import {math} from "../../viewer/scene/math/math.js";
import {buildCylinderGeometry} from "../../viewer/scene/geometry/builders/buildCylinderGeometry.js";
import {buildTorusGeometry} from "../../viewer/scene/geometry/builders/buildTorusGeometry.js";
import {ReadableGeometry} from "../../viewer/scene/geometry/ReadableGeometry.js";
import {PhongMaterial} from "../../viewer/scene/materials/PhongMaterial.js";
import {EmphasisMaterial} from "../../viewer/scene/materials/EmphasisMaterial.js";
import {Node} from "../../viewer/scene/nodes/Node.js";
import {Mesh} from "../../viewer/scene/mesh/Mesh.js";
import {buildSphereGeometry} from "../../viewer/scene/geometry/builders/buildSphereGeometry.js";
import {worldToRTCPos} from "../../viewer/scene/math/rtcCoords.js";
import {transformToNode} from "../lib/ui/index.js";
const zeroVec = new Float64Array([0, 0, 1]);
const quat = new Float64Array(4);
* Controls a {@link SectionPlane} with mouse and touch input.
* @private
class Control {
/** @private */
constructor(plugin) {
* ID of this Control.
* SectionPlaneControls are mapped by this ID in {@link SectionPlanesPlugin#sectionPlaneControls}.
* @property id
* @type {String|Number}
*/ = null;
const viewer = plugin.viewer;
const camera =;
const cameraControl = viewer.cameraControl;
const scene = viewer.scene;
const canvas = scene.canvas.canvas;
this._visible = false;
let ignoreNextSectionPlaneDirUpdate = false;
// Builds the Entities that represent this Control.
const NO_STATE_INHERIT = false;
const arrowLength = 1.0;
const handleRadius = 0.09;
const tubeRadius = 0.01;
const rootNode = new Node(scene, { // Root of Node graph that represents this control in the 3D scene
position: [0, 0, 0],
scale: [5, 5, 5],
isObject: false
const pos = math.vec3();
const setPos = (function() {
const origin = math.vec3();
const rtcPos = math.vec3();
return function(p) {
worldToRTCPos(p, origin, rtcPos);
rootNode.origin = origin;
rootNode.position = rtcPos;
const arrowGeometry = (radiusBottom, height) => new ReadableGeometry(rootNode, buildCylinderGeometry({
radiusTop: 0.001,
radiusBottom: radiusBottom,
radialSegments: 32,
heightSegments: 1,
height: height,
openEnded: false
const tubeGeometry = (radius, height, radialSegments) => new ReadableGeometry(rootNode, buildCylinderGeometry({
radiusTop: radius,
radiusBottom: radius,
radialSegments: radialSegments,
heightSegments: 1,
height: height,
openEnded: false
const torusGeometry = (tube, arcFraction, tubeSegments) => new ReadableGeometry(rootNode, buildTorusGeometry({
radius: arrowLength - 0.2,
tube: tube,
radialSegments: 64,
tubeSegments: tubeSegments,
arc: (Math.PI * 2.0) * arcFraction
const shapes = {// Reusable geometries
curve: torusGeometry(tubeRadius, 0.25, 14),
curveHandle: torusGeometry(handleRadius, 0.25, 14),
hoop: torusGeometry(tubeRadius, 1, 8),
arrowHead: arrowGeometry(0.07, 0.2),
arrowHeadBig: arrowGeometry(0.09, 0.25),
arrowHeadHandle: tubeGeometry(handleRadius, 0.37, 8),
axis: tubeGeometry(tubeRadius, arrowLength, 20),
axisHandle: tubeGeometry(handleRadius, arrowLength, 20)
const colorMaterial = (rgb) => new PhongMaterial(rootNode, {
diffuse: rgb,
emissive: rgb,
ambient: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
specular: [.6, .6, .3],
shininess: 80,
lineWidth: 2
const highlightMaterial = (rgb, fillAlpha) => new EmphasisMaterial(rootNode, {
edges: false,
fill: true,
fillColor: rgb,
fillAlpha: fillAlpha
const pickableMaterial = new PhongMaterial(rootNode, { // Invisible material for pickable handles, which define a pickable 3D area
diffuse: [1, 1, 0],
alpha: 0, // Invisible
alphaMode: "blend"
const handlers = { };
const addAxis = (rgb, hoopRot) => {
const axisDirection = math.mulVec3Scalar(rgb, -1, math.vec3());
const material = colorMaterial(rgb);
const hoopMatrix = math.quaternionToRotationMat4(hoopRot, math.identityMat4());
math.mulMat4(math.rotationMat4v(Math.PI, [0,1,0], math.mat4()), hoopMatrix, hoopMatrix);
const scale = math.scaleMat4v([0.6, 0.6, 0.6], math.identityMat4());
const scaledArrowMatrix = (t, matR) => {
const matT = math.translateMat4v(t, math.identityMat4());
const ret = math.identityMat4();
math.mulMat4(matT, matR, ret);
math.mulMat4(hoopMatrix, ret, ret);
return math.mulMat4(ret, scale, math.identityMat4());
const curve = rootNode.addChild(new Mesh(rootNode, {
geometry: shapes.curve,
material: material,
matrix: hoopMatrix,
pickable: false,
collidable: true,
clippable: false,
backfaces: true,
visible: false,
isObject: false
const rotateHandle = rootNode.addChild(new Mesh(rootNode, {
geometry: shapes.curveHandle,
material: pickableMaterial,
matrix: hoopMatrix,
pickable: true,
collidable: true,
clippable: false,
backfaces: true,
visible: false,
isObject: false
const arrow1 = rootNode.addChild(new Mesh(rootNode, {
geometry: shapes.arrowHead,
material: material,
matrix: scaledArrowMatrix([ .8, .07, 0 ], math.rotationMat4v(180 * math.DEGTORAD, [0, 0, 1], math.identityMat4())),
pickable: true,
collidable: true,
clippable: false,
visible: false,
isObject: false
const arrow2 = rootNode.addChild(new Mesh(rootNode, {
geometry: shapes.arrowHead,
material: material,
matrix: scaledArrowMatrix([ .07, .8, 0 ], math.rotationMat4v(90 * math.DEGTORAD, [0, 0, 1], math.identityMat4())),
pickable: true,
collidable: true,
clippable: false,
visible: false,
isObject: false
const hoop = rootNode.addChild(new Mesh(rootNode, {
geometry: shapes.hoop,
material: material,
highlighted: true,
highlightMaterial: highlightMaterial(rgb, 0.6),
matrix: hoopMatrix,
pickable: false,
collidable: true,
clippable: false,
visible: false,
isObject: false
const axisRotation = math.quaternionToRotationMat4(math.vec3PairToQuaternion([ 0, 1, 0 ], rgb), math.identityMat4());
math.mulMat4(math.rotationMat4v(Math.PI, [0,1,0], math.mat4()), axisRotation, axisRotation);
const translatedAxisMatrix = (yOffset) => math.mulMat4(axisRotation, math.translateMat4c(0, yOffset, 0, math.identityMat4()), math.identityMat4());
const arrowMatrix = translatedAxisMatrix(arrowLength + .1);
const shaftMatrix = translatedAxisMatrix(arrowLength / 2);
const arrow = rootNode.addChild(new Mesh(rootNode, {
geometry: shapes.arrowHead,
material: material,
matrix: arrowMatrix,
pickable: false,
collidable: true,
clippable: false,
visible: false,
isObject: false
const arrowHandle = rootNode.addChild(new Mesh(rootNode, {
geometry: shapes.arrowHeadHandle,
material: pickableMaterial,
matrix: arrowMatrix,
pickable: true,
collidable: true,
clippable: false,
visible: false,
isObject: false
const shaft = rootNode.addChild(new Mesh(rootNode, {
geometry: shapes.axis,
material: material,
matrix: shaftMatrix,
pickable: false,
collidable: true,
clippable: false,
visible: false,
isObject: false
const shaftHandle = rootNode.addChild(new Mesh(rootNode, {
geometry: shapes.axisHandle,
material: pickableMaterial,
matrix: shaftMatrix,
pickable: true,
collidable: true,
clippable: false,
visible: false,
isObject: false
const bigArrowHead = rootNode.addChild(new Mesh(rootNode, {
geometry: shapes.arrowHeadBig,
material: material,
matrix: arrowMatrix,
pickable: false,
collidable: true,
clippable: false,
visible: false,
isObject: false
const localToWorldVec = (localVec, worldVec) => math.vec3ApplyQuaternion(rootNode.quaternion, localVec, worldVec);
const closestPointOnAxis = (function() {
const worldAxis = math.vec3();
const org = math.vec3();
const dir = math.vec3();
return (canvasPos, dst) => {
localToWorldVec(rgb, worldAxis);
const P = pos;
const D = worldAxis;
math.canvasPosToWorldRay(canvas,,,, canvasPos, org, dir);
const d01 = math.dotVec3(D, dir);
const v = math.subVec3(org, P, dst);
const v0 = math.dotVec3(v, D);
const v1 = math.dotVec3(v, dir);
const det = 1 - d01 * d01;
if (Math.abs(det) > 1e-10) { // if lines are not parallel
const s = (v0 - d01 * v1) / det;
math.addVec3(P, math.mulVec3Scalar(D, s, dst), dst);
return true;
} else {
return false;
const initOffset = math.vec3();
const tempVec3 = math.vec3();
handlers[] = handlers[] = {
setActivated: a => bigArrowHead.visible = a,
initDragAction: (initCanvasPos) => {
return closestPointOnAxis(initCanvasPos, initOffset) && math.subVec3(initOffset, pos, initOffset) && ((canvasPos) => {
if (closestPointOnAxis(canvasPos, tempVec3)) {
math.subVec3(tempVec3, initOffset, tempVec3);
if (this._sectionPlane) {
this._sectionPlane.pos = tempVec3;
handlers[] = {
setActivated: a => hoop.visible = a,
initDragAction: (initCanvasPos) => {
const rotationFromCanvasPos = (function() {
const planeCanvasPos = camera.projectWorldPos(pos);
localToWorldVec(rgb, tempVec3);
math.transformVec3(camera.normalMatrix, tempVec3, tempVec3);
const axisCoeff = Math.sign(tempVec3[2]);
return (canvasPos) => {
const dx = canvasPos[0] - planeCanvasPos[0];
const dy = canvasPos[1] - planeCanvasPos[1];
return axisCoeff * Math.atan2(-dy, dx);
let lastRotation = rotationFromCanvasPos(initCanvasPos);
return canvasPos => {
const rotation = rotationFromCanvasPos(canvasPos);
rootNode.rotate(rgb, (rotation - lastRotation) * 180 / Math.PI);
if (this._sectionPlane) {
ignoreNextSectionPlaneDirUpdate = true;
this._sectionPlane.quaternion = rootNode.quaternion;
lastRotation = rotation;
return {
set visible(v) {
arrow.visible = arrowHandle.visible = shaft.visible = shaftHandle.visible = curve.visible = rotateHandle.visible = arrow1.visible = arrow2.visible = v;
if (! v) {
bigArrowHead.visible = v;
hoop.visible = v;
set culled(c) {
arrow.culled = arrowHandle.culled = shaft.culled = shaftHandle.culled = curve.culled = rotateHandle.culled = arrow1.culled = arrow2.culled = c;
if (! c) {
bigArrowHead.culled = c;
hoop.culled = c;
this._displayMeshes = [ // Meshes that are always visible
rootNode.addChild(new Mesh(rootNode, { // plane
geometry: new ReadableGeometry(rootNode, {
primitive: "triangles",
positions: [
0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, -0.5, 0.0, // 0
-0.5, -0.5, 0.0, -0.5, 0.5, 0.0, // 1
0.5, 0.5, -0.0, 0.5, -0.5, -0.0, // 2
-0.5, -0.5, -0.0, -0.5, 0.5, -0.0 // 3
indices: [0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0]
material: new PhongMaterial(rootNode, {
emissive: [0, 0.0, 0],
diffuse: [0, 0, 0],
backfaces: true
opacity: 0.6,
ghosted: true,
ghostMaterial: new EmphasisMaterial(rootNode, {
edges: false,
filled: true,
fillColor: [1, 1, 0],
edgeColor: [0, 0, 0],
fillAlpha: 0.1,
backfaces: true
pickable: false,
collidable: true,
clippable: false,
visible: false,
scale: [2.4, 2.4, 1],
isObject: false
rootNode.addChild(new Mesh(rootNode, { // Visible frame
geometry: new ReadableGeometry(rootNode, buildTorusGeometry({
center: [0, 0, 0],
radius: 1.7,
tube: tubeRadius * 2,
radialSegments: 4,
tubeSegments: 4,
arc: Math.PI * 2.0
material: new PhongMaterial(rootNode, {
emissive: [0, 0, 0],
diffuse: [0, 0, 0],
specular: [0, 0, 0],
shininess: 0
//highlighted: true,
highlightMaterial: new EmphasisMaterial(rootNode, {
edges: false,
edgeColor: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
filled: true,
fillColor: [0.8, 0.8, 0.8],
fillAlpha: 1.0
pickable: false,
collidable: false,
clippable: false,
visible: false,
scale: [1, 1, .1],
rotation: [0, 0, 45],
isObject: false
rootNode.addChild(new Mesh(rootNode, { // center
geometry: new ReadableGeometry(rootNode, buildSphereGeometry({
radius: 0.05
material: new PhongMaterial(rootNode, {
diffuse: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
emissive: [0, 0, 0],
ambient: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
specular: [.6, .6, .3],
shininess: 80
pickable: false,
collidable: true,
clippable: false,
visible: false,
isObject: false
addAxis([1,0,0], math.vec3PairToQuaternion([1,0,0], [0,0,1])),
addAxis([0,1,0], math.eulerToQuaternion([90,0,0], "XYZ")),
addAxis([0,0,1], math.identityQuaternion())
const cleanups = [ ];
{ // Keep gizmo screen size constant
let lastDist = -1;
const setRootNodeScale = size => rootNode.scale = [size, size, size];
const onSceneTick = scene.on("tick", () => {
const dist = Math.abs(math.distVec3(camera.eye, pos));
if (camera.projection === "perspective") {
if (dist !== lastDist) {
setRootNodeScale(0.07 * dist * Math.tan(camera.perspective.fov * math.DEGTORAD));
} else if (camera.projection === "ortho") {
setRootNodeScale(camera.ortho.scale / 10);
lastDist = dist;
cleanups.push(() =>;
let deactivateActive = null;
let currentDrag = null;
cleanups.push(() => { if (currentDrag) { currentDrag.cleanup(); } });
const canvasPos = math.vec2();
const copyCanvasPos = (event, vec2) => {
vec2[0] = event.clientX;
vec2[1] = event.clientY;
transformToNode(canvas.ownerDocument.documentElement, canvas, vec2);
const pickHandler = (e) => {
copyCanvasPos(e, canvasPos);
const pickResult = viewer.scene.pick({ canvasPos: canvasPos });
const pickEntity = pickResult && pickResult.entity;
const pickId = pickEntity &&;
return (pickId in handlers) && handlers[pickId];
const startDrag = (event, matchesEvent) => {
const handler = pickHandler(matchesEvent(event));
if (handler) {
if (currentDrag) {
const dragAction = handler.initDragAction(canvasPos);
if (dragAction) {
cameraControl.pointerEnabled = false; // or .active = false ?
currentDrag = {
onChange: event => {
const e = matchesEvent(event);
if (e) {
copyCanvasPos(e, canvasPos);
cleanup: function() {
currentDrag = null;
cameraControl.pointerEnabled = true; // or .active = true ?
const addCanvasEventListener = (type, listener) => {
canvas.addEventListener(type, listener);
cleanups.push(() => canvas.removeEventListener(type, listener));
addCanvasEventListener("mousedown", (e) => {
if (e.which === 1) {
startDrag(e, event => (event.which === 1) && event);
addCanvasEventListener("mousemove", (e) => {
if (currentDrag) {
} else {
if (deactivateActive) {
const handler = pickHandler(e);
if (handler) {
deactivateActive = () => handler.setActivated(false);
} else {
deactivateActive = null;
addCanvasEventListener("mouseup", (e) => {
if (currentDrag) {
addCanvasEventListener("touchstart", event => {
if (event.touches.length === 1)
const touchStartId = event.touches[0].identifier;
startDrag(event, event => [...event.changedTouches].find(e => e.identifier === touchStartId));
addCanvasEventListener("touchmove", event => {
currentDrag && currentDrag.onChange(event);
addCanvasEventListener("touchend", event => {
if (currentDrag) {
this._unbindSectionPlane = () => { };
this.__setSectionPlane = sectionPlane => { =;
this._sectionPlane = sectionPlane;
const setPosFromSectionPlane = () => setPos(sectionPlane.pos);
const setDirFromSectionPlane = () => rootNode.quaternion = sectionPlane.quaternion;
const onSectionPlanePos = sectionPlane.on("pos", setPosFromSectionPlane);
const onSectionPlaneDir = sectionPlane.on("dir", () => {
if (!ignoreNextSectionPlaneDirUpdate) {
} else {
ignoreNextSectionPlaneDirUpdate = false;
this._unbindSectionPlane = () => { = null;
this._sectionPlane = null;;;
this._unbindSectionPlane = () => { };
this.__destroy = () => {
cleanups.forEach(c => c());
this._displayMeshes = [ ];
for (let id in handlers) {
delete handlers[id];
_destroy() {
* Called by SectionPlanesPlugin to assign this Control to a SectionPlane.
* SectionPlanesPlugin keeps SectionPlaneControls in a reuse pool.
* Call with a null or undefined value to disconnect the Control ffrom whatever SectionPlane it was assigned to.
* @private
_setSectionPlane(sectionPlane) {
if (sectionPlane) {
* Gets the {@link SectionPlane} controlled by this Control.
* @returns {SectionPlane} The SectionPlane.
get sectionPlane() {
return this._sectionPlane;
* Sets if this Control is visible.
* @type {Boolean}
setVisible(visible = true) {
if (this._visible !== visible) {
this._visible = visible;
this._displayMeshes.forEach(m => m.visible = visible);
* Gets if this Control is visible.
* @type {Boolean}
getVisible() {
return this._visible;
* Sets if this Control is culled. This is called by SectionPlanesPlugin to
* temporarily hide the Control while a snapshot is being taken by Viewer#getSnapshot().
* @param culled
setCulled(culled) {
this._displayMeshes.forEach(m => m.culled = culled);
export {Control};