import {Plugin} from "../../viewer/Plugin.js";
import {SectionPlane} from "../../viewer/scene/sectionPlane/SectionPlane.js";
import {Bitmap} from "../../viewer/scene/Bitmap/index.js";
import {LineSet} from "../../viewer/scene/LineSet/index.js";
import {math} from "../../viewer/scene/math/math.js";
const tempVec3 = math.vec3();
const tempVec3a = math.vec3();
const tempVec3b = math.vec3();
const tempVec3c = math.vec3();
* {@link Viewer} plugin that saves and loads BCF viewpoints as JSON objects.
* [<img src="">](/examples/index.html#BCF_SaveViewpoint)
* * [[Example 1: Saving viewer state to a BCF viewpoint](]
* * [[Example 2: Loading viewer state from a BCF viewpoint](]
* ## Overview
* BCF is an open standard that enables workflow communications between BIM software tools. An XML schema, called
* Building Collaboration Format (BCF), encodes messages that inform one BIM tool of issues found by another.
* A BCF viewpoint captures a viewpoint of a model that highlights an issue. The viewpoint can then be loaded by another
* viewer to examine the issue.
* Using this plugin, a xeokit {@link Viewer} can exchange BCF-encoded viewpoints with other BIM software,
* allowing us to use the Viewer to report and view issues in BIM models.
* This plugin's viewpoints conform to the <a href="">BCF Version 2.1</a> specification.
* ## Supported BCF Elements
* BCFViewpointsPlugin saves and loads the following state in BCF viewpoints:
* * {@link Camera} position, orientation and projection
* * {@link Entity} visibilities and selection states
* * {@link SectionPlane}s to slice the model
* * {@link LineSet}s to show 3D lines
* * {@link Bitmap}s to show images
* ## Saving a BCF Viewpoint
* In the example below we'll create a {@link Viewer}, load an ````.XKT```` model into it using an {@link XKTLoaderPlugin},
* slice the model in half using a {@link SectionPlanesPlugin}, create a grid ground plane using a {@link LineSet} and a 2D
* plan view using a {@link Bitmap}, then use a {@link BCFViewpointsPlugin#getViewpoint}
* to save a viewpoint to JSON, which we'll log to the JavaScript developer console.
* * [[Run this example](]
* ````javascript
* import {Viewer, XKTLoaderPlugin, SectionPlanesPlugin,
* LineSet, Bitmap, buildGridGeometry, BCFViewpointsPlugin} from "";
* // Create a Viewer
* const viewer = new Viewer({
* canvasId: "myCanvas",
* transparent: true
* });
* // Set camera position and orientation
* = [-48.93, 54.54, 50.41];
* = [0.55, -0.61, -0.55];
* = [0, -1, 0];
* = 60;
* // Add a XKTLoaderPlugin
* const xktLoader = new XKTLoaderPlugin(viewer);
* // Add a SectionPlanesPlugin
* const sectionPlanes = new SectionPlanesPlugin(viewer);
* // Add a BCFViewpointsPlugin
* const bcfViewpoints = new BCFViewpointsPlugin(viewer);
* // Load an .XKT model
* const modelNode = xktLoader.load({
* id: "myModel",
* src: "./models/xkt/Schependomlaan.xkt",
* edges: true // Emphasise edges
* });
* // Slice it in half
* sectionPlanes.createSectionPlane({
* id: "myClip",
* pos: [0, 0, 0],
* dir: [0.5, 0.0, 0.5]
* });
* // Create a bitmap
* const bitmap = new Bitmap(viewer.scene, {
* src: "../assets/images/schependomlaanPlanView.png",
* visible: true,
* height: 24.0,
* pos: [-15, 0, -10],
* normal: [0, -1, 0],
* up: [0, 0, 1],
* collidable: false,
* opacity: 1.0,
* clippable: false,
* pickable: true
* });
* // Create a grid ground plane
* const geometryArrays = buildGridGeometry({
* size: 60,
* divisions: 10
* });
* new LineSet(viewer.scene, {
* positions: geometryArrays.positions,
* indices: geometryArrays.indices,
* position: [10,0,10],
* clippable: false
* });
* // When model is loaded, select some objects and capture a BCF viewpoint to the console
* modelNode.on("loaded", () => {
* const scene = viewer.scene;
* scene.setObjectsSelected([
* "3b2U496P5Ebhz5FROhTwFH",
* "2MGtJUm9nD$Re1_MDIv0g2",
* "3IbuwYOm5EV9Q6cXmwVWqd",
* "3lhisrBxL8xgLCRdxNG$2v",
* "1uDn0xT8LBkP15zQc9MVDW"
* ], true);
* const viewpoint = bcfViewpoints.getViewpoint();
* const viewpointStr = JSON.stringify(viewpoint, null, 4);
* console.log(viewpointStr);
* });
* ````
* The saved BCF viewpoint would look something like below. Note that some elements are truncated for brevity.
* ````json
* {
* "perspective_camera": {
* "camera_view_point": { "x": -48.93, "y": 54.54, "z": 50.41 },
* "camera_direction": { "x": 0.55, "y": -0.61, "z": -0.55},
* "camera_up_vector": { "x": 0.37, "y": -0.41, "z": 0.83 },
* "field_of_view": 60.0
* },
* "lines": [{
* "start_point": { "x": 1.0, "y": 1.0, "z": 1.0 },
* "end_point": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 },
* //...(truncated)
* }],
* "bitmaps": [{
* "bitmap_type": "png",
* "bitmap_data": "...", //...(truncated)
* "location": { "x": -15, "y": 10, "z": 0 },
* "normal": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": -1 },
* "up": { "x": 0, "y": -1, "z": 0 },
* "height": 24
* }],
* "clipping_planes": [{
* "location": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 },
* "direction": { "x": 0.5, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.5 }
* }],
* "snapshot": {
* "snapshot_type": "png",
* "snapshot_data": "data:image/png;base64,......"
* },
* "components": {
* "visibility": {
* "default_visibility": false,
* "exceptions": [{
* "ifc_guid": "4$cshxZO9AJBebsni$z9Yk",
* "originating_system": "",
* "authoring_tool_id": "xeokit/v3.2"
* },
* //...
* ]
* },
* "selection": [{
* "ifc_guid": "4$cshxZO9AJBebsni$z9Yk",
* },
* //...
* ]
* }
* }
* ````
* ## Saving View Setup Hints
* BCFViewpointsPlugin can optionally save hints in the viewpoint, which indicate how to set up the view when
* loading it again.
* Here's the {@link BCFViewpointsPlugin#getViewpoint} call again, this time saving some hints:
* ````javascript
* const viewpoint = bcfViewpoints.getViewpoint({ // Options
* spacesVisible: true, // Force IfcSpace types visible in the viewpoint (default is false)
* spaceBoundariesVisible: false, // Show IfcSpace boundaries in the viewpoint (default is false)
* openingsVisible: true // Force IfcOpening types visible in the viewpoint (default is false)
* });
* ````
* ## Loading a BCF Viewpoint
* Assuming that we have our BCF viewpoint in a JSON object, let's now restore it with {@link BCFViewpointsPlugin#setViewpoint}:
* ````javascript
* bcfViewpoints.setViewpoint(viewpoint);
* ````
* ## Handling BCF Incompatibility with xeokit's Camera
* xeokit's {@link Camera#look} is the current 3D *point-of-interest* (POI).
* A BCF viewpoint, however, has a direction vector instead of a POI, and so {@link BCFViewpointsPlugin#getViewpoint} saves
* xeokit's POI as a normalized vector from {@link Camera#eye} to {@link Camera#look}, which unfortunately loses
* that positional information. Loading the viewpoint with {@link BCFViewpointsPlugin#setViewpoint} will restore {@link Camera#look} to
* the viewpoint's camera position, offset by the normalized vector.
* As shown below, providing a ````rayCast```` option to ````setViewpoint```` will set {@link Camera#look} to the closest
* surface intersection on the direction vector. Internally, ````setViewpoint```` supports this option by firing a ray
* along the vector, and if that hits an {@link Entity}, sets {@link Camera#look} to ray's intersection point with the
* Entity's surface.
* ````javascript
* bcfViewpoints.setViewpoint(viewpoint, {
* rayCast: true // <<--------------- Attempt to set Camera#look to surface intersection point (default)
* });
* ````
* ## Dealing With Loaded Models that are not in the Viewpoint
* If, for example, we load model "duplex", hide some objects, then save a BCF viewpoint with
* ````BCFViewpointsPlugin#getViewpoint````, then load another model, "schependomlaan", then load the viewpoint again
* with ````BCFViewpointsPlugin#setViewpoint````, then sometimes all of the objects in model "schependomlaan" become
* visible, along with the visible objects in the viewpoint, which belong to model "duplex".
* The reason is that, when saving a BCF viewpoint, BCF logic works like the following pseudo code:
* ````
* If numVisibleObjects < numInvisibleObjects
* save IDs of visible objects in BCF
* exceptions = "visible objects"
* else
* save IDS of invisible objects in BCF
* exceptions = "invisible objects"
* ````
* When loading the viewpoint again:
* ````
* If exceptions = "visible objects"
* hide all objects
* show visible objects in BCF
* else
* show all objects
* hide invisible objects in BCF
* ````
* When the exception is "visible objects", loading the viewpoint shows all the objects in the first, which includes
* objects in "schependomlaan", which can be confusing, because those were not even loaded when we first
* saved the viewpoint..
* To solve this, we can supply a ````defaultInvisible```` option to {@link BCFViewpointsPlugin#getViewpoint}, which
* will force the plugin to save the IDs of all visible objects while making invisible objects the exception.
* That way, when we load the viewpoint again, after loading model "schependomlaan", the plugin will hide all objects
* in the scene first (which will include objects belonging to model "schependomlaan"), then make the objects in the
* viewpoint visible (which will only be those of object "duplex").
* ````javascript
* const viewpoint = bcfViewpoints.getViewpoint({ // Options
* //..
* defaultInvisible: true
* });
* ````
* [[Run an example](/examples/index.html#BCF_LoadViewpoint_defaultInvisible)]
* ## Behaviour with XKTLoaderPlugin globalizeObjectIds
* Whenever we use {@link XKTLoaderPlugin} to load duplicate copies of the same model, after configuring
* {@link XKTLoaderPlugin#globalizeObjectIds} ````true```` to avoid ````Entity```` ID clashes, this has consequences
* for BCF viewpoints created by {@link BCFViewpointsPlugin#getViewpoint}.
* When no duplicate copies of a model are loaded like this, viewpoints created by {@link BCFViewpointsPlugin#getViewpoint} will
* continue to load as usual in other BIM viewers. Conversely, a viewpoint created for a single model in other BIM viewers
* will continue to load as usual with ````BCFViewpointsPlugin````.
* When duplicate copies of a model are loaded, however, viewpoints created by {@link BCFViewpointsPlugin#getViewpoint}
* will contain certain changes that will affect the viewpoint's portability, however. Such viewpoints will
* use ````authoring_tool_id```` fields to save the globalized ````Entity#id```` values, which enables the viewpoints to
* capture the states of the individual ````Entitys```` that represent the duplicate IFC elements. Take a look at the
* following two examples to learn more.
* * [Example: Saving a BCF viewpoint containing duplicate models](
* * [Example: Loading a BCF viewpoint containing duplicate models](
* **Caveat:** when loading a BCF viewpoint, we always assume that we have loaded in our target BIM viewer the same models that were
* loaded in the viewpoint's original authoring application when the viewpoint was created. In the case of multi-model
* viewpoints, the target BIM viewer, whether it be xeokit or another BIM viewer, will need to first have those exact
* models loaded, with their objects having globalized IDs, following the same prefixing scheme we're using in
* xeokit. Then, the viewpoint's ````authoring_tool_id```` fields will be able to resolve to their objects within the
* target viewer.
* @class BCFViewpointsPlugin
class BCFViewpointsPlugin extends Plugin {
* @constructor
* @param {Viewer} viewer The Viewer.
* @param {Object} cfg Plugin configuration.
* @param {String} ["BCFViewpoints"] Optional ID for this plugin, so that we can find it within {@link Viewer#plugins}.
* @param {String} [cfg.originatingSystem] Identifies the originating system for BCF records.
* @param {String} [cfg.authoringTool] Identifies the authoring tool for BCF records.
constructor(viewer, cfg = {}) {
super("BCFViewpoints", viewer, cfg);
* Identifies the originating system to include in BCF viewpoints saved by this plugin.
* @property originatingSystem
* @type {string}
this.originatingSystem = cfg.originatingSystem || "";
* Identifies the authoring tool to include in BCF viewpoints saved by this plugin.
* @property authoringTool
* @type {string}
this.authoringTool = cfg.authoringTool || "";
* Saves viewer state to a BCF viewpoint.
* See ````BCFViewpointsPlugin```` class comments for more info.
* @param {*} [options] Options for getting the viewpoint.
* @param {Boolean} [options.spacesVisible=false] Indicates whether ````IfcSpace```` types should be forced visible in the viewpoint.
* @param {Boolean} [options.openingsVisible=false] Indicates whether ````IfcOpening```` types should be forced visible in the viewpoint.
* @param {Boolean} [options.spaceBoundariesVisible=false] Indicates whether the boundaries of ````IfcSpace```` types should be visible in the viewpoint.
* @param {Boolean} [options.spacesTranslucent=false] Indicates whether ````IfcSpace```` types should be forced translucent in the viewpoint.
* @param {Boolean} [options.spaceBoundariesTranslucent=false] Indicates whether the boundaries of ````IfcSpace```` types should be forced translucent in the viewpoint.
* @param {Boolean} [options.openingsTranslucent=true] Indicates whether ````IfcOpening```` types should be forced translucent in the viewpoint.
* @param {Boolean} [options.snapshot=true] Indicates whether the snapshot should be included in the viewpoint.
* @param {Boolean} [options.defaultInvisible=false] When ````true````, will save the default visibility of all objects
* as ````false````. This means that when we load the viewpoint again, and there are additional models loaded that
* were not saved in the viewpoint, those models will be hidden when we load the viewpoint, and that only the
* objects in the viewpoint will be visible.
* @param {Boolean} [options.reverseClippingPlanes=false] When ````true````, clipping planes are reversed (
* @returns {*} BCF JSON viewpoint object
getViewpoint(options = {}) {
const scene = this.viewer.scene;
const camera =;
const realWorldOffset = scene.realWorldOffset;
const reverseClippingPlanes = (options.reverseClippingPlanes === true);
let bcfViewpoint = {};
// Camera
let lookDirection = math.normalizeVec3(math.subVec3(camera.look, camera.eye, math.vec3()));
let eye = camera.eye;
let up = camera.up;
if (camera.yUp) {
// BCF is Z up
lookDirection = YToZ(lookDirection);
eye = YToZ(eye);
up = YToZ(up);
const camera_view_point = xyzArrayToObject(math.addVec3(eye, realWorldOffset));
if (camera.projection === "ortho") {
bcfViewpoint.orthogonal_camera = {
camera_view_point: camera_view_point,
camera_direction: xyzArrayToObject(lookDirection),
camera_up_vector: xyzArrayToObject(up),
view_to_world_scale: camera.ortho.scale,
} else {
bcfViewpoint.perspective_camera = {
camera_view_point: camera_view_point,
camera_direction: xyzArrayToObject(lookDirection),
camera_up_vector: xyzArrayToObject(up),
field_of_view: camera.perspective.fov,
// Section planes
const sectionPlanes = scene.sectionPlanes;
for (let id in sectionPlanes) {
if (sectionPlanes.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
let sectionPlane = sectionPlanes[id];
if (! {
let location = sectionPlane.pos;
let direction;
if (reverseClippingPlanes) {
direction = math.negateVec3(sectionPlane.dir, math.vec3());
} else {
direction = sectionPlane.dir;
if (camera.yUp) {
// BCF is Z up
location = YToZ(location);
direction = YToZ(direction);
math.addVec3(location, realWorldOffset);
location = xyzArrayToObject(location);
direction = xyzArrayToObject(direction);
if (!bcfViewpoint.clipping_planes) {
bcfViewpoint.clipping_planes = [];
bcfViewpoint.clipping_planes.push({location, direction});
// Lines
const lineSets = scene.lineSets;
for (let id in lineSets) {
if (lineSets.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
const lineSet = lineSets[id];
if (!bcfViewpoint.lines) {
bcfViewpoint.lines = [];
const positions = lineSet.positions;
const indices = lineSet.indices;
for (let i = 0, len = indices.length / 2; i < len; i++) {
const a = indices[i * 2];
const b = indices[(i * 2) + 1];
start_point: {
x: positions[a * 3 + 0],
y: positions[a * 3 + 1],
z: positions[a * 3 + 2]
end_point: {
x: positions[b * 3 + 0],
y: positions[b * 3 + 1],
z: positions[b * 3 + 2]
// Bitmaps
const bitmaps = scene.bitmaps;
for (let id in bitmaps) {
if (bitmaps.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
let bitmap = bitmaps[id];
let location = bitmap.pos;
let normal = bitmap.normal;
let up = bitmap.up;
if (camera.yUp) {
// BCF is Z up
location = YToZ(location);
normal = YToZ(normal);
up = YToZ(up);
math.addVec3(location, realWorldOffset);
if (!bcfViewpoint.bitmaps) {
bcfViewpoint.bitmaps = [];
bitmap_type: bitmap.type,
bitmap_data: bitmap.imageData,
location: xyzArrayToObject(location),
normal: xyzArrayToObject(normal),
up: xyzArrayToObject(up),
height: bitmap.height
// Entity states
bcfViewpoint.components = {
visibility: {
view_setup_hints: {
spaces_visible: !!options.spacesVisible,
space_boundaries_visible: !!options.spaceBoundariesVisible,
openings_visible: !!options.openingsVisible,
spaces_translucent: !!options.spaces_translucent,
space_boundaries_translucent: !!options.space_boundaries_translucent,
openings_translucent: !!options.openings_translucent
const opacityObjectIds = new Set(scene.opacityObjectIds);
const xrayedObjectIds = new Set(scene.xrayedObjectIds);
const colorizedObjectIds = new Set(scene.colorizedObjectIds);
const coloringMap = Object.values(scene.objects)
.filter(entity => opacityObjectIds.has( || colorizedObjectIds.has( || xrayedObjectIds.has(
.reduce((coloringMap, entity) => {
let color = colorizeToRGB(entity.colorize);
let alpha;
if (entity.xrayed) {
if (scene.xrayMaterial.fillAlpha === 0.0 && scene.xrayMaterial.edgeAlpha !== 0.0) {
// BCF can't deal with edges. If xRay is implemented only with edges, set an arbitrary opacity
alpha = 0.1;
} else {
alpha = scene.xrayMaterial.fillAlpha;
alpha = Math.round(alpha * 255).toString(16).padStart(2, "0");
color = alpha + color;
} else if (opacityObjectIds.has( {
alpha = Math.round(entity.opacity * 255).toString(16).padStart(2, "0");
color = alpha + color;
if (!coloringMap[color]) {
coloringMap[color] = [];
const objectId =;
const originalSystemId = entity.originalSystemId;
const component = {
ifc_guid: originalSystemId,
originating_system: this.originatingSystem
if (originalSystemId !== objectId) {
component.authoring_tool_id = objectId;
return coloringMap;
}, {});
const coloringArray = Object.entries(coloringMap).map(([color, components]) => {
return {color, components};
bcfViewpoint.components.coloring = coloringArray;
const objectIds = scene.objectIds;
const visibleObjects = scene.visibleObjects;
const visibleObjectIds = scene.visibleObjectIds;
const invisibleObjectIds = objectIds.filter(id => !visibleObjects[id]);
const selectedObjectIds = scene.selectedObjectIds;
if (options.defaultInvisible || visibleObjectIds.length < invisibleObjectIds.length) {
bcfViewpoint.components.visibility.exceptions = this._createBCFComponents(visibleObjectIds);
bcfViewpoint.components.visibility.default_visibility = false;
} else {
bcfViewpoint.components.visibility.exceptions = this._createBCFComponents(invisibleObjectIds);
bcfViewpoint.components.visibility.default_visibility = true;
bcfViewpoint.components.selection = this._createBCFComponents(selectedObjectIds);
bcfViewpoint.components.translucency = this._createBCFComponents(scene.xrayedObjectIds);
if (options.snapshot !== false) {
bcfViewpoint.snapshot = {
snapshot_type: "png",
snapshot_data: this.viewer.getSnapshot({format: "png"})
return bcfViewpoint;
_createBCFComponents(objectIds) {
const scene = this.viewer.scene;
const components = [];
for (let i = 0, len = objectIds.length; i < len; i++) {
const objectId = objectIds[i];
const entity = scene.objects[objectId];
if (entity) {
const component = {
ifc_guid: entity.originalSystemId,
originating_system: this.originatingSystem
if (entity.originalSystemId !== objectId) {
component.authoring_tool_id = objectId;
return components;
* Sets viewer state to the given BCF viewpoint.
* Note that xeokit's {@link Camera#look} is the **point-of-interest**, whereas the BCF ````camera_direction```` is a
* direction vector. Therefore, when loading a BCF viewpoint, we set {@link Camera#look} to the absolute position
* obtained by offsetting the BCF ````camera_view_point```` along ````camera_direction````.
* When loading a viewpoint, we also have the option to find {@link Camera#look} as the closest point of intersection
* (on the surface of any visible and pickable {@link Entity}) with a 3D ray fired from ````camera_view_point```` in
* the direction of ````camera_direction````.
* @param {*} bcfViewpoint BCF JSON viewpoint object,
* shows default visible entities and restores camera to initial default position.
* @param {*} [options] Options for setting the viewpoint.
* @param {Boolean} [options.rayCast=true] When ````true```` (default), will attempt to set {@link Camera#look} to the closest
* point of surface intersection with a ray fired from the BCF ````camera_view_point```` in the direction of ````camera_direction````.
* @param {Boolean} [options.immediate=true] When ````true```` (default), immediately set camera position.
* @param {Boolean} [options.duration] Flight duration in seconds. Overrides {@link CameraFlightAnimation#duration}. Only applies when ````immediate```` is ````false````.
* @param {Boolean} [options.reset=true] When ````true```` (default), set {@link Entity#xrayed} and {@link Entity#highlighted} ````false```` on all scene objects.
* @param {Boolean} [options.reverseClippingPlanes=false] When ````true````, clipping planes are reversed (
* @param {Boolean} [options.updateCompositeObjects=false] When ````true````, then when visibility and selection updates refer to composite objects (eg. an IfcBuildingStorey),
* then this method will apply the updates to objects within those composites.
setViewpoint(bcfViewpoint, options = {}) {
if (!bcfViewpoint) {
const viewer = this.viewer;
const scene = viewer.scene;
const camera =;
const rayCast = (options.rayCast !== false);
const immediate = (options.immediate !== false);
const reset = (options.reset !== false);
const realWorldOffset = scene.realWorldOffset;
const reverseClippingPlanes = (options.reverseClippingPlanes === true);
if (bcfViewpoint.clipping_planes && bcfViewpoint.clipping_planes.length > 0) {
bcfViewpoint.clipping_planes.forEach(function (e) {
let pos = xyzObjectToArray(e.location, tempVec3);
let dir = xyzObjectToArray(e.direction, tempVec3);
if (reverseClippingPlanes) {
math.subVec3(pos, realWorldOffset);
if (camera.yUp) {
pos = ZToY(pos);
dir = ZToY(dir);
new SectionPlane(scene, {pos, dir});
if (bcfViewpoint.lines && bcfViewpoint.lines.length > 0) {
const positions = [];
const indices = [];
let i = 0;
bcfViewpoint.lines.forEach((e) => {
if (!e.start_point) {
if (!e.end_point) {
new LineSet(scene, {
clippable: false,
collidable: true
if (bcfViewpoint.bitmaps && bcfViewpoint.bitmaps.length > 0) {
bcfViewpoint.bitmaps.forEach(function (e) {
const bitmap_type = e.bitmap_type || "jpg"; // "jpg" | "png"
const bitmap_data = e.bitmap_data; // base64
let location = xyzObjectToArray(e.location, tempVec3a);
let normal = xyzObjectToArray(e.normal, tempVec3b);
let up = xyzObjectToArray(e.up, tempVec3c);
let height = e.height || 1;
if (!bitmap_type) {
if (!bitmap_data) {
if (!location) {
if (!normal) {
if (!up) {
if (camera.yUp) {
location = ZToY(location);
normal = ZToY(normal);
up = ZToY(up);
new Bitmap(scene, {
src: bitmap_data,
type: bitmap_type,
pos: location,
normal: normal,
up: up,
clippable: false,
collidable: true,
if (reset) {
scene.setObjectsXRayed(scene.xrayedObjectIds, false);
scene.setObjectsHighlighted(scene.highlightedObjectIds, false);
scene.setObjectsSelected(scene.selectedObjectIds, false);
if (bcfViewpoint.components) {
if (bcfViewpoint.components.visibility) {
if (!bcfViewpoint.components.visibility.default_visibility) {
scene.setObjectsVisible(scene.objectIds, false);
if (bcfViewpoint.components.visibility.exceptions) {
bcfViewpoint.components.visibility.exceptions.forEach((component) => this._withBCFComponent(options, component, entity => entity.visible = true));
} else {
scene.setObjectsVisible(scene.objectIds, true);
if (bcfViewpoint.components.visibility.exceptions) {
bcfViewpoint.components.visibility.exceptions.forEach((component) => this._withBCFComponent(options, component, entity => entity.visible = false));
const view_setup_hints = bcfViewpoint.components.visibility.view_setup_hints;
if (view_setup_hints) {
if (view_setup_hints.spaces_visible === false) {
scene.setObjectsVisible(viewer.metaScene.getObjectIDsByType("IfcSpace"), false);
if (view_setup_hints.spaces_translucent !== undefined) {
scene.setObjectsXRayed(viewer.metaScene.getObjectIDsByType("IfcSpace"), true);
if (view_setup_hints.space_boundaries_visible !== undefined) {
if (view_setup_hints.openings_visible === false) {
scene.setObjectsVisible(viewer.metaScene.getObjectIDsByType("IfcOpening"), true);
if (view_setup_hints.space_boundaries_translucent !== undefined) {
if (view_setup_hints.openings_translucent !== undefined) {
scene.setObjectsXRayed(viewer.metaScene.getObjectIDsByType("IfcOpening"), true);
if (bcfViewpoint.components.selection) {
scene.setObjectsSelected(scene.selectedObjectIds, false);
bcfViewpoint.components.selection.forEach(component => this._withBCFComponent(options, component, entity => entity.selected = true));
if (bcfViewpoint.components.translucency) {
scene.setObjectsXRayed(scene.xrayedObjectIds, false);
bcfViewpoint.components.translucency.forEach(component => this._withBCFComponent(options, component, entity => entity.xrayed = true));
if (bcfViewpoint.components.coloring) {
bcfViewpoint.components.coloring.forEach(coloring => {
let color = coloring.color;
let alpha = 0;
let alphaDefined = false;
if (color.length === 8) {
alpha = parseInt(color.substring(0, 2), 16) / 256;
if (alpha <= 1.0 && alpha >= 0.95) {
alpha = 1.0;
color = color.substring(2);
alphaDefined = true;
const colorize = [
parseInt(color.substring(0, 2), 16) / 256,
parseInt(color.substring(2, 4), 16) / 256,
parseInt(color.substring(4, 6), 16) / 256
]; =>
this._withBCFComponent(options, component, entity => {
entity.colorize = colorize;
if (alphaDefined) {
entity.opacity = alpha;
if (bcfViewpoint.perspective_camera || bcfViewpoint.orthogonal_camera) {
let eye;
let look;
let up;
let projection;
if (bcfViewpoint.perspective_camera) {
eye = xyzObjectToArray(bcfViewpoint.perspective_camera.camera_view_point, tempVec3);
look = xyzObjectToArray(bcfViewpoint.perspective_camera.camera_direction, tempVec3);
up = xyzObjectToArray(bcfViewpoint.perspective_camera.camera_up_vector, tempVec3);
camera.perspective.fov = bcfViewpoint.perspective_camera.field_of_view;
projection = "perspective";
} else {
eye = xyzObjectToArray(bcfViewpoint.orthogonal_camera.camera_view_point, tempVec3);
look = xyzObjectToArray(bcfViewpoint.orthogonal_camera.camera_direction, tempVec3);
up = xyzObjectToArray(bcfViewpoint.orthogonal_camera.camera_up_vector, tempVec3);
camera.ortho.scale = bcfViewpoint.orthogonal_camera.view_to_world_scale;
projection = "ortho";
math.subVec3(eye, realWorldOffset);
if (camera.yUp) {
eye = ZToY(eye);
look = ZToY(look);
up = ZToY(up);
if (rayCast) {
const hit = scene.pick({
pickSurface: true, // <<------ This causes picking to find the intersection point on the entity
origin: eye,
direction: look
look = (hit ? hit.worldPos : math.addVec3(eye, look, tempVec3));
} else {
look = math.addVec3(eye, look, tempVec3);
if (immediate) {
camera.eye = eye;
camera.look = look;
camera.up = up;
camera.projection = projection;
} else {
viewer.cameraFlight.flyTo({eye, look, up, duration: options.duration, projection});
_withBCFComponent(options, component, callback) {
const viewer = this.viewer;
const scene = viewer.scene;
if (component.authoring_tool_id && component.originating_system === this.originatingSystem) {
const id = component.authoring_tool_id;
const entity = scene.objects[id];
if (entity) {
if (options.updateCompositeObjects) {
const metaObject = viewer.metaScene.metaObjects[id];
if (metaObject) {
scene.withObjects(viewer.metaScene.getObjectIDsInSubtree(id), callback);
if (component.ifc_guid) {
const originalSystemId = component.ifc_guid;
const entity = scene.objects[originalSystemId];
if (entity) {
if (options.updateCompositeObjects) {
const metaObject = viewer.metaScene.metaObjects[originalSystemId];
if (metaObject) {
scene.withObjects(viewer.metaScene.getObjectIDsInSubtree(originalSystemId), callback);
Object.keys(scene.models).forEach((modelId) => {
const id = math.globalizeObjectId(modelId, originalSystemId);
const entity = scene.objects[id];
if (entity) {
if (options.updateCompositeObjects) {
const metaObject = viewer.metaScene.metaObjects[id];
if (metaObject) {
scene.withObjects(viewer.metaScene.getObjectIDsInSubtree(id), callback);
* Destroys this BCFViewpointsPlugin.
destroy() {
function xyzArrayToObject(arr) {
return {"x": arr[0], "y": arr[1], "z": arr[2]};
function xyzObjectToArray(xyz, arry) {
arry = new Float64Array(3);
arry[0] = xyz.x;
arry[1] = xyz.y;
arry[2] = xyz.z;
return arry;
function YToZ(vec) {
return new Float64Array([vec[0], -vec[2], vec[1]]);
function ZToY(vec) {
return new Float64Array([vec[0], vec[2], -vec[1]]);
function colorizeToRGB(color) {
let rgb = "";
rgb += Math.round(color[0] * 255).toString(16).padStart(2, "0");
rgb += Math.round(color[1] * 255).toString(16).padStart(2, "0");
rgb += Math.round(color[2] * 255).toString(16).padStart(2, "0");
return rgb;
export {BCFViewpointsPlugin};