import {Component} from "../Component.js";
import {math} from "../math/math.js";
import {buildEdgeIndices} from '../math/buildEdgeIndices.js';
import {SceneModelMesh} from './SceneModelMesh.js';
import {getScratchMemory, putScratchMemory} from "./vbo/ScratchMemory.js";
import {VBOBatchingTrianglesLayer} from './vbo/batching/triangles/VBOBatchingTrianglesLayer.js';
import {VBOInstancingTrianglesLayer} from './vbo/instancing/triangles/VBOInstancingTrianglesLayer.js';
import {VBOBatchingLinesLayer} from './vbo/batching/lines/VBOBatchingLinesLayer.js';
import {VBOInstancingLinesLayer} from './vbo/instancing/lines/VBOInstancingLinesLayer.js';
import {VBOBatchingPointsLayer} from './vbo/batching/points/VBOBatchingPointsLayer.js';
import {VBOInstancingPointsLayer} from './vbo/instancing/points/VBOInstancingPointsLayer.js';
import {DTXLinesLayer} from "./dtx/lines/DTXLinesLayer.js";
import {DTXTrianglesLayer} from "./dtx/triangles/DTXTrianglesLayer.js";
import {ENTITY_FLAGS} from './ENTITY_FLAGS.js';
import {RenderFlags} from "../webgl/RenderFlags.js";
import {worldToRTCPositions} from "../math/rtcCoords.js";
import {SceneModelTextureSet} from "./SceneModelTextureSet.js";
import {SceneModelTexture} from "./SceneModelTexture.js";
import {Texture2D} from "../webgl/Texture2D.js";
import {utils} from "../utils.js";
import {getKTX2TextureTranscoder} from "../utils/textureTranscoders/KTX2TextureTranscoder/KTX2TextureTranscoder.js";
import {
} from "../constants/constants.js";
import {createPositionsDecodeMatrix, quantizePositions} from "./compression.js";
import {uniquifyPositions} from "./calculateUniquePositions.js";
import {rebucketPositions} from "./rebucketPositions.js";
import {SceneModelEntity} from "./SceneModelEntity.js";
import {geometryCompressionUtils} from "../math/geometryCompressionUtils.js";
import {SceneModelTransform} from "./SceneModelTransform.js";
const tempVec3a = math.vec3();
const tempOBB3 = math.OBB3();
const tempQuaternion = math.vec4();
const DEFAULT_SCALE = math.vec3([1, 1, 1]);
const DEFAULT_POSITION = math.vec3([0, 0, 0]);
const DEFAULT_ROTATION = math.vec3([0, 0, 0]);
const DEFAULT_QUATERNION = math.identityQuaternion();
const DEFAULT_MATRIX = math.identityMat4();
const DEFAULT_COLOR_TEXTURE_ID = "defaultColorTexture";
const DEFAULT_METAL_ROUGH_TEXTURE_ID = "defaultMetalRoughTexture";
const DEFAULT_NORMALS_TEXTURE_ID = "defaultNormalsTexture";
const DEFAULT_EMISSIVE_TEXTURE_ID = "defaultEmissiveTexture";
const DEFAULT_OCCLUSION_TEXTURE_ID = "defaultOcclusionTexture";
const DEFAULT_TEXTURE_SET_ID = "defaultTextureSet";
const defaultCompressedColor = new Uint8Array([255, 255, 255]);
const VBO_INSTANCED = 0;
const VBO_BATCHED = 1;
const DTX = 2;
* @desc A high-performance model representation for efficient rendering and low memory usage.
* # Examples
* Internally, SceneModel uses a combination of several different techniques to render and represent
* the different parts of a typical model. Each of the live examples at these links is designed to "unit test" one of these
* techniques, in isolation. If some bug occurs in SceneModel, we use these tests to debug, but they also
* serve to demonstrate how to use the capabilities of SceneModel programmatically.
* * [Loading building models into SceneModels](/examples/buildings)
* * [Loading city models into SceneModels](/examples/cities)
* * [Loading LiDAR scans into SceneModels](/examples/lidar)
* * [Loading CAD models into SceneModels](/examples/cad)
* * [SceneModel feature tests](/examples/scenemodel)
* # Overview
* While xeokit's standard [scene graph]( is great for gizmos and medium-sized models, it doesn't scale up to millions of objects in terms of memory and rendering efficiency.
* For huge models, we have the ````SceneModel```` representation, which is optimized to pack large amounts of geometry into memory and render it efficiently using WebGL.
* ````SceneModel```` is the default model representation loaded by (at least) {@link GLTFLoaderPlugin}, {@link XKTLoaderPlugin} and {@link WebIFCLoaderPlugin}.
* In this tutorial you'll learn how to use ````SceneModel```` to create high-detail content programmatically. Ordinarily you'd be learning about ````SceneModel```` if you were writing your own model loader plugins.
* # Contents
* - [SceneModel](#DataTextureSceneModel)
* - [GPU-Resident Geometry](#gpu-resident-geometry)
* - [Picking](#picking)
* - [Example 1: Geometry Instancing](#example-1--geometry-instancing)
* - [Finalizing a SceneModel](#finalizing-a-DataTextureSceneModel)
* - [Finding Entities](#finding-entities)
* - [Example 2: Geometry Batching](#example-2--geometry-batching)
* - [Classifying with Metadata](#classifying-with-metadata)
* - [Querying Metadata](#querying-metadata)
* - [Metadata Structure](#metadata-structure)
* - [RTC Coordinates](#rtc-coordinates-for-double-precision)
* - [Example 3: RTC Coordinates with Geometry Instancing](#example-2--rtc-coordinates-with-geometry-instancing)
* - [Example 4: RTC Coordinates with Geometry Batching](#example-2--rtc-coordinates-with-geometry-batching)
* ## SceneModel
* ````SceneModel```` uses two rendering techniques internally:
* 1. ***Geometry batching*** for unique geometries, combining those into a single WebGL geometry buffer, to render in one draw call, and
* 2. ***geometry instancing*** for geometries that are shared by multiple meshes, rendering all instances of each shared geometry in one draw call.
* <br>
* These techniques come with certain limitations:
* * Non-realistic rendering - while scene graphs can use xeokit's full set of material workflows, ````SceneModel```` uses simple Lambertian shading without textures.
* * Static transforms - transforms within a ````SceneModel```` are static and cannot be dynamically translated, rotated and scaled the way {@link Node}s and {@link Mesh}es in scene graphs can.
* * Immutable model representation - while scene graph {@link Node}s and
* {@link Mesh}es can be dynamically plugged together, ````SceneModel```` is immutable,
* since it packs its geometries into buffers and instanced arrays.
* ````SceneModel````'s API allows us to exploit batching and instancing, while exposing its elements as
* abstract {@link Entity} types.
* {@link Entity} is the abstract base class for
* the various xeokit components that represent models, objects, or anonymous visible elements. An Entity has a unique ID and can be
* individually shown, hidden, selected, highlighted, ghosted, culled, picked and clipped, and has its own World-space boundary.
* * A ````SceneModel```` is an {@link Entity} that represents a model.
* * A ````SceneModel```` represents each of its objects with an {@link Entity}.
* * Each {@link Entity} has one or more meshes that define its shape.
* * Each mesh has either its own unique geometry, or shares a geometry with other meshes.
* ## GPU-Resident Geometry
* For a low memory footprint, ````SceneModel```` stores its geometries in GPU memory only, compressed (quantized) as integers. Unfortunately, GPU-resident geometry is
* not readable by JavaScript.
* ## Example 1: Geometry Instancing
* In the example below, we'll use a ````SceneModel````
* to build a simple table model using geometry instancing.
* We'll start by adding a reusable box-shaped geometry to our ````SceneModel````.
* Then, for each object in our model we'll add an {@link Entity}
* that has a mesh that instances our box geometry, transforming and coloring the instance.
* [](
* ````javascript
* import {Viewer, SceneModel} from "";
* const viewer = new Viewer({
* canvasId: "myCanvas",
* transparent: true
* });
* = [-21.80, 4.01, 6.56];
* = [0, -5.75, 0];
* = [0.37, 0.91, -0.11];
* // Build a SceneModel representing a table
* // with four legs, using geometry instancing
* const sceneModel = new SceneModel(viewer.scene, {
* id: "table",
* isModel: true, // <--- Registers SceneModel in viewer.scene.models
* position: [0, 0, 0],
* scale: [1, 1, 1],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0]
* });
* // Create a reusable geometry within the SceneModel
* // We'll instance this geometry by five meshes
* sceneModel.createGeometry({
* id: "myBoxGeometry",
* // The primitive type - allowed values are "points", "lines" and "triangles".
* // See the OpenGL/WebGL specification docs
* // for how the coordinate arrays are supposed to be laid out.
* primitive: "triangles",
* // The vertices - eight for our cube, each
* // one spanning three array elements for X,Y and Z
* positions: [
* 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, // v0-v1-v2-v3 front
* 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, // v0-v3-v4-v1 right
* 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, // v0-v1-v6-v1 top
* -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, // v1-v6-v7-v2 left
* -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, // v7-v4-v3-v2 bottom
* 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1 // v4-v7-v6-v1 back
* ],
* // Normal vectors, one for each vertex
* normals: [
* 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, // v0-v1-v2-v3 front
* 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, // v0-v3-v4-v5 right
* 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, // v0-v5-v6-v1 top
* -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, // v1-v6-v7-v2 left
* 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, // v7-v4-v3-v2 bottom
* 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1 // v4-v7-v6-v5 back
* ],
* // Indices - these organise the positions and and normals
* // into geometric primitives in accordance with the "primitive" parameter,
* // in this case a set of three indices for each triangle.
* //
* // Note that each triangle is specified in counter-clockwise winding order.
* //
* indices: [
* 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, // front
* 4, 5, 6, 4, 6, 7, // right
* 8, 9, 10, 8, 10, 11, // top
* 12, 13, 14, 12, 14, 15, // left
* 16, 17, 18, 16, 18, 19, // bottom
* 20, 21, 22, 20, 22, 23
* ]
* });
* // Red table leg
* sceneModel.createMesh({
* id: "redLegMesh",
* geometryId: "myBoxGeometry",
* position: [-4, -6, -4],
* scale: [1, 3, 1],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0],
* color: [1, 0.3, 0.3]
* });
* sceneModel.createEntity({
* id: "redLeg",
* meshIds: ["redLegMesh"],
* isObject: true // <---- Registers Entity by ID on viewer.scene.objects
* });
* // Green table leg
* sceneModel.createMesh({
* id: "greenLegMesh",
* geometryId: "myBoxGeometry",
* position: [4, -6, -4],
* scale: [1, 3, 1],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0],
* color: [0.3, 1.0, 0.3]
* });
* sceneModel.createEntity({
* id: "greenLeg",
* meshIds: ["greenLegMesh"],
* isObject: true // <---- Registers Entity by ID on viewer.scene.objects
* });
* // Blue table leg
* sceneModel.createMesh({
* id: "blueLegMesh",
* geometryId: "myBoxGeometry",
* position: [4, -6, 4],
* scale: [1, 3, 1],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0],
* color: [0.3, 0.3, 1.0]
* });
* sceneModel.createEntity({
* id: "blueLeg",
* meshIds: ["blueLegMesh"],
* isObject: true // <---- Registers Entity by ID on viewer.scene.objects
* });
* // Yellow table leg
* sceneModel.createMesh({
* id: "yellowLegMesh",
* geometryId: "myBoxGeometry",
* position: [-4, -6, 4],
* scale: [1, 3, 1],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0],
* color: [1.0, 1.0, 0.0]
* });
* sceneModel.createEntity({
* id: "yellowLeg",
* meshIds: ["yellowLegMesh"],
* isObject: true // <---- Registers Entity by ID on viewer.scene.objects
* });
* // Purple table top
* sceneModel.createMesh({
* id: "purpleTableTopMesh",
* geometryId: "myBoxGeometry",
* position: [0, -3, 0],
* scale: [6, 0.5, 6],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0],
* color: [1.0, 0.3, 1.0]
* });
* sceneModel.createEntity({
* id: "purpleTableTop",
* meshIds: ["purpleTableTopMesh"],
* isObject: true // <---- Registers Entity by ID on viewer.scene.objects
* });
* ````
* ## Finalizing a SceneModel
* Before we can view and interact with our ````SceneModel````, we need to **finalize** it. Internally, this causes the ````SceneModel```` to build the
* vertex buffer objects (VBOs) that support our geometry instances. When using geometry batching (see next example),
* this causes ````SceneModel```` to build the VBOs that combine the batched geometries. Note that you can do both instancing and
* batching within the same ````SceneModel````.
* Once finalized, we can't add anything more to our ````SceneModel````.
* ```` javascript
* SceneModel.finalize();
* ````
* ## Finding Entities
* As mentioned earlier, {@link Entity} is
* the abstract base class for components that represent models, objects, or just
* anonymous visible elements.
* Since we created configured our ````SceneModel```` with ````isModel: true````,
* we're able to find it as an Entity by ID in ````viewer.scene.models````. Likewise, since
* we configured each of its Entities with ````isObject: true````, we're able to
* find them in ````viewer.scene.objects````.
* ````javascript
* // Get the whole table model Entity
* const table = viewer.scene.models["table"];
* // Get some leg object Entities
* const redLeg = viewer.scene.objects["redLeg"];
* const greenLeg = viewer.scene.objects["greenLeg"];
* const blueLeg = viewer.scene.objects["blueLeg"];
* ````
* ## Example 2: Geometry Batching
* Let's once more use a ````SceneModel````
* to build the simple table model, this time exploiting geometry batching.
* [](
* ````javascript
* import {Viewer, SceneModel} from "";
* const viewer = new Viewer({
* canvasId: "myCanvas",
* transparent: true
* });
* = [-21.80, 4.01, 6.56];
* = [0, -5.75, 0];
* = [0.37, 0.91, -0.11];
* // Create a SceneModel representing a table with four legs, using geometry batching
* const sceneModel = new SceneModel(viewer.scene, {
* id: "table",
* isModel: true, // <--- Registers SceneModel in viewer.scene.models
* position: [0, 0, 0],
* scale: [1, 1, 1],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0]
* });
* // Red table leg
* sceneModel.createMesh({
* id: "redLegMesh",
* // Geometry arrays are same as for the earlier batching example
* primitive: "triangles",
* positions: [ 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1 ... ],
* normals: [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, ... ],
* indices: [ 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 6, 7, ... ],
* position: [-4, -6, -4],
* scale: [1, 3, 1],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0],
* color: [1, 0.3, 0.3]
* });
* sceneModel.createEntity({
* id: "redLeg",
* meshIds: ["redLegMesh"],
* isObject: true // <---- Registers Entity by ID on viewer.scene.objects
* });
* // Green table leg
* sceneModel.createMesh({
* id: "greenLegMesh",
* primitive: "triangles",
* primitive: "triangles",
* positions: [ 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1 ... ],
* normals: [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, ... ],
* indices: [ 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 6, 7, ... ],
* position: [4, -6, -4],
* scale: [1, 3, 1],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0],
* color: [0.3, 1.0, 0.3]
* });
* sceneModel.createEntity({
* id: "greenLeg",
* meshIds: ["greenLegMesh"],
* isObject: true // <---- Registers Entity by ID on viewer.scene.objects
* });
* // Blue table leg
* sceneModel.createMesh({
* id: "blueLegMesh",
* primitive: "triangles",
* positions: [ 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1 ... ],
* normals: [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, ... ],
* indices: [ 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 6, 7, ... ],
* position: [4, -6, 4],
* scale: [1, 3, 1],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0],
* color: [0.3, 0.3, 1.0]
* });
* sceneModel.createEntity({
* id: "blueLeg",
* meshIds: ["blueLegMesh"],
* isObject: true // <---- Registers Entity by ID on viewer.scene.objects
* });
* // Yellow table leg object
* sceneModel.createMesh({
* id: "yellowLegMesh",
* positions: [ 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1 ... ],
* normals: [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, ... ],
* indices: [ 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 6, 7, ... ],
* position: [-4, -6, 4],
* scale: [1, 3, 1],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0],
* color: [1.0, 1.0, 0.0]
* });
* sceneModel.createEntity({
* id: "yellowLeg",
* meshIds: ["yellowLegMesh"],
* isObject: true // <---- Registers Entity by ID on viewer.scene.objects
* });
* // Purple table top
* sceneModel.createMesh({
* id: "purpleTableTopMesh",
* positions: [ 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1 ... ],
* normals: [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, ... ],
* indices: [ 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 6, 7, ... ],
* position: [0, -3, 0],
* scale: [6, 0.5, 6],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0],
* color: [1.0, 0.3, 1.0]
* });
* sceneModel.createEntity({
* id: "purpleTableTop",
* meshIds: ["purpleTableTopMesh"],
* isObject: true // <---- Registers Entity by ID on viewer.scene.objects
* });
* // Finalize the SceneModel.
* SceneModel.finalize();
* // Find BigModelNodes by their model and object IDs
* // Get the whole table model
* const table = viewer.scene.models["table"];
* // Get some leg objects
* const redLeg = viewer.scene.objects["redLeg"];
* const greenLeg = viewer.scene.objects["greenLeg"];
* const blueLeg = viewer.scene.objects["blueLeg"];
* ````
* ## Classifying with Metadata
* In the previous examples, we used ````SceneModel```` to build
* two versions of the same table model, to demonstrate geometry batching and geometry instancing.
* We'll now classify our {@link Entity}s with metadata. This metadata
* will work the same for both our examples, since they create the exact same structure of {@link Entity}s
* to represent their models and objects. The abstract Entity type is, after all, intended to provide an abstract interface through which differently-implemented scene content can be accessed uniformly.
* To create the metadata, we'll create a {@link MetaModel} for our model,
* with a {@link MetaObject} for each of it's objects. The MetaModel and MetaObjects
* get the same IDs as the {@link Entity}s that represent their model and objects within our scene.
* ```` javascript
* const furnitureMetaModel = viewer.metaScene.createMetaModel("furniture", { // Creates a MetaModel in the MetaScene
* "projectId": "myTableProject",
* "revisionId": "V1.0",
* "metaObjects": [
* { // Creates a MetaObject in the MetaModel
* "id": "table",
* "name": "Table", // Same ID as an object Entity
* "type": "furniture", // Arbitrary type, could be IFC type
* "properties": { // Arbitrary properties, could be IfcPropertySet
* "cost": "200"
* }
* },
* {
* "id": "redLeg",
* "name": "Red table Leg",
* "type": "leg",
* "parent": "table", // References first MetaObject as parent
* "properties": {
* "material": "wood"
* }
* },
* {
* "id": "greenLeg", // Node with corresponding id does not need to exist
* "name": "Green table leg", // and MetaObject does not need to exist for Node with an id
* "type": "leg",
* "parent": "table",
* "properties": {
* "material": "wood"
* }
* },
* {
* "id": "blueLeg",
* "name": "Blue table leg",
* "type": "leg",
* "parent": "table",
* "properties": {
* "material": "wood"
* }
* },
* {
* "id": "yellowLeg",
* "name": "Yellow table leg",
* "type": "leg",
* "parent": "table",
* "properties": {
* "material": "wood"
* }
* },
* {
* "id": "tableTop",
* "name": "Purple table top",
* "type": "surface",
* "parent": "table",
* "properties": {
* "material": "formica",
* "width": "60",
* "depth": "60",
* "thickness": "5"
* }
* }
* ]
* });
* ````
* ## Querying Metadata
* Having created and classified our model (either the instancing or batching example), we can now find the {@link MetaModel}
* and {@link MetaObject}s using the IDs of their
* corresponding {@link Entity}s.
* ````JavaScript
* const furnitureMetaModel = scene.metaScene.metaModels["furniture"];
* const redLegMetaObject = scene.metaScene.metaObjects["redLeg"];
* ````
* In the snippet below, we'll log metadata on each {@link Entity} we click on:
* ````JavaScript
* viewer.scene.input.on("mouseclicked", function (coords) {
* const hit = viewer.scene.pick({
* canvasPos: coords
* });
* if (hit) {
* const entity = hit.entity;
* const metaObject = viewer.metaScene.metaObjects[];
* if (metaObject) {
* console.log(JSON.stringify(metaObject.getJSON(), null, "\t"));
* }
* }
* });
* ````
* ## Metadata Structure
* The {@link MetaModel}
* organizes its {@link MetaObject}s in
* a tree that describes their structural composition:
* ````JavaScript
* // Get metadata on the root object
* const tableMetaObject = furnitureMetaModel.rootMetaObject;
* // Get metadata on the leg objects
* const redLegMetaObject = tableMetaObject.children[0];
* const greenLegMetaObject = tableMetaObject.children[1];
* const blueLegMetaObject = tableMetaObject.children[2];
* const yellowLegMetaObject = tableMetaObject.children[3];
* ````
* Given an {@link Entity}, we can find the object or model of which it is a part, or the objects that comprise it. We can also generate UI
* components from the metadata, such as the tree view demonstrated in [this demo](
* This hierarchy allows us to express the hierarchical structure of a model while representing it in
* various ways in the 3D scene (such as with ````SceneModel````, which
* has a non-hierarchical scene representation).
* Note also that a {@link MetaObject} does not need to have a corresponding
* {@link Entity} and vice-versa.
* # RTC Coordinates for Double Precision
* ````SceneModel```` can emulate 64-bit precision on GPUs using relative-to-center (RTC) coordinates.
* Consider a model that contains many small objects, but with such large spatial extents that 32 bits of GPU precision (accurate to ~7 digits) will not be sufficient to render all of the the objects without jittering.
* To prevent jittering, we could spatially subdivide the objects into "tiles". Each tile would have a center position, and the positions of the objects within the tile would be relative to that center ("RTC coordinates").
* While the center positions of the tiles would be 64-bit values, the object positions only need to be 32-bit.
* Internally, when rendering an object with RTC coordinates, xeokit first temporarily translates the camera viewing matrix by the object's tile's RTC center, on the CPU, using 64-bit math.
* Then xeokit loads the viewing matrix into its WebGL shaders, where math happens at 32-bit precision. Within the shaders, the matrix is effectively down-cast to 32-bit precision, and the object's 32-bit vertex positions are transformed by the matrix.
* We see no jittering, because with RTC a detectable loss of GPU accuracy only starts happening to objects as they become very distant from the camera viewpoint, at which point they are too small to be discernible anyway.
* ## RTC Coordinates with Geometry Instancing
* To use RTC with ````SceneModel```` geometry instancing, we specify an RTC center for the geometry via its ````origin```` parameter. Then ````SceneModel```` assumes that all meshes that instance that geometry are within the same RTC coordinate system, ie. the meshes ````position```` and ````rotation```` properties are assumed to be relative to the geometry's ````origin````.
* For simplicity, our example's meshes all instance the same geometry. Therefore, our example model has only one RTC center.
* Note that the axis-aligned World-space boundary (AABB) of our model is ````[ -6, -9, -6, 1000000006, -2.5, 1000000006]````.
* [](
* ````javascript
* const origin = [100000000, 0, 100000000];
* sceneModel.createGeometry({
* id: "box",
* primitive: "triangles",
* positions: [ 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1 ... ],
* normals: [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, ... ],
* indices: [ 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 6, 7, ... ],
* });
* sceneModel.createMesh({
* id: "leg1",
* geometryId: "box",
* position: [-4, -6, -4],
* scale: [1, 3, 1],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0],
* color: [1, 0.3, 0.3],
* origin: origin
* });
* sceneModel.createEntity({
* meshIds: ["leg1"],
* isObject: true
* });
* sceneModel.createMesh({
* id: "leg2",
* geometryId: "box",
* position: [4, -6, -4],
* scale: [1, 3, 1],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0],
* color: [0.3, 1.0, 0.3],
* origin: origin
* });
* sceneModel.createEntity({
* meshIds: ["leg2"],
* isObject: true
* });
* sceneModel.createMesh({
* id: "leg3",
* geometryId: "box",
* position: [4, -6, 4],
* scale: [1, 3, 1],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0],
* color: [0.3, 0.3, 1.0],
* origin: origin
* });
* sceneModel.createEntity({
* meshIds: ["leg3"],
* isObject: true
* });
* sceneModel.createMesh({
* id: "leg4",
* geometryId: "box",
* position: [-4, -6, 4],
* scale: [1, 3, 1],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0],
* color: [1.0, 1.0, 0.0],
* origin: origin
* });
* sceneModel.createEntity({
* meshIds: ["leg4"],
* isObject: true
* });
* sceneModel.createMesh({
* id: "top",
* geometryId: "box",
* position: [0, -3, 0],
* scale: [6, 0.5, 6],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0],
* color: [1.0, 0.3, 1.0],
* origin: origin
* });
* sceneModel.createEntity({
* meshIds: ["top"],
* isObject: true
* });
* ````
* ## RTC Coordinates with Geometry Batching
* To use RTC with ````SceneModel```` geometry batching, we specify an RTC center (````origin````) for each mesh. For performance, we try to have as many meshes share the same value for ````origin```` as possible. Each mesh's ````positions````, ````position```` and ````rotation```` properties are assumed to be relative to ````origin````.
* For simplicity, the meshes in our example all share the same RTC center.
* The axis-aligned World-space boundary (AABB) of our model is ````[ -6, -9, -6, 1000000006, -2.5, 1000000006]````.
* [](
* ````javascript
* const origin = [100000000, 0, 100000000];
* sceneModel.createMesh({
* id: "leg1",
* origin: origin, // This mesh's positions and transforms are relative to the RTC center
* primitive: "triangles",
* positions: [ 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1 ... ],
* normals: [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, ... ],
* indices: [ 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 6, 7, ... ],
* position: [-4, -6, -4],
* scale: [1, 3, 1],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0],
* color: [1, 0.3, 0.3]
* });
* sceneModel.createEntity({
* meshIds: ["leg1"],
* isObject: true
* });
* sceneModel.createMesh({
* id: "leg2",
* origin: origin, // This mesh's positions and transforms are relative to the RTC center
* primitive: "triangles",
* positions: [ 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1 ... ],
* normals: [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, ... ],
* indices: [ 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 6, 7, ... ],
* position: [4, -6, -4],
* scale: [1, 3, 1],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0],
* color: [0.3, 1.0, 0.3]
* });
* sceneModel.createEntity({
* meshIds: ["leg2"],
* isObject: true
* });
* sceneModel.createMesh({
* id: "leg3",
* origin: origin, // This mesh's positions and transforms are relative to the RTC center
* primitive: "triangles",
* positions: [ 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1 ... ],
* normals: [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, ... ],
* indices: [ 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 6, 7, ... ],
* position: [4, -6, 4],
* scale: [1, 3, 1],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0],
* color: [0.3, 0.3, 1.0]
* });
* sceneModel.createEntity({
* meshIds: ["leg3"],
* isObject: true
* });
* sceneModel.createMesh({
* id: "leg4",
* origin: origin, // This mesh's positions and transforms are relative to the RTC center
* primitive: "triangles",
* positions: [ 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1 ... ],
* normals: [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, ... ],
* indices: [ 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 6, 7, ... ],
* position: [-4, -6, 4],
* scale: [1, 3, 1],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0],
* color: [1.0, 1.0, 0.0]
* });
* sceneModel.createEntity({
* meshIds: ["leg4"],
* isObject: true
* });
* sceneModel.createMesh({
* id: "top",
* origin: origin, // This mesh's positions and transforms are relative to the RTC center
* primitive: "triangles",
* positions: [ 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1 ... ],
* normals: [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, ... ],
* indices: [ 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 6, 7, ... ],
* position: [0, -3, 0],
* scale: [6, 0.5, 6],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0],
* color: [1.0, 0.3, 1.0]
* });
* sceneModel.createEntity({
* meshIds: ["top"],
* isObject: true
* });
* ````
* ## Positioning at World-space coordinates
* To position a SceneModel at given double-precision World coordinates, we can
* configure the ````origin```` of the SceneModel itself. The ````origin```` is a double-precision
* 3D World-space position at which the SceneModel will be located.
* Note that ````position```` is a single-precision offset relative to ````origin````.
* ````javascript
* const origin = [100000000, 0, 100000000];
* const sceneModel = new SceneModel(viewer.scene, {
* id: "table",
* isModel: true,
* origin: origin, // Everything in this SceneModel is relative to this RTC center
* position: [0, 0, 0],
* scale: [1, 1, 1],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0]
* });
* sceneModel.createGeometry({
* id: "box",
* primitive: "triangles",
* positions: [ 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1 ... ],
* normals: [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, ... ],
* indices: [ 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 6, 7, ... ],
* });
* sceneModel.createMesh({
* id: "leg1",
* geometryId: "box",
* position: [-4, -6, -4],
* scale: [1, 3, 1],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0],
* color: [1, 0.3, 0.3]
* });
* sceneModel.createEntity({
* meshIds: ["leg1"],
* isObject: true
* });
* sceneModel.createMesh({
* id: "leg2",
* geometryId: "box",
* position: [4, -6, -4],
* scale: [1, 3, 1],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0],
* color: [0.3, 1.0, 0.3]
* });
* sceneModel.createEntity({
* meshIds: ["leg2"],
* isObject: true
* });
* sceneModel.createMesh({
* id: "leg3",
* geometryId: "box",
* position: [4, -6, 4],
* scale: [1, 3, 1],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0],
* color: [0.3, 0.3, 1.0]
* });
* sceneModel.createEntity({
* meshIds: ["leg3"],
* isObject: true
* });
* sceneModel.createMesh({
* id: "leg4",
* geometryId: "box",
* position: [-4, -6, 4],
* scale: [1, 3, 1],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0],
* color: [1.0, 1.0, 0.0]
* });
* sceneModel.createEntity({
* meshIds: ["leg4"],
* isObject: true
* });
* sceneModel.createMesh({
* id: "top",
* geometryId: "box",
* position: [0, -3, 0],
* scale: [6, 0.5, 6],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0],
* color: [1.0, 0.3, 1.0]
* });
* sceneModel.createEntity({
* meshIds: ["top"],
* isObject: true
* });
* ````
* # Textures
* ## Loading KTX2 Texture Files into a SceneModel
* A {@link SceneModel} that is configured with a {@link KTX2TextureTranscoder} will
* allow us to load textures into it from KTX2 buffers or files.
* In the example below, we'll create a {@link Viewer}, containing a {@link SceneModel} configured with a
* {@link KTX2TextureTranscoder}. We'll then programmatically create a simple object within the SceneModel, consisting of
* a single mesh with a texture loaded from a KTX2 file, which our SceneModel internally transcodes, using
* its {@link KTX2TextureTranscoder}. Note how we configure our {@link KTX2TextureTranscoder} with a path to the Basis Universal
* transcoder WASM module.
* ````javascript
* const viewer = new Viewer({
* canvasId: "myCanvas",
* transparent: true
* });
* = [-21.80, 4.01, 6.56];
* = [0, -5.75, 0];
* = [0.37, 0.91, -0.11];
* const textureTranscoder = new KTX2TextureTranscoder({
* viewer,
* transcoderPath: "" // <------ Path to BasisU transcoder module
* });
* const sceneModel = new SceneModel(viewer.scene, {
* id: "myModel",
* textureTranscoder // <<-------------------- Configure model with our transcoder
* });
* sceneModel.createTexture({
* id: "myColorTexture",
* src: "../assets/textures/compressed/sample_uastc_zstd.ktx2" // <<----- KTX2 texture asset
* });
* sceneModel.createTexture({
* id: "myMetallicRoughnessTexture",
* src: "../assets/textures/alpha/crosshatchAlphaMap.jpg" // <<----- JPEG texture asset
* });
* sceneModel.createTextureSet({
* id: "myTextureSet",
* colorTextureId: "myColorTexture",
* metallicRoughnessTextureId: "myMetallicRoughnessTexture"
* });
* sceneModel.createMesh({
* id: "myMesh",
* textureSetId: "myTextureSet",
* primitive: "triangles",
* positions: [1, 1, 1, ...],
* normals: [0, 0, 1, 0, ...],
* uv: [1, 0, 0, ...],
* indices: [0, 1, 2, ...],
* });
* sceneModel.createEntity({
* id: "myEntity",
* meshIds: ["myMesh"]
* });
* sceneModel.finalize();
* ````
* ## Loading KTX2 Textures from ArrayBuffers into a SceneModel
* A SceneModel that is configured with a {@link KTX2TextureTranscoder} will allow us to load textures into
* it from KTX2 ArrayBuffers.
* In the example below, we'll create a {@link Viewer}, containing a {@link SceneModel} configured with a
* {@link KTX2TextureTranscoder}. We'll then programmatically create a simple object within the SceneModel, consisting of
* a single mesh with a texture loaded from a KTX2 ArrayBuffer, which our SceneModel internally transcodes, using
* its {@link KTX2TextureTranscoder}.
* ````javascript
* const viewer = new Viewer({
* canvasId: "myCanvas",
* transparent: true
* });
* = [-21.80, 4.01, 6.56];
* = [0, -5.75, 0];
* = [0.37, 0.91, -0.11];
* const textureTranscoder = new KTX2TextureTranscoder({
* viewer,
* transcoderPath: "" // <------ Path to BasisU transcoder module
* });
* const sceneModel = new SceneModel(viewer.scene, {
* id: "myModel",
* textureTranscoder // <<-------------------- Configure model with our transcoder
* });
* utils.loadArraybuffer("../assets/textures/compressed/sample_uastc_zstd.ktx2",(arrayBuffer) => {
* sceneModel.createTexture({
* id: "myColorTexture",
* buffers: [arrayBuffer] // <<----- KTX2 texture asset
* });
* sceneModel.createTexture({
* id: "myMetallicRoughnessTexture",
* src: "../assets/textures/alpha/crosshatchAlphaMap.jpg" // <<----- JPEG texture asset
* });
* sceneModel.createTextureSet({
* id: "myTextureSet",
* colorTextureId: "myColorTexture",
* metallicRoughnessTextureId: "myMetallicRoughnessTexture"
* });
* sceneModel.createMesh({
* id: "myMesh",
* textureSetId: "myTextureSet",
* primitive: "triangles",
* positions: [1, 1, 1, ...],
* normals: [0, 0, 1, 0, ...],
* uv: [1, 0, 0, ...],
* indices: [0, 1, 2, ...],
* });
* sceneModel.createEntity({
* id: "myEntity",
* meshIds: ["myMesh"]
* });
* sceneModel.finalize();
* });
* ````
* @implements {Entity}
export class SceneModel extends Component {
* @constructor
* @param {Component} owner Owner component. When destroyed, the owner will destroy this component as well.
* @param {*} [cfg] Configs
* @param {String} [] Optional ID, unique among all components in the parent scene, generated automatically when omitted.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.isModel] Specify ````true```` if this SceneModel represents a model, in which case the SceneModel will be registered by {@link SceneModel#id} in {@link Scene#models} and may also have a corresponding {@link MetaModel} with matching {@link MetaModel#id}, registered by that ID in {@link MetaScene#metaModels}.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.origin=[0,0,0]] World-space double-precision 3D origin.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.position=[0,0,0]] Local, single-precision 3D position, relative to the origin parameter.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.scale=[1,1,1]] Local scale.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.rotation=[0,0,0]] Local rotation, as Euler angles given in degrees, for each of the X, Y and Z axis.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.matrix=[1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1] Local modelling transform matrix. Overrides the position, scale and rotation parameters.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.visible=true] Indicates if the SceneModel is initially visible.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.culled=false] Indicates if the SceneModel is initially culled from view.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.pickable=true] Indicates if the SceneModel is initially pickable.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.clippable=true] Indicates if the SceneModel is initially clippable.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.collidable=true] Indicates if the SceneModel is initially included in boundary calculations.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.xrayed=false] Indicates if the SceneModel is initially xrayed.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.highlighted=false] Indicates if the SceneModel is initially highlighted.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.selected=false] Indicates if the SceneModel is initially selected.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.edges=false] Indicates if the SceneModel's edges are initially emphasized.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.colorize=[1.0,1.0,1.0]] SceneModel's initial RGB colorize color, multiplies by the rendered fragment colors.
* @param {Number} [cfg.opacity=1.0] SceneModel's initial opacity factor, multiplies by the rendered fragment alpha.
* @param {Number} [cfg.backfaces=false] When we set this ````true````, then we force rendering of backfaces for this SceneModel. When
* we leave this ````false````, then we allow the Viewer to decide when to render backfaces. In that case, the
* Viewer will hide backfaces on watertight meshes, show backfaces on open meshes, and always show backfaces on meshes when we slice them open with {@link SectionPlane}s.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.saoEnabled=true] Indicates if Scalable Ambient Obscurance (SAO) will apply to this SceneModel. SAO is configured by the Scene's {@link SAO} component.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.pbrEnabled=true] Indicates if physically-based rendering (PBR) will apply to the SceneModel when {@link Scene#pbrEnabled} is ````true````.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.colorTextureEnabled=true] Indicates if base color textures will be rendered for the SceneModel when {@link Scene#colorTextureEnabled} is ````true````.
* @param {Number} [cfg.edgeThreshold=10] When xraying, highlighting, selecting or edging, this is the threshold angle between normals of adjacent triangles, below which their shared wireframe edge is not drawn.
* @param {Number} [cfg.maxGeometryBatchSize=50000000] Maximum geometry batch size, as number of vertices. This is optionally supplied
* to limit the size of the batched geometry arrays that SceneModel internally creates for batched geometries.
* A lower value means less heap allocation/de-allocation while creating/loading batched geometries, but more draw calls and
* slower rendering speed. A high value means larger heap allocation/de-allocation while creating/loading, but less draw calls
* and faster rendering speed. It's recommended to keep this somewhere roughly between ````50000```` and ````50000000```.
* @param {TextureTranscoder} [cfg.textureTranscoder] Transcoder that will be used internally by {@link SceneModel#createTexture}
* to convert transcoded texture data. Only required when we'll be providing transcoded data
* to {@link SceneModel#createTexture}. We assume that all transcoded texture data added to a ````SceneModel````
* will then in a format supported by this transcoder.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.dtxEnabled=true] When ````true```` (default) use data textures (DTX), where appropriate, to
* represent the returned model. Set false to always use vertex buffer objects (VBOs). Note that DTX is only applicable
* to non-textured triangle meshes, and that VBOs are always used for meshes that have textures, line segments, or point
* primitives. Only works while {@link DTX#enabled} is also ````true````.
* @param {Number} [cfg.renderOrder=0] Specifies the rendering order for this SceneModel. This is used to control the order in which
* SceneModels are drawn when they have transparent objects, to give control over the order in which those objects are blended within the transparent
* render pass.
constructor(owner, cfg = {}) {
super(owner, cfg);
this.renderOrder = cfg.renderOrder || 0;
this._dtxEnabled = this.scene.dtxEnabled && (cfg.dtxEnabled !== false);
this._enableVertexWelding = false; // Not needed for most objects, and very expensive, so disabled
this._enableIndexBucketing = false; // Until fixed:
this._vboBatchingLayerScratchMemory = getScratchMemory();
this._textureTranscoder = cfg.textureTranscoder || getKTX2TextureTranscoder(this.scene.viewer);
this._maxGeometryBatchSize = cfg.maxGeometryBatchSize;
this._aabb = math.collapseAABB3();
this._aabbDirty = true;
this._quantizationRanges = {};
this._vboInstancingLayers = {};
this._vboBatchingLayers = {};
this._dtxLayers = {};
this._meshList = [];
this.layerList = []; // For GL state efficiency when drawing, InstancingLayers are in first part, BatchingLayers are in second
this._layersToFinalize = [];
this._entityList = [];
this._entitiesToFinalize = [];
this._geometries = {};
this._dtxBuckets = {}; // Geometries with optimizations used for data texture representation
this._textures = {};
this._textureSets = {};
this._transforms = {};
this._meshes = {};
this._unusedMeshes = {};
this._entities = {};
/** @private **/
this.renderFlags = new RenderFlags();
* @private
this.numGeometries = 0; // Number of geometries created with createGeometry()
// These counts are used to avoid unnecessary render passes
// They are incremented or decremented exclusively by BatchingLayer and InstancingLayer
* @private
this.numPortions = 0;
* @private
this.numVisibleLayerPortions = 0;
* @private
this.numTransparentLayerPortions = 0;
* @private
this.numXRayedLayerPortions = 0;
* @private
this.numHighlightedLayerPortions = 0;
* @private
this.numSelectedLayerPortions = 0;
* @private
this.numEdgesLayerPortions = 0;
* @private
this.numPickableLayerPortions = 0;
* @private
this.numClippableLayerPortions = 0;
* @private
this.numCulledLayerPortions = 0;
this.numEntities = 0;
this._numTriangles = 0;
this._numLines = 0;
this._numPoints = 0;
this._layersFinalized = false;
this._edgeThreshold = cfg.edgeThreshold || 10;
// Build static matrix
this._origin = math.vec3(cfg.origin || [0, 0, 0]);
this._position = math.vec3(cfg.position || [0, 0, 0]);
this._rotation = math.vec3(cfg.rotation || [0, 0, 0]);
this._quaternion = math.vec4(cfg.quaternion || [0, 0, 0, 1]);
this._conjugateQuaternion = math.vec4(cfg.quaternion || [0, 0, 0, 1]);
if (cfg.rotation) {
math.eulerToQuaternion(this._rotation, "XYZ", this._quaternion);
this._scale = math.vec3(cfg.scale || [1, 1, 1]);
this._worldRotationMatrix = math.mat4();
this._worldRotationMatrixConjugate = math.mat4();
this._matrix = math.mat4();
this._matrixDirty = true;
this._worldNormalMatrix = math.mat4();
math.inverseMat4(this._matrix, this._worldNormalMatrix);
if (cfg.matrix || cfg.position || cfg.rotation || cfg.scale || cfg.quaternion) {
this._viewMatrix = math.mat4();
this._viewNormalMatrix = math.mat4();
this._viewMatrixDirty = true;
this._matrixNonIdentity = true;
this._opacity = 1.0;
this._colorize = [1, 1, 1];
this._saoEnabled = (cfg.saoEnabled !== false);
this._pbrEnabled = (cfg.pbrEnabled !== false);
this._colorTextureEnabled = (cfg.colorTextureEnabled !== false);
this._isModel = cfg.isModel;
if (this._isModel) {
this._onCameraViewMatrix ="matrix", () => {
this._viewMatrixDirty = true;
this._meshesWithDirtyMatrices = [];
this._numMeshesWithDirtyMatrices = 0;
this._onTick = this.scene.on("tick", () => {
while (this._numMeshesWithDirtyMatrices > 0) {
this.visible = cfg.visible;
this.culled = cfg.culled;
this.pickable = cfg.pickable;
this.clippable = cfg.clippable;
this.collidable = cfg.collidable;
this.castsShadow = cfg.castsShadow;
this.receivesShadow = cfg.receivesShadow;
this.xrayed = cfg.xrayed;
this.highlighted = cfg.highlighted;
this.selected = cfg.selected;
this.edges = cfg.edges;
this.colorize = cfg.colorize;
this.opacity = cfg.opacity;
this.backfaces = cfg.backfaces;
_meshMatrixDirty(mesh) {
this._meshesWithDirtyMatrices[this._numMeshesWithDirtyMatrices++] = mesh;
_createDefaultTextureSet() {
// Every SceneModelMesh gets at least the default TextureSet,
// which contains empty default textures filled with color
const defaultColorTexture = new SceneModelTexture({
texture: new Texture2D({
preloadColor: [1, 1, 1, 1] // [r, g, b, a]})
const defaultMetalRoughTexture = new SceneModelTexture({
texture: new Texture2D({
preloadColor: [0, 1, 1, 1] // [unused, roughness, metalness, unused]
const defaultNormalsTexture = new SceneModelTexture({
texture: new Texture2D({
preloadColor: [0, 0, 0, 0] // [x, y, z, unused] - these must be zeros
const defaultEmissiveTexture = new SceneModelTexture({
texture: new Texture2D({
preloadColor: [0, 0, 0, 1] // [x, y, z, unused]
const defaultOcclusionTexture = new SceneModelTexture({
texture: new Texture2D({
preloadColor: [1, 1, 1, 1] // [x, y, z, unused]
this._textures[DEFAULT_COLOR_TEXTURE_ID] = defaultColorTexture;
this._textures[DEFAULT_METAL_ROUGH_TEXTURE_ID] = defaultMetalRoughTexture;
this._textures[DEFAULT_NORMALS_TEXTURE_ID] = defaultNormalsTexture;
this._textures[DEFAULT_EMISSIVE_TEXTURE_ID] = defaultEmissiveTexture;
this._textures[DEFAULT_OCCLUSION_TEXTURE_ID] = defaultOcclusionTexture;
this._textureSets[DEFAULT_TEXTURE_SET_ID] = new SceneModelTextureSet({
model: this,
colorTexture: defaultColorTexture,
metallicRoughnessTexture: defaultMetalRoughTexture,
normalsTexture: defaultNormalsTexture,
emissiveTexture: defaultEmissiveTexture,
occlusionTexture: defaultOcclusionTexture
// SceneModel members
* Returns true to indicate that this Component is a SceneModel.
* @type {Boolean}
get isPerformanceModel() {
return true;
* The {@link SceneModelTransform}s in this SceneModel.
* Each {#link SceneModelTransform} is stored here against its {@link}.
* @returns {*|{}}
get transforms() {
return this._transforms;
* The {@link SceneModelTexture}s in this SceneModel.
* * Each {@link SceneModelTexture} is created with {@link SceneModel.createTexture}.
* * Each {@link SceneModelTexture} is stored here against its {@link}.
* @returns {*|{}}
get textures() {
return this._textures;
* The {@link SceneModelTextureSet}s in this SceneModel.
* Each {@link SceneModelTextureSet} is stored here against its {@link}.
* @returns {*|{}}
get textureSets() {
return this._textureSets;
* The {@link SceneModelMesh}es in this SceneModel.
* Each {@SceneModelMesh} is stored here against its {@link}.
* @returns {*|{}}
get meshes() {
return this._meshes;
* The {@link SceneModelEntity}s in this SceneModel.
* Each {#link SceneModelEntity} in this SceneModel that represents an object is
* stored here against its {@link}.
* @returns {*|{}}
get objects() {
return this._entities;
* Gets the 3D World-space origin for this SceneModel.
* Each {@link SceneModelMesh.origin}, if supplied, is relative to this origin.
* Default value is ````[0,0,0]````.
* @type {Float64Array}
get origin() {
return this._origin;
* Sets the SceneModel's local translation.
* Default value is ````[0,0,0]````.
* @type {Number[]}
set position(value) {
this._position.set(value || [0, 0, 0]);
* Gets the SceneModel's local translation.
* Default value is ````[0,0,0]````.
* @type {Number[]}
get position() {
return this._position;
* Sets the SceneModel's local rotation, as Euler angles given in degrees, for each of the X, Y and Z axis.
* Default value is ````[0,0,0]````.
* @type {Number[]}
set rotation(value) {
this._rotation.set(value || [0, 0, 0]);
math.eulerToQuaternion(this._rotation, "XYZ", this._quaternion);
* Gets the SceneModel's local rotation, as Euler angles given in degrees, for each of the X, Y and Z axis.
* Default value is ````[0,0,0]````.
* @type {Number[]}
get rotation() {
return this._rotation;
* Sets the SceneModel's local rotation quaternion.
* Default value is ````[0,0,0,1]````.
* @type {Number[]}
set quaternion(value) {
this._quaternion.set(value || [0, 0, 0, 1]);
math.quaternionToEuler(this._quaternion, "XYZ", this._rotation);
* Gets the SceneModel's local rotation quaternion.
* Default value is ````[0,0,0,1]````.
* @type {Number[]}
get quaternion() {
return this._quaternion;
* Sets the SceneModel's local scale.
* Default value is ````[1,1,1]````.
* @type {Number[]}
* @deprecated
set scale(value) {
// NOP - deprecated
* Gets the SceneModel's local scale.
* Default value is ````[1,1,1]````.
* @type {Number[]}
* @deprecated
get scale() {
return this._scale;
* Sets the SceneModel's local modeling transform matrix.
* Default value is ````[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]````.
* @type {Number[]}
set matrix(value) {
this._matrix.set(value || DEFAULT_MATRIX);
math.decomposeMat4(this._matrix, this._position, this._quaternion, this._scale);
math.quaternionToEuler(this._quaternion, "XYZ", this._rotation);
this._matrixDirty = false;
* Gets the SceneModel's local modeling transform matrix.
* Default value is ````[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]````.
* @type {Number[]}
get matrix() {
return this._matrix;
* Gets the SceneModel's local modeling rotation transform matrix.
* @type {Number[]}
get rotationMatrix() {
return this._worldRotationMatrix;
_rebuildMatrices() {
if (this._matrixDirty) {
math.quaternionToRotationMat4(this._quaternion, this._worldRotationMatrix);
math.conjugateQuaternion(this._quaternion, this._conjugateQuaternion);
math.quaternionToRotationMat4(this._conjugateQuaternion, this._worldRotationMatrixConjugate);
math.scaleMat4v(this._scale, this._worldRotationMatrix);
math.scaleMat4v(this._scale, this._worldRotationMatrixConjugate);
math.translateMat4v(this._position, this._matrix);
this._matrixDirty = false;
this._viewMatrixDirty = true;
* Gets the conjugate of the SceneModel's local modeling rotation transform matrix.
* This is used for RTC view matrix management in renderers.
* @type {Number[]}
get rotationMatrixConjugate() {
return this._worldRotationMatrixConjugate;
_setWorldMatrixDirty() {
this._matrixDirty = true;
this._aabbDirty = true;
_transformDirty() {
this._matrixDirty = true;
this._aabbDirty = true;
this.scene._aabbDirty = true;
_sceneModelDirty() {
this.scene._aabbDirty = true;
this._aabbDirty = true;
this.scene._aabbDirty = true;
this._matrixDirty = true;
for (let i = 0, len = this._entityList.length; i < len; i++) {
this._entityList[i]._sceneModelDirty(); // Entities need to retransform their World AABBs by SceneModel's worldMatrix
* Gets the SceneModel's World matrix.
* @property worldMatrix
* @type {Number[]}
get worldMatrix() {
return this.matrix;
* Gets the SceneModel's World normal matrix.
* @type {Number[]}
get worldNormalMatrix() {
return this._worldNormalMatrix;
_rebuildViewMatrices() {
if (this._viewMatrixDirty) {
math.mulMat4(, this._matrix, this._viewMatrix);
math.inverseMat4(this._viewMatrix, this._viewNormalMatrix);
this._viewMatrixDirty = false;
* Called by private renderers in ./lib, returns the view matrix with which to
* render this SceneModel. The view matrix is the concatenation of the
* Camera view matrix with the Performance model's world (modeling) matrix.
* @private
get viewMatrix() {
if (!this._viewMatrix) {
return this._viewMatrix;
* Called by private renderers in ./lib, returns the view normal matrix with which to render this SceneModel.
* @private
get viewNormalMatrix() {
if (!this._viewNormalMatrix) {
return this._viewNormalMatrix;
* Sets if backfaces are rendered for this SceneModel.
* Default is ````false````.
* @type {Boolean}
get backfaces() {
return this._backfaces;
* Sets if backfaces are rendered for this SceneModel.
* Default is ````false````.
* When we set this ````true````, then backfaces are always rendered for this SceneModel.
* When we set this ````false````, then we allow the Viewer to decide whether to render backfaces. In this case,
* the Viewer will:
* * hide backfaces on watertight meshes,
* * show backfaces on open meshes, and
* * always show backfaces on meshes when we slice them open with {@link SectionPlane}s.
* @type {Boolean}
set backfaces(backfaces) {
backfaces = !!backfaces;
this._backfaces = backfaces;
* Gets the list of {@link SceneModelEntity}s within this SceneModel.
* @returns {SceneModelEntity[]}
get entityList() {
return this._entityList;
* Returns true to indicate that SceneModel is an {@link Entity}.
* @type {Boolean}
get isEntity() {
return true;
* Returns ````true```` if this SceneModel represents a model.
* When ````true```` the SceneModel will be registered by {@link SceneModel#id} in
* {@link Scene#models} and may also have a {@link MetaObject} with matching {@link MetaObject#id}.
* @type {Boolean}
get isModel() {
return this._isModel;
// SceneModel members
* Returns ````false```` to indicate that SceneModel never represents an object.
* @type {Boolean}
get isObject() {
return false;
* Gets the SceneModel's World-space 3D axis-aligned bounding box.
* Represented by a six-element Float64Array containing the min/max extents of the
* axis-aligned volume, ie. ````[xmin, ymin,zmin,xmax,ymax, zmax]````.
* @type {Number[]}
get aabb() {
if (this._aabbDirty) {
for (let i = 0, len = this._entityList.length; i < len; i++) {
math.expandAABB3(this._aabb, this._entityList[i].aabb);
this._aabbDirty = false;
return this._aabb;
* The approximate number of triangle primitives in this SceneModel.
* @type {Number}
get numTriangles() {
return this._numTriangles;
// Entity members
* The approximate number of line primitives in this SceneModel.
* @type {Number}
get numLines() {
return this._numLines;
* The approximate number of point primitives in this SceneModel.
* @type {Number}
get numPoints() {
return this._numPoints;
* Gets if any {@link SceneModelEntity}s in this SceneModel are visible.
* The SceneModel is only rendered when {@link SceneModel#visible} is ````true```` and {@link SceneModel#culled} is ````false````.
* @type {Boolean}
get visible() {
return (this.numVisibleLayerPortions > 0);
* Sets if this SceneModel is visible.
* The SceneModel is only rendered when {@link SceneModel#visible} is ````true```` and {@link SceneModel#culled} is ````false````.
* @type {Boolean}
set visible(visible) {
visible = visible !== false;
this._visible = visible;
for (let i = 0, len = this._entityList.length; i < len; i++) {
this._entityList[i].visible = visible;
* Gets if any {@link SceneModelEntity}s in this SceneModel are xrayed.
* @type {Boolean}
get xrayed() {
return (this.numXRayedLayerPortions > 0);
* Sets if all {@link SceneModelEntity}s in this SceneModel are xrayed.
* @type {Boolean}
set xrayed(xrayed) {
xrayed = !!xrayed;
this._xrayed = xrayed;
for (let i = 0, len = this._entityList.length; i < len; i++) {
this._entityList[i].xrayed = xrayed;
* Gets if any {@link SceneModelEntity}s in this SceneModel are highlighted.
* @type {Boolean}
get highlighted() {
return (this.numHighlightedLayerPortions > 0);
* Sets if all {@link SceneModelEntity}s in this SceneModel are highlighted.
* @type {Boolean}
set highlighted(highlighted) {
highlighted = !!highlighted;
this._highlighted = highlighted;
for (let i = 0, len = this._entityList.length; i < len; i++) {
this._entityList[i].highlighted = highlighted;
* Gets if any {@link SceneModelEntity}s in this SceneModel are selected.
* @type {Boolean}
get selected() {
return (this.numSelectedLayerPortions > 0);
* Sets if all {@link SceneModelEntity}s in this SceneModel are selected.
* @type {Boolean}
set selected(selected) {
selected = !!selected;
this._selected = selected;
for (let i = 0, len = this._entityList.length; i < len; i++) {
this._entityList[i].selected = selected;
* Gets if any {@link SceneModelEntity}s in this SceneModel have edges emphasised.
* @type {Boolean}
get edges() {
return (this.numEdgesLayerPortions > 0);
* Sets if all {@link SceneModelEntity}s in this SceneModel have edges emphasised.
* @type {Boolean}
set edges(edges) {
edges = !!edges;
this._edges = edges;
for (let i = 0, len = this._entityList.length; i < len; i++) {
this._entityList[i].edges = edges;
* Gets if this SceneModel is culled from view.
* The SceneModel is only rendered when {@link SceneModel#visible} is true and {@link SceneModel#culled} is false.
* @type {Boolean}
get culled() {
return this._culled;
* Sets if this SceneModel is culled from view.
* The SceneModel is only rendered when {@link SceneModel#visible} is true and {@link SceneModel#culled} is false.
* @type {Boolean}
set culled(culled) {
culled = !!culled;
this._culled = culled;
for (let i = 0, len = this._entityList.length; i < len; i++) {
this._entityList[i].culled = culled;
* Gets if {@link SceneModelEntity}s in this SceneModel are clippable.
* Clipping is done by the {@link SectionPlane}s in {@link Scene#sectionPlanes}.
* @type {Boolean}
get clippable() {
return this._clippable;
* Sets if {@link SceneModelEntity}s in this SceneModel are clippable.
* Clipping is done by the {@link SectionPlane}s in {@link Scene#sectionPlanes}.
* @type {Boolean}
set clippable(clippable) {
clippable = clippable !== false;
this._clippable = clippable;
for (let i = 0, len = this._entityList.length; i < len; i++) {
this._entityList[i].clippable = clippable;
* Gets if this SceneModel is collidable.
* @type {Boolean}
get collidable() {
return this._collidable;
* Sets if {@link SceneModelEntity}s in this SceneModel are collidable.
* @type {Boolean}
set collidable(collidable) {
collidable = collidable !== false;
this._collidable = collidable;
for (let i = 0, len = this._entityList.length; i < len; i++) {
this._entityList[i].collidable = collidable;
* Gets if this SceneModel is pickable.
* Picking is done via calls to {@link Scene#pick}.
* @type {Boolean}
get pickable() {
return (this.numPickableLayerPortions > 0);
* Sets if {@link SceneModelEntity}s in this SceneModel are pickable.
* Picking is done via calls to {@link Scene#pick}.
* @type {Boolean}
set pickable(pickable) {
pickable = pickable !== false;
this._pickable = pickable;
for (let i = 0, len = this._entityList.length; i < len; i++) {
this._entityList[i].pickable = pickable;
* Gets the RGB colorize color for this SceneModel.
* Each element of the color is in range ````[0..1]````.
* @type {Number[]}
get colorize() {
return this._colorize;
* Sets the RGB colorize color for this SceneModel.
* Multiplies by rendered fragment colors.
* Each element of the color is in range ````[0..1]````.
* @type {Number[]}
set colorize(colorize) {
this._colorize = colorize;
for (let i = 0, len = this._entityList.length; i < len; i++) {
this._entityList[i].colorize = colorize;
* Gets this SceneModel's opacity factor.
* This is a factor in range ````[0..1]```` which multiplies by the rendered fragment alphas.
* @type {Number}
get opacity() {
return this._opacity;
* Sets the opacity factor for this SceneModel.
* This is a factor in range ````[0..1]```` which multiplies by the rendered fragment alphas.
* @type {Number}
set opacity(opacity) {
this._opacity = opacity;
for (let i = 0, len = this._entityList.length; i < len; i++) {
this._entityList[i].opacity = opacity;
* Gets if this SceneModel casts a shadow.
* @type {Boolean}
get castsShadow() {
return this._castsShadow;
* Sets if this SceneModel casts a shadow.
* @type {Boolean}
set castsShadow(castsShadow) {
castsShadow = (castsShadow !== false);
if (castsShadow !== this._castsShadow) {
this._castsShadow = castsShadow;
* Sets if this SceneModel can have shadow cast upon it.
* @type {Boolean}
get receivesShadow() {
return this._receivesShadow;
* Sets if this SceneModel can have shadow cast upon it.
* @type {Boolean}
set receivesShadow(receivesShadow) {
receivesShadow = (receivesShadow !== false);
if (receivesShadow !== this._receivesShadow) {
this._receivesShadow = receivesShadow;
* Gets if Scalable Ambient Obscurance (SAO) will apply to this SceneModel.
* SAO is configured by the Scene's {@link SAO} component.
* Only works when {@link SAO#enabled} is also true.
* @type {Boolean}
get saoEnabled() {
return this._saoEnabled;
* Gets if physically-based rendering (PBR) is enabled for this SceneModel.
* Only works when {@link Scene#pbrEnabled} is also true.
* @type {Boolean}
get pbrEnabled() {
return this._pbrEnabled;
* Gets if color textures are enabled for this SceneModel.
* Only works when {@link Scene#colorTextureEnabled} is also true.
* @type {Boolean}
get colorTextureEnabled() {
return this._colorTextureEnabled;
* Returns true to indicate that SceneModel is implements {@link Drawable}.
* @type {Boolean}
get isDrawable() {
return true;
/** @private */
get isStateSortable() {
return false
* Configures the appearance of xrayed {@link SceneModelEntity}s within this SceneModel.
* This is the {@link Scene#xrayMaterial}.
* @type {EmphasisMaterial}
get xrayMaterial() {
return this.scene.xrayMaterial;
* Configures the appearance of highlighted {@link SceneModelEntity}s within this SceneModel.
* This is the {@link Scene#highlightMaterial}.
* @type {EmphasisMaterial}
get highlightMaterial() {
return this.scene.highlightMaterial;
* Configures the appearance of selected {@link SceneModelEntity}s within this SceneModel.
* This is the {@link Scene#selectedMaterial}.
* @type {EmphasisMaterial}
get selectedMaterial() {
return this.scene.selectedMaterial;
* Configures the appearance of edges of {@link SceneModelEntity}s within this SceneModel.
* This is the {@link Scene#edgeMaterial}.
* @type {EdgeMaterial}
get edgeMaterial() {
return this.scene.edgeMaterial;
// Drawable members
* Called by private renderers in ./lib, returns the picking view matrix with which to
* ray-pick on this SceneModel.
* @private
getPickViewMatrix(pickViewMatrix) {
if (!this._viewMatrix) {
return pickViewMatrix;
return this._viewMatrix;
* @param cfg
createQuantizationRange(cfg) {
if ( === undefined || === null) {
this.error("[createQuantizationRange] Config missing: id");
if (cfg.aabb) {
this.error("[createQuantizationRange] Config missing: aabb");
if (this._quantizationRanges[]) {
this.error("[createQuantizationRange] QuantizationRange already created: " +;
this._quantizationRanges[] = {
aabb: cfg.aabb,
matrix: createPositionsDecodeMatrix(cfg.aabb, math.mat4())
* Creates a reusable geometry within this SceneModel.
* We can then supply the geometry ID to {@link SceneModel#createMesh} when we want to create meshes that
* instance the geometry.
* @param {*} cfg Geometry properties.
* @param {String|Number} Mandatory ID for the geometry, to refer to with {@link SceneModel#createMesh}.
* @param {String} cfg.primitive The primitive type. Accepted values are 'points', 'lines', 'triangles', 'solid' and 'surface'.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.positions] Flat array of uncompressed 3D vertex positions positions. Required for all primitive types. Overridden by ````positionsCompressed````.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.positionsCompressed] Flat array of quantized 3D vertex positions. Overrides ````positions````, and must be accompanied by ````positionsDecodeMatrix````.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix] A 4x4 matrix for decompressing ````positionsCompressed````. Must be accompanied by ````positionsCompressed````.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.normals] Flat array of normal vectors. Only used with "triangles", "solid" and "surface" primitives. When no normals are given, the geometry will be flat shaded using auto-generated face-aligned normals.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.normalsCompressed] Flat array of oct-encoded normal vectors. Overrides ````normals````. Only used with "triangles", "solid" and "surface" primitives. When no normals are given, the geometry will be flat shaded using auto-generated face-aligned normals.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.colors] Flat array of uncompressed RGBA vertex colors, as float values in range ````[0..1]````. Ignored when ````geometryId```` is given. Overridden by ````color```` and ````colorsCompressed````.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.colorsCompressed] Flat array of compressed RGBA vertex colors, as unsigned short integers in range ````[0..255]````. Ignored when ````geometryId```` is given. Overrides ````colors```` and is overridden by ````color````.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.uv] Flat array of uncompressed vertex UV coordinates. Only used with "triangles", "solid" and "surface" primitives. Required for textured rendering.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.uvCompressed] Flat array of compressed vertex UV coordinates. Only used with "triangles", "solid" and "surface" primitives. Overrides ````uv````. Must be accompanied by ````uvDecodeMatrix````. Only used with "triangles", "solid" and "surface" primitives. Required for textured rendering.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.uvDecodeMatrix] A 3x3 matrix for decompressing ````uvCompressed````.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.indices] Array of primitive connectivity indices. Not required for `points` primitives.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.edgeIndices] Array of edge line indices. Used only with 'triangles', 'solid' and 'surface' primitives. Automatically generated internally if not supplied, using the optional ````edgeThreshold```` given to the ````SceneModel```` constructor.
createGeometry(cfg) {
if ( === undefined || === null) {
this.error("[createGeometry] Config missing: id");
if (this._geometries[]) {
this.error("[createGeometry] Geometry already created: " +;
if (cfg.primitive === undefined || cfg.primitive === null) {
cfg.primitive = "triangles";
if (cfg.primitive !== "points" && cfg.primitive !== "lines" && cfg.primitive !== "triangles" && cfg.primitive !== "solid" && cfg.primitive !== "surface") {
this.error(`[createGeometry] Unsupported value for 'primitive': '${cfg.primitive}' - supported values are 'points', 'lines', 'triangles', 'solid' and 'surface'. Defaulting to 'triangles'.`);
if (!cfg.positions && !cfg.positionsCompressed && !cfg.buckets) {
this.error("[createGeometry] Param expected: `positions`, `positionsCompressed' or 'buckets");
return null;
if (cfg.positionsCompressed && !cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix && !cfg.positionsDecodeBoundary) {
this.error("[createGeometry] Param expected: `positionsDecodeMatrix` or 'positionsDecodeBoundary' (required for `positionsCompressed')");
return null;
if (cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix && cfg.positionsDecodeBoundary) {
this.error("[createGeometry] Only one of these params expected: `positionsDecodeMatrix` or 'positionsDecodeBoundary' (required for `positionsCompressed')");
return null;
if (cfg.uvCompressed && !cfg.uvDecodeMatrix) {
this.error("[createGeometry] Param expected: `uvDecodeMatrix` (required for `uvCompressed')");
return null;
if (!cfg.buckets && !cfg.indices && (cfg.primitive === "triangles" || cfg.primitive === "solid" || cfg.primitive === "surface")) {
const numPositions = (cfg.positions || cfg.positionsCompressed).length / 3;
cfg.indices = this._createDefaultIndices(numPositions);
if (!cfg.buckets && !cfg.indices && cfg.primitive !== "points") {
this.error(`[createGeometry] Param expected: indices (required for '${cfg.primitive}' primitive type)`);
return null;
if (cfg.positionsDecodeBoundary) {
cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix = createPositionsDecodeMatrix(cfg.positionsDecodeBoundary, math.mat4());
if (cfg.positions) {
const aabb = math.collapseAABB3();
cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix = math.mat4();
math.expandAABB3Points3(aabb, cfg.positions);
cfg.positionsCompressed = quantizePositions(cfg.positions, aabb, cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix);
cfg.aabb = aabb;
} else if (cfg.positionsCompressed) {
const aabb = math.collapseAABB3();
cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix = new Float64Array(cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix);
cfg.positionsCompressed = new Uint16Array(cfg.positionsCompressed);
math.expandAABB3Points3(aabb, cfg.positionsCompressed);
geometryCompressionUtils.decompressAABB(aabb, cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix);
cfg.aabb = aabb;
} else if (cfg.buckets) {
const aabb = math.collapseAABB3();
this._dtxBuckets[] = cfg.buckets;
for (let i = 0, len = cfg.buckets.length; i < len; i++) {
const bucket = cfg.buckets[i];
if (bucket.positions) {
math.expandAABB3Points3(aabb, bucket.positions);
} else if (bucket.positionsCompressed) {
math.expandAABB3Points3(aabb, bucket.positionsCompressed);
if (cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix) {
geometryCompressionUtils.decompressAABB(aabb, cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix);
cfg.aabb = aabb;
if (cfg.colorsCompressed && cfg.colorsCompressed.length > 0) {
cfg.colorsCompressed = new Uint8Array(cfg.colorsCompressed);
} else if (cfg.colors && cfg.colors.length > 0) {
const colors = cfg.colors;
const colorsCompressed = new Uint8Array(colors.length);
for (let i = 0, len = colors.length; i < len; i++) {
colorsCompressed[i] = colors[i] * 255;
cfg.colorsCompressed = colorsCompressed;
if (!cfg.buckets && !cfg.edgeIndices && (cfg.primitive === "triangles" || cfg.primitive === "solid" || cfg.primitive === "surface")) {
if (cfg.positions) {
cfg.edgeIndices = buildEdgeIndices(cfg.positions, cfg.indices, null, 5.0);
} else {
cfg.edgeIndices = buildEdgeIndices(cfg.positionsCompressed, cfg.indices, cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix, 2.0);
if (cfg.uv) {
const bounds = geometryCompressionUtils.getUVBounds(cfg.uv);
const result = geometryCompressionUtils.compressUVs(cfg.uv, bounds.min, bounds.max);
cfg.uvCompressed = result.quantized;
cfg.uvDecodeMatrix = result.decodeMatrix;
} else if (cfg.uvCompressed) {
cfg.uvCompressed = new Uint16Array(cfg.uvCompressed);
cfg.uvDecodeMatrix = new Float64Array(cfg.uvDecodeMatrix);
if (cfg.normals) { // HACK
cfg.normals = null;
this._geometries [] = cfg;
this._numTriangles += (cfg.indices ? Math.round(cfg.indices.length / 3) : 0);
* Creates a texture within this SceneModel.
* We can then supply the texture ID to {@link SceneModel#createTextureSet} when we want to create texture sets that use the texture.
* @param {*} cfg Texture properties.
* @param {String|Number} Mandatory ID for the texture, to refer to with {@link SceneModel#createTextureSet}.
* @param {String} [cfg.src] Image file for the texture. Assumed to be transcoded if not having a recognized image file
* extension (jpg, jpeg, png etc.). If transcoded, then assumes ````SceneModel```` is configured with a {@link TextureTranscoder}.
* @param {ArrayBuffer[]} [cfg.buffers] Transcoded texture data. Assumes ````SceneModel```` is
* configured with a {@link TextureTranscoder}. This parameter is given as an array of buffers so we can potentially support multi-image textures, such as cube maps.
* @param {HTMLImageElement} [cfg.image] HTML Image object to load into this texture. Overrides ````src```` and ````buffers````. Never transcoded.
* @param {Number} [cfg.minFilter=LinearMipmapLinearFilter] How the texture is sampled when a texel covers less than one pixel.
* Supported values are {@link LinearMipmapLinearFilter}, {@link LinearMipMapNearestFilter}, {@link NearestMipMapNearestFilter}, {@link NearestMipMapLinearFilter} and {@link LinearMipMapLinearFilter}.
* @param {Number} [cfg.magFilter=LinearFilter] How the texture is sampled when a texel covers more than one pixel. Supported values are {@link LinearFilter} and {@link NearestFilter}.
* @param {Number} [cfg.wrapS=RepeatWrapping] Wrap parameter for texture coordinate *S*. Supported values are {@link ClampToEdgeWrapping}, {@link MirroredRepeatWrapping} and {@link RepeatWrapping}.
* @param {Number} [cfg.wrapT=RepeatWrapping] Wrap parameter for texture coordinate *T*. Supported values are {@link ClampToEdgeWrapping}, {@link MirroredRepeatWrapping} and {@link RepeatWrapping}..
* @param {Number} [cfg.wrapR=RepeatWrapping] Wrap parameter for texture coordinate *R*. Supported values are {@link ClampToEdgeWrapping}, {@link MirroredRepeatWrapping} and {@link RepeatWrapping}.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.flipY=false] Flips this Texture's source data along its vertical axis when ````true````.
* @param {Number} [cfg.encoding=LinearEncoding] Encoding format. Supported values are {@link LinearEncoding} and {@link sRGBEncoding}.
createTexture(cfg) {
const textureId =;
if (textureId === undefined || textureId === null) {
this.error("[createTexture] Config missing: id");
if (this._textures[textureId]) {
this.error("[createTexture] Texture already created: " + textureId);
if (!cfg.src && !cfg.image && !cfg.buffers) {
this.error("[createTexture] Param expected: `src`, `image' or 'buffers'");
return null;
let minFilter = cfg.minFilter || LinearMipmapLinearFilter;
if (minFilter !== LinearFilter &&
minFilter !== LinearMipMapNearestFilter &&
minFilter !== LinearMipmapLinearFilter &&
minFilter !== NearestMipMapLinearFilter &&
minFilter !== NearestMipMapNearestFilter) {
this.error(`[createTexture] Unsupported value for 'minFilter' -
supported values are LinearFilter, LinearMipMapNearestFilter, NearestMipMapNearestFilter,
NearestMipMapLinearFilter and LinearMipmapLinearFilter. Defaulting to LinearMipmapLinearFilter.`);
minFilter = LinearMipmapLinearFilter;
let magFilter = cfg.magFilter || LinearFilter;
if (magFilter !== LinearFilter && magFilter !== NearestFilter) {
this.error(`[createTexture] Unsupported value for 'magFilter' - supported values are LinearFilter and NearestFilter. Defaulting to LinearFilter.`);
magFilter = LinearFilter;
let wrapS = cfg.wrapS || RepeatWrapping;
if (wrapS !== ClampToEdgeWrapping && wrapS !== MirroredRepeatWrapping && wrapS !== RepeatWrapping) {
this.error(`[createTexture] Unsupported value for 'wrapS' - supported values are ClampToEdgeWrapping, MirroredRepeatWrapping and RepeatWrapping. Defaulting to RepeatWrapping.`);
wrapS = RepeatWrapping;
let wrapT = cfg.wrapT || RepeatWrapping;
if (wrapT !== ClampToEdgeWrapping && wrapT !== MirroredRepeatWrapping && wrapT !== RepeatWrapping) {
this.error(`[createTexture] Unsupported value for 'wrapT' - supported values are ClampToEdgeWrapping, MirroredRepeatWrapping and RepeatWrapping. Defaulting to RepeatWrapping.`);
wrapT = RepeatWrapping;
let wrapR = cfg.wrapR || RepeatWrapping;
if (wrapR !== ClampToEdgeWrapping && wrapR !== MirroredRepeatWrapping && wrapR !== RepeatWrapping) {
this.error(`[createTexture] Unsupported value for 'wrapR' - supported values are ClampToEdgeWrapping, MirroredRepeatWrapping and RepeatWrapping. Defaulting to RepeatWrapping.`);
wrapR = RepeatWrapping;
let encoding = cfg.encoding || LinearEncoding;
if (encoding !== LinearEncoding && encoding !== sRGBEncoding) {
this.error("[createTexture] Unsupported value for 'encoding' - supported values are LinearEncoding and sRGBEncoding. Defaulting to LinearEncoding.");
encoding = LinearEncoding;
const texture = new Texture2D({
// flipY: cfg.flipY,
if (cfg.preloadColor) {
if (cfg.image) { // Ignore transcoder for Images
const image = cfg.image;
image.crossOrigin = "Anonymous";
if (image.compressed) {
// see `parsedImage` in
// NOTE: in its current version discards potential mipmaps, leaving only a single one
const data =;
mipmaps: data,
props: {
format: data[0].format,
minFilter: minFilter,
magFilter: magFilter
} else {
texture.setImage(image, {minFilter, magFilter, wrapS, wrapT, wrapR, flipY: cfg.flipY, encoding});
} else if (cfg.src) {
const ext = cfg.src.split('.').pop();
switch (ext) { // Don't transcode recognized image file types
case "jpeg":
case "jpg":
case "png":
case "gif":
const image = new Image();
image.onload = () => {
texture.setImage(image, {
flipY: cfg.flipY,
image.src = cfg.src; // URL or Base64 string
default: // Assume other file types need transcoding
if (!this._textureTranscoder) {
this.error(`[createTexture] Can't create texture from 'src' - SceneModel needs to be configured with a TextureTranscoder for this file type ('${ext}')`);
} else {
utils.loadArraybuffer(cfg.src, (arrayBuffer) => {
if (!arrayBuffer.byteLength) {
this.error(`[createTexture] Can't create texture from 'src': file data is zero length`);
this._textureTranscoder.transcode([arrayBuffer], texture).then(() => {
function (errMsg) {
this.error(`[createTexture] Can't create texture from 'src': ${errMsg}`);
} else if (cfg.buffers) { // Buffers implicitly require transcoding
if (!this._textureTranscoder) {
this.error(`[createTexture] Can't create texture from 'buffers' - SceneModel needs to be configured with a TextureTranscoder for this option`);
} else {
this._textureTranscoder.transcode(cfg.buffers, texture).then(() => {
this._textures[textureId] = new SceneModelTexture({id: textureId, texture});
* Creates a texture set within this SceneModel.
* * Stores the new {@link SceneModelTextureSet} in {@link SceneModel#textureSets}.
* A texture set is a collection of textures that can be shared among meshes. We can then supply the texture set
* ID to {@link SceneModel#createMesh} when we want to create meshes that use the texture set.
* The textures can work as a texture atlas, where each mesh can have geometry UVs that index
* a different part of the textures. This allows us to minimize the number of textures in our models, which
* means faster rendering.
* @param {*} cfg Texture set properties.
* @param {String|Number} Mandatory ID for the texture set, to refer to with {@link SceneModel#createMesh}.
* @param {*} [cfg.colorTextureId] ID of *RGBA* base color texture, with color in *RGB* and alpha in *A*.
* @param {*} [cfg.metallicRoughnessTextureId] ID of *RGBA* metal-roughness texture, with the metallic factor in *R*, and roughness factor in *G*.
* @param {*} [cfg.normalsTextureId] ID of *RGBA* normal map texture, with normal map vectors in *RGB*.
* @param {*} [cfg.emissiveTextureId] ID of *RGBA* emissive map texture, with emissive color in *RGB*.
* @param {*} [cfg.occlusionTextureId] ID of *RGBA* occlusion map texture, with occlusion factor in *R*.
* @returns {SceneModelTransform} The new texture set.
createTextureSet(cfg) {
const textureSetId =;
if (textureSetId === undefined || textureSetId === null) {
this.error("[createTextureSet] Config missing: id");
if (this._textureSets[textureSetId]) {
this.error(`[createTextureSet] Texture set already created: ${textureSetId}`);
let colorTexture;
if (cfg.colorTextureId !== undefined && cfg.colorTextureId !== null) {
colorTexture = this._textures[cfg.colorTextureId];
if (!colorTexture) {
this.error(`[createTextureSet] Texture not found: ${cfg.colorTextureId} - ensure that you create it first with createTexture()`);
} else {
colorTexture = this._textures[DEFAULT_COLOR_TEXTURE_ID];
let metallicRoughnessTexture;
if (cfg.metallicRoughnessTextureId !== undefined && cfg.metallicRoughnessTextureId !== null) {
metallicRoughnessTexture = this._textures[cfg.metallicRoughnessTextureId];
if (!metallicRoughnessTexture) {
this.error(`[createTextureSet] Texture not found: ${cfg.metallicRoughnessTextureId} - ensure that you create it first with createTexture()`);
} else {
metallicRoughnessTexture = this._textures[DEFAULT_METAL_ROUGH_TEXTURE_ID];
let normalsTexture;
if (cfg.normalsTextureId !== undefined && cfg.normalsTextureId !== null) {
normalsTexture = this._textures[cfg.normalsTextureId];
if (!normalsTexture) {
this.error(`[createTextureSet] Texture not found: ${cfg.normalsTextureId} - ensure that you create it first with createTexture()`);
} else {
normalsTexture = this._textures[DEFAULT_NORMALS_TEXTURE_ID];
let emissiveTexture;
if (cfg.emissiveTextureId !== undefined && cfg.emissiveTextureId !== null) {
emissiveTexture = this._textures[cfg.emissiveTextureId];
if (!emissiveTexture) {
this.error(`[createTextureSet] Texture not found: ${cfg.emissiveTextureId} - ensure that you create it first with createTexture()`);
} else {
emissiveTexture = this._textures[DEFAULT_EMISSIVE_TEXTURE_ID];
let occlusionTexture;
if (cfg.occlusionTextureId !== undefined && cfg.occlusionTextureId !== null) {
occlusionTexture = this._textures[cfg.occlusionTextureId];
if (!occlusionTexture) {
this.error(`[createTextureSet] Texture not found: ${cfg.occlusionTextureId} - ensure that you create it first with createTexture()`);
} else {
occlusionTexture = this._textures[DEFAULT_OCCLUSION_TEXTURE_ID];
const textureSet = new SceneModelTextureSet({
id: textureSetId,
model: this,
alphaCutoff: cfg.alphaCutoff,
this._textureSets[textureSetId] = textureSet;
return textureSet;
* Creates a new {@link SceneModelTransform} within this SceneModel.
* * Stores the new {@link SceneModelTransform} in {@link SceneModel#transforms}.
* * Can be connected into hierarchies
* * Each {@link SceneModelTransform} can be used by unlimited {@link SceneModelMesh}es
* @param {*} cfg Transform creation parameters.
* @param {String} Mandatory ID for the new transform. Must not clash with any existing components within the {@link Scene}.
* @param {String} [cfg.parentTransformId] ID of a parent transform, previously created with {@link SceneModel#createTextureSet}.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.position=[0,0,0]] Local 3D position of the mesh. Overridden by ````transformId````.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.scale=[1,1,1]] Scale of the transform.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.rotation=[0,0,0]] Rotation of the transform as Euler angles given in degrees, for each of the X, Y and Z axis.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.matrix=[1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]] Modelling transform matrix. Overrides the ````position````, ````scale```` and ````rotation```` parameters.
* @returns {SceneModelTransform} The new transform.
createTransform(cfg) {
if ( === undefined || === null) {
this.error("[createTransform] SceneModel.createTransform() config missing: id");
if (this._transforms[]) {
this.error(`[createTransform] SceneModel already has a transform with this ID: ${}`);
let parentTransform;
if (cfg.parentTransformId) {
parentTransform = this._transforms[cfg.parentTransformId];
if (!parentTransform) {
this.error("[createTransform] SceneModel.createTransform() config missing: id");
const transform = new SceneModelTransform({
model: this,
parent: parentTransform,
matrix: cfg.matrix,
position: cfg.position,
scale: cfg.scale,
rotation: cfg.rotation,
quaternion: cfg.quaternion
this._transforms[] = transform;
return transform;
* Creates a new {@link SceneModelMesh} within this SceneModel.
* * It prepares and saves data for a SceneModelMesh {@link SceneModel#meshes} creation. SceneModelMesh will be created only once the SceneModelEntity (which references this particular SceneModelMesh) will be created.
* * The SceneModelMesh can either define its own geometry or share it with other SceneModelMeshes. To define own geometry, provide the
* various geometry arrays to this method. To share a geometry, provide the ID of a geometry created earlier
* with {@link SceneModel#createGeometry}.
* * If you accompany the arrays with an ````origin````, then ````createMesh()```` will assume
* that the geometry ````positions```` are in relative-to-center (RTC) coordinates, with ````origin```` being the
* origin of their RTC coordinate system.
* @param {object} cfg Object properties.
* @param {String} Mandatory ID for the new mesh. Must not clash with any existing components within the {@link Scene}.
* @param {String|Number} [cfg.textureSetId] ID of a {@link SceneModelTextureSet} previously created with {@link SceneModel#createTextureSet}.
* @param {String|Number} [cfg.transformId] ID of a {@link SceneModelTransform} to instance, previously created with {@link SceneModel#createTransform}. Overrides all other transform parameters given to this method.
* @param {String|Number} [cfg.geometryId] ID of a geometry to instance, previously created with {@link SceneModel#createGeometry}. Overrides all other geometry parameters given to this method.
* @param {String} cfg.primitive The primitive type. Accepted values are 'points', 'lines', 'triangles', 'solid' and 'surface'.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.positions] Flat array of uncompressed 3D vertex positions positions. Required for all primitive types. Overridden by ````positionsCompressed````.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.positionsCompressed] Flat array of quantized 3D vertex positions. Overrides ````positions````, and must be accompanied by ````positionsDecodeMatrix````.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix] A 4x4 matrix for decompressing ````positionsCompressed````. Must be accompanied by ````positionsCompressed````.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.normals] Flat array of normal vectors. Only used with "triangles", "solid" and "surface" primitives. When no normals are given, the geometry will be flat shaded using auto-generated face-aligned normals.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.normalsCompressed] Flat array of oct-encoded normal vectors. Overrides ````normals````. Only used with "triangles", "solid" and "surface" primitives. When no normals are given, the geometry will be flat shaded using auto-generated face-aligned normals.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.colors] Flat array of uncompressed RGBA vertex colors, as float values in range ````[0..1]````. Ignored when ````geometryId```` is given. Overridden by ````color```` and ````colorsCompressed````.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.colorsCompressed] Flat array of compressed RGBA vertex colors, as unsigned short integers in range ````[0..255]````. Ignored when ````geometryId```` is given. Overrides ````colors```` and is overridden by ````color````.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.uv] Flat array of uncompressed vertex UV coordinates. Only used with "triangles", "solid" and "surface" primitives. Required for textured rendering.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.uvCompressed] Flat array of compressed vertex UV coordinates. Only used with "triangles", "solid" and "surface" primitives. Overrides ````uv````. Must be accompanied by ````uvDecodeMatrix````. Only used with "triangles", "solid" and "surface" primitives. Required for textured rendering.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.uvDecodeMatrix] A 3x3 matrix for decompressing ````uvCompressed````.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.indices] Array of primitive connectivity indices. Not required for `points` primitives.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.edgeIndices] Array of edge line indices. Used only with 'triangles', 'solid' and 'surface' primitives. Automatically generated internally if not supplied, using the optional ````edgeThreshold```` given to the ````SceneModel```` constructor.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.origin] Optional geometry origin, relative to {@link SceneModel#origin}. When this is given, then ````positions```` are assumed to be relative to this.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.position=[0,0,0]] Local 3D position of the mesh. Overridden by ````transformId````.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.scale=[1,1,1]] Scale of the mesh. Overridden by ````transformId````.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.rotation=[0,0,0]] Rotation of the mesh as Euler angles given in degrees, for each of the X, Y and Z axis. Overridden by ````transformId````.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.quaternion] Rotation of the mesh as a quaternion. Overridden by ````rotation````.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.matrix=[1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]] Mesh modelling transform matrix. Overrides the ````position````, ````scale```` and ````rotation```` parameters. Also overridden by ````transformId````.
* @param {Number[]} [cfg.color=[1,1,1]] RGB color in range ````[0..1, 0..1, 0..1]````. Overridden by texture set ````colorTexture````. Overrides ````colors```` and ````colorsCompressed````.
* @param {Number} [cfg.opacity=1] Opacity in range ````[0..1]````. Overridden by texture set ````colorTexture````.
* @param {Number} [cfg.metallic=0] Metallic factor in range ````[0..1]````. Overridden by texture set ````metallicRoughnessTexture````.
* @param {Number} [cfg.roughness=1] Roughness factor in range ````[0..1]````. Overridden by texture set ````metallicRoughnessTexture````.
* @returns {SceneModelMesh} The new mesh.
createMesh(cfg) {
if ( === undefined || === null) {
this.error("[createMesh] SceneModel.createMesh() config missing: id");
return false;
if (this._meshes[]) {
this.error(`[createMesh] SceneModel already has a mesh with this ID: ${}`);
return false;
const instancing = (cfg.geometryId !== undefined);
const batching = !instancing;
if (batching) {
// Batched geometry
if (cfg.primitive === undefined || cfg.primitive === null) {
cfg.primitive = "triangles";
if (cfg.primitive !== "points" && cfg.primitive !== "lines" && cfg.primitive !== "triangles" && cfg.primitive !== "solid" && cfg.primitive !== "surface") {
this.error(`Unsupported value for 'primitive': '${primitive}' ('geometryId' is absent) - supported values are 'points', 'lines', 'triangles', 'solid' and 'surface'.`);
return false;
if (!cfg.positions && !cfg.positionsCompressed && !cfg.buckets) {
this.error("Param expected: 'positions', 'positionsCompressed' or `buckets` ('geometryId' is absent)");
return false;
if (cfg.positions && (cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix || cfg.positionsDecodeBoundary)) {
this.error("Illegal params: 'positions' not expected with 'positionsDecodeMatrix'/'positionsDecodeBoundary' ('geometryId' is absent)");
return false;
if (cfg.positionsCompressed && !cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix && !cfg.positionsDecodeBoundary) {
this.error("Param expected: 'positionsCompressed' should be accompanied by 'positionsDecodeMatrix'/'positionsDecodeBoundary' ('geometryId' is absent)");
return false;
if (cfg.uvCompressed && !cfg.uvDecodeMatrix) {
this.error("Param expected: 'uvCompressed' should be accompanied by `uvDecodeMatrix` ('geometryId' is absent)");
return false;
if (!cfg.buckets && !cfg.indices && (cfg.primitive === "triangles" || cfg.primitive === "solid" || cfg.primitive === "surface")) {
const numPositions = (cfg.positions || cfg.positionsCompressed).length / 3;
cfg.indices = this._createDefaultIndices(numPositions);
if (!cfg.buckets && !cfg.indices && cfg.primitive !== "points") {
cfg.indices = this._createDefaultIndices(numIndices)
this.error(`Param expected: indices (required for '${cfg.primitive}' primitive type)`);
return false;
if ((cfg.matrix || cfg.position || cfg.rotation || cfg.scale) && (cfg.positionsCompressed || cfg.positionsDecodeBoundary)) {
this.error("Unexpected params: 'matrix', 'rotation', 'scale', 'position' not allowed with 'positionsCompressed'");
return false;
const useDTX = (!!this._dtxEnabled && (cfg.primitive === "triangles"
|| cfg.primitive === "solid"
|| cfg.primitive === "surface"))
&& (!cfg.textureSetId);
cfg.origin = cfg.origin ? math.addVec3(this._origin, cfg.origin, math.vec3()) : this._origin;
// MATRIX - optional for batching
if (cfg.matrix) {
cfg.meshMatrix = cfg.matrix;
} else if (cfg.scale || cfg.rotation || cfg.position || cfg.quaternion) {
const scale = cfg.scale || DEFAULT_SCALE;
const position = cfg.position || DEFAULT_POSITION;
if (cfg.rotation) {
math.eulerToQuaternion(cfg.rotation, "XYZ", tempQuaternion);
cfg.meshMatrix = math.composeMat4(position, tempQuaternion, scale, math.mat4());
} else {
cfg.meshMatrix = math.composeMat4(position, cfg.quaternion || DEFAULT_QUATERNION, scale, math.mat4());
if (cfg.positionsDecodeBoundary) {
cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix = createPositionsDecodeMatrix(cfg.positionsDecodeBoundary, math.mat4());
if (useDTX) {
// DTX
cfg.type = DTX;
// NPR
cfg.color = (cfg.color) ? new Uint8Array([Math.floor(cfg.color[0] * 255), Math.floor(cfg.color[1] * 255), Math.floor(cfg.color[2] * 255)]) : defaultCompressedColor;
cfg.opacity = (cfg.opacity !== undefined && cfg.opacity !== null) ? Math.floor(cfg.opacity * 255) : 255;
// RTC
if (cfg.positions) {
const rtcCenter = math.vec3();
const rtcPositions = [];
const rtcNeeded = worldToRTCPositions(cfg.positions, rtcPositions, rtcCenter);
if (rtcNeeded) {
cfg.positions = rtcPositions;
cfg.origin = math.addVec3(cfg.origin, rtcCenter, rtcCenter);
if (cfg.positions) {
const aabb = math.collapseAABB3();
cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix = math.mat4();
math.expandAABB3Points3(aabb, cfg.positions);
cfg.positionsCompressed = quantizePositions(cfg.positions, aabb, cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix);
cfg.aabb = aabb;
} else if (cfg.positionsCompressed) {
const aabb = math.collapseAABB3();
math.expandAABB3Points3(aabb, cfg.positionsCompressed);
geometryCompressionUtils.decompressAABB(aabb, cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix);
cfg.aabb = aabb;
if (cfg.buckets) {
const aabb = math.collapseAABB3();
for (let i = 0, len = cfg.buckets.length; i < len; i++) {
const bucket = cfg.buckets[i];
if (bucket.positions) {
math.expandAABB3Points3(aabb, bucket.positions);
} else if (bucket.positionsCompressed) {
math.expandAABB3Points3(aabb, bucket.positionsCompressed);
if (cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix) {
geometryCompressionUtils.decompressAABB(aabb, cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix);
cfg.aabb = aabb;
if (cfg.meshMatrix) {
math.AABB3ToOBB3(cfg.aabb, tempOBB3);
math.transformOBB3(cfg.meshMatrix, tempOBB3);
math.OBB3ToAABB3(tempOBB3, cfg.aabb);
if (!cfg.buckets && !cfg.edgeIndices && (cfg.primitive === "triangles" || cfg.primitive === "solid" || cfg.primitive === "surface")) {
if (cfg.positions) { // Faster
cfg.edgeIndices = buildEdgeIndices(cfg.positions, cfg.indices, null, 2.0);
} else {
cfg.edgeIndices = buildEdgeIndices(cfg.positionsCompressed, cfg.indices, cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix, 2.0);
if (!cfg.buckets) {
cfg.buckets = createDTXBuckets(cfg, this._enableVertexWelding && this._enableIndexBucketing);
} else {
// VBO
cfg.type = VBO_BATCHED;
// PBR
cfg.color = (cfg.color) ? new Uint8Array([Math.floor(cfg.color[0] * 255), Math.floor(cfg.color[1] * 255), Math.floor(cfg.color[2] * 255)]) : [255, 255, 255];
cfg.opacity = (cfg.opacity !== undefined && cfg.opacity !== null) ? Math.floor(cfg.opacity * 255) : 255;
cfg.metallic = (cfg.metallic !== undefined && cfg.metallic !== null) ? Math.floor(cfg.metallic * 255) : 0;
cfg.roughness = (cfg.roughness !== undefined && cfg.roughness !== null) ? Math.floor(cfg.roughness * 255) : 255;
// RTC
if (cfg.positions) {
const rtcPositions = [];
const rtcNeeded = worldToRTCPositions(cfg.positions, rtcPositions, tempVec3a);
if (rtcNeeded) {
cfg.positions = rtcPositions;
cfg.origin = math.addVec3(cfg.origin, tempVec3a, math.vec3());
if (cfg.positions) {
const aabb = math.collapseAABB3();
if (cfg.meshMatrix) {
math.transformPositions3(cfg.meshMatrix, cfg.positions, cfg.positions);
cfg.meshMatrix = null; // Positions now baked, don't need any more
math.expandAABB3Points3(aabb, cfg.positions);
cfg.aabb = aabb;
} else {
const aabb = math.collapseAABB3();
math.expandAABB3Points3(aabb, cfg.positionsCompressed);
geometryCompressionUtils.decompressAABB(aabb, cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix);
cfg.aabb = aabb;
if (cfg.meshMatrix) {
math.AABB3ToOBB3(cfg.aabb, tempOBB3);
math.transformOBB3(cfg.meshMatrix, tempOBB3);
math.OBB3ToAABB3(tempOBB3, cfg.aabb);
if (!cfg.buckets && !cfg.edgeIndices && (cfg.primitive === "triangles" || cfg.primitive === "solid" || cfg.primitive === "surface")) {
if (cfg.positions) {
cfg.edgeIndices = buildEdgeIndices(cfg.positions, cfg.indices, null, 2.0);
} else {
cfg.edgeIndices = buildEdgeIndices(cfg.positionsCompressed, cfg.indices, cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix, 2.0);
// cfg.textureSetId = cfg.textureSetId || DEFAULT_TEXTURE_SET_ID;
if (cfg.textureSetId) {
cfg.textureSet = this._textureSets[cfg.textureSetId];
if (!cfg.textureSet) {
this.error(`[createMesh] Texture set not found: ${cfg.textureSetId} - ensure that you create it first with createTextureSet()`);
return false;
} else {
if (cfg.positions || cfg.positionsCompressed || cfg.indices || cfg.edgeIndices || cfg.normals || cfg.normalsCompressed || cfg.uv || cfg.uvCompressed || cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix) {
this.error(`Mesh geometry parameters not expected when instancing a geometry (not expected: positions, positionsCompressed, indices, edgeIndices, normals, normalsCompressed, uv, uvCompressed, positionsDecodeMatrix)`);
return false;
cfg.geometry = this._geometries[cfg.geometryId];
if (!cfg.geometry) {
this.error(`[createMesh] Geometry not found: ${cfg.geometryId} - ensure that you create it first with createGeometry()`);
return false;
cfg.origin = cfg.origin ? math.addVec3(this._origin, cfg.origin, math.vec3()) : this._origin;
cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix = cfg.geometry.positionsDecodeMatrix;
if (cfg.transformId) {
cfg.transform = this._transforms[cfg.transformId];
if (!cfg.transform) {
this.error(`[createMesh] Transform not found: ${cfg.transformId} - ensure that you create it first with createTransform()`);
return false;
cfg.aabb = cfg.geometry.aabb;
} else {
if (cfg.matrix) {
cfg.meshMatrix = cfg.matrix;
} else if (cfg.scale || cfg.rotation || cfg.position || cfg.quaternion) {
const scale = cfg.scale || DEFAULT_SCALE;
const position = cfg.position || DEFAULT_POSITION;
if (cfg.rotation) {
math.eulerToQuaternion(cfg.rotation, "XYZ", tempQuaternion);
cfg.meshMatrix = math.composeMat4(position, tempQuaternion, scale, math.mat4());
} else {
cfg.meshMatrix = math.composeMat4(position, cfg.quaternion || DEFAULT_QUATERNION, scale, math.mat4());
math.AABB3ToOBB3(cfg.geometry.aabb, tempOBB3);
math.transformOBB3(cfg.meshMatrix, tempOBB3);
cfg.aabb = math.OBB3ToAABB3(tempOBB3, math.AABB3());
const useDTX = (!!this._dtxEnabled
&& (cfg.geometry.primitive === "triangles"
|| cfg.geometry.primitive === "solid"
|| cfg.geometry.primitive === "surface"))
&& (!cfg.textureSetId);
if (useDTX) {
// DTX
cfg.type = DTX;
// NPR
cfg.color = (cfg.color) ? new Uint8Array([Math.floor(cfg.color[0] * 255), Math.floor(cfg.color[1] * 255), Math.floor(cfg.color[2] * 255)]) : defaultCompressedColor;
cfg.opacity = (cfg.opacity !== undefined && cfg.opacity !== null) ? Math.floor(cfg.opacity * 255) : 255;
// BUCKETING - lazy generated, reused
let buckets = this._dtxBuckets[cfg.geometryId];
if (!buckets) {
buckets = createDTXBuckets(cfg.geometry, this._enableVertexWelding, this._enableIndexBucketing);
this._dtxBuckets[cfg.geometryId] = buckets;
cfg.buckets = buckets;
} else {
// VBO
cfg.type = VBO_INSTANCED;
// PBR
cfg.color = (cfg.color) ? new Uint8Array([Math.floor(cfg.color[0] * 255), Math.floor(cfg.color[1] * 255), Math.floor(cfg.color[2] * 255)]) : defaultCompressedColor;
cfg.opacity = (cfg.opacity !== undefined && cfg.opacity !== null) ? Math.floor(cfg.opacity * 255) : 255;
cfg.metallic = (cfg.metallic !== undefined && cfg.metallic !== null) ? Math.floor(cfg.metallic * 255) : 0;
cfg.roughness = (cfg.roughness !== undefined && cfg.roughness !== null) ? Math.floor(cfg.roughness * 255) : 255;
if (cfg.textureSetId) {
cfg.textureSet = this._textureSets[cfg.textureSetId];
// if (!cfg.textureSet) {
// this.error(`[createMesh] Texture set not found: ${cfg.textureSetId} - ensure that you create it first with createTextureSet()`);
// return false;
// }
cfg.numPrimitives = this._getNumPrimitives(cfg);
return this._createMesh(cfg);
_createDefaultIndices(numIndices) {
const indices = [];
for (let i = 0; i < numIndices; i++) {
return indices;
_createMesh(cfg) {
const mesh = new SceneModelMesh(this,, cfg.color, cfg.opacity, cfg.transform, cfg.textureSet);
mesh.pickId = this.scene._renderer.getPickID(mesh);
const pickId = mesh.pickId;
const a = pickId >> 24 & 0xFF;
const b = pickId >> 16 & 0xFF;
const g = pickId >> 8 & 0xFF;
const r = pickId & 0xFF;
cfg.pickColor = new Uint8Array([r, g, b, a]); // Quantized pick color
cfg.solid = (cfg.primitive === "solid");
mesh.origin = math.vec3(cfg.origin);
switch (cfg.type) {
case DTX:
mesh.layer = this._getDTXLayer(cfg);
mesh.aabb = cfg.aabb;
mesh.layer = this._getVBOBatchingLayer(cfg);
mesh.aabb = cfg.aabb;
mesh.layer = this._getVBOInstancingLayer(cfg);
mesh.aabb = cfg.aabb;
if (cfg.transform) {
cfg.meshMatrix = cfg.transform.worldMatrix;
mesh.portionId = mesh.layer.createPortion(mesh, cfg);
mesh.numPrimitives = cfg.numPrimitives;
this._meshes[] = mesh;
this._unusedMeshes[] = mesh;
return mesh;
_getNumPrimitives(cfg) {
let countIndices = 0;
const primitive = cfg.geometry ? cfg.geometry.primitive : cfg.primitive;
switch (primitive) {
case "triangles":
case "solid":
case "surface":
switch (cfg.type) {
case DTX:
for (let i = 0, len = cfg.buckets.length; i < len; i++) {
countIndices += cfg.buckets[i].indices.length;
countIndices += cfg.indices.length;
countIndices += cfg.geometry.indices.length;
return Math.round(countIndices / 3);
case "points":
switch (cfg.type) {
case DTX:
for (let i = 0, len = cfg.buckets.length; i < len; i++) {
countIndices += cfg.buckets[i].positionsCompressed.length;
countIndices += cfg.positions ? cfg.positions.length : cfg.positionsCompressed.length;
const geometry = cfg.geometry;
countIndices += geometry.positions ? geometry.positions.length : geometry.positionsCompressed.length;
return Math.round(countIndices);
case "lines":
case "line-strip":
switch (cfg.type) {
case DTX:
for (let i = 0, len = cfg.buckets.length; i < len; i++) {
countIndices += cfg.buckets[i].indices.length;
countIndices += cfg.indices.length;
countIndices += cfg.geometry.indices.length;
return Math.round(countIndices / 2);
return 0;
_getDTXLayer(cfg) {
const origin = cfg.origin;
const primitive = cfg.geometry ? cfg.geometry.primitive : cfg.primitive;
const layerId = `.${primitive}.${Math.round(origin[0])}.${Math.round(origin[1])}.${Math.round(origin[2])}`;
let dtxLayer = this._dtxLayers[layerId];
if (dtxLayer) {
if (!dtxLayer.canCreatePortion(cfg)) {
// dtxLayer.finalize();
delete this._dtxLayers[layerId];
dtxLayer = null;
} else {
return dtxLayer;
switch (primitive) {
case "triangles":
case "solid":
case "surface":
dtxLayer = new DTXTrianglesLayer(this, {layerIndex: 0, origin, primitive}); // layerIndex is set in #finalize()
case "lines":
dtxLayer = new DTXLinesLayer(this, {layerIndex: 0, origin, primitive}); // layerIndex is set in #finalize()
this._dtxLayers[layerId] = dtxLayer;
return dtxLayer;
_getVBOBatchingLayer(cfg) {
const model = this;
const origin = cfg.origin;
const renderLayer = cfg.renderLayer || 0;
const positionsDecodeHash = cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix || cfg.positionsDecodeBoundary ?
this._createHashStringFromMatrix(cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix || cfg.positionsDecodeBoundary)
: "-";
const textureSetId = cfg.textureSetId || "-";
const layerId = `${Math.round(origin[0])}.${Math.round(origin[1])}.${Math.round(origin[2])}.${cfg.primitive}.${positionsDecodeHash}.${textureSetId}`;
let vboBatchingLayer = this._vboBatchingLayers[layerId];
if (vboBatchingLayer) {
return vboBatchingLayer;
let textureSet = cfg.textureSet;
while (!vboBatchingLayer) {
switch (cfg.primitive) {
case "triangles":
//`[SceneModel ${}]: creating TrianglesBatchingLayer`);
vboBatchingLayer = new VBOBatchingTrianglesLayer({
layerIndex: 0, // This is set in #finalize()
scratchMemory: this._vboBatchingLayerScratchMemory,
positionsDecodeMatrix: cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix, // Can be undefined
uvDecodeMatrix: cfg.uvDecodeMatrix, // Can be undefined
maxGeometryBatchSize: this._maxGeometryBatchSize,
solid: (cfg.primitive === "solid"),
autoNormals: true,
primitive: cfg.primitive
case "solid":
//`[SceneModel ${}]: creating TrianglesBatchingLayer`);
vboBatchingLayer = new VBOBatchingTrianglesLayer({
layerIndex: 0, // This is set in #finalize()
scratchMemory: this._vboBatchingLayerScratchMemory,
positionsDecodeMatrix: cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix, // Can be undefined
uvDecodeMatrix: cfg.uvDecodeMatrix, // Can be undefined
maxGeometryBatchSize: this._maxGeometryBatchSize,
solid: (cfg.primitive === "solid"),
autoNormals: true,
primitive: cfg.primitive
case "surface":
//`[SceneModel ${}]: creating TrianglesBatchingLayer`);
vboBatchingLayer = new VBOBatchingTrianglesLayer({
layerIndex: 0, // This is set in #finalize()
scratchMemory: this._vboBatchingLayerScratchMemory,
positionsDecodeMatrix: cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix, // Can be undefined
uvDecodeMatrix: cfg.uvDecodeMatrix, // Can be undefined
maxGeometryBatchSize: this._maxGeometryBatchSize,
solid: (cfg.primitive === "solid"),
autoNormals: true,
primitive: cfg.primitive
case "lines":
//`[SceneModel ${}]: creating VBOBatchingLinesLayer`);
vboBatchingLayer = new VBOBatchingLinesLayer({
layerIndex: 0, // This is set in #finalize()
scratchMemory: this._vboBatchingLayerScratchMemory,
positionsDecodeMatrix: cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix, // Can be undefined
uvDecodeMatrix: cfg.uvDecodeMatrix, // Can be undefined
maxGeometryBatchSize: this._maxGeometryBatchSize,
primitive: cfg.primitive
case "points":
//`[SceneModel ${}]: creating VBOBatchingPointsLayer`);
vboBatchingLayer = new VBOBatchingPointsLayer({
layerIndex: 0, // This is set in #finalize()
scratchMemory: this._vboBatchingLayerScratchMemory,
positionsDecodeMatrix: cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix, // Can be undefined
uvDecodeMatrix: cfg.uvDecodeMatrix, // Can be undefined
maxGeometryBatchSize: this._maxGeometryBatchSize,
primitive: cfg.primitive
const lenPositions = cfg.positionsCompressed ? cfg.positionsCompressed.length : cfg.positions.length;
const canCreatePortion = (cfg.primitive === "points")
? vboBatchingLayer.canCreatePortion(lenPositions)
: vboBatchingLayer.canCreatePortion(lenPositions, cfg.indices.length);
if (!canCreatePortion) {
delete this._vboBatchingLayers[layerId];
vboBatchingLayer = null;
this._vboBatchingLayers[layerId] = vboBatchingLayer;
return vboBatchingLayer;
_createHashStringFromMatrix(matrix) {
const matrixString = matrix.join('');
let hash = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < matrixString.length; i++) {
const char = matrixString.charCodeAt(i);
hash = (hash << 5) - hash + char;
hash |= 0; // Convert to 32-bit integer
const hashString = (hash >>> 0).toString(16);
return hashString;
_getVBOInstancingLayer(cfg) {
const model = this;
const origin = cfg.origin;
const textureSetId = cfg.textureSetId || "-";
const geometryId = cfg.geometryId;
const layerId = `${Math.round(origin[0])}.${Math.round(origin[1])}.${Math.round(origin[2])}.${textureSetId}.${geometryId}`;
let vboInstancingLayer = this._vboInstancingLayers[layerId];
if (vboInstancingLayer) {
return vboInstancingLayer;
let textureSet = cfg.textureSet;
const geometry = cfg.geometry;
while (!vboInstancingLayer) {
switch (geometry.primitive) {
case "triangles":
//`[SceneModel ${}]: creating TrianglesInstancingLayer`);
vboInstancingLayer = new VBOInstancingTrianglesLayer({
layerIndex: 0,
solid: false
case "solid":
//`[SceneModel ${}]: creating TrianglesInstancingLayer`);
vboInstancingLayer = new VBOInstancingTrianglesLayer({
layerIndex: 0,
solid: true
case "surface":
//`[SceneModel ${}]: creating TrianglesInstancingLayer`);
vboInstancingLayer = new VBOInstancingTrianglesLayer({
layerIndex: 0,
solid: false
case "lines":
//`[SceneModel ${}]: creating VBOInstancingLinesLayer`);
vboInstancingLayer = new VBOInstancingLinesLayer({
layerIndex: 0
case "points":
//`[SceneModel ${}]: creating PointsInstancingLayer`);
vboInstancingLayer = new VBOInstancingPointsLayer({
layerIndex: 0
// const lenPositions = geometry.positionsCompressed.length;
// if (!vboInstancingLayer.canCreatePortion(lenPositions, geometry.indices.length)) { // FIXME: indices should be optional
// vboInstancingLayer.finalize();
// delete this._vboInstancingLayers[layerId];
// vboInstancingLayer = null;
// }
this._vboInstancingLayers[layerId] = vboInstancingLayer;
return vboInstancingLayer;
* Creates a {@link SceneModelEntity} within this SceneModel.
* * Gives the SceneModelEntity one or more {@link SceneModelMesh}es previously created with
* {@link SceneModel#createMesh}. A SceneModelMesh can only belong to one SceneModelEntity, so you'll get an
* error if you try to reuse a mesh among multiple SceneModelEntitys.
* * The SceneModelEntity can have a {@link SceneModelTextureSet}, previously created with
* {@link SceneModel#createTextureSet}. A SceneModelTextureSet can belong to multiple SceneModelEntitys.
* * The SceneModelEntity can have a geometry, previously created with
* {@link SceneModel#createTextureSet}. A geometry is a "virtual component" and can belong to multiple SceneModelEntitys.
* @param {Object} cfg SceneModelEntity configuration.
* @param {String} Optional ID for the new SceneModelEntity. Must not clash with any existing components within the {@link Scene}.
* @param {String[]} cfg.meshIds IDs of one or more meshes created previously with {@link SceneModel@createMesh}.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.isObject] Set ````true```` if the {@link SceneModelEntity} represents an object, in which case it will be registered by {@link SceneModelEntity#id} in {@link Scene#objects} and can also have a corresponding {@link MetaObject} with matching {@link MetaObject#id}, registered by that ID in {@link MetaScene#metaObjects}.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.visible=true] Indicates if the SceneModelEntity is initially visible.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.culled=false] Indicates if the SceneModelEntity is initially culled from view.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.pickable=true] Indicates if the SceneModelEntity is initially pickable.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.clippable=true] Indicates if the SceneModelEntity is initially clippable.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.collidable=true] Indicates if the SceneModelEntity is initially included in boundary calculations.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.castsShadow=true] Indicates if the SceneModelEntity initially casts shadows.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.receivesShadow=true] Indicates if the SceneModelEntity initially receives shadows.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.xrayed=false] Indicates if the SceneModelEntity is initially xrayed. XRayed appearance is configured by {@link SceneModel#xrayMaterial}.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.highlighted=false] Indicates if the SceneModelEntity is initially highlighted. Highlighted appearance is configured by {@link SceneModel#highlightMaterial}.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.selected=false] Indicates if the SceneModelEntity is initially selected. Selected appearance is configured by {@link SceneModel#selectedMaterial}.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.edges=false] Indicates if the SceneModelEntity's edges are initially emphasized. Edges appearance is configured by {@link SceneModel#edgeMaterial}.
* @returns {SceneModelEntity} The new SceneModelEntity.
createEntity(cfg) {
if ( === undefined) { = math.createUUID();
} else if (this.scene.components[]) {
this.error(`Scene already has a Component with this ID: ${} - will assign random ID`); = math.createUUID();
if (cfg.meshIds === undefined) {
this.error("Config missing: meshIds");
let flags = 0;
if (this._visible && cfg.visible !== false) {
flags = flags | ENTITY_FLAGS.VISIBLE;
if (this._pickable && cfg.pickable !== false) {
flags = flags | ENTITY_FLAGS.PICKABLE;
if (this._culled && cfg.culled !== false) {
flags = flags | ENTITY_FLAGS.CULLED;
if (this._clippable && cfg.clippable !== false) {
if (this._collidable && cfg.collidable !== false) {
if (this._edges && cfg.edges !== false) {
flags = flags | ENTITY_FLAGS.EDGES;
if (this._xrayed && cfg.xrayed !== false) {
flags = flags | ENTITY_FLAGS.XRAYED;
if (this._highlighted && cfg.highlighted !== false) {
if (this._selected && cfg.selected !== false) {
flags = flags | ENTITY_FLAGS.SELECTED;
cfg.flags = flags;
return this._createEntity(cfg);
_createEntity(cfg) {
let meshes = [];
for (let i = 0, len = cfg.meshIds.length; i < len; i++) {
const meshId = cfg.meshIds[i];
let mesh = this._meshes[meshId]; // Trying to get already created mesh
if (!mesh) { // Checks if there is already created mesh for this meshId
this.error(`Mesh with this ID not found: "${meshId}" - ignoring this mesh`); // There is no such cfg
if (mesh.parent) {
this.error(`Mesh with ID "${meshId}" already belongs to object with ID "${}" - ignoring this mesh`);
delete this._unusedMeshes[meshId];
const lodCullable = true;
const entity = new SceneModelEntity(
lodCullable); // Internally sets SceneModelEntity#parent to this SceneModel
this._entities[] = entity;
return entity;
* Pre-renders all meshes that have been added, even if the SceneModel has not bee finalized yet.
* This is use for progressively showing the SceneModel while it is being loaded or constructed.
* @returns {boolean}
preFinalize() {
if (this.destroyed) {
return false;
if (this._layersToFinalize.length === 0) {
return false;
for (let i = 0, len = this._layersToFinalize.length; i < len; i++) {
const layer = this._layersToFinalize[i];
this._vboBatchingLayers = {};
this._vboInstancingLayers = {};
this._dtxLayers = {};
this._layersToFinalize = [];
for (let i = 0, len = this._entitiesToFinalize.length; i < len; i++) {
const entity = this._entitiesToFinalize[i];
for (let i = 0, len = this._entitiesToFinalize.length; i < len; i++) {
const entity = this._entitiesToFinalize[i];
this._entitiesToFinalize = [];
this.scene._aabbDirty = true;
this._viewMatrixDirty = true;
this._matrixDirty = true;
this._aabbDirty = true;
this.position = this._position;
// Sort layers to reduce WebGL shader switching when rendering them
this.layerList.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.sortId < b.sortId) {
return -1;
if (a.sortId > b.sortId) {
return 1;
return 0;
for (let i = 0, len = this.layerList.length; i < len; i++) {
const layer = this.layerList[i];
layer.layerIndex = i;
this._layersFinalized = true;
* Finalizes this SceneModel.
* Once finalized, you can't add anything more to this SceneModel.
finalize() {
if (this.destroyed) {
this._geometries = {};
this._dtxBuckets = {};
this._textures = {};
this._textureSets = {};
/** @private */
stateSortCompare(drawable1, drawable2) {
/** @private */
rebuildRenderFlags() {
if (this.renderFlags.numLayers > 0 && this.renderFlags.numVisibleLayers === 0) {
this.renderFlags.culled = true;
* @private
_updateRenderFlagsVisibleLayers() {
const renderFlags = this.renderFlags;
renderFlags.numLayers = this.layerList.length;
renderFlags.numVisibleLayers = 0;
for (let layerIndex = 0, len = this.layerList.length; layerIndex < len; layerIndex++) {
const layer = this.layerList[layerIndex];
const layerVisible = this._getActiveSectionPlanesForLayer(layer);
if (layerVisible) {
renderFlags.visibleLayers[renderFlags.numVisibleLayers++] = layerIndex;
/** @private */
_createDummyEntityForUnusedMeshes() {
const unusedMeshIds = Object.keys(this._unusedMeshes);
if (unusedMeshIds.length > 0) {
const entityId = `${}-${math.createUUID()}`;
this.warn(`Creating dummy SceneModelEntity "${entityId}" for unused SceneMeshes: [${unusedMeshIds.join(",")}]`)
id: entityId,
meshIds: unusedMeshIds,
isObject: true
this._unusedMeshes = {};
_getActiveSectionPlanesForLayer(layer) {
const renderFlags = this.renderFlags;
const sectionPlanes = this.scene._sectionPlanesState.sectionPlanes;
const numSectionPlanes = sectionPlanes.length;
const baseIndex = layer.layerIndex * numSectionPlanes;
if (numSectionPlanes > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < numSectionPlanes; i++) {
const sectionPlane = sectionPlanes[i];
if (! {
renderFlags.sectionPlanesActivePerLayer[baseIndex + i] = false;
} else {
renderFlags.sectionPlanesActivePerLayer[baseIndex + i] = true;
renderFlags.sectioned = true;
return true;
_updateRenderFlags() {
if (this.numVisibleLayerPortions === 0) {
if (this.numCulledLayerPortions === this.numPortions) {
const renderFlags = this.renderFlags;
renderFlags.colorOpaque = (this.numTransparentLayerPortions < this.numPortions);
if (this.numTransparentLayerPortions > 0) {
renderFlags.colorTransparent = true;
if (this.numXRayedLayerPortions > 0) {
const xrayMaterial = this.scene.xrayMaterial._state;
if (xrayMaterial.fill) {
if (xrayMaterial.fillAlpha < 1.0) {
renderFlags.xrayedSilhouetteTransparent = true;
} else {
renderFlags.xrayedSilhouetteOpaque = true;
if (xrayMaterial.edges) {
if (xrayMaterial.edgeAlpha < 1.0) {
renderFlags.xrayedEdgesTransparent = true;
} else {
renderFlags.xrayedEdgesOpaque = true;
if (this.numEdgesLayerPortions > 0) {
const edgeMaterial = this.scene.edgeMaterial._state;
if (edgeMaterial.edges) {
renderFlags.edgesOpaque = (this.numTransparentLayerPortions < this.numPortions);
if (this.numTransparentLayerPortions > 0) {
renderFlags.edgesTransparent = true;
if (this.numSelectedLayerPortions > 0) {
const selectedMaterial = this.scene.selectedMaterial._state;
if (selectedMaterial.fill) {
if (selectedMaterial.fillAlpha < 1.0) {
renderFlags.selectedSilhouetteTransparent = true;
} else {
renderFlags.selectedSilhouetteOpaque = true;
if (selectedMaterial.edges) {
if (selectedMaterial.edgeAlpha < 1.0) {
renderFlags.selectedEdgesTransparent = true;
} else {
renderFlags.selectedEdgesOpaque = true;
if (this.numHighlightedLayerPortions > 0) {
const highlightMaterial = this.scene.highlightMaterial._state;
if (highlightMaterial.fill) {
if (highlightMaterial.fillAlpha < 1.0) {
renderFlags.highlightedSilhouetteTransparent = true;
} else {
renderFlags.highlightedSilhouetteOpaque = true;
if (highlightMaterial.edges) {
if (highlightMaterial.edgeAlpha < 1.0) {
renderFlags.highlightedEdgesTransparent = true;
} else {
renderFlags.highlightedEdgesOpaque = true;
// -------------- RENDERING ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** @private */
drawColorOpaque(frameCtx, layerList) {
const renderFlags = this.renderFlags;
for (let i = 0, len = renderFlags.visibleLayers.length; i < len; i++) {
const layerIndex = renderFlags.visibleLayers[i];
this.layerList[layerIndex].drawColorOpaque(renderFlags, frameCtx);
/** @private */
drawColorTransparent(frameCtx) {
const renderFlags = this.renderFlags;
for (let i = 0, len = renderFlags.visibleLayers.length; i < len; i++) {
const layerIndex = renderFlags.visibleLayers[i];
this.layerList[layerIndex].drawColorTransparent(renderFlags, frameCtx);
/** @private */
drawDepth(frameCtx) { // Dedicated to SAO because it skips transparent objects
const renderFlags = this.renderFlags;
for (let i = 0, len = renderFlags.visibleLayers.length; i < len; i++) {
const layerIndex = renderFlags.visibleLayers[i];
this.layerList[layerIndex].drawDepth(renderFlags, frameCtx);
/** @private */
drawNormals(frameCtx) { // Dedicated to SAO because it skips transparent objects
const renderFlags = this.renderFlags;
for (let i = 0, len = renderFlags.visibleLayers.length; i < len; i++) {
const layerIndex = renderFlags.visibleLayers[i];
this.layerList[layerIndex].drawNormals(renderFlags, frameCtx);
/** @private */
drawSilhouetteXRayed(frameCtx) {
const renderFlags = this.renderFlags;
for (let i = 0, len = renderFlags.visibleLayers.length; i < len; i++) {
const layerIndex = renderFlags.visibleLayers[i];
this.layerList[layerIndex].drawSilhouetteXRayed(renderFlags, frameCtx);
/** @private */
drawSilhouetteHighlighted(frameCtx) {
const renderFlags = this.renderFlags;
for (let i = 0, len = renderFlags.visibleLayers.length; i < len; i++) {
const layerIndex = renderFlags.visibleLayers[i];
this.layerList[layerIndex].drawSilhouetteHighlighted(renderFlags, frameCtx);
/** @private */
drawSilhouetteSelected(frameCtx) {
const renderFlags = this.renderFlags;
for (let i = 0, len = renderFlags.visibleLayers.length; i < len; i++) {
const layerIndex = renderFlags.visibleLayers[i];
this.layerList[layerIndex].drawSilhouetteSelected(renderFlags, frameCtx);
/** @private */
drawEdgesColorOpaque(frameCtx) {
const renderFlags = this.renderFlags;
for (let i = 0, len = renderFlags.visibleLayers.length; i < len; i++) {
const layerIndex = renderFlags.visibleLayers[i];
this.layerList[layerIndex].drawEdgesColorOpaque(renderFlags, frameCtx);
/** @private */
drawEdgesColorTransparent(frameCtx) {
const renderFlags = this.renderFlags;
for (let i = 0, len = renderFlags.visibleLayers.length; i < len; i++) {
const layerIndex = renderFlags.visibleLayers[i];
this.layerList[layerIndex].drawEdgesColorTransparent(renderFlags, frameCtx);
/** @private */
drawEdgesXRayed(frameCtx) {
const renderFlags = this.renderFlags;
for (let i = 0, len = renderFlags.visibleLayers.length; i < len; i++) {
const layerIndex = renderFlags.visibleLayers[i];
this.layerList[layerIndex].drawEdgesXRayed(renderFlags, frameCtx);
/** @private */
drawEdgesHighlighted(frameCtx) {
const renderFlags = this.renderFlags;
for (let i = 0, len = renderFlags.visibleLayers.length; i < len; i++) {
const layerIndex = renderFlags.visibleLayers[i];
this.layerList[layerIndex].drawEdgesHighlighted(renderFlags, frameCtx);
/** @private */
drawEdgesSelected(frameCtx) {
const renderFlags = this.renderFlags;
for (let i = 0, len = renderFlags.visibleLayers.length; i < len; i++) {
const layerIndex = renderFlags.visibleLayers[i];
this.layerList[layerIndex].drawEdgesSelected(renderFlags, frameCtx);
* @private
drawOcclusion(frameCtx) {
if (this.numVisibleLayerPortions === 0) {
const renderFlags = this.renderFlags;
for (let i = 0, len = renderFlags.visibleLayers.length; i < len; i++) {
const layerIndex = renderFlags.visibleLayers[i];
this.layerList[layerIndex].drawOcclusion(renderFlags, frameCtx);
* @private
drawShadow(frameCtx) {
if (this.numVisibleLayerPortions === 0) {
const renderFlags = this.renderFlags;
for (let i = 0, len = renderFlags.visibleLayers.length; i < len; i++) {
const layerIndex = renderFlags.visibleLayers[i];
this.layerList[layerIndex].drawShadow(renderFlags, frameCtx);
/** @private */
setPickMatrices(pickViewMatrix, pickProjMatrix) {
if (this._numVisibleLayerPortions === 0) {
const renderFlags = this.renderFlags;
for (let i = 0, len = renderFlags.visibleLayers.length; i < len; i++) {
const layerIndex = renderFlags.visibleLayers[i];
const layer = this.layerList[layerIndex];
if (layer.setPickMatrices) {
layer.setPickMatrices(pickViewMatrix, pickProjMatrix);
/** @private */
drawPickMesh(frameCtx) {
if (this.numVisibleLayerPortions === 0) {
const renderFlags = this.renderFlags;
for (let i = 0, len = renderFlags.visibleLayers.length; i < len; i++) {
const layerIndex = renderFlags.visibleLayers[i];
this.layerList[layerIndex].drawPickMesh(renderFlags, frameCtx);
* Called by SceneModelMesh.drawPickDepths()
* @private
drawPickDepths(frameCtx) {
if (this.numVisibleLayerPortions === 0) {
const renderFlags = this.renderFlags;
for (let i = 0, len = renderFlags.visibleLayers.length; i < len; i++) {
const layerIndex = renderFlags.visibleLayers[i];
this.layerList[layerIndex].drawPickDepths(renderFlags, frameCtx);
* Called by SceneModelMesh.drawPickNormals()
* @private
drawPickNormals(frameCtx) {
if (this.numVisibleLayerPortions === 0) {
const renderFlags = this.renderFlags;
for (let i = 0, len = renderFlags.visibleLayers.length; i < len; i++) {
const layerIndex = renderFlags.visibleLayers[i];
this.layerList[layerIndex].drawPickNormals(renderFlags, frameCtx);
* @private
drawSnapInit(frameCtx) {
if (this.numVisibleLayerPortions === 0) {
const renderFlags = this.renderFlags;
for (let i = 0, len = renderFlags.visibleLayers.length; i < len; i++) {
const layerIndex = renderFlags.visibleLayers[i];
const layer = this.layerList[layerIndex];
if (layer.drawSnapInit) {
frameCtx.snapPickOrigin = [0, 0, 0];
frameCtx.snapPickCoordinateScale = [1, 1, 1];
layer.drawSnapInit(renderFlags, frameCtx);
frameCtx.snapPickLayerParams[frameCtx.snapPickLayerNumber] = {
origin: frameCtx.snapPickOrigin.slice(),
coordinateScale: frameCtx.snapPickCoordinateScale.slice(),
* @private
drawSnap(frameCtx) {
if (this.numVisibleLayerPortions === 0) {
const renderFlags = this.renderFlags;
for (let i = 0, len = renderFlags.visibleLayers.length; i < len; i++) {
const layerIndex = renderFlags.visibleLayers[i];
const layer = this.layerList[layerIndex];
if (layer.drawSnap) {
frameCtx.snapPickOrigin = [0, 0, 0];
frameCtx.snapPickCoordinateScale = [1, 1, 1];
layer.drawSnap(renderFlags, frameCtx);
frameCtx.snapPickLayerParams[frameCtx.snapPickLayerNumber] = {
origin: frameCtx.snapPickOrigin.slice(),
coordinateScale: frameCtx.snapPickCoordinateScale.slice(),
* Destroys this SceneModel.
destroy() {
for (let layerId in this._vboBatchingLayers) {
if (this._vboBatchingLayers.hasOwnProperty(layerId)) {
this._vboBatchingLayers = {};
for (let layerId in this._vboInstancingLayers) {
if (this._vboInstancingLayers.hasOwnProperty(layerId)) {
this._vboInstancingLayers = {};;;
for (let i = 0, len = this.layerList.length; i < len; i++) {
this.layerList = [];
for (let i = 0, len = this._entityList.length; i < len; i++) {
this._layersToFinalize = {};
// Object.entries(this._geometries).forEach(([id, geometry]) => {
// geometry.destroy();
// });
this._geometries = {};
this._dtxBuckets = {};
this._textures = {};
this._textureSets = {};
this._meshes = {};
this._entities = {};
this.scene._aabbDirty = true;
if (this._isModel) {
* This function applies two steps to the provided mesh geometry data:
* - 1st, it reduces its `.positions` to unique positions, thus removing duplicate vertices. It will adjust the `.indices` and `.edgeIndices` array accordingly to the unique `.positions`.
* - 2nd, it tries to do an optimization called `index rebucketting`
* _Rebucketting minimizes the amount of RAM usage for a given mesh geometry by trying do demote its needed index bitness._
* - _for 32 bit indices, will try to demote them to 16 bit indices_
* - _for 16 bit indices, will try to demote them to 8 bits indices_
* - _8 bits indices are kept as-is_
* The fact that 32/16/8 bits are needed for indices, depends on the number of maximumm indexable vertices within the mesh geometry: this is, the number of vertices in the mesh geometry.
* The function returns the same provided input `geometry`, enrichened with the additional key `.preparedBukets`.
* @param {object} geometry The mesh information containing `.positions`, `.indices`, `.edgeIndices` arrays.
* @param enableVertexWelding
* @param enableIndexBucketing
* @returns {object} The mesh information enrichened with `.buckets` key.
function createDTXBuckets(geometry, enableVertexWelding, enableIndexBucketing) {
let uniquePositionsCompressed, uniqueIndices, uniqueEdgeIndices;
if (enableVertexWelding || enableIndexBucketing) { // Expensive - careful!
] = uniquifyPositions({
positionsCompressed: geometry.positionsCompressed,
indices: geometry.indices,
edgeIndices: geometry.edgeIndices
} else {
uniquePositionsCompressed = geometry.positionsCompressed;
uniqueIndices = geometry.indices;
uniqueEdgeIndices = geometry.edgeIndices;
let buckets;
if (enableIndexBucketing) {
let numUniquePositions = uniquePositionsCompressed.length / 3;
buckets = rebucketPositions({
positionsCompressed: uniquePositionsCompressed,
indices: uniqueIndices,
edgeIndices: uniqueEdgeIndices,
(numUniquePositions > (1 << 16)) ? 16 : 8,
// true
} else {
buckets = [{
positionsCompressed: uniquePositionsCompressed,
indices: uniqueIndices,
edgeIndices: uniqueEdgeIndices,
return buckets;
createGeometryOBB(geometry) {
geometry.obb = math.OBB3();
if (geometry.positionsCompressed && geometry.positionsCompressed.length > 0) {
const localAABB = math.collapseAABB3();
math.expandAABB3Points3(localAABB, geometry.positionsCompressed);
geometryCompressionUtils.decompressAABB(localAABB, geometry.positionsDecodeMatrix);
math.AABB3ToOBB3(localAABB, geometry.obb);
} else if (geometry.positions && geometry.positions.length > 0) {
const localAABB = math.collapseAABB3();
math.expandAABB3Points3(localAABB, geometry.positions);
math.AABB3ToOBB3(localAABB, geometry.obb);
} else if (geometry.buckets) {
const localAABB = math.collapseAABB3();
for (let i = 0, len = geometry.buckets.length; i < len; i++) {
const bucket = geometry.buckets[i];
math.expandAABB3Points3(localAABB, bucket.positionsCompressed);
geometryCompressionUtils.decompressAABB(localAABB, geometry.positionsDecodeMatrix);
math.AABB3ToOBB3(localAABB, geometry.obb);