Parser for .XKT Format V11
import {utils} from "../../../viewer/scene/utils.js";
import {math} from "../../../viewer/scene/math/math.js";
import {geometryCompressionUtils} from "../../../viewer/scene/math/geometryCompressionUtils.js";
import {JPEGMediaType, PNGMediaType} from "../../../viewer/scene/constants/constants.js";
const tempVec4a = math.vec4();
const tempVec4b = math.vec4();
function decodeData(arrayBuffer) {
const requiresSwapFromLittleEndian = (function() {
const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(2);
new Uint16Array(buffer)[0] = 1;
return new Uint8Array(buffer)[0] !== 1;
const nextArray = (function() {
let i = 0;
const dataView = new DataView(arrayBuffer);
return function(type) {
const idx = 1 + 2 * i++; // `1' for the version nr
const byteOffset = dataView.getUint32(idx * 4, true);
const byteLength = dataView.getUint32((idx + 1) * 4, true);
if (requiresSwapFromLittleEndian && (BPE > 1)) {
const subarray = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer, byteOffset, byteLength);
const swaps = BPE / 2;
const cnt = subarray.length / BPE;
for (let b = 0; b < cnt; b++) {
const offset = b * BPE;
for (let j = 0; j < swaps; j++) {
const i1 = offset + j;
const i2 = offset - j + BPE - 1;
const tmp = subarray[i1];
subarray[i1] = subarray[i2];
subarray[i2] = tmp;
return new type(arrayBuffer, byteOffset, byteLength / BPE);
const nextObject = (function() {
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
return () => JSON.parse(decoder.decode(nextArray(Uint8Array)));
return {
metadata: nextObject(),
textureData: nextArray(Uint8Array), // <<----------------------------- ??? ZIPPing to blame?
eachTextureDataPortion: nextArray(Uint32Array),
eachTextureAttributes: nextArray(Uint16Array),
positions: nextArray(Uint16Array),
normals: nextArray(Int8Array),
colors: nextArray(Uint8Array),
uvs: nextArray(Float32Array),
indices: nextArray(Uint32Array),
edgeIndices: nextArray(Uint32Array),
eachTextureSetTextures: nextArray(Int32Array),
matrices: nextArray(Float32Array),
reusedGeometriesDecodeMatrix: nextArray(Float32Array),
eachGeometryPrimitiveType: nextArray(Uint8Array),
eachGeometryPositionsPortion: nextArray(Uint32Array),
eachGeometryNormalsPortion: nextArray(Uint32Array),
eachGeometryColorsPortion: nextArray(Uint32Array),
eachGeometryUVsPortion: nextArray(Uint32Array),
eachGeometryIndicesPortion: nextArray(Uint32Array),
eachGeometryEdgeIndicesPortion: nextArray(Uint32Array),
eachMeshGeometriesPortion: nextArray(Uint32Array),
eachMeshMatricesPortion: nextArray(Uint32Array),
eachMeshTextureSet: nextArray(Int32Array), // Can be -1
eachMeshMaterialAttributes: nextArray(Uint8Array),
eachEntityId: nextObject(),
eachEntityMeshesPortion: nextArray(Uint32Array),
eachTileAABB: nextArray(Float64Array),
eachTileEntitiesPortion: nextArray(Uint32Array),
const decompressColor = (function () {
const floatColor = new Float32Array(3);
return function (intColor) {
floatColor[0] = intColor[0] / 255.0;
floatColor[1] = intColor[1] / 255.0;
floatColor[2] = intColor[2] / 255.0;
return floatColor;
const imagDataToImage = (function () {
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
return function (imagedata) {
canvas.width = imagedata.width;
canvas.height = imagedata.height;
context.putImageData(imagedata, 0, 0);
return canvas.toDataURL();
function load(viewer, options, inflatedData, sceneModel, metaModel, manifestCtx) {
const modelPartId = manifestCtx.getNextId();
const metadata = inflatedData.metadata;
const textureData = inflatedData.textureData;
const eachTextureDataPortion = inflatedData.eachTextureDataPortion;
const eachTextureAttributes = inflatedData.eachTextureAttributes;
const positions = inflatedData.positions;
const normals = inflatedData.normals;
const colors = inflatedData.colors;
const uvs = inflatedData.uvs;
const indices = inflatedData.indices;
const edgeIndices = inflatedData.edgeIndices;
const eachTextureSetTextures = inflatedData.eachTextureSetTextures;
const matrices = inflatedData.matrices;
const reusedGeometriesDecodeMatrix = inflatedData.reusedGeometriesDecodeMatrix;
const eachGeometryPrimitiveType = inflatedData.eachGeometryPrimitiveType;
const eachGeometryPositionsPortion = inflatedData.eachGeometryPositionsPortion;
const eachGeometryNormalsPortion = inflatedData.eachGeometryNormalsPortion;
const eachGeometryColorsPortion = inflatedData.eachGeometryColorsPortion;
const eachGeometryUVsPortion = inflatedData.eachGeometryUVsPortion;
const eachGeometryIndicesPortion = inflatedData.eachGeometryIndicesPortion;
const eachGeometryEdgeIndicesPortion = inflatedData.eachGeometryEdgeIndicesPortion;
const eachMeshGeometriesPortion = inflatedData.eachMeshGeometriesPortion;
const eachMeshMatricesPortion = inflatedData.eachMeshMatricesPortion;
const eachMeshTextureSet = inflatedData.eachMeshTextureSet;
const eachMeshMaterialAttributes = inflatedData.eachMeshMaterialAttributes;
const eachEntityId = inflatedData.eachEntityId;
const eachEntityMeshesPortion = inflatedData.eachEntityMeshesPortion;
const eachTileAABB = inflatedData.eachTileAABB;
const eachTileEntitiesPortion = inflatedData.eachTileEntitiesPortion;
const numTextures = eachTextureDataPortion.length;
const numTextureSets = eachTextureSetTextures.length / 5;
const numGeometries = eachGeometryPositionsPortion.length;
const numMeshes = eachMeshGeometriesPortion.length;
const numEntities = eachEntityMeshesPortion.length;
const numTiles = eachTileEntitiesPortion.length;
if (metaModel) {
metaModel.loadData(metadata, {
includeTypes: options.includeTypes,
excludeTypes: options.excludeTypes,
globalizeObjectIds: options.globalizeObjectIds
}); // Can be empty
// Create textures
for (let textureIndex = 0; textureIndex < numTextures; textureIndex++) {
const atLastTexture = (textureIndex === (numTextures - 1));
const textureDataPortionStart = eachTextureDataPortion[textureIndex];
const textureDataPortionEnd = atLastTexture ? textureData.length : (eachTextureDataPortion[textureIndex + 1]);
const textureDataPortionSize = textureDataPortionEnd - textureDataPortionStart;
const textureDataPortionExists = (textureDataPortionSize > 0);
const textureAttrBaseIdx = (textureIndex * NUM_TEXTURE_ATTRIBUTES);
const compressed = (eachTextureAttributes[textureAttrBaseIdx + 0] === 1);
const mediaType = eachTextureAttributes[textureAttrBaseIdx + 1];
const width = eachTextureAttributes[textureAttrBaseIdx + 2];
const height = eachTextureAttributes[textureAttrBaseIdx + 3];
const minFilter = eachTextureAttributes[textureAttrBaseIdx + 4];
const magFilter = eachTextureAttributes[textureAttrBaseIdx + 5]; // LinearFilter | NearestFilter
const wrapS = eachTextureAttributes[textureAttrBaseIdx + 6]; // ClampToEdgeWrapping | MirroredRepeatWrapping | RepeatWrapping
const wrapT = eachTextureAttributes[textureAttrBaseIdx + 7]; // ClampToEdgeWrapping | MirroredRepeatWrapping | RepeatWrapping
const wrapR = eachTextureAttributes[textureAttrBaseIdx + 8]; // ClampToEdgeWrapping | MirroredRepeatWrapping | RepeatWrapping
if (textureDataPortionExists) {
const imageDataSubarray = new Uint8Array(textureData.subarray(textureDataPortionStart, textureDataPortionEnd));
const arrayBuffer = imageDataSubarray.buffer;
const textureId = `${modelPartId}-texture-${textureIndex}`;
if (compressed) {
id: textureId,
buffers: [arrayBuffer],
} else {
const mimeType = mediaType === JPEGMediaType ? "image/jpeg" : (mediaType === PNGMediaType ? "image/png" : "image/gif");
const blob = new Blob([arrayBuffer], {type: mimeType});
const urlCreator = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
const imageUrl = urlCreator.createObjectURL(blob);
const img = document.createElement('img');
img.src = imageUrl;
id: textureId,
image: img,
// Create texture sets
for (let textureSetIndex = 0; textureSetIndex < numTextureSets; textureSetIndex++) {
const eachTextureSetTexturesIndex = textureSetIndex * 5;
const textureSetId = `${modelPartId}-textureSet-${textureSetIndex}`;
const colorTextureIndex = eachTextureSetTextures[eachTextureSetTexturesIndex + 0];
const metallicRoughnessTextureIndex = eachTextureSetTextures[eachTextureSetTexturesIndex + 1];
const normalsTextureIndex = eachTextureSetTextures[eachTextureSetTexturesIndex + 2];
const emissiveTextureIndex = eachTextureSetTextures[eachTextureSetTexturesIndex + 3];
const occlusionTextureIndex = eachTextureSetTextures[eachTextureSetTexturesIndex + 4];
id: textureSetId,
colorTextureId: colorTextureIndex >= 0 ? `${modelPartId}-texture-${colorTextureIndex}` : null,
normalsTextureId: normalsTextureIndex >= 0 ? `${modelPartId}-texture-${normalsTextureIndex}` : null,
metallicRoughnessTextureId: metallicRoughnessTextureIndex >= 0 ? `${modelPartId}-texture-${metallicRoughnessTextureIndex}` : null,
emissiveTextureId: emissiveTextureIndex >= 0 ? `${modelPartId}-texture-${emissiveTextureIndex}` : null,
occlusionTextureId: occlusionTextureIndex >= 0 ? `${modelPartId}-texture-${occlusionTextureIndex}` : null
// Count instances of each geometry
const geometryReuseCounts = new Uint32Array(numGeometries);
for (let meshIndex = 0; meshIndex < numMeshes; meshIndex++) {
const geometryIndex = eachMeshGeometriesPortion[meshIndex];
if (geometryReuseCounts[geometryIndex] !== undefined) {
} else {
geometryReuseCounts[geometryIndex] = 1;
// Iterate over tiles
const tileCenter = math.vec3();
const rtcAABB = math.AABB3();
const geometryArraysCache = {};
for (let tileIndex = 0; tileIndex < numTiles; tileIndex++) {
const lastTileIndex = (numTiles - 1);
const atLastTile = (tileIndex === lastTileIndex);
const firstTileEntityIndex = eachTileEntitiesPortion [tileIndex];
const lastTileEntityIndex = atLastTile ? (numEntities - 1) : (eachTileEntitiesPortion[tileIndex + 1] - 1);
const tileAABBIndex = tileIndex * 6;
const tileAABB = eachTileAABB.subarray(tileAABBIndex, tileAABBIndex + 6);
math.getAABB3Center(tileAABB, tileCenter);
rtcAABB[0] = tileAABB[0] - tileCenter[0];
rtcAABB[1] = tileAABB[1] - tileCenter[1];
rtcAABB[2] = tileAABB[2] - tileCenter[2];
rtcAABB[3] = tileAABB[3] - tileCenter[0];
rtcAABB[4] = tileAABB[4] - tileCenter[1];
rtcAABB[5] = tileAABB[5] - tileCenter[2];
const tileDecodeMatrix = geometryCompressionUtils.createPositionsDecodeMatrix(rtcAABB);
const geometryCreatedInTile = {};
// Iterate over each tile's entities
for (let tileEntityIndex = firstTileEntityIndex; tileEntityIndex <= lastTileEntityIndex; tileEntityIndex++) {
const xktEntityId = eachEntityId[tileEntityIndex];
const entityId = options.globalizeObjectIds ? math.globalizeObjectId(, xktEntityId) : xktEntityId;
const finalTileEntityIndex = (numEntities - 1);
const atLastTileEntity = (tileEntityIndex === finalTileEntityIndex);
const firstMeshIndex = eachEntityMeshesPortion [tileEntityIndex];
const lastMeshIndex = atLastTileEntity ? (eachMeshGeometriesPortion.length - 1) : (eachEntityMeshesPortion[tileEntityIndex + 1] - 1);
const meshIds = [];
const metaObject = viewer.metaScene.metaObjects[entityId];
const entityDefaults = {};
const meshDefaults = {};
if (metaObject) {
// Mask loading of object types
if (options.excludeTypesMap && metaObject.type && options.excludeTypesMap[metaObject.type]) {
if (options.includeTypesMap && metaObject.type && (!options.includeTypesMap[metaObject.type])) {
// Mask loading of object ids
if (options.includeIdsMap && && (!options.includeIdsMap[])) {
// Get initial property values for object types
const props = options.objectDefaults ? options.objectDefaults[metaObject.type] || options.objectDefaults["DEFAULT"] : null;
if (props) {
if (props.visible === false) {
entityDefaults.visible = false;
if (props.pickable === false) {
entityDefaults.pickable = false;
if (props.colorize) {
meshDefaults.color = props.colorize;
if (props.opacity !== undefined && props.opacity !== null) {
meshDefaults.opacity = props.opacity;
if (props.metallic !== undefined && props.metallic !== null) {
meshDefaults.metallic = props.metallic;
if (props.roughness !== undefined && props.roughness !== null) {
meshDefaults.roughness = props.roughness;
} else {
if (options.excludeUnclassifiedObjects) {
// Iterate each entity's meshes
for (let meshIndex = firstMeshIndex; meshIndex <= lastMeshIndex; meshIndex++) {
const geometryIndex = eachMeshGeometriesPortion[meshIndex];
const geometryReuseCount = geometryReuseCounts[geometryIndex];
const isReusedGeometry = (geometryReuseCount > 1);
const atLastGeometry = (geometryIndex === (numGeometries - 1));
const textureSetIndex = eachMeshTextureSet[meshIndex];
const textureSetId = (textureSetIndex >= 0) ? `${modelPartId}-textureSet-${textureSetIndex}` : null;
const meshColor = decompressColor(eachMeshMaterialAttributes.subarray((meshIndex * 6), (meshIndex * 6) + 3));
const meshOpacity = eachMeshMaterialAttributes[(meshIndex * 6) + 3] / 255.0;
const meshMetallic = eachMeshMaterialAttributes[(meshIndex * 6) + 4] / 255.0;
const meshRoughness = eachMeshMaterialAttributes[(meshIndex * 6) + 5] / 255.0;
const meshId = manifestCtx.getNextId();
if (isReusedGeometry) {
// Create mesh for multi-use geometry - create (or reuse) geometry, create mesh using that geometry
const meshMatrixIndex = eachMeshMatricesPortion[meshIndex];
const meshMatrix = matrices.slice(meshMatrixIndex, meshMatrixIndex + 16);
const geometryId = `${modelPartId}-geometry.${tileIndex}.${geometryIndex}`; // These IDs are local to the SceneModel
let geometryArrays = geometryArraysCache[geometryId];
if (!geometryArrays) {
geometryArrays = {
batchThisMesh: (!options.reuseGeometries)
const primitiveType = eachGeometryPrimitiveType[geometryIndex];
let geometryValid = false;
switch (primitiveType) {
case 0:
geometryArrays.primitiveName = "solid";
geometryArrays.geometryPositions = positions.subarray(eachGeometryPositionsPortion [geometryIndex], atLastGeometry ? positions.length : eachGeometryPositionsPortion [geometryIndex + 1]);
geometryArrays.geometryNormals = normals.subarray(eachGeometryNormalsPortion [geometryIndex], atLastGeometry ? normals.length : eachGeometryNormalsPortion [geometryIndex + 1]);
geometryArrays.geometryUVs = uvs.subarray(eachGeometryUVsPortion [geometryIndex], atLastGeometry ? uvs.length : eachGeometryUVsPortion [geometryIndex + 1]);
geometryArrays.geometryIndices = indices.subarray(eachGeometryIndicesPortion [geometryIndex], atLastGeometry ? indices.length : eachGeometryIndicesPortion [geometryIndex + 1]);
geometryArrays.geometryEdgeIndices = edgeIndices.subarray(eachGeometryEdgeIndicesPortion [geometryIndex], atLastGeometry ? edgeIndices.length : eachGeometryEdgeIndicesPortion [geometryIndex + 1]);
geometryValid = (geometryArrays.geometryPositions.length > 0 && geometryArrays.geometryIndices.length > 0);
case 1:
geometryArrays.primitiveName = "surface";
geometryArrays.geometryPositions = positions.subarray(eachGeometryPositionsPortion [geometryIndex], atLastGeometry ? positions.length : eachGeometryPositionsPortion [geometryIndex + 1]);
geometryArrays.geometryNormals = normals.subarray(eachGeometryNormalsPortion [geometryIndex], atLastGeometry ? normals.length : eachGeometryNormalsPortion [geometryIndex + 1]);
geometryArrays.geometryUVs = uvs.subarray(eachGeometryUVsPortion [geometryIndex], atLastGeometry ? uvs.length : eachGeometryUVsPortion [geometryIndex + 1]);
geometryArrays.geometryIndices = indices.subarray(eachGeometryIndicesPortion [geometryIndex], atLastGeometry ? indices.length : eachGeometryIndicesPortion [geometryIndex + 1]);
geometryArrays.geometryEdgeIndices = edgeIndices.subarray(eachGeometryEdgeIndicesPortion [geometryIndex], atLastGeometry ? edgeIndices.length : eachGeometryEdgeIndicesPortion [geometryIndex + 1]);
geometryValid = (geometryArrays.geometryPositions.length > 0 && geometryArrays.geometryIndices.length > 0);
case 2:
geometryArrays.primitiveName = "points";
geometryArrays.geometryPositions = positions.subarray(eachGeometryPositionsPortion [geometryIndex], atLastGeometry ? positions.length : eachGeometryPositionsPortion [geometryIndex + 1]);
geometryArrays.geometryColors = colors.subarray(eachGeometryColorsPortion [geometryIndex], atLastGeometry ? colors.length : eachGeometryColorsPortion [geometryIndex + 1]);
geometryValid = (geometryArrays.geometryPositions.length > 0);
case 3:
geometryArrays.primitiveName = "lines";
geometryArrays.geometryPositions = positions.subarray(eachGeometryPositionsPortion [geometryIndex], atLastGeometry ? positions.length : eachGeometryPositionsPortion [geometryIndex + 1]);
geometryArrays.geometryIndices = indices.subarray(eachGeometryIndicesPortion [geometryIndex], atLastGeometry ? indices.length : eachGeometryIndicesPortion [geometryIndex + 1]);
geometryValid = (geometryArrays.geometryPositions.length > 0 && geometryArrays.geometryIndices.length > 0);
case 4:
geometryArrays.primitiveName = "lines";
geometryArrays.geometryPositions = positions.subarray(eachGeometryPositionsPortion [geometryIndex], atLastGeometry ? positions.length : eachGeometryPositionsPortion [geometryIndex + 1]);
geometryArrays.geometryIndices = lineStripToLines(
indices.subarray(eachGeometryIndicesPortion [geometryIndex],
? indices.length
: eachGeometryIndicesPortion [geometryIndex + 1]));
geometryValid = (geometryArrays.geometryPositions.length > 0 && geometryArrays.geometryIndices.length > 0);
if (!geometryValid) {
geometryArrays = null;
if (geometryArrays) {
if (geometryReuseCount > 1000) { // TODO: Heuristic to force batching of instanced geometry beyond a certain reuse count (or budget)?
// geometryArrays.batchThisMesh = true;
if (geometryArrays.geometryPositions.length > 1000) { // TODO: Heuristic to force batching on instanced geometry above certain vertex size?
// geometryArrays.batchThisMesh = true;
if (geometryArrays.batchThisMesh) {
geometryArrays.decompressedPositions = new Float32Array(geometryArrays.geometryPositions.length);
geometryArrays.transformedAndRecompressedPositions = new Uint16Array(geometryArrays.geometryPositions.length)
const geometryPositions = geometryArrays.geometryPositions;
const decompressedPositions = geometryArrays.decompressedPositions;
for (let i = 0, len = geometryPositions.length; i < len; i += 3) {
decompressedPositions[i + 0] = geometryPositions[i + 0] * reusedGeometriesDecodeMatrix[0] + reusedGeometriesDecodeMatrix[12];
decompressedPositions[i + 1] = geometryPositions[i + 1] * reusedGeometriesDecodeMatrix[5] + reusedGeometriesDecodeMatrix[13];
decompressedPositions[i + 2] = geometryPositions[i + 2] * reusedGeometriesDecodeMatrix[10] + reusedGeometriesDecodeMatrix[14];
geometryArrays.geometryPositions = null;
geometryArraysCache[geometryId] = geometryArrays;
if (geometryArrays) {
if (geometryArrays.batchThisMesh) {
const decompressedPositions = geometryArrays.decompressedPositions;
const transformedAndRecompressedPositions = geometryArrays.transformedAndRecompressedPositions;
for (let i = 0, len = decompressedPositions.length; i < len; i += 3) {
tempVec4a[0] = decompressedPositions[i + 0];
tempVec4a[1] = decompressedPositions[i + 1];
tempVec4a[2] = decompressedPositions[i + 2];
tempVec4a[3] = 1;
math.transformVec4(meshMatrix, tempVec4a, tempVec4b);
geometryCompressionUtils.compressPosition(tempVec4b, rtcAABB, tempVec4a)
transformedAndRecompressedPositions[i + 0] = tempVec4a[0];
transformedAndRecompressedPositions[i + 1] = tempVec4a[1];
transformedAndRecompressedPositions[i + 2] = tempVec4a[2];
sceneModel.createMesh(utils.apply(meshDefaults, {
id: meshId,
origin: tileCenter,
primitive: geometryArrays.primitiveName,
positionsCompressed: transformedAndRecompressedPositions,
normalsCompressed: geometryArrays.geometryNormals,
uv: geometryArrays.geometryUVs,
colorsCompressed: geometryArrays.geometryColors,
indices: geometryArrays.geometryIndices,
edgeIndices: geometryArrays.geometryEdgeIndices,
positionsDecodeMatrix: tileDecodeMatrix,
color: meshColor,
metallic: meshMetallic,
roughness: meshRoughness,
opacity: meshOpacity
} else {
if (!geometryCreatedInTile[geometryId]) {
id: geometryId,
primitive: geometryArrays.primitiveName,
positionsCompressed: geometryArrays.geometryPositions,
normalsCompressed: geometryArrays.geometryNormals,
uv: geometryArrays.geometryUVs,
colorsCompressed: geometryArrays.geometryColors,
indices: geometryArrays.geometryIndices,
edgeIndices: geometryArrays.geometryEdgeIndices,
positionsDecodeMatrix: reusedGeometriesDecodeMatrix
geometryCreatedInTile[geometryId] = true;
sceneModel.createMesh(utils.apply(meshDefaults, {
id: meshId,
matrix: meshMatrix,
color: meshColor,
metallic: meshMetallic,
roughness: meshRoughness,
opacity: meshOpacity,
origin: tileCenter
} else { // Do not reuse geometry
const primitiveType = eachGeometryPrimitiveType[geometryIndex];
let primitiveName;
let geometryPositions;
let geometryNormals;
let geometryUVs;
let geometryColors;
let geometryIndices;
let geometryEdgeIndices;
let geometryValid = false;
switch (primitiveType) {
case 0:
primitiveName = "solid";
geometryPositions = positions.subarray(eachGeometryPositionsPortion [geometryIndex], atLastGeometry ? positions.length : eachGeometryPositionsPortion [geometryIndex + 1]);
geometryNormals = normals.subarray(eachGeometryNormalsPortion [geometryIndex], atLastGeometry ? normals.length : eachGeometryNormalsPortion [geometryIndex + 1]);
geometryUVs = uvs.subarray(eachGeometryUVsPortion [geometryIndex], atLastGeometry ? uvs.length : eachGeometryUVsPortion [geometryIndex + 1]);
geometryIndices = indices.subarray(eachGeometryIndicesPortion [geometryIndex], atLastGeometry ? indices.length : eachGeometryIndicesPortion [geometryIndex + 1]);
geometryEdgeIndices = edgeIndices.subarray(eachGeometryEdgeIndicesPortion [geometryIndex], atLastGeometry ? edgeIndices.length : eachGeometryEdgeIndicesPortion [geometryIndex + 1]);
geometryValid = (geometryPositions.length > 0 && geometryIndices.length > 0);
case 1:
primitiveName = "surface";
geometryPositions = positions.subarray(eachGeometryPositionsPortion [geometryIndex], atLastGeometry ? positions.length : eachGeometryPositionsPortion [geometryIndex + 1]);
geometryNormals = normals.subarray(eachGeometryNormalsPortion [geometryIndex], atLastGeometry ? normals.length : eachGeometryNormalsPortion [geometryIndex + 1]);
geometryUVs = uvs.subarray(eachGeometryUVsPortion [geometryIndex], atLastGeometry ? uvs.length : eachGeometryUVsPortion [geometryIndex + 1]);
geometryIndices = indices.subarray(eachGeometryIndicesPortion [geometryIndex], atLastGeometry ? indices.length : eachGeometryIndicesPortion [geometryIndex + 1]);
geometryEdgeIndices = edgeIndices.subarray(eachGeometryEdgeIndicesPortion [geometryIndex], atLastGeometry ? edgeIndices.length : eachGeometryEdgeIndicesPortion [geometryIndex + 1]);
geometryValid = (geometryPositions.length > 0 && geometryIndices.length > 0);
case 2:
primitiveName = "points";
geometryPositions = positions.subarray(eachGeometryPositionsPortion [geometryIndex], atLastGeometry ? positions.length : eachGeometryPositionsPortion [geometryIndex + 1]);
geometryColors = colors.subarray(eachGeometryColorsPortion [geometryIndex], atLastGeometry ? colors.length : eachGeometryColorsPortion [geometryIndex + 1]);
geometryValid = (geometryPositions.length > 0);
case 3:
primitiveName = "lines";
geometryPositions = positions.subarray(eachGeometryPositionsPortion [geometryIndex], atLastGeometry ? positions.length : eachGeometryPositionsPortion [geometryIndex + 1]);
geometryIndices = indices.subarray(eachGeometryIndicesPortion [geometryIndex], atLastGeometry ? indices.length : eachGeometryIndicesPortion [geometryIndex + 1]);
geometryValid = (geometryPositions.length > 0 && geometryIndices.length > 0);
case 4:
primitiveName = "lines";
geometryPositions = positions.subarray(eachGeometryPositionsPortion [geometryIndex], atLastGeometry ? positions.length : eachGeometryPositionsPortion [geometryIndex + 1]);
geometryIndices = lineStripToLines(
indices.subarray(eachGeometryIndicesPortion [geometryIndex], atLastGeometry
? indices.length
: eachGeometryIndicesPortion [geometryIndex + 1]));
geometryValid = (geometryPositions.length > 0 && geometryIndices.length > 0);
if (geometryValid) {
sceneModel.createMesh(utils.apply(meshDefaults, {
id: meshId,
origin: tileCenter,
primitive: primitiveName,
positionsCompressed: geometryPositions,
normalsCompressed: geometryNormals,
uv: geometryUVs && geometryUVs.length > 0 ? geometryUVs : null,
colorsCompressed: geometryColors,
indices: geometryIndices,
edgeIndices: geometryEdgeIndices,
positionsDecodeMatrix: tileDecodeMatrix,
color: meshColor,
metallic: meshMetallic,
roughness: meshRoughness,
opacity: meshOpacity
if (meshIds.length > 0) {
sceneModel.createEntity(utils.apply(entityDefaults, {
id: entityId,
isObject: true,
meshIds: meshIds
function lineStripToLines(positions, indices) {
const linesIndices = [];
if (indices.length > 1) {
for (let i = 0, len = indices.length - 1; i < len; i++) {
linesIndices.push(indices[i + 1]);
} else if (positions.length > 1) {
for (let i = 0, len = (positions.length / 3) - 1; i < len; i++) {
linesIndices.push(i + 1);
return linesIndices;
/** @private */
// V11 uses a single uncompressed Uint8Array buffer to store arrays of different types.
// To efficiently create typed arrays from this buffer,
// each typed array's source data needs to be aligned with its element byte size.
// This sometimes requires padding subarrays inside the single Uint8Array, so the byteOffset needs to be stored alongside element count.
// It is a different encoding than used in earlier versions, and requires different approach to parsing elements.
const ParserV11 = {
version: 11,
parseArrayBuffer: function (viewer, options, arrayBuffer, sceneModel, metaModel, manifestCtx) {
const inflatedData = decodeData(arrayBuffer);
load(viewer, options, inflatedData, sceneModel, metaModel, manifestCtx);
export {ParserV11};