Boolean): Boolean source

Batch-updates Entity#pickable on Entitys that represent objects.

An Entity represents an object when Entity#isObject is true.


ids String[]

Array of Entity#id values.

pickable Boolean

Whether or not to set pickable.



True if any Entitys were updated, else false if all updates were redundant and not applied.

public setObjectsSelected(ids: String[], selected: Boolean): Boolean source

Batch-updates Entity#selected on Entitys that represent objects.

An Entity represents an object when Entity#isObject is true.

Each Entity on which both Entity#isObject and Entity#selected are true is registered by Entity#id in Scene#selectedObjects.


ids String[]

Array of Entity#id values.

selected Boolean

Whether or not to select.



True if any Entitys were updated, else false if all updates were redundant and not applied.

public setObjectsVisible(ids: String[], visible: Boolean): Boolean source

Batch-updates Entity#visible on Entitys that represent objects.

An Entity represents an object when Entity#isObject is true.

Each Entity on which both Entity#isObject and Entity#visible are true is registered by Entity#id in Scene#visibleObjects.


ids String[]

Array of Entity#id values.

visible Boolean

Whether or not to set visible.



True if any Entitys were updated, else false if all updates were redundant and not applied.

public setObjectsXRayed(ids: String[], xrayed: Boolean): Boolean source

Batch-updates Entity#xrayed on Entitys that represent objects.

An Entity represents an object when Entity#isObject is true.


ids String[]

Array of Entity#id values.

xrayed Boolean

Whether or not to xray.



True if any Entitys were updated, else false if all updates were redundant and not applied.

public snapPick(params: Object): * source

this method was deprecated.


params Object

Picking parameters.

params.canvasPos Number[]

Canvas-space coordinates.

params.snapRadius Number
  • optional
  • default: 30

The snap radius, in canvas pixels

params.snapToVertex boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

Whether to snap to vertex.

params.snapToEdge boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

Whether to snap to edge.



public tickify(cb: Function): Function source

This method will "tickify" the provided cb function.

This means, the function will be wrapped so:

  • it runs time-aligned to scene ticks
  • it runs maximum once per scene-tick


cb Function

The function to tickify



public withObjects(ids: String[], callback: Function): Boolean source

Iterates with a callback over Entitys that represent objects.

An Entity represents an object when Entity#isObject is true.


ids String[]

Array of Entity#id values.

callback Function

Callback to execute on eacn Entity.



True if any Entitys were updated, else false if all updates were redundant and not applied.