import {Material} from './Material.js';
import {RenderState} from '../webgl/RenderState.js';
const PRESETS = {
"default": {
edgeColor: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
edgeAlpha: 1.0,
edgeWidth: 1
"defaultWhiteBG": {
edgeColor: [0.2, 0.2, 0.2],
edgeAlpha: 1.0,
edgeWidth: 1
"defaultLightBG": {
edgeColor: [0.2, 0.2, 0.2],
edgeAlpha: 1.0,
edgeWidth: 1
"defaultDarkBG": {
edgeColor: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5],
edgeAlpha: 1.0,
edgeWidth: 1
* @desc Configures the appearance of {@link Entity}s when their edges are emphasised.
* * Emphasise edges of an {@link Entity} by setting {@link Entity#edges} ````true````.
* * When {@link Entity}s are within the subtree of a root {@link Entity}, then setting {@link Entity#edges} on the root
* will collectively set that property on all sub-{@link Entity}s.
* * EdgeMaterial provides several presets. Select a preset by setting {@link EdgeMaterial#preset} to the ID of a preset in {@link EdgeMaterial#presets}.
* * By default, a {@link Mesh} uses the default EdgeMaterial in {@link Scene#edgeMaterial}, but you can assign each {@link Mesh#edgeMaterial} to a custom EdgeMaterial if required.
* ## Usage
* In the example below, we'll create a {@link Mesh} with its own EdgeMaterial and set {@link Mesh#edges} ````true```` to emphasise its edges.
* Recall that {@link Mesh} is a concrete subtype of the abstract {@link Entity} base class.
* [[Run this example](/examples/index.html#materials_EdgeMaterial)]
* ````javascript
* import {Viewer, Mesh, buildSphereGeometry,
* ReadableGeometry, PhongMaterial, EdgeMaterial} from "";
* const viewer = new Viewer({
* canvasId: "myCanvas",
* transparent: true
* });
* = [0, 0, 5];
* = [0, 0, 0];
* = [0, 1, 0];
* new Mesh(viewer.scene, {
* geometry: new ReadableGeometry(viewer.scene, buildSphereGeometry({
* radius: 1.5,
* heightSegments: 24,
* widthSegments: 16,
* edgeThreshold: 2 // Default is 10
* })),
* material: new PhongMaterial(viewer.scene, {
* diffuse: [0.4, 0.4, 1.0],
* ambient: [0.9, 0.3, 0.9],
* shininess: 30,
* alpha: 0.5,
* alphaMode: "blend"
* }),
* edgeMaterial: new EdgeMaterial(viewer.scene, {
* edgeColor: [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
* edgeAlpha: 1.0,
* edgeWidth: 2
* }),
* edges: true
* });
* ````
* Note the ````edgeThreshold```` configuration for the {@link ReadableGeometry} on our {@link Mesh}. EdgeMaterial configures
* a wireframe representation of the {@link ReadableGeometry}, which will have inner edges (those edges between
* adjacent co-planar triangles) removed for visual clarity. The ````edgeThreshold```` indicates that, for
* this particular {@link ReadableGeometry}, an inner edge is one where the angle between the surface normals of adjacent triangles
* is not greater than ````5```` degrees. That's set to ````2```` by default, but we can override it to tweak the effect
* as needed for particular Geometries.
* Here's the example again, this time implicitly defaulting to the {@link Scene#edgeMaterial}. We'll also modify that EdgeMaterial
* to customize the effect.
* ````javascript
* new Mesh({
* geometry: new ReadableGeometry(viewer.scene, buildSphereGeometry({
* radius: 1.5,
* heightSegments: 24,
* widthSegments: 16,
* edgeThreshold: 2 // Default is 10
* })),
* material: new PhongMaterial(viewer.scene, {
* diffuse: [0.2, 0.2, 1.0]
* }),
* edges: true
* });
* var edgeMaterial = viewer.scene.edgeMaterial;
* edgeMaterial.edgeColor = [0.2, 1.0, 0.2];
* edgeMaterial.edgeAlpha = 1.0;
* edgeMaterial.edgeWidth = 2;
* ````
* ## Presets
* Let's switch the {@link Scene#edgeMaterial} to one of the presets in {@link EdgeMaterial#presets}:
* ````javascript
* viewer.edgeMaterial.preset = EdgeMaterial.presets["sepia"];
* ````
* We can also create an EdgeMaterial from a preset, while overriding properties of the preset as required:
* ````javascript
* var myEdgeMaterial = new EdgeMaterial(viewer.scene, {
* preset: "sepia",
* edgeColor = [1.0, 0.5, 0.5]
* });
* ````
class EdgeMaterial extends Material {
get type() {
return "EdgeMaterial";
* Gets available EdgeMaterial presets.
* @type {Object}
get presets() {
return PRESETS;
* @constructor
* @param {Component} owner Owner component. When destroyed, the owner will destroy this component as well.
* @param {*} [cfg] The EdgeMaterial configuration
* @param {String} [] Optional ID, unique among all components in the parent {@link Scene}, generated automatically when omitted.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.edgeColor=[0.2,0.2,0.2]] RGB edge color.
* @param {Number} [cfg.edgeAlpha=1.0] Edge transparency. A value of ````0.0```` indicates fully transparent, ````1.0```` is fully opaque.
* @param {Number} [cfg.edgeWidth=1] Edge width in pixels.
* @param {String} [cfg.preset] Selects a preset EdgeMaterial configuration - see {@link EdgeMaterial#presets}.
constructor(owner, cfg = {}) {
super(owner, cfg);
this._state = new RenderState({
type: "EdgeMaterial",
edges: null,
edgeColor: null,
edgeAlpha: null,
edgeWidth: null
this._preset = "default";
if (cfg.preset) { // Apply preset then override with configs where provided
this.preset = cfg.preset;
if (cfg.edgeColor) {
this.edgeColor = cfg.edgeColor;
if (cfg.edgeAlpha !== undefined) {
this.edgeAlpha = cfg.edgeAlpha;
if (cfg.edgeWidth !== undefined) {
this.edgeWidth = cfg.edgeWidth;
} else {
this.edgeColor = cfg.edgeColor;
this.edgeAlpha = cfg.edgeAlpha;
this.edgeWidth = cfg.edgeWidth;
this.edges = (cfg.edges !== false);
* Sets if edges are visible.
* Default is ````true````.
* @type {Boolean}
set edges(value) {
value = value !== false;
if (this._state.edges === value) {
this._state.edges = value;
* Gets if edges are visible.
* Default is ````true````.
* @type {Boolean}
get edges() {
return this._state.edges;
* Sets RGB edge color.
* Default value is ````[0.2, 0.2, 0.2]````.
* @type {Number[]}
set edgeColor(value) {
let edgeColor = this._state.edgeColor;
if (!edgeColor) {
edgeColor = this._state.edgeColor = new Float32Array(3);
} else if (value && edgeColor[0] === value[0] && edgeColor[1] === value[1] && edgeColor[2] === value[2]) {
if (value) {
edgeColor[0] = value[0];
edgeColor[1] = value[1];
edgeColor[2] = value[2];
} else {
edgeColor[0] = 0.2;
edgeColor[1] = 0.2;
edgeColor[2] = 0.2;
* Gets RGB edge color.
* Default value is ````[0.2, 0.2, 0.2]````.
* @type {Number[]}
get edgeColor() {
return this._state.edgeColor;
* Sets edge transparency.
* A value of ````0.0```` indicates fully transparent, ````1.0```` is fully opaque.
* Default value is ````1.0````.
* @type {Number}
set edgeAlpha(value) {
value = (value !== undefined && value !== null) ? value : 1.0;
if (this._state.edgeAlpha === value) {
this._state.edgeAlpha = value;
* Gets edge transparency.
* A value of ````0.0```` indicates fully transparent, ````1.0```` is fully opaque.
* Default value is ````1.0````.
* @type {Number}
get edgeAlpha() {
return this._state.edgeAlpha;
* Sets edge width.
* This is not supported by WebGL implementations based on DirectX [2019].
* Default value is ````1.0```` pixels.
* @type {Number}
set edgeWidth(value) {
this._state.edgeWidth = value || 1.0;
* Gets edge width.
* This is not supported by WebGL implementations based on DirectX [2019].
* Default value is ````1.0```` pixels.
* @type {Number}
get edgeWidth() {
return this._state.edgeWidth;
* Selects a preset EdgeMaterial configuration.
* Default value is ````"default"````.
* @type {String}
set preset(value) {
value = value || "default";
if (this._preset === value) {
const preset = PRESETS[value];
if (!preset) {
this.error("unsupported preset: '" + value + "' - supported values are " + Object.keys(PRESETS).join(", "));
this.edgeColor = preset.edgeColor;
this.edgeAlpha = preset.edgeAlpha;
this.edgeWidth = preset.edgeWidth;
this._preset = value;
* The current preset EdgeMaterial configuration.
* Default value is ````"default"````.
* @type {String}
get preset() {
return this._preset;
* Destroys this EdgeMaterial.
destroy() {
export {EdgeMaterial};