Fired when this Mesh is picked via a call to {@link Scene/pick:method"}}Scene#pick(){{/crossLink}}.
The event parameters will be the hit result returned by the {@link Scene/pick:method"}}Scene#pick(){{/crossLink}} method.
@event picked
import {math} from '../math/math.js';
import {createRTCViewMat} from '../math/rtcCoords.js';
import {Component} from '../Component.js';
import {RenderState} from '../webgl/RenderState.js';
import {DrawRenderer} from "./draw/DrawRenderer.js";
import {EmphasisFillRenderer} from "./emphasis/EmphasisFillRenderer.js";
import {EmphasisEdgesRenderer} from "./emphasis/EmphasisEdgesRenderer.js";
import {PickMeshRenderer} from "./pick/PickMeshRenderer.js";
import {PickTriangleRenderer} from "./pick/PickTriangleRenderer.js";
import {OcclusionRenderer} from "./occlusion/OcclusionRenderer.js";
import {ShadowRenderer} from "./shadow/ShadowRenderer.js";
import {geometryCompressionUtils} from '../math/geometryCompressionUtils.js';
import {RenderFlags} from "../webgl/RenderFlags.js";
const obb = math.OBB3();
const angleAxis = math.vec4();
const q1 = math.vec4();
const q2 = math.vec4();
const xAxis = math.vec3([1, 0, 0]);
const yAxis = math.vec3([0, 1, 0]);
const zAxis = math.vec3([0, 0, 1]);
const veca = math.vec3(3);
const vecb = math.vec3(3);
const identityMat = math.identityMat4();
* @desc An {@link Entity} that is a drawable element, with a {@link Geometry} and a {@link Material}, that can be
* connected into a scene graph using {@link Node}s.
* ## Usage
* The example below is the same as the one given for {@link Node}, since the two classes work together. In this example,
* we'll create a scene graph in which a root {@link Node} represents a group and the Meshes are leaves.
* Since {@link Node} implements {@link Entity}, we can designate the root {@link Node} as a model, causing it to be registered by its
* ID in {@link Scene#models}.
* Since Mesh also implements {@link Entity}, we can designate the leaf Meshes as objects, causing them to
* be registered by their IDs in {@link Scene#objects}.
* We can then find those {@link Entity} types in {@link Scene#models} and {@link Scene#objects}.
* We can also update properties of our object-Meshes via calls to {@link Scene#setObjectsHighlighted} etc.
* [[Run this example](]
* ````javascript
* import {Viewer, Mesh, Node, PhongMaterial, buildBoxGeometry, ReadableGeometry} from "";
* const viewer = new Viewer({
* canvasId: "myCanvas"
* });
* = [-21.80, 4.01, 6.56];
* = [0, -5.75, 0];
* = [0.37, 0.91, -0.11];
* const boxGeometry = new ReadableGeometry(viewer.scene, buildBoxGeometry({
* xSize: 1,
* ySize: 1,
* zSize: 1
* }));
* new Node(viewer.scene, {
* id: "table",
* isModel: true, // <---------- Node represents a model, so is registered by ID in viewer.scene.models
* rotation: [0, 50, 0],
* position: [0, 0, 0],
* scale: [1, 1, 1],
* children: [
* new Mesh(viewer.scene, { // Red table leg
* id: "redLeg",
* isObject: true, // <------ Node represents an object, so is registered by ID in viewer.scene.objects
* position: [-4, -6, -4],
* scale: [1, 3, 1],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0],
* material: new PhongMaterial(viewer.scene, {
* diffuse: [1, 0.3, 0.3]
* }),
* geometry: boxGeometry
* }),
* new Mesh(viewer.scene, { // Green table leg
* id: "greenLeg",
* isObject: true, // <------ Node represents an object, so is registered by ID in viewer.scene.objects
* position: [4, -6, -4],
* scale: [1, 3, 1],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0],
* material: new PhongMaterial(viewer.scene, {
* diffuse: [0.3, 1.0, 0.3]
* }),
* geometry: boxGeometry
* }),
* new Mesh(viewer.scene, {// Blue table leg
* id: "blueLeg",
* isObject: true, // <------ Node represents an object, so is registered by ID in viewer.scene.objects
* position: [4, -6, 4],
* scale: [1, 3, 1],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0],
* material: new PhongMaterial(viewer.scene, {
* diffuse: [0.3, 0.3, 1.0]
* }),
* geometry: boxGeometry
* }),
* new Mesh(viewer.scene, { // Yellow table leg
* id: "yellowLeg",
* isObject: true, // <------ Node represents an object, so is registered by ID in viewer.scene.objects
* position: [-4, -6, 4],
* scale: [1, 3, 1],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0],
* material: new PhongMaterial(viewer.scene, {
* diffuse: [1.0, 1.0, 0.0]
* }),
* geometry: boxGeometry
* }),
* new Mesh(viewer.scene, { // Purple table top
* id: "tableTop",
* isObject: true, // <------ Node represents an object, so is registered by ID in viewer.scene.objects
* position: [0, -3, 0],
* scale: [6, 0.5, 6],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0],
* material: new PhongMaterial(viewer.scene, {
* diffuse: [1.0, 0.3, 1.0]
* }),
* geometry: boxGeometry
* })
* ]
* });
* // Find Nodes and Meshes by their IDs
* var table = viewer.scene.models["table"]; // Since table Node has isModel == true
* var redLeg = viewer.scene.objects["redLeg"]; // Since the Meshes have isObject == true
* var greenLeg = viewer.scene.objects["greenLeg"];
* var blueLeg = viewer.scene.objects["blueLeg"];
* // Highlight one of the table leg Meshes
* viewer.scene.setObjectsHighlighted(["redLeg"], true); // Since the Meshes have isObject == true
* // Periodically update transforms on our Nodes and Meshes
* viewer.scene.on("tick", function () {
* // Rotate legs
* redLeg.rotateY(0.5);
* greenLeg.rotateY(0.5);
* blueLeg.rotateY(0.5);
* // Rotate table
* table.rotateY(0.5);
* table.rotateX(0.3);
* });
* ````
* ## Metadata
* As mentioned, we can also associate {@link MetaModel}s and {@link MetaObject}s with our {@link Node}s and Meshes,
* within a {@link MetaScene}. See {@link MetaScene} for an example.
* @implements {Entity}
* @implements {Drawable}
class Mesh extends Component {
* @constructor
* @param {Component} owner Owner component. When destroyed, the owner will destroy this component as well.
* @param {*} [cfg] Configs
* @param {String} [] Optional ID, unique among all components in the parent scene, generated automatically when omitted.
* @param {String} [cfg.originalSystemId] ID of the corresponding object within the originating system, if any.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.isModel] Specify ````true```` if this Mesh represents a model, in which case the Mesh will be registered by {@link Mesh#id} in {@link Scene#models} and may also have a corresponding {@link MetaModel} with matching {@link MetaModel#id}, registered by that ID in {@link MetaScene#metaModels}.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.isObject] Specify ````true```` if this Mesh represents an object, in which case the Mesh will be registered by {@link Mesh#id} in {@link Scene#objects} and may also have a corresponding {@link MetaObject} with matching {@link MetaObject#id}, registered by that ID in {@link MetaScene#metaObjects}.
* @param {Node} [cfg.parent] The parent Node.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.origin] World-space origin for this Mesh. When this is given, then ````matrix````, ````position```` and ````geometry```` are all assumed to be relative to this center.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.rtcCenter] Deprecated - renamed to ````origin````.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.position=[0,0,0]] 3D position of this Mesh, relative to ````origin````.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.scale=[1,1,1]] Local scale.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.rotation=[0,0,0]] Local rotation, as Euler angles given in degrees, for each of the X, Y and Z axis.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.matrix=[1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]] Local modelling transform matrix. Overrides the position, scale and rotation parameters.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.offset=[0,0,0]] World-space 3D translation offset. Translates the Mesh in World space, after modelling transforms.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.occluder=true] Indicates if the Mesh is able to occlude {@link Marker}s.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.visible=true] Indicates if the Mesh is initially visible.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.culled=false] Indicates if the Mesh is initially culled from view.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.pickable=true] Indicates if the Mesh is initially pickable.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.clippable=true] Indicates if the Mesh is initially clippable.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.collidable=true] Indicates if the Mesh is initially included in boundary calculations.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.castsShadow=true] Indicates if the Mesh initially casts shadows.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.receivesShadow=true] Indicates if the Mesh initially receives shadows.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.xrayed=false] Indicates if the Mesh is initially xrayed.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.highlighted=false] Indicates if the Mesh is initially highlighted.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.selected=false] Indicates if the Mesh is initially selected.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.edges=false] Indicates if the Mesh's edges are initially emphasized.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.background=false] Indicates if the Mesh should act as background, e.g., it can be used for a skybox.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.colorize=[1.0,1.0,1.0]] Mesh's initial RGB colorize color, multiplies by the rendered fragment colors.
* @param {Number} [cfg.opacity=1.0] Mesh's initial opacity factor, multiplies by the rendered fragment alpha.
* @param {String} [cfg.billboard="none"] Mesh's billboarding behaviour. Options are "none" for no billboarding, "spherical" to always directly face {@link Camera.eye}, rotating both vertically and horizontally, or "cylindrical" to face the {@link Camera#eye} while rotating only about its vertically axis (use that mode for things like trees on a landscape).
* @param {Geometry} [cfg.geometry] {@link Geometry} to define the shape of this Mesh. Inherits {@link Scene#geometry} by default.
* @param {Material} [cfg.material] {@link Material} to define the normal rendered appearance for this Mesh. Inherits {@link Scene#material} by default.
* @param {EmphasisMaterial} [cfg.xrayMaterial] {@link EmphasisMaterial} to define the xrayed appearance for this Mesh. Inherits {@link Scene#xrayMaterial} by default.
* @param {EmphasisMaterial} [cfg.highlightMaterial] {@link EmphasisMaterial} to define the xrayed appearance for this Mesh. Inherits {@link Scene#highlightMaterial} by default.
* @param {EmphasisMaterial} [cfg.selectedMaterial] {@link EmphasisMaterial} to define the selected appearance for this Mesh. Inherits {@link Scene#selectedMaterial} by default.
* @param {EmphasisMaterial} [cfg.edgeMaterial] {@link EdgeMaterial} to define the appearance of enhanced edges for this Mesh. Inherits {@link Scene#edgeMaterial} by default.
* @param {Number} [cfg.renderOrder=0] Specifies the rendering order for this mESH. This is used to control the order in which
* mESHES are drawn when they have transparent objects, to give control over the order in which those objects are blended within the transparent
* render pass.
constructor(owner, cfg = {}) {
super(owner, cfg);
this.renderOrder = cfg.renderOrder || 0;
* ID of the corresponding object within the originating system, if any.
* @type {String}
* @abstract
this.originalSystemId = (cfg.originalSystemId ||;
/** @private **/
this.renderFlags = new RenderFlags();
this._state = new RenderState({ // NOTE: Renderer gets modeling and normal matrices from Mesh#matrix and Mesh.#normalWorldMatrix
visible: true,
culled: false,
pickable: null,
clippable: null,
collidable: null,
occluder: (cfg.occluder !== false),
castsShadow: null,
receivesShadow: null,
xrayed: false,
highlighted: false,
selected: false,
edges: false,
stationary: !!cfg.stationary,
background: !!cfg.background,
billboard: this._checkBillboard(cfg.billboard),
layer: null,
colorize: null,
pickID: this.scene._renderer.getPickID(this),
drawHash: "",
pickHash: "",
offset: math.vec3(),
origin: null,
originHash: null
this._drawRenderer = null;
this._shadowRenderer = null;
this._emphasisFillRenderer = null;
this._emphasisEdgesRenderer = null;
this._pickMeshRenderer = null;
this._pickTriangleRenderer = null;
this._occlusionRenderer = null;
this._geometry = cfg.geometry ? this._checkComponent2(["ReadableGeometry", "VBOGeometry"], cfg.geometry) : this.scene.geometry;
this._material = cfg.material ? this._checkComponent2(["PhongMaterial", "MetallicMaterial", "SpecularMaterial", "LambertMaterial"], cfg.material) : this.scene.material;
this._xrayMaterial = cfg.xrayMaterial ? this._checkComponent("EmphasisMaterial", cfg.xrayMaterial) : this.scene.xrayMaterial;
this._highlightMaterial = cfg.highlightMaterial ? this._checkComponent("EmphasisMaterial", cfg.highlightMaterial) : this.scene.highlightMaterial;
this._selectedMaterial = cfg.selectedMaterial ? this._checkComponent("EmphasisMaterial", cfg.selectedMaterial) : this.scene.selectedMaterial;
this._edgeMaterial = cfg.edgeMaterial ? this._checkComponent("EdgeMaterial", cfg.edgeMaterial) : this.scene.edgeMaterial;
this._parentNode = null;
this._aabb = null;
this._aabbDirty = true;
this._numTriangles = (this._geometry ? this._geometry.numTriangles : 0);
this.scene._aabbDirty = true;
this._scale = math.vec3();
this._quaternion = math.identityQuaternion();
this._rotation = math.vec3();
this._position = math.vec3();
this._worldMatrix = math.identityMat4();
this._worldNormalMatrix = math.identityMat4();
this._localMatrixDirty = true;
this._worldMatrixDirty = true;
this._worldNormalMatrixDirty = true;
const origin = cfg.origin || cfg.rtcCenter;
if (origin) {
this._state.origin = math.vec3(origin);
this._state.originHash = origin.join();
if (cfg.matrix) {
this.matrix = cfg.matrix;
} else {
this.scale = cfg.scale;
this.position = cfg.position;
if (cfg.quaternion) {
} else {
this.rotation = cfg.rotation;
this._isObject = cfg.isObject;
if (this._isObject) {
this._isModel = cfg.isModel;
if (this._isModel) {
this.visible = cfg.visible;
this.culled = cfg.culled;
this.pickable = cfg.pickable;
this.clippable = cfg.clippable;
this.collidable = cfg.collidable;
this.castsShadow = cfg.castsShadow;
this.receivesShadow = cfg.receivesShadow;
this.xrayed = cfg.xrayed;
this.highlighted = cfg.highlighted;
this.selected = cfg.selected;
this.edges = cfg.edges;
this.layer = cfg.layer;
this.colorize = cfg.colorize;
this.opacity = cfg.opacity;
this.offset = cfg.offset;
if (cfg.parentId) {
const parentNode = this.scene.components[cfg.parentId];
if (!parentNode) {
this.error("Parent not found: '" + cfg.parentId + "'");
} else if (!parentNode.isNode) {
this.error("Parent is not a Node: '" + cfg.parentId + "'");
} else {
this._parentNode = parentNode;
} else if (cfg.parent) {
if (!cfg.parent.isNode) {
this.error("Parent is not a Node");
this._parentNode = cfg.parent;
get type() {
return "Mesh";
// Mesh members
* Returns true to indicate that this Component is a Mesh.
* @final
* @type {Boolean}
get isMesh() {
return true;
* The parent Node.
* The parent Node may also be set by passing the Mesh to the parent's {@link Node#addChild} method.
* @type {Node}
get parent() {
return this._parentNode;
* Defines the shape of this Mesh.
* Set to {@link Scene#geometry} by default.
* @type {Geometry}
get geometry() {
return this._geometry;
* Defines the appearance of this Mesh when rendering normally, ie. when not xrayed, highlighted or selected.
* Set to {@link Scene#material} by default.
* @type {Material}
get material() {
return this._material;
* Gets the Mesh's local translation.
* Default value is ````[0,0,0]````.
* @type {Number[]}
get position() {
return this._position;
* Sets the Mesh's local translation.
* Default value is ````[0,0,0]````.
* @type {Number[]}
set position(value) {
this._position.set(value || [0, 0, 0]);
* Gets the Mesh's local rotation, as Euler angles given in degrees, for each of the X, Y and Z axis.
* Default value is ````[0,0,0]````.
* @type {Number[]}
get rotation() {
return this._rotation;
* Sets the Mesh's local rotation, as Euler angles given in degrees, for each of the X, Y and Z axis.
* Default value is ````[0,0,0]````.
* @type {Number[]}
set rotation(value) {
this._rotation.set(value || [0, 0, 0]);
math.eulerToQuaternion(this._rotation, "XYZ", this._quaternion);
* Gets the Mesh's local rotation quaternion.
* Default value is ````[0,0,0,1]````.
* @type {Number[]}
get quaternion() {
return this._quaternion;
* Sets the Mesh's local rotation quaternion.
* Default value is ````[0,0,0,1]````.
* @type {Number[]}
set quaternion(value) {
this._quaternion.set(value || [0, 0, 0, 1]);
math.quaternionToEuler(this._quaternion, "XYZ", this._rotation);
* Gets the Mesh's local scale.
* Default value is ````[1,1,1]````.
* @type {Number[]}
get scale() {
return this._scale;
* Sets the Mesh's local scale.
* Default value is ````[1,1,1]````.
* @type {Number[]}
set scale(value) {
this._scale.set(value || [1, 1, 1]);
* Gets the Mesh's local modeling transform matrix.
* Default value is ````[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]````.
* @type {Number[]}
get matrix() {
if (this._localMatrixDirty) {
if (!this.__localMatrix) {
this.__localMatrix = math.identityMat4();
math.composeMat4(this._position, this._quaternion, this._scale, this.__localMatrix);
this._localMatrixDirty = false;
return this.__localMatrix;
* Sets the Mesh's local modeling transform matrix.
* Default value is ````[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]````.
* @type {Number[]}
set matrix(value) {
if (!this.__localMatrix) {
this.__localMatrix = math.identityMat4();
this.__localMatrix.set(value || identityMat);
math.decomposeMat4(this.__localMatrix, this._position, this._quaternion, this._scale);
this._localMatrixDirty = false;
* Gets the Mesh's World matrix.
* @property worldMatrix
* @type {Number[]}
get worldMatrix() {
if (this._worldMatrixDirty) {
return this._worldMatrix;
* Gets the Mesh's World normal matrix.
* @type {Number[]}
get worldNormalMatrix() {
if (this._worldNormalMatrixDirty) {
return this._worldNormalMatrix;
* Returns true to indicate that Mesh implements {@link Entity}.
* @returns {Boolean}
get isEntity() {
return true;
* Returns ````true```` if this Mesh represents a model.
* When this returns ````true````, the Mesh will be registered by {@link Mesh#id} in {@link Scene#models} and
* may also have a corresponding {@link MetaModel}.
* @type {Boolean}
get isModel() {
return this._isModel;
* Returns ````true```` if this Mesh represents an object.
* When this returns ````true````, the Mesh will be registered by {@link Mesh#id} in {@link Scene#objects} and
* may also have a corresponding {@link MetaObject}.
* @type {Boolean}
get isObject() {
return this._isObject;
* Gets the Mesh's World-space 3D axis-aligned bounding box.
* Represented by a six-element Float64Array containing the min/max extents of the
* axis-aligned volume, ie. ````[xmin, ymin,zmin,xmax,ymax, zmax]````.
* @type {Number[]}
get aabb() {
if (this._aabbDirty) {
return this._aabb;
* Gets the 3D origin of the Mesh's {@link Geometry}'s vertex positions.
* When this is given, then {@link Mesh#matrix}, {@link Mesh#position} and {@link Mesh#geometry} are all assumed to be relative to this center position.
* @type {Float64Array}
get origin() {
return this._state.origin;
* Sets the 3D origin of the Mesh's {@link Geometry}'s vertex positions.
* When this is given, then {@link Mesh#matrix}, {@link Mesh#position} and {@link Mesh#geometry} are all assumed to be relative to this center position.
* @type {Float64Array}
set origin(origin) {
if (origin) {
if (!this._state.origin) {
this._state.origin = math.vec3();
this._state.originHash = origin.join();
this.scene._aabbDirty = true;
} else {
if (this._state.origin) {
this._state.origin = null;
this._state.originHash = null;
this.scene._aabbDirty = true;
* Gets the World-space origin for this Mesh.
* Deprecated and replaced by {@link Mesh#origin}.
* @deprecated
* @type {Float64Array}
get rtcCenter() {
return this.origin;
* Sets the World-space origin for this Mesh.
* Deprecated and replaced by {@link Mesh#origin}.
* @deprecated
* @type {Float64Array}
set rtcCenter(rtcCenter) {
this.origin = rtcCenter;
* The approximate number of triangles in this Mesh.
* @type {Number}
get numTriangles() {
return this._numTriangles;
* Gets if this Mesh is visible.
* Only rendered when {@link Mesh#visible} is ````true```` and {@link Mesh#culled} is ````false````.
* When {@link Mesh#isObject} and {@link Mesh#visible} are both ````true```` the Mesh will be
* registered by {@link Mesh#id} in {@link Scene#visibleObjects}.
* @type {Boolean}
get visible() {
return this._state.visible;
* Sets if this Mesh is visible.
* Only rendered when {@link Mesh#visible} is ````true```` and {@link Mesh#culled} is ````false````.
* When {@link Mesh#isObject} and {@link Mesh#visible} are both ````true```` the Mesh will be
* registered by {@link Mesh#id} in {@link Scene#visibleObjects}.
* @type {Boolean}
set visible(visible) {
visible = visible !== false;
this._state.visible = visible;
if (this._isObject) {
this.scene._objectVisibilityUpdated(this, visible);
* Gets if this Mesh is xrayed.
* XRayed appearance is configured by the {@link EmphasisMaterial} referenced by {@link Mesh#xrayMaterial}.
* When {@link Mesh#isObject} and {@link Mesh#xrayed} are both ````true``` the Mesh will be
* registered by {@link Mesh#id} in {@link Scene#xrayedObjects}.
* @type {Boolean}
get xrayed() {
return this._state.xrayed;
* Sets if this Mesh is xrayed.
* XRayed appearance is configured by the {@link EmphasisMaterial} referenced by {@link Mesh#xrayMaterial}.
* When {@link Mesh#isObject} and {@link Mesh#xrayed} are both ````true``` the Mesh will be
* registered by {@link Mesh#id} in {@link Scene#xrayedObjects}.
* @type {Boolean}
set xrayed(xrayed) {
xrayed = !!xrayed;
if (this._state.xrayed === xrayed) {
this._state.xrayed = xrayed;
if (this._isObject) {
this.scene._objectXRayedUpdated(this, xrayed);
* Gets if this Mesh is highlighted.
* Highlighted appearance is configured by the {@link EmphasisMaterial} referenced by {@link Mesh#highlightMaterial}.
* When {@link Mesh#isObject} and {@link Mesh#highlighted} are both ````true```` the Mesh will be
* registered by {@link Mesh#id} in {@link Scene#highlightedObjects}.
* @type {Boolean}
get highlighted() {
return this._state.highlighted;
* Sets if this Mesh is highlighted.
* Highlighted appearance is configured by the {@link EmphasisMaterial} referenced by {@link Mesh#highlightMaterial}.
* When {@link Mesh#isObject} and {@link Mesh#highlighted} are both ````true```` the Mesh will be
* registered by {@link Mesh#id} in {@link Scene#highlightedObjects}.
* @type {Boolean}
set highlighted(highlighted) {
highlighted = !!highlighted;
if (highlighted === this._state.highlighted) {
this._state.highlighted = highlighted;
if (this._isObject) {
this.scene._objectHighlightedUpdated(this, highlighted);
* Gets if this Mesh is selected.
* Selected appearance is configured by the {@link EmphasisMaterial} referenced by {@link Mesh#selectedMaterial}.
* When {@link Mesh#isObject} and {@link Mesh#selected} are both ````true``` the Mesh will be
* registered by {@link Mesh#id} in {@link Scene#selectedObjects}.
* @type {Boolean}
get selected() {
return this._state.selected;
* Sets if this Mesh is selected.
* Selected appearance is configured by the {@link EmphasisMaterial} referenced by {@link Mesh#selectedMaterial}.
* When {@link Mesh#isObject} and {@link Mesh#selected} are both ````true``` the Mesh will be
* registered by {@link Mesh#id} in {@link Scene#selectedObjects}.
* @type {Boolean}
set selected(selected) {
selected = !!selected;
if (selected === this._state.selected) {
this._state.selected = selected;
if (this._isObject) {
this.scene._objectSelectedUpdated(this, selected);
* Gets if this Mesh is edge-enhanced.
* Edge appearance is configured by the {@link EdgeMaterial} referenced by {@link Mesh#edgeMaterial}.
* @type {Boolean}
get edges() {
return this._state.edges;
* Sets if this Mesh is edge-enhanced.
* Edge appearance is configured by the {@link EdgeMaterial} referenced by {@link Mesh#edgeMaterial}.
* @type {Boolean}
set edges(edges) {
edges = !!edges;
if (edges === this._state.edges) {
this._state.edges = edges;
* Gets if this Mesh is culled.
* Only rendered when {@link Mesh#visible} is ````true```` and {@link Mesh#culled} is ````false````.
* @type {Boolean}
get culled() {
return this._state.culled;
* Sets if this Mesh is culled.
* Only rendered when {@link Mesh#visible} is ````true```` and {@link Mesh#culled} is ````false````.
* @type {Boolean}
set culled(value) {
this._state.culled = !!value;
* Gets if this Mesh is clippable.
* Clipping is done by the {@link SectionPlane}s in {@link Scene#sectionPlanes}.
* @type {Boolean}
get clippable() {
return this._state.clippable;
* Sets if this Mesh is clippable.
* Clipping is done by the {@link SectionPlane}s in {@link Scene#sectionPlanes}.
* @type {Boolean}
set clippable(value) {
value = value !== false;
if (this._state.clippable === value) {
this._state.clippable = value;
* Gets if this Mesh included in boundary calculations.
* @type {Boolean}
get collidable() {
return this._state.collidable;
* Sets if this Mesh included in boundary calculations.
* @type {Boolean}
set collidable(value) {
value = value !== false;
if (value === this._state.collidable) {
this._state.collidable = value;
this.scene._aabbDirty = true;
// Entity members
* Gets if this Mesh is pickable.
* Picking is done via calls to {@link Scene#pick}.
* @type {Boolean}
get pickable() {
return this._state.pickable;
* Sets if this Mesh is pickable.
* Picking is done via calls to {@link Scene#pick}.
* @type {Boolean}
set pickable(value) {
value = value !== false;
if (this._state.pickable === value) {
this._state.pickable = value;
// No need to trigger a render;
// state is only used when picking
* Gets if this Mesh casts shadows.
* @type {Boolean}
get castsShadow() {
return this._state.castsShadow;
* Sets if this Mesh casts shadows.
* @type {Boolean}
set castsShadow(value) {
value = value !== false;
if (value === this._state.castsShadow) {
this._state.castsShadow = value;
* Gets if this Mesh can have shadows cast upon it.
* @type {Boolean}
get receivesShadow() {
return this._state.receivesShadow;
* Sets if this Mesh can have shadows cast upon it.
* @type {Boolean}
set receivesShadow(value) {
value = value !== false;
if (value === this._state.receivesShadow) {
this._state.receivesShadow = value;
this._state.hash = value ? "/mod/rs;" : "/mod;";"dirty", this); // Now need to (re)compile objectRenderers to include/exclude shadow mapping
* Gets if this Mesh can have Scalable Ambient Obscurance (SAO) applied to it.
* SAO is configured by {@link SAO}.
* @type {Boolean}
* @abstract
get saoEnabled() {
return false; // TODO: Support SAO on Meshes
* Gets the RGB colorize color for this Mesh.
* Multiplies by rendered fragment colors.
* Each element of the color is in range ````[0..1]````.
* @type {Number[]}
get colorize() {
return this._state.colorize;
* Sets the RGB colorize color for this Mesh.
* Multiplies by rendered fragment colors.
* Each element of the color is in range ````[0..1]````.
* @type {Number[]}
set colorize(value) {
let colorize = this._state.colorize;
if (!colorize) {
colorize = this._state.colorize = new Float32Array(4);
colorize[3] = 1;
if (value) {
colorize[0] = value[0];
colorize[1] = value[1];
colorize[2] = value[2];
} else {
colorize[0] = 1;
colorize[1] = 1;
colorize[2] = 1;
const colorized = (!!value);
this.scene._objectColorizeUpdated(this, colorized);
* Gets the opacity factor for this Mesh.
* This is a factor in range ````[0..1]```` which multiplies by the rendered fragment alphas.
* @type {Number}
get opacity() {
return this._state.colorize[3];
* Sets the opacity factor for this Mesh.
* This is a factor in range ````[0..1]```` which multiplies by the rendered fragment alphas.
* @type {Number}
set opacity(opacity) {
let colorize = this._state.colorize;
if (!colorize) {
colorize = this._state.colorize = new Float32Array(4);
colorize[0] = 1;
colorize[1] = 1;
colorize[2] = 1;
const opacityUpdated = (opacity !== null && opacity !== undefined);
colorize[3] = opacityUpdated ? opacity : 1.0;
this.scene._objectOpacityUpdated(this, opacityUpdated);
* Gets if this Mesh is transparent.
* @returns {Boolean}
get transparent() {
return this._material.alphaMode === 2 /* blend */ || this._state.colorize[3] < 1
* Gets the Mesh's rendering order relative to other Meshes.
* Default value is ````0````.
* This can be set on multiple transparent Meshes, to make them render in a specific order for correct alpha blending.
* @type {Number}
get layer() {
return this._state.layer;
* Sets the Mesh's rendering order relative to other Meshes.
* Default value is ````0````.
* This can be set on multiple transparent Meshes, to make them render in a specific order for correct alpha blending.
* @type {Number}
set layer(value) {
// TODO: Only accept rendering layer in range [0...MAX_layer]
value = value || 0;
value = Math.round(value);
if (value === this._state.layer) {
this._state.layer = value;
* Gets if the Node's position is stationary.
* When true, will disable the effect of {@link Camera} translations for this Mesh, while still allowing it to rotate. This is useful for skyboxes.
* @type {Boolean}
get stationary() {
return this._state.stationary;
* Gets the Node's billboarding behaviour.
* Options are:
* * ````"none"```` - (default) - No billboarding.
* * ````"spherical"```` - Mesh is billboarded to face the viewpoint, rotating both vertically and horizontally.
* * ````"cylindrical"```` - Mesh is billboarded to face the viewpoint, rotating only about its vertically axis. Use this mode for things like trees on a landscape.
* @type {String}
get billboard() {
return this._state.billboard;
* Gets the Mesh's 3D World-space offset.
* Default value is ````[0,0,0]````.
* @type {Number[]}
get offset() {
return this._state.offset;
* Sets the Mesh's 3D World-space offset.
* The offset dynamically translates the Mesh in World-space.
* Default value is ````[0, 0, 0]````.
* Provide a null or undefined value to reset to the default value.
* @type {Number[]}
set offset(value) {
this._state.offset.set(value || [0, 0, 0]);
* Returns true to indicate that Mesh implements {@link Drawable}.
* @final
* @type {Boolean}
get isDrawable() {
return true;
* Property with final value ````true```` to indicate that xeokit should render this Mesh in sorted order, relative to other Meshes.
* The sort order is determined by {@link Mesh#stateSortCompare}.
* Sorting is essential for rendering performance, so that xeokit is able to avoid applying runs of the same state changes to the GPU, ie. can collapse them.
* @type {Boolean}
get isStateSortable() {
return true;
* Defines the appearance of this Mesh when xrayed.
* Mesh is xrayed when {@link Mesh#xrayed} is ````true````.
* Set to {@link Scene#xrayMaterial} by default.
* @type {EmphasisMaterial}
get xrayMaterial() {
return this._xrayMaterial;
* Defines the appearance of this Mesh when highlighted.
* Mesh is xrayed when {@link Mesh#highlighted} is ````true````.
* Set to {@link Scene#highlightMaterial} by default.
* @type {EmphasisMaterial}
get highlightMaterial() {
return this._highlightMaterial;
* Defines the appearance of this Mesh when selected.
* Mesh is xrayed when {@link Mesh#selected} is ````true````.
* Set to {@link Scene#selectedMaterial} by default.
* @type {EmphasisMaterial}
get selectedMaterial() {
return this._selectedMaterial;
* Defines the appearance of this Mesh when edges are enhanced.
* Mesh is xrayed when {@link Mesh#edges} is ````true````.
* Set to {@link Scene#edgeMaterial} by default.
* @type {EdgeMaterial}
get edgeMaterial() {
return this._edgeMaterial;
_checkBillboard(value) {
value = value || "none";
if (value !== "spherical" && value !== "cylindrical" && value !== "none") {
this.error("Unsupported value for 'billboard': " + value + " - accepted values are " +
"'spherical', 'cylindrical' and 'none' - defaulting to 'none'.");
value = "none";
return value;
* Called by xeokit to compile shaders for this Mesh.
* @private
compile() {
const drawHash = this._makeDrawHash();
if (this._state.drawHash !== drawHash) {
this._state.drawHash = drawHash;
this._drawRenderer = DrawRenderer.get(this);
// this._shadowRenderer = ShadowRenderer.get(this);
this._emphasisFillRenderer = EmphasisFillRenderer.get(this);
this._emphasisEdgesRenderer = EmphasisEdgesRenderer.get(this);
const pickHash = this._makePickHash();
if (this._state.pickHash !== pickHash) {
this._state.pickHash = pickHash;
this._pickMeshRenderer = PickMeshRenderer.get(this);
if (this._state.occluder) {
const occlusionHash = this._makeOcclusionHash();
if (this._state.occlusionHash !== occlusionHash) {
this._state.occlusionHash = occlusionHash;
this._occlusionRenderer = OcclusionRenderer.get(this);
_setLocalMatrixDirty() {
this._localMatrixDirty = true;
_setWorldMatrixDirty() {
this._worldMatrixDirty = true;
this._worldNormalMatrixDirty = true;
_buildWorldMatrix() {
const localMatrix = this.matrix;
if (!this._parentNode) {
for (let i = 0, len = localMatrix.length; i < len; i++) {
this._worldMatrix[i] = localMatrix[i];
} else {
math.mulMat4(this._parentNode.worldMatrix, localMatrix, this._worldMatrix);
this._worldMatrixDirty = false;
_buildWorldNormalMatrix() {
if (this._worldMatrixDirty) {
if (!this._worldNormalMatrix) {
this._worldNormalMatrix = math.mat4();
// Note: order of inverse and transpose doesn't matter
math.transposeMat4(this._worldMatrix, this._worldNormalMatrix);
this._worldNormalMatrixDirty = false;
_setAABBDirty() {
if (this.collidable) {
for (let node = this; node; node = node._parentNode) {
node._aabbDirty = true;
_updateAABB() {
this.scene._aabbDirty = true;
if (!this._aabb) {
this._aabb = math.AABB3();
this._buildAABB(this.worldMatrix, this._aabb); // Mesh or VBOSceneModel
this._aabbDirty = false;
_webglContextRestored() {
if (this._drawRenderer) {
if (this._shadowRenderer) {
if (this._emphasisFillRenderer) {
if (this._emphasisEdgesRenderer) {
if (this._pickMeshRenderer) {
if (this._pickTriangleRenderer) {
if (this._occlusionRenderer) {
_makeDrawHash() {
const scene = this.scene;
const hash = [,
(scene.gammaInput ? "gi;" : ";") + (scene.gammaOutput ? "go" : ""),
const state = this._state;
if (state.stationary) {
if (state.billboard === "none") {
} else if (state.billboard === "spherical") {
} else if (state.billboard === "cylindrical") {
if (state.receivesShadow) {
return hash.join("");
_makePickHash() {
const scene = this.scene;
const hash = [,
const state = this._state;
if (state.stationary) {
if (state.billboard === "none") {
} else if (state.billboard === "spherical") {
} else if (state.billboard === "cylindrical") {
return hash.join("");
_makeOcclusionHash() {
const scene = this.scene;
const hash = [,
const state = this._state;
if (state.stationary) {
if (state.billboard === "none") {
} else if (state.billboard === "spherical") {
} else if (state.billboard === "cylindrical") {
return hash.join("");
_buildAABB(worldMatrix, aabb) {
math.transformOBB3(worldMatrix, this._geometry.obb, obb);
math.OBB3ToAABB3(obb, aabb);
const offset = this._state.offset;
aabb[0] += offset[0];
aabb[1] += offset[1];
aabb[2] += offset[2];
aabb[3] += offset[0];
aabb[4] += offset[1];
aabb[5] += offset[2];
if (this._state.origin) {
const origin = this._state.origin;
aabb[0] += origin[0];
aabb[1] += origin[1];
aabb[2] += origin[2];
aabb[3] += origin[0];
aabb[4] += origin[1];
aabb[5] += origin[2];
* Rotates the Mesh about the given local axis by the given increment.
* @param {Number[]} axis Local axis about which to rotate.
* @param {Number} angle Angle increment in degrees.
rotate(axis, angle) {
angleAxis[0] = axis[0];
angleAxis[1] = axis[1];
angleAxis[2] = axis[2];
angleAxis[3] = angle * math.DEGTORAD;
math.angleAxisToQuaternion(angleAxis, q1);
math.mulQuaternions(this.quaternion, q1, q2);
this.quaternion = q2;
return this;
* Rotates the Mesh about the given World-space axis by the given increment.
* @param {Number[]} axis Local axis about which to rotate.
* @param {Number} angle Angle increment in degrees.
rotateOnWorldAxis(axis, angle) {
angleAxis[0] = axis[0];
angleAxis[1] = axis[1];
angleAxis[2] = axis[2];
angleAxis[3] = angle * math.DEGTORAD;
math.angleAxisToQuaternion(angleAxis, q1);
math.mulQuaternions(q1, this.quaternion, q1);
return this;
* Rotates the Mesh about the local X-axis by the given increment.
* @param {Number} angle Angle increment in degrees.
rotateX(angle) {
return this.rotate(xAxis, angle);
* Rotates the Mesh about the local Y-axis by the given increment.
* @param {Number} angle Angle increment in degrees.
rotateY(angle) {
return this.rotate(yAxis, angle);
* Rotates the Mesh about the local Z-axis by the given increment.
* @param {Number} angle Angle increment in degrees.
rotateZ(angle) {
return this.rotate(zAxis, angle);
* Translates the Mesh along local space vector by the given increment.
* @param {Number[]} axis Normalized local space 3D vector along which to translate.
* @param {Number} distance Distance to translate along the vector.
translate(axis, distance) {
math.vec3ApplyQuaternion(this.quaternion, axis, veca);
math.mulVec3Scalar(veca, distance, vecb);
math.addVec3(this.position, vecb, this.position);
return this;
// Drawable members
* Translates the Mesh along the local X-axis by the given increment.
* @param {Number} distance Distance to translate along the X-axis.
translateX(distance) {
return this.translate(xAxis, distance);
* Translates the Mesh along the local Y-axis by the given increment.
* @param {Number} distance Distance to translate along the Y-axis.
translateY(distance) {
return this.translate(yAxis, distance);
* Translates the Mesh along the local Z-axis by the given increment.
* @param {Number} distance Distance to translate along the Z-axis.
translateZ(distance) {
return this.translate(zAxis, distance);
_putDrawRenderers() {
if (this._drawRenderer) {
this._drawRenderer = null;
if (this._shadowRenderer) {
this._shadowRenderer = null;
if (this._emphasisFillRenderer) {
this._emphasisFillRenderer = null;
if (this._emphasisEdgesRenderer) {
this._emphasisEdgesRenderer = null;
_putPickRenderers() {
if (this._pickMeshRenderer) {
this._pickMeshRenderer = null;
if (this._pickTriangleRenderer) {
this._pickTriangleRenderer = null;
_putOcclusionRenderer() {
if (this._occlusionRenderer) {
this._occlusionRenderer = null;
* Comparison function used by the renderer to determine the order in which xeokit should render the Mesh, relative to to other Meshes.
* xeokit requires this method because Mesh implements {@link Drawable}.
* Sorting is essential for rendering performance, so that xeokit is able to avoid needlessly applying runs of the same rendering state changes to the GPU, ie. can collapse them.
* @param {Mesh} mesh1
* @param {Mesh} mesh2
* @returns {number}
stateSortCompare(mesh1, mesh2) {
return (mesh1._state.layer - mesh2._state.layer)
|| ( - // Program state
|| ( - // Material state
|| ( -; // Geometry state
/** @private */
rebuildRenderFlags() {
if (!this._getActiveSectionPlanes()) {
this.renderFlags.culled = true;
this.renderFlags.numLayers = 1;
this.renderFlags.numVisibleLayers = 1;
this.renderFlags.visibleLayers[0] = 0;
* @private
_updateRenderFlags() {
const renderFlags = this.renderFlags;
const state = this._state;
if (state.xrayed) {
const xrayMaterial = this._xrayMaterial._state;
if (xrayMaterial.fill) {
if (xrayMaterial.fillAlpha < 1.0) {
renderFlags.xrayedSilhouetteTransparent = true;
} else {
renderFlags.xrayedSilhouetteOpaque = true;
if (xrayMaterial.edges) {
if (xrayMaterial.edgeAlpha < 1.0) {
renderFlags.xrayedEdgesTransparent = true;
} else {
renderFlags.xrayedEdgesOpaque = true;
} else {
const normalMaterial = this._material._state;
if (normalMaterial.alpha < 1.0 || state.colorize[3] < 1.0) {
renderFlags.colorTransparent = true;
} else {
renderFlags.colorOpaque = true;
if (state.edges) {
const edgeMaterial = this._edgeMaterial._state;
if (edgeMaterial.alpha < 1.0) {
renderFlags.edgesTransparent = true;
} else {
renderFlags.edgesOpaque = true;
if (state.selected) {
const selectedMaterial = this._selectedMaterial._state;
if (selectedMaterial.fill) {
if (selectedMaterial.fillAlpha < 1.0) {
renderFlags.selectedSilhouetteTransparent = true;
} else {
renderFlags.selectedSilhouetteOpaque = true;
if (selectedMaterial.edges) {
if (selectedMaterial.edgeAlpha < 1.0) {
renderFlags.selectedEdgesTransparent = true;
} else {
renderFlags.selectedEdgesOpaque = true;
} else if (state.highlighted) {
const highlightMaterial = this._highlightMaterial._state;
if (highlightMaterial.fill) {
if (highlightMaterial.fillAlpha < 1.0) {
renderFlags.highlightedSilhouetteTransparent = true;
} else {
renderFlags.highlightedSilhouetteOpaque = true;
if (highlightMaterial.edges) {
if (highlightMaterial.edgeAlpha < 1.0) {
renderFlags.highlightedEdgesTransparent = true;
} else {
renderFlags.highlightedEdgesOpaque = true;
_getActiveSectionPlanes() {
if (this._state.clippable) {
const sectionPlanes = this.scene._sectionPlanesState.sectionPlanes;
const numSectionPlanes = sectionPlanes.length;
if (numSectionPlanes > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < numSectionPlanes; i++) {
const sectionPlane = sectionPlanes[i];
const renderFlags = this.renderFlags;
if (! {
renderFlags.sectionPlanesActivePerLayer[i] = false;
} else {
if (this._state.origin) {
const intersect = math.planeAABB3Intersect(sectionPlane.dir, sectionPlane.dist, this.aabb);
const outside = (intersect === -1);
if (outside) {
return false;
const intersecting = (intersect === 0);
renderFlags.sectionPlanesActivePerLayer[i] = intersecting;
} else {
renderFlags.sectionPlanesActivePerLayer[i] = true;
return true;
// ---------------------- NORMAL RENDERING -----------------------------------
/** @private */
drawColorOpaque(frameCtx) {
if (this._drawRenderer || (this._drawRenderer = DrawRenderer.get(this))) {
this._drawRenderer.drawMesh(frameCtx, this);
/** @private */
drawColorTransparent(frameCtx) {
if (this._drawRenderer || (this._drawRenderer = DrawRenderer.get(this))) {
this._drawRenderer.drawMesh(frameCtx, this);
// ---------------------- RENDERING SAO POST EFFECT TARGETS --------------
// ---------------------- EMPHASIS RENDERING -----------------------------------
/** @private */
drawSilhouetteXRayed(frameCtx) {
if (this._emphasisFillRenderer || (this._emphasisFillRenderer = EmphasisFillRenderer.get(this))) {
this._emphasisFillRenderer.drawMesh(frameCtx, this, 0); // 0 == xray
/** @private */
drawSilhouetteHighlighted(frameCtx) {
if (this._emphasisFillRenderer || (this._emphasisFillRenderer = EmphasisFillRenderer.get(this))) {
this._emphasisFillRenderer.drawMesh(frameCtx, this, 1); // 1 == highlight
/** @private */
drawSilhouetteSelected(frameCtx) {
if (this._emphasisFillRenderer || (this._emphasisFillRenderer = EmphasisFillRenderer.get(this))) {
this._emphasisFillRenderer.drawMesh(frameCtx, this, 2); // 2 == selected
// ---------------------- EDGES RENDERING -----------------------------------
/** @private */
drawEdgesColorOpaque(frameCtx) {
if (this._emphasisEdgesRenderer || (this._emphasisEdgesRenderer = EmphasisEdgesRenderer.get(this))) {
this._emphasisEdgesRenderer.drawMesh(frameCtx, this, 3); // 3 == edges
/** @private */
drawEdgesColorTransparent(frameCtx) {
if (this._emphasisEdgesRenderer || (this._emphasisEdgesRenderer = EmphasisEdgesRenderer.get(this))) {
this._emphasisEdgesRenderer.drawMesh(frameCtx, this, 3); // 3 == edges
/** @private */
drawEdgesXRayed(frameCtx) {
if (this._emphasisEdgesRenderer || (this._emphasisEdgesRenderer = EmphasisEdgesRenderer.get(this))) {
this._emphasisEdgesRenderer.drawMesh(frameCtx, this, 0); // 0 == xray
/** @private */
drawEdgesHighlighted(frameCtx) {
if (this._emphasisEdgesRenderer || (this._emphasisEdgesRenderer = EmphasisEdgesRenderer.get(this))) {
this._emphasisEdgesRenderer.drawMesh(frameCtx, this, 1); // 1 == highlight
/** @private */
drawEdgesSelected(frameCtx) {
if (this._emphasisEdgesRenderer || (this._emphasisEdgesRenderer = EmphasisEdgesRenderer.get(this))) {
this._emphasisEdgesRenderer.drawMesh(frameCtx, this, 2); // 2 == selected
// ---------------------- OCCLUSION CULL RENDERING -----------------------------------
/** @private */
drawOcclusion(frameCtx) {
if (this._state.occluder && this._occlusionRenderer || (this._occlusionRenderer = OcclusionRenderer.get(this))) {
this._occlusionRenderer.drawMesh(frameCtx, this);
// ---------------------- SHADOW BUFFER RENDERING -----------------------------------
/** @private */
drawShadow(frameCtx) {
if (this._shadowRenderer || (this._shadowRenderer = ShadowRenderer.get(this))) {
this._shadowRenderer.drawMesh(frameCtx, this);
// ---------------------- PICKING RENDERING ----------------------------------
/** @private */
drawPickMesh(frameCtx) {
if (this._pickMeshRenderer || (this._pickMeshRenderer = PickMeshRenderer.get(this))) {
this._pickMeshRenderer.drawMesh(frameCtx, this);
/** @private
canPickTriangle() {
return this._geometry.isReadableGeometry; // VBOGeometry does not support surface picking because it has no geometry data in browser memory
/** @private */
drawPickTriangles(frameCtx) {
if (this._pickTriangleRenderer || (this._pickTriangleRenderer = PickTriangleRenderer.get(this))) {
this._pickTriangleRenderer.drawMesh(frameCtx, this);
/** @private */
pickTriangleSurface(pickViewMatrix, pickProjMatrix, projection, pickResult) {
pickTriangleSurface(this, pickViewMatrix, pickProjMatrix, projection, pickResult);
/** @private */
drawPickVertices(frameCtx) {
* @private
* @returns {PerformanceNode}
delegatePickedEntity() {
return this;
// Component members
* Destroys this Mesh.
destroy() {
super.destroy(); // xeokit.Object
this.scene._renderer.putPickID(this._state.pickID); // TODO: somehow puch this down into xeokit framework?
if (this._isObject) {
if (this._visible) {
this.scene._objectVisibilityUpdated(this, false, false);
if (this._xrayed) {
this.scene._objectXRayedUpdated(this, false, false);
if (this._selected) {
this.scene._objectSelectedUpdated(this, false, false);
if (this._highlighted) {
this.scene._objectHighlightedUpdated(this, false, false);
this.scene._objectColorizeUpdated(this, false);
this.scene._objectOpacityUpdated(this, false);
if (this.offset.some((v) => v !== 0))
this.scene._objectOffsetUpdated(this, false);
if (this._isModel) {
const pickTriangleSurface = (function () {
// Cached vars to avoid garbage collection
const localRayOrigin = math.vec3();
const localRayDir = math.vec3();
const positionA = math.vec3();
const positionB = math.vec3();
const positionC = math.vec3();
const triangleVertices = math.vec3();
const position = math.vec4();
const worldPos = math.vec3();
const viewPos = math.vec3();
const bary = math.vec3();
const normalA = math.vec3();
const normalB = math.vec3();
const normalC = math.vec3();
const uva = math.vec3();
const uvb = math.vec3();
const uvc = math.vec3();
const tempVec4a = math.vec4();
const tempVec4b = math.vec4();
const tempVec4c = math.vec4();
const tempVec3 = math.vec3();
const tempVec3b = math.vec3();
const tempVec3c = math.vec3();
const tempVec3d = math.vec3();
const tempVec3e = math.vec3();
const tempVec3f = math.vec3();
const tempVec3g = math.vec3();
const tempVec3h = math.vec3();
const tempVec3i = math.vec3();
const tempVec3j = math.vec3();
const tempVec3k = math.vec3();
return function (mesh, pickViewMatrix, pickProjMatrix, projection, pickResult) {
var primIndex = pickResult.primIndex;
if (primIndex !== undefined && primIndex !== null && primIndex > -1) {
const geometry = mesh.geometry._state;
const scene = mesh.scene;
const camera =;
const canvas = scene.canvas;
if (geometry.primitiveName === "triangles") {
// Triangle picked; this only happens when the
// Mesh has a Geometry that has primitives of type "triangle"
pickResult.primitive = "triangle";
// Get the World-space positions of the triangle's vertices
const i = primIndex; // Indicates the first triangle index in the indices array
const indices = geometry.indices; // Indices into geometry arrays, not into shared VertexBufs
const positions = geometry.positions;
let ia3;
let ib3;
let ic3;
if (indices) {
var ia = indices[i + 0];
var ib = indices[i + 1];
var ic = indices[i + 2];
triangleVertices[0] = ia;
triangleVertices[1] = ib;
triangleVertices[2] = ic;
pickResult.indices = triangleVertices;
ia3 = ia * 3;
ib3 = ib * 3;
ic3 = ic * 3;
} else {
ia3 = i * 3;
ib3 = ia3 + 3;
ic3 = ib3 + 3;
positionA[0] = positions[ia3 + 0];
positionA[1] = positions[ia3 + 1];
positionA[2] = positions[ia3 + 2];
positionB[0] = positions[ib3 + 0];
positionB[1] = positions[ib3 + 1];
positionB[2] = positions[ib3 + 2];
positionC[0] = positions[ic3 + 0];
positionC[1] = positions[ic3 + 1];
positionC[2] = positions[ic3 + 2];
if (geometry.compressGeometry) {
// Decompress vertex positions
const positionsDecodeMatrix = geometry.positionsDecodeMatrix;
if (positionsDecodeMatrix) {
geometryCompressionUtils.decompressPosition(positionA, positionsDecodeMatrix, positionA);
geometryCompressionUtils.decompressPosition(positionB, positionsDecodeMatrix, positionB);
geometryCompressionUtils.decompressPosition(positionC, positionsDecodeMatrix, positionC);
// Attempt to ray-pick the triangle in local space
if (pickResult.canvasPos) {
math.canvasPosToLocalRay(canvas.canvas, mesh.origin ? createRTCViewMat(pickViewMatrix, mesh.origin) : pickViewMatrix, pickProjMatrix, projection, mesh.worldMatrix, pickResult.canvasPos, localRayOrigin, localRayDir);
} else if (pickResult.origin && pickResult.direction) {
math.worldRayToLocalRay(mesh.worldMatrix, pickResult.origin, pickResult.direction, localRayOrigin, localRayDir);
math.rayPlaneIntersect(localRayOrigin, localRayDir, positionA, positionB, positionC, position);
// Get Local-space cartesian coordinates of the ray-triangle intersection
pickResult.localPos = position;
pickResult.position = position;
// Get interpolated World-space coordinates
// Need to transform homogeneous coords
tempVec4a[0] = position[0];
tempVec4a[1] = position[1];
tempVec4a[2] = position[2];
tempVec4a[3] = 1;
// Get World-space cartesian coordinates of the ray-triangle intersection
math.transformVec4(mesh.worldMatrix, tempVec4a, tempVec4b);
worldPos[0] = tempVec4b[0];
worldPos[1] = tempVec4b[1];
worldPos[2] = tempVec4b[2];
if (pickResult.canvasPos && mesh.origin) {
worldPos[0] += mesh.origin[0];
worldPos[1] += mesh.origin[1];
worldPos[2] += mesh.origin[2];
pickResult.worldPos = worldPos;
// Get View-space cartesian coordinates of the ray-triangle intersection
math.transformVec4(camera.matrix, tempVec4b, tempVec4c);
viewPos[0] = tempVec4c[0];
viewPos[1] = tempVec4c[1];
viewPos[2] = tempVec4c[2];
pickResult.viewPos = viewPos;
// Get barycentric coordinates of the ray-triangle intersection
math.cartesianToBarycentric(position, positionA, positionB, positionC, bary);
pickResult.bary = bary;
// Get interpolated normal vector
const normals = geometry.normals;
if (normals) {
if (geometry.compressGeometry) {
// Decompress vertex normals
const ia2 = ia * 3;
const ib2 = ib * 3;
const ic2 = ic * 3;
geometryCompressionUtils.decompressNormal(normals.subarray(ia2, ia2 + 2), normalA);
geometryCompressionUtils.decompressNormal(normals.subarray(ib2, ib2 + 2), normalB);
geometryCompressionUtils.decompressNormal(normals.subarray(ic2, ic2 + 2), normalC);
} else {
normalA[0] = normals[ia3];
normalA[1] = normals[ia3 + 1];
normalA[2] = normals[ia3 + 2];
normalB[0] = normals[ib3];
normalB[1] = normals[ib3 + 1];
normalB[2] = normals[ib3 + 2];
normalC[0] = normals[ic3];
normalC[1] = normals[ic3 + 1];
normalC[2] = normals[ic3 + 2];
const normal = math.addVec3(math.addVec3(
math.mulVec3Scalar(normalA, bary[0], tempVec3),
math.mulVec3Scalar(normalB, bary[1], tempVec3b), tempVec3c),
math.mulVec3Scalar(normalC, bary[2], tempVec3d), tempVec3e);
pickResult.worldNormal = math.normalizeVec3(math.transformVec3(mesh.worldNormalMatrix, normal, tempVec3f));
// Get interpolated UV coordinates
const uvs = geometry.uv;
if (uvs) {
uva[0] = uvs[(ia * 2)];
uva[1] = uvs[(ia * 2) + 1];
uvb[0] = uvs[(ib * 2)];
uvb[1] = uvs[(ib * 2) + 1];
uvc[0] = uvs[(ic * 2)];
uvc[1] = uvs[(ic * 2) + 1];
if (geometry.compressGeometry) {
// Decompress vertex UVs
const uvDecodeMatrix = geometry.uvDecodeMatrix;
if (uvDecodeMatrix) {
geometryCompressionUtils.decompressUV(uva, uvDecodeMatrix, uva);
geometryCompressionUtils.decompressUV(uvb, uvDecodeMatrix, uvb);
geometryCompressionUtils.decompressUV(uvc, uvDecodeMatrix, uvc);
pickResult.uv = math.addVec3(
math.mulVec2Scalar(uva, bary[0], tempVec3g),
math.mulVec2Scalar(uvb, bary[1], tempVec3h), tempVec3i),
math.mulVec2Scalar(uvc, bary[2], tempVec3j), tempVec3k);
export {Mesh};