- /*
- Parser for .XKT Format V5
- .XKT specifications:
- */
- import {utils} from "../../../viewer/scene/utils.js";
- import * as p from "./lib/pako.js";
- let pako = window.pako || p;
- if (!pako.inflate) { // See
- pako = pako.default;
- }
- function extract(elements) {
- return {
- positions: elements[0],
- normals: elements[1],
- indices: elements[2],
- edgeIndices: elements[3],
- matrices: elements[4],
- eachPrimitivePositionsAndNormalsPortion: elements[5],
- eachPrimitiveIndicesPortion: elements[6],
- eachPrimitiveEdgeIndicesPortion: elements[7],
- eachPrimitiveColor: elements[8],
- primitiveInstances: elements[9],
- eachEntityId: elements[10],
- eachEntityPrimitiveInstancesPortion: elements[11],
- eachEntityMatricesPortion: elements[12]
- };
- }
- function inflate(deflatedData) {
- return {
- positions: new Float32Array(pako.inflate(deflatedData.positions).buffer),
- normals: new Int8Array(pako.inflate(deflatedData.normals).buffer),
- indices: new Uint32Array(pako.inflate(deflatedData.indices).buffer),
- edgeIndices: new Uint32Array(pako.inflate(deflatedData.edgeIndices).buffer),
- matrices: new Float32Array(pako.inflate(deflatedData.matrices).buffer),
- eachPrimitivePositionsAndNormalsPortion: new Uint32Array(pako.inflate(deflatedData.eachPrimitivePositionsAndNormalsPortion).buffer),
- eachPrimitiveIndicesPortion: new Uint32Array(pako.inflate(deflatedData.eachPrimitiveIndicesPortion).buffer),
- eachPrimitiveEdgeIndicesPortion: new Uint32Array(pako.inflate(deflatedData.eachPrimitiveEdgeIndicesPortion).buffer),
- eachPrimitiveColor: new Uint8Array(pako.inflate(deflatedData.eachPrimitiveColor).buffer),
- primitiveInstances: new Uint32Array(pako.inflate(deflatedData.primitiveInstances).buffer),
- eachEntityId: pako.inflate(deflatedData.eachEntityId, {to: 'string'}),
- eachEntityPrimitiveInstancesPortion: new Uint32Array(pako.inflate(deflatedData.eachEntityPrimitiveInstancesPortion).buffer),
- eachEntityMatricesPortion: new Uint32Array(pako.inflate(deflatedData.eachEntityMatricesPortion).buffer)
- };
- }
- const decompressColor = (function () {
- const color2 = new Float32Array(3);
- return function (color) {
- color2[0] = color[0] / 255.0;
- color2[1] = color[1] / 255.0;
- color2[2] = color[2] / 255.0;
- return color2;
- };
- })();
- function load(viewer, options, inflatedData, sceneModel, metaModel, manifestCtx) {
- const modelPartId = manifestCtx.getNextId();
- sceneModel.positionsCompression = "disabled"; // Positions in XKT V4 are floats, which we never quantize, for precision with big models
- sceneModel.normalsCompression = "precompressed"; // Normals are oct-encoded though
- const positions = inflatedData.positions;
- const normals = inflatedData.normals;
- const indices = inflatedData.indices;
- const edgeIndices = inflatedData.edgeIndices;
- const matrices = inflatedData.matrices;
- const eachPrimitivePositionsAndNormalsPortion = inflatedData.eachPrimitivePositionsAndNormalsPortion;
- const eachPrimitiveIndicesPortion = inflatedData.eachPrimitiveIndicesPortion;
- const eachPrimitiveEdgeIndicesPortion = inflatedData.eachPrimitiveEdgeIndicesPortion;
- const eachPrimitiveColor = inflatedData.eachPrimitiveColor;
- const primitiveInstances = inflatedData.primitiveInstances;
- const eachEntityId = JSON.parse(inflatedData.eachEntityId);
- const eachEntityPrimitiveInstancesPortion = inflatedData.eachEntityPrimitiveInstancesPortion;
- const eachEntityMatricesPortion = inflatedData.eachEntityMatricesPortion;
- const numPrimitives = eachPrimitivePositionsAndNormalsPortion.length;
- const numPrimitiveInstances = primitiveInstances.length;
- const primitiveInstanceCounts = new Uint8Array(numPrimitives); // For each mesh, how many times it is instanced
- const numEntities = eachEntityId.length;
- // Count instances of each primitive
- for (let primitiveInstanceIndex = 0; primitiveInstanceIndex < numPrimitiveInstances; primitiveInstanceIndex++) {
- const primitiveIndex = primitiveInstances[primitiveInstanceIndex];
- primitiveInstanceCounts[primitiveIndex]++;
- }
- // Map batched primitives to the entities that will use them
- const batchedPrimitiveEntityIndexes = {};
- for (let entityIndex = 0; entityIndex < numEntities; entityIndex++) {
- const lastEntityIndex = (numEntities - 1);
- const atLastEntity = (entityIndex === lastEntityIndex);
- const firstEntityPrimitiveInstanceIndex = eachEntityPrimitiveInstancesPortion [entityIndex];
- const lastEntityPrimitiveInstanceIndex = atLastEntity ? eachEntityPrimitiveInstancesPortion[lastEntityIndex] : eachEntityPrimitiveInstancesPortion[entityIndex + 1];
- for (let primitiveInstancesIndex = firstEntityPrimitiveInstanceIndex; primitiveInstancesIndex < lastEntityPrimitiveInstanceIndex; primitiveInstancesIndex++) {
- const primitiveIndex = primitiveInstances[primitiveInstancesIndex];
- const primitiveInstanceCount = primitiveInstanceCounts[primitiveIndex];
- const isInstancedPrimitive = (primitiveInstanceCount > 1);
- if (!isInstancedPrimitive) {
- batchedPrimitiveEntityIndexes[primitiveIndex] = entityIndex;
- }
- }
- }
- var countGeometries = 0;
- // Create geometries for instanced primitives and meshes for batched primitives.
- for (let primitiveIndex = 0; primitiveIndex < numPrimitives; primitiveIndex++) {
- const atLastPrimitive = (primitiveIndex === (numPrimitives - 1));
- const primitiveInstanceCount = primitiveInstanceCounts[primitiveIndex];
- const isInstancedPrimitive = (primitiveInstanceCount > 1);
- const color = decompressColor(eachPrimitiveColor.subarray((primitiveIndex * 4), (primitiveIndex * 4) + 3));
- const opacity = eachPrimitiveColor[(primitiveIndex * 4) + 3] / 255.0;
- const primitivePositions = positions.subarray(eachPrimitivePositionsAndNormalsPortion [primitiveIndex], atLastPrimitive ? positions.length : eachPrimitivePositionsAndNormalsPortion [primitiveIndex + 1]);
- const primitiveNormals = normals.subarray(eachPrimitivePositionsAndNormalsPortion [primitiveIndex], atLastPrimitive ? normals.length : eachPrimitivePositionsAndNormalsPortion [primitiveIndex + 1]);
- const primitiveIndices = indices.subarray(eachPrimitiveIndicesPortion [primitiveIndex], atLastPrimitive ? indices.length : eachPrimitiveIndicesPortion [primitiveIndex + 1]);
- const primitiveEdgeIndices = edgeIndices.subarray(eachPrimitiveEdgeIndicesPortion [primitiveIndex], atLastPrimitive ? edgeIndices.length : eachPrimitiveEdgeIndicesPortion [primitiveIndex + 1]);
- if (isInstancedPrimitive) {
- // Primitive instanced by more than one entity, and has positions in Model-space
- const geometryId = `${modelPartId}-geometry.${primitiveIndex}`; // These IDs are local to the SceneModel
- sceneModel.createGeometry({
- id: geometryId,
- primitive: "triangles",
- positionsCompressed: primitivePositions,
- normalsCompressed: primitiveNormals,
- indices: primitiveIndices,
- edgeIndices: primitiveEdgeIndices
- });
- countGeometries++;
- } else {
- // Primitive is used only by one entity, and has positions pre-transformed into World-space
- const meshId = primitiveIndex; // These IDs are local to the SceneModel
- const entityIndex = batchedPrimitiveEntityIndexes[primitiveIndex];
- const entityId = eachEntityId[entityIndex];
- const meshDefaults = {}; // TODO: get from lookup from entity IDs
- sceneModel.createMesh(utils.apply(meshDefaults, {
- id: meshId,
- primitive: "triangles",
- positionsCompressed: primitivePositions,
- normalsCompressed: primitiveNormals,
- indices: primitiveIndices,
- edgeIndices: primitiveEdgeIndices,
- color: color,
- opacity: opacity
- }));
- }
- }
- let countInstances = 0;
- for (let entityIndex = 0; entityIndex < numEntities; entityIndex++) {
- const lastEntityIndex = (numEntities - 1);
- const atLastEntity = (entityIndex === lastEntityIndex);
- const entityId = eachEntityId[entityIndex];
- const firstEntityPrimitiveInstanceIndex = eachEntityPrimitiveInstancesPortion [entityIndex];
- const lastEntityPrimitiveInstanceIndex = atLastEntity ? eachEntityPrimitiveInstancesPortion[lastEntityIndex] : eachEntityPrimitiveInstancesPortion[entityIndex + 1];
- const meshIds = [];
- for (let primitiveInstancesIndex = firstEntityPrimitiveInstanceIndex; primitiveInstancesIndex < lastEntityPrimitiveInstanceIndex; primitiveInstancesIndex++) {
- const primitiveIndex = primitiveInstances[primitiveInstancesIndex];
- const primitiveInstanceCount = primitiveInstanceCounts[primitiveIndex];
- const isInstancedPrimitive = (primitiveInstanceCount > 1);
- if (isInstancedPrimitive) {
- const meshDefaults = {}; // TODO: get from lookup from entity IDs
- const meshId = "instance." + countInstances++;
- const geometryId = "geometry" + primitiveIndex;
- const matricesIndex = (eachEntityMatricesPortion [entityIndex]) * 16;
- const matrix = matrices.subarray(matricesIndex, matricesIndex + 16);
- sceneModel.createMesh(utils.apply(meshDefaults, {
- id: meshId,
- geometryId: geometryId,
- matrix: matrix
- }));
- meshIds.push(meshId);
- } else {
- meshIds.push(primitiveIndex);
- }
- }
- if (meshIds.length > 0) {
- const entityDefaults = {}; // TODO: get from lookup from entity IDs
- sceneModel.createEntity(utils.apply(entityDefaults, {
- id: entityId,
- isObject: true, ///////////////// TODO: If metaobject exists
- meshIds: meshIds
- }));
- }
- }
- }
- /** @private */
- const ParserV5 = {
- version: 5,
- parse: function (viewer, options, elements, sceneModel, metaModel, manifestCtx) {
- const deflatedData = extract(elements);
- const inflatedData = inflate(deflatedData);
- load(viewer, options, inflatedData, sceneModel, metaModel, manifestCtx);
- }
- };
- export {ParserV5};