- import {math} from "../../viewer/scene/math/math.js";
- import {Plugin} from "../../viewer/Plugin.js";
- import {SectionPlane} from "../../viewer/scene/sectionPlane/SectionPlane.js";
- import {FaceAlignedSectionPlanesControl} from "./FaceAlignedSectionPlanesControl.js";
- import {Overview} from "./Overview.js";
- const tempAABB = math.AABB3();
- const tempVec3 = math.vec3();
- /**
- * FaceAlignedSectionPlanesPlugin is a {@link Viewer} plugin that creates and edits face-aligned {@link SectionPlane}s.
- *
- * [<img src="">](
- *
- * [[Run this example](]
- *
- * ## Overview
- *
- * * Use the FaceAlignedSectionPlanesPlugin to
- * create and edit {@link SectionPlane}s to slice portions off your models and reveal internal structures.
- *
- * * As shown in the screen capture above, FaceAlignedSectionPlanesPlugin shows an overview of all your SectionPlanes (on the right, in
- * this example).
- * * Click a plane in the overview to activate a 3D control with which you can interactively
- * reposition its SectionPlane in the main canvas.
- * * Configure the plugin with an HTML element that the user can click-and-drag on to reposition the SectionPlane for which the control is active.
- * * Use {@link BCFViewpointsPlugin} to save and load SectionPlanes in BCF viewpoints.
- *
- * ## Usage
- *
- * In the example below, we'll use a {@link GLTFLoaderPlugin} to load a model, and a FaceAlignedSectionPlanesPlugin
- * to slice it open with two {@link SectionPlane}s. We'll show the overview in the bottom right of the Viewer
- * canvas. Finally, we'll programmatically activate the 3D editing control, so that we can use it to interactively
- * reposition our second SectionPlane.
- *
- * ````JavaScript
- * import {Viewer, GLTFLoaderPlugin, FaceAlignedSectionPlanesPlugin} from "";
- *
- * // Create a Viewer and arrange its Camera
- *
- * const viewer = new Viewer({
- * canvasId: "myCanvas"
- * });
- *
- * = [-5.02, 2.22, 15.09];
- * = [4.97, 2.79, 9.89];
- * = [-0.05, 0.99, 0.02];
- *
- * // Add a GLTFLoaderPlugin
- *
- * const gltfLoader = new GLTFLoaderPlugin(viewer);
- *
- * // Add a FaceAlignedSectionPlanesPlugin, with overview visible
- *
- * const faceAlignedSectionPlanes = new FaceAlignedSectionPlanesPlugin(viewer, {
- * overviewCanvasID: "myOverviewCanvas",
- * overviewVisible: true,
- * controlElementId: "myControlElement", // ID of element to capture drag events that move the SectionPlane
- * dragSensitivity: 1 // Sensitivity factor that governs the rate at which dragging moves the SectionPlane
- * });
- *
- * // Load a model
- *
- * const model = gltfLoader.load({
- * id: "myModel",
- * src: "./models/gltf/schependomlaan/scene.glb"
- * });
- *
- * // Create a couple of section planes
- * // These will be shown in the overview
- *
- * faceAlignedSectionPlanes.createSectionPlane({
- * id: "mySectionPlane",
- * pos: [1.04, 1.95, 9.74],
- * dir: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
- * });
- *
- * faceAlignedSectionPlanes.createSectionPlane({
- * id: "mySectionPlane2",
- * pos: [2.30, 4.46, 14.93],
- * dir: [0.0, -0.09, -0.79]
- * });
- *
- * // Show the FaceAlignedSectionPlanesPlugin's 3D editing gizmo,
- * // to interactively reposition one of our SectionPlanes
- *
- * faceAlignedSectionPlanes.showControl("mySectionPlane2");
- *
- * const mySectionPlane2 = faceAlignedSectionPlanes.sectionPlanes["mySectionPlane2"];
- *
- * // Programmatically reposition one of our SectionPlanes
- * // This also updates its position as shown in the overview gizmo
- *
- * mySectionPlane2.pos = [11.0, 6.0, -12];
- * mySectionPlane2.dir = [0.4, 0.0, 0.5];
- * ````
- */
- export class FaceAlignedSectionPlanesPlugin extends Plugin {
- /**
- * @constructor
- * @param {Viewer} viewer The Viewer.
- * @param {Object} cfg Plugin configuration.
- * @param {String} ["SectionPlanes"] Optional ID for this plugin, so that we can find it within {@link Viewer#plugins}.
- * @param {String} [cfg.overviewCanvasId] ID of a canvas element to display the overview.
- * @param {String} [cfg.overviewVisible=true] Initial visibility of the overview canvas.
- * @param {String} cfg.controlElementId ID of an HTML element that catches drag events to move the active SectionPlane.
- * @param {Number} [cfg.dragSensitivity=1] Sensitivity factor that governs the rate at which dragging on the control element moves SectionPlane.
- */
- constructor(viewer, cfg = {}) {
- super("FaceAlignedSectionPlanesPlugin", viewer);
- this._freeControls = [];
- this._sectionPlanes = viewer.scene.sectionPlanes;
- this._controls = {};
- this._shownControlId = null;
- this._dragSensitivity = cfg.dragSensitivity || 1;
- if (cfg.overviewCanvasId !== null && cfg.overviewCanvasId !== undefined) {
- const overviewCanvas = document.getElementById(cfg.overviewCanvasId);
- if (!overviewCanvas) {
- this.warn("Can't find overview canvas: '" + cfg.overviewCanvasId + "' - will create plugin without overview");
- } else {
- this._overview = new Overview(this, {
- overviewCanvas: overviewCanvas,
- visible: cfg.overviewVisible,
- onHoverEnterPlane: ((id) => {
- this._overview.setPlaneHighlighted(id, true);
- }),
- onHoverLeavePlane: ((id) => {
- this._overview.setPlaneHighlighted(id, false);
- }),
- onClickedPlane: ((id) => {
- if (this.getShownControl() === id) {
- this.hideControl();
- return;
- }
- this.showControl(id);
- const sectionPlane = this.sectionPlanes[id];
- const sectionPlanePos = sectionPlane.pos;
- tempAABB.set(this.viewer.scene.aabb);
- math.getAABB3Center(tempAABB, tempVec3);
- tempAABB[0] += sectionPlanePos[0] - tempVec3[0];
- tempAABB[1] += sectionPlanePos[1] - tempVec3[1];
- tempAABB[2] += sectionPlanePos[2] - tempVec3[2];
- tempAABB[3] += sectionPlanePos[0] - tempVec3[0];
- tempAABB[4] += sectionPlanePos[1] - tempVec3[1];
- tempAABB[5] += sectionPlanePos[2] - tempVec3[2];
- this.viewer.cameraFlight.flyTo({
- aabb: tempAABB,
- fitFOV: 65
- });
- }),
- onClickedNothing: (() => {
- this.hideControl();
- })
- });
- }
- }
- if (cfg.controlElementId === null || cfg.controlElementId === undefined) {
- this.error("Parameter expected: controlElementId");
- } else {
- this._controlElement = document.getElementById(cfg.controlElementId);
- if (!this._controlElement) {
- this.warn("Can't find control element: '" + cfg.controlElementId + "' - will create plugin without control element");
- }
- }
- this._onSceneSectionPlaneCreated = viewer.scene.on("sectionPlaneCreated", (sectionPlane) => {
- // SectionPlane created, either via FaceAlignedSectionPlanesPlugin#createSectionPlane(), or by directly
- // instantiating a SectionPlane independently of FaceAlignedSectionPlanesPlugin, which can be done
- // by BCFViewpointsPlugin#loadViewpoint().
- this._sectionPlaneCreated(sectionPlane);
- });
- }
- /**
- * Sets the factor that governs how fast a SectionPlane moves as we drag on the control element.
- *
- * @param {Number} dragSensitivity The dragging sensitivity factor.
- */
- setDragSensitivity(dragSensitivity) {
- this._dragSensitivity = dragSensitivity || 1;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the factor that governs how fast a SectionPlane moves as we drag on the control element.
- *
- * @return {Number} The dragging sensitivity factor.
- */
- getDragSensitivity() {
- return this._dragSensitivity;
- }
- /**
- * Sets if the overview canvas is visible.
- *
- * @param {Boolean} visible Whether or not the overview canvas is visible.
- */
- setOverviewVisible(visible) {
- if (this._overview) {
- this._overview.setVisible(visible);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Gets if the overview canvas is visible.
- *
- * @return {Boolean} True when the overview canvas is visible.
- */
- getOverviewVisible() {
- if (this._overview) {
- return this._overview.getVisible();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns a map of the {@link SectionPlane}s created by this FaceAlignedSectionPlanesPlugin.
- *
- * @returns {{String:SectionPlane}} A map containing the {@link SectionPlane}s, each mapped to its {@link SectionPlane#id}.
- */
- get sectionPlanes() {
- return this._sectionPlanes;
- }
- /**
- * Creates a {@link SectionPlane}.
- *
- * The {@link SectionPlane} will be registered by {@link SectionPlane#id} in {@link FaceAlignedSectionPlanesPlugin#sectionPlanes}.
- *
- * @param {Object} params {@link SectionPlane} configuration.
- * @param {String} [] Unique ID to assign to the {@link SectionPlane}. Must be unique among all components in the {@link Viewer}'s {@link Scene}. Auto-generated when omitted.
- * @param {Number[]} [params.pos=[0,0,0]] World-space position of the {@link SectionPlane}.
- * @param {Number[]} [params.dir=[0,0,-1]] World-space vector indicating the orientation of the {@link SectionPlane}.
- * @param {Boolean} [] Whether the {@link SectionPlane} is initially active. Only clips while this is true.
- * @returns {SectionPlane} The new {@link SectionPlane}.
- */
- createSectionPlane(params = {}) {
- if ( !== undefined && !== null && this.viewer.scene.components[]) {
- this.error("Viewer component with this ID already exists: " +;
- delete;
- }
- // Note that SectionPlane constructor fires "sectionPlaneCreated" on the Scene,
- // which FaceAlignedSectionPlanesPlugin handles and calls #_sectionPlaneCreated to create gizmo and add to overview canvas.
- const sectionPlane = new SectionPlane(this.viewer.scene, {
- id:,
- pos: params.pos,
- dir: params.dir,
- active: true ||
- });
- return sectionPlane;
- }
- _sectionPlaneCreated(sectionPlane) {
- const control = (this._freeControls.length > 0) ? this._freeControls.pop() : new FaceAlignedSectionPlanesControl(this);
- control._setSectionPlane(sectionPlane);
- control.setVisible(false);
- this._controls[] = control;
- if (this._overview) {
- this._overview.addSectionPlane(sectionPlane);
- }
- sectionPlane.once("destroyed", () => {
- this._sectionPlaneDestroyed(sectionPlane);
- });
- }
- /**
- * Inverts the direction of {@link SectionPlane#dir} on every existing SectionPlane.
- *
- * Inverts all SectionPlanes, including those that were not created with FaceAlignedSectionPlanesPlugin.
- */
- flipSectionPlanes() {
- const sectionPlanes = this.viewer.scene.sectionPlanes;
- for (let id in sectionPlanes) {
- const sectionPlane = sectionPlanes[id];
- sectionPlane.flipDir();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Shows the 3D editing gizmo for a {@link SectionPlane}.
- *
- * @param {String} id ID of the {@link SectionPlane}.
- */
- showControl(id) {
- const control = this._controls[id];
- if (!control) {
- this.error("Control not found: " + id);
- return;
- }
- this.hideControl();
- control.setVisible(true);
- if (this._overview) {
- this._overview.setPlaneSelected(id, true);
- }
- this._shownControlId = id;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the ID of the {@link SectionPlane} that the 3D editing gizmo is shown for.
- *
- * Returns ````null```` when the editing gizmo is not shown.
- *
- * @returns {String} ID of the the {@link SectionPlane} that the 3D editing gizmo is shown for, if shown, else ````null````.
- */
- getShownControl() {
- return this._shownControlId;
- }
- /**
- * Hides the 3D {@link SectionPlane} editing gizmo if shown.
- */
- hideControl() {
- for (let id in this._controls) {
- if (this._controls.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
- this._controls[id].setVisible(false);
- if (this._overview) {
- this._overview.setPlaneSelected(id, false);
- }
- }
- }
- this._shownControlId = null;
- }
- /**
- * Destroys a {@link SectionPlane} created by this FaceAlignedSectionPlanesPlugin.
- *
- * @param {String} id ID of the {@link SectionPlane}.
- */
- destroySectionPlane(id) {
- let sectionPlane = this.viewer.scene.sectionPlanes[id];
- if (!sectionPlane) {
- this.error("SectionPlane not found: " + id);
- return;
- }
- this._sectionPlaneDestroyed(sectionPlane);
- sectionPlane.destroy();
- if (id === this._shownControlId) {
- this._shownControlId = null;
- }
- }
- _sectionPlaneDestroyed(sectionPlane) {
- if (this._overview) {
- this._overview.removeSectionPlane(sectionPlane);
- }
- const control = this._controls[];
- if (!control) {
- return;
- }
- control.setVisible(false);
- control._setSectionPlane(null);
- delete this._controls[];
- this._freeControls.push(control);
- }
- /**
- * Destroys all {@link SectionPlane}s created by this FaceAlignedSectionPlanesPlugin.
- */
- clear() {
- const ids = Object.keys(this._sectionPlanes);
- for (let i = 0, len = ids.length; i < len; i++) {
- this.destroySectionPlane(ids[i]);
- }
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- send(name, value) {
- switch (name) {
- case "snapshotStarting": // Viewer#getSnapshot() about to take snapshot - hide controls
- for (let id in this._controls) {
- if (this._controls.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
- this._controls[id].setCulled(true);
- }
- }
- break;
- case "snapshotFinished": // Viewer#getSnapshot() finished taking snapshot - show controls again
- for (let id in this._controls) {
- if (this._controls.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
- this._controls[id].setCulled(false);
- }
- }
- break;
- case "clearSectionPlanes":
- this.clear();
- break;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Destroys this FaceAlignedSectionPlanesPlugin.
- *
- * Also destroys each {@link SectionPlane} created by this FaceAlignedSectionPlanesPlugin.
- *
- * Does not destroy the canvas the FaceAlignedSectionPlanesPlugin was configured with.
- */
- destroy() {
- this.clear();
- if (this._overview) {
- this._overview.destroy();
- }
- this._destroyFreeControls();
- super.destroy();
- }
- _destroyFreeControls() {
- let control = this._freeControls.pop();
- while (control) {
- control._destroy();
- control = this._freeControls.pop();
- }
- }
- }