import {ENTITY_FLAGS} from './ENTITY_FLAGS.js';
import {math} from "../math/math.js";
import { Material } from '../materials/Material.js';
const tempFloatRGB = new Float32Array([0, 0, 0]);
const tempIntRGB = new Uint16Array([0, 0, 0]);
const tempOBB3a = math.OBB3();
* An entity within a {@link SceneModel}
* * Created with {@link SceneModel#createEntity}
* * Stored by ID in {@link SceneModel#entities}
* * Has one or more {@link SceneModelMesh}es
* @implements {Entity}
export class SceneModelEntity {
* @private
constructor(model, isObject, id, meshes, flags, lodCullable) {
this._isObject = isObject;
* The {@link Scene} to which this SceneModelEntity belongs.
this.scene = model.scene;
* The {@link SceneModel} to which this SceneModelEntity belongs.
this.model = model;
* Identifies if it's a SceneModelEntity
this.isSceneModelEntity = true;
* The {@link SceneModelMesh}es belonging to this SceneModelEntity.
* * These are created with {@link SceneModel#createMesh} and registered in {@ilnk SceneModel#meshes}
* * Each SceneModelMesh belongs to one SceneModelEntity
this.meshes = meshes;
this._numPrimitives = 0;
this._capMaterial = null;
for (let i = 0, len = this.meshes.length; i < len; i++) { // TODO: tidier way? Refactor?
const mesh = this.meshes[i];
mesh.parent = this;
mesh.entity = this;
this._numPrimitives += mesh.numPrimitives;
* The unique ID of this SceneModelEntity.
*/ = id;
* The original system ID of this SceneModelEntity.
this.originalSystemId = math.unglobalizeObjectId(, id);
this._flags = flags;
this._aabb = math.AABB3();
this._aabbDirty = true;
this._offset = math.vec3();
this._colorizeUpdated = false;
this._opacityUpdated = false;
this._lodCullable = (!!lodCullable);
this._culled = false;
this._culledVFC = false;
this._culledLOD = false;
if (this._isObject) {
_transformDirty() {
this._aabbDirty = true;
_sceneModelDirty() { // Called by SceneModel when SceneModel's matrix is updated
this._aabbDirty = true;
for (let i = 0, len = this.meshes.length; i < len; i++) {
* World-space 3D axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) of this SceneModelEntity.
* Represented by a six-element Float64Array containing the min/max extents of the
* axis-aligned volume, ie. ````[xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax]````.
* @type {Float64Array}
get aabb() {
if (this._aabbDirty) {
for (let i = 0, len = this.meshes.length; i < len; i++) {
math.expandAABB3(this._aabb, this.meshes[i].aabb);
this._aabbDirty = false;
// if (this._aabbDirty) {
// math.AABB3ToOBB3(this._aabb, tempOBB3a);
// math.transformOBB3(this.model.matrix, tempOBB3a);
// math.OBB3ToAABB3(tempOBB3a, this._worldAABB);
// this._worldAABB[0] += this._offset[0];
// this._worldAABB[1] += this._offset[1];
// this._worldAABB[2] += this._offset[2];
// this._worldAABB[3] += this._offset[0];
// this._worldAABB[4] += this._offset[1];
// this._worldAABB[5] += this._offset[2];
// this._aabbDirty = false;
// }
return this._aabb;
get isEntity() {
return true;
* Returns false to indicate that this Entity subtype is not a model.
* @returns {boolean}
get isModel() {
return false;
* Returns ````true```` if this SceneModelEntity represents an object.
* When this is ````true````, the SceneModelEntity will be registered by {@link SceneModelEntity#id}
* in {@link Scene#objects} and may also have a corresponding {@link MetaObject}.
* @type {Boolean}
get isObject() {
return this._isObject;
get numPrimitives() {
return this._numPrimitives;
* The approximate number of triangles in this SceneModelEntity.
* @type {Number}
get numTriangles() {
return this._numPrimitives;
* Gets if this SceneModelEntity is visible.
* Only rendered when {@link SceneModelEntity#visible} is ````true````
* and {@link SceneModelEntity#culled} is ````false````.
* When {@link SceneModelEntity#isObject} and {@link SceneModelEntity#visible} are
* both ````true```` the SceneModelEntity will be registered
* by {@link SceneModelEntity#id} in {@link Scene#visibleObjects}.
* @type {Boolean}
get visible() {
return this._getFlag(ENTITY_FLAGS.VISIBLE);
* Sets if this SceneModelEntity is visible.
* Only rendered when {@link SceneModelEntity#visible} is ````true```` and {@link SceneModelEntity#culled} is ````false````.
* When {@link SceneModelEntity#isObject} and {@link SceneModelEntity#visible} are
* both ````true```` the SceneModelEntity will be
* registered by {@link SceneModelEntity#id} in {@link Scene#visibleObjects}.
* @type {Boolean}
set visible(visible) {
if (!!(this._flags & ENTITY_FLAGS.VISIBLE) === visible) {
return; // Redundant update
if (visible) {
this._flags = this._flags | ENTITY_FLAGS.VISIBLE;
} else {
this._flags = this._flags & ~ENTITY_FLAGS.VISIBLE;
for (let i = 0, len = this.meshes.length; i < len; i++) {
if (this._isObject) {
* Gets if this SceneModelEntity is highlighted.
* When {@link SceneModelEntity#isObject} and {@link SceneModelEntity#highlighted} are both ````true```` the SceneModelEntity will be
* registered by {@link SceneModelEntity#id} in {@link Scene#highlightedObjects}.
* @type {Boolean}
get highlighted() {
return this._getFlag(ENTITY_FLAGS.HIGHLIGHTED);
* Sets if this SceneModelEntity is highlighted.
* When {@link SceneModelEntity#isObject} and {@link SceneModelEntity#highlighted} are both ````true```` the SceneModelEntity will be
* registered by {@link SceneModelEntity#id} in {@link Scene#highlightedObjects}.
* @type {Boolean}
set highlighted(highlighted) {
if (!!(this._flags & ENTITY_FLAGS.HIGHLIGHTED) === highlighted) {
return; // Redundant update
if (highlighted) {
this._flags = this._flags | ENTITY_FLAGS.HIGHLIGHTED;
} else {
this._flags = this._flags & ~ENTITY_FLAGS.HIGHLIGHTED;
for (var i = 0, len = this.meshes.length; i < len; i++) {
if (this._isObject) {
* Gets if this SceneModelEntity is xrayed.
* When {@link SceneModelEntity#isObject} and {@link SceneModelEntity#xrayed} are both ````true``` the SceneModelEntity will be
* registered by {@link SceneModelEntity#id} in {@link Scene#xrayedObjects}.
* @type {Boolean}
get xrayed() {
return this._getFlag(ENTITY_FLAGS.XRAYED);
* Sets if this SceneModelEntity is xrayed.
* When {@link SceneModelEntity#isObject} and {@link SceneModelEntity#xrayed} are both ````true``` the SceneModelEntity will be
* registered by {@link SceneModelEntity#id} in {@link Scene#xrayedObjects}.
* @type {Boolean}
set xrayed(xrayed) {
if (!!(this._flags & ENTITY_FLAGS.XRAYED) === xrayed) {
return; // Redundant update
if (xrayed) {
this._flags = this._flags | ENTITY_FLAGS.XRAYED;
} else {
this._flags = this._flags & ~ENTITY_FLAGS.XRAYED;
for (let i = 0, len = this.meshes.length; i < len; i++) {
if (this._isObject) {
* Gets if this SceneModelEntity is selected.
* When {@link SceneModelEntity#isObject} and {@link SceneModelEntity#selected} are both ````true``` the SceneModelEntity will be
* registered by {@link SceneModelEntity#id} in {@link Scene#selectedObjects}.
* @type {Boolean}
get selected() {
return this._getFlag(ENTITY_FLAGS.SELECTED);
* Gets if this SceneModelEntity is selected.
* When {@link SceneModelEntity#isObject} and {@link SceneModelEntity#selected} are both ````true``` the SceneModelEntity will be
* registered by {@link SceneModelEntity#id} in {@link Scene#selectedObjects}.
* @type {Boolean}
set selected(selected) {
if (!!(this._flags & ENTITY_FLAGS.SELECTED) === selected) {
return; // Redundant update
if (selected) {
this._flags = this._flags | ENTITY_FLAGS.SELECTED;
} else {
this._flags = this._flags & ~ENTITY_FLAGS.SELECTED;
for (let i = 0, len = this.meshes.length; i < len; i++) {
if (this._isObject) {
* Gets if this SceneModelEntity's edges are enhanced.
* @type {Boolean}
get edges() {
return this._getFlag(ENTITY_FLAGS.EDGES);
* Sets if this SceneModelEntity's edges are enhanced.
* @type {Boolean}
set edges(edges) {
if (!!(this._flags & ENTITY_FLAGS.EDGES) === edges) {
return; // Redundant update
if (edges) {
this._flags = this._flags | ENTITY_FLAGS.EDGES;
} else {
this._flags = this._flags & ~ENTITY_FLAGS.EDGES;
for (var i = 0, len = this.meshes.length; i < len; i++) {
get culledVFC() {
return !!(this._culledVFC);
set culledVFC(culled) {
this._culledVFC = culled;
get culledLOD() {
return !!(this._culledLOD);
set culledLOD(culled) {
this._culledLOD = culled;
* Gets if this SceneModelEntity is culled.
* Only rendered when {@link SceneModelEntity#visible} is ````true```` and {@link SceneModelEntity#culled} is ````false````.
* @type {Boolean}
get culled() {
return !!(this._culled);
// return this._getFlag(ENTITY_FLAGS.CULLED);
* Sets if this SceneModelEntity is culled.
* Only rendered when {@link SceneModelEntity#visible} is ````true```` and {@link SceneModelEntity#culled} is ````false````.
* @type {Boolean}
set culled(culled) {
this._culled = culled;
_setCulled() {
let culled = !!(this._culled) || !!(this._culledLOD && this._lodCullable) || !!(this._culledVFC);
if (!!(this._flags & ENTITY_FLAGS.CULLED) === culled) {
return; // Redundant update
if (culled) {
this._flags = this._flags | ENTITY_FLAGS.CULLED;
} else {
this._flags = this._flags & ~ENTITY_FLAGS.CULLED;
for (var i = 0, len = this.meshes.length; i < len; i++) {
* Gets if this SceneModelEntity is clippable.
* Clipping is done by the {@link SectionPlane}s in {@link Scene#sectionPlanes}.
* @type {Boolean}
get clippable() {
return this._getFlag(ENTITY_FLAGS.CLIPPABLE);
* Sets if this SceneModelEntity is clippable.
* Clipping is done by the {@link SectionPlane}s in {@link Scene#sectionPlanes}.
* @type {Boolean}
set clippable(clippable) {
if ((!!(this._flags & ENTITY_FLAGS.CLIPPABLE)) === clippable) {
return; // Redundant update
if (clippable) {
this._flags = this._flags | ENTITY_FLAGS.CLIPPABLE;
} else {
this._flags = this._flags & ~ENTITY_FLAGS.CLIPPABLE;
for (var i = 0, len = this.meshes.length; i < len; i++) {
* Gets if this SceneModelEntity is included in boundary calculations.
* @type {Boolean}
get collidable() {
return this._getFlag(ENTITY_FLAGS.COLLIDABLE);
* Sets if this SceneModelEntity is included in boundary calculations.
* @type {Boolean}
set collidable(collidable) {
if (!!(this._flags & ENTITY_FLAGS.COLLIDABLE) === collidable) {
return; // Redundant update
if (collidable) {
this._flags = this._flags | ENTITY_FLAGS.COLLIDABLE;
} else {
this._flags = this._flags & ~ENTITY_FLAGS.COLLIDABLE;
for (var i = 0, len = this.meshes.length; i < len; i++) {
* Gets if this SceneModelEntity is pickable.
* Picking is done via calls to {@link Scene#pick}.
* @type {Boolean}
get pickable() {
return this._getFlag(ENTITY_FLAGS.PICKABLE);
* Sets if this SceneModelEntity is pickable.
* Picking is done via calls to {@link Scene#pick}.
* @type {Boolean}
set pickable(pickable) {
if (!!(this._flags & ENTITY_FLAGS.PICKABLE) === pickable) {
return; // Redundant update
if (pickable) {
this._flags = this._flags | ENTITY_FLAGS.PICKABLE;
} else {
this._flags = this._flags & ~ENTITY_FLAGS.PICKABLE;
for (var i = 0, len = this.meshes.length; i < len; i++) {
* Gets the SceneModelEntity's RGB colorize color, multiplies by the SceneModelEntity's rendered fragment colors.
* Each element of the color is in range ````[0..1]````.
* @type {Number[]}
get colorize() { // [0..1, 0..1, 0..1]
if (this.meshes.length === 0) {
return null;
const colorize = this.meshes[0]._colorize;
tempFloatRGB[0] = colorize[0] / 255.0; // Unquantize
tempFloatRGB[1] = colorize[1] / 255.0;
tempFloatRGB[2] = colorize[2] / 255.0;
return tempFloatRGB;
* Sets the SceneModelEntity's RGB colorize color, multiplies by the SceneModelEntity's rendered fragment colors.
* Each element of the color is in range ````[0..1]````.
* @type {Number[]}
set colorize(color) { // [0..1, 0..1, 0..1]
if (color) {
tempIntRGB[0] = Math.floor(color[0] * 255.0); // Quantize
tempIntRGB[1] = Math.floor(color[1] * 255.0);
tempIntRGB[2] = Math.floor(color[2] * 255.0);
for (let i = 0, len = this.meshes.length; i < len; i++) {
} else {
for (let i = 0, len = this.meshes.length; i < len; i++) {
if (this._isObject) {
const colorized = (!!color);
this.scene._objectColorizeUpdated(this, colorized);
this._colorizeUpdated = colorized;
* Gets the SceneModelEntity's opacity factor.
* This is a factor in range ````[0..1]```` which multiplies by the rendered fragment alphas.
* @type {Number}
get opacity() {
if (this.meshes.length > 0) {
return (this.meshes[0]._colorize[3] / 255.0);
} else {
return 1.0;
* Sets the SceneModelEntity's opacity factor.
* This is a factor in range ````[0..1]```` which multiplies by the rendered fragment alphas.
* @type {Number}
set opacity(opacity) {
if (this.meshes.length === 0) {
const opacityUpdated = (opacity !== null && opacity !== undefined);
const lastOpacityQuantized = this.meshes[0]._colorize[3];
let opacityQuantized = 255;
if (opacityUpdated) {
if (opacity < 0) {
opacity = 0;
} else if (opacity > 1) {
opacity = 1;
opacityQuantized = Math.floor(opacity * 255.0); // Quantize
if (lastOpacityQuantized === opacityQuantized) {
} else {
opacityQuantized = 255.0;
if (lastOpacityQuantized === opacityQuantized) {
for (let i = 0, len = this.meshes.length; i < len; i++) {
this.meshes[i]._setOpacity(opacityQuantized, this._flags);
if (this._isObject) {
this.scene._objectOpacityUpdated(this, opacityUpdated);
this._opacityUpdated = opacityUpdated;
* Gets the SceneModelEntity's 3D World-space offset.
* Default value is ````[0,0,0]````.
* @type {Number[]}
get offset() {
return this._offset;
* Sets the SceneModelEntity's 3D World-space offset.
* Default value is ````[0,0,0]````.
* @type {Number[]}
set offset(offset) {
if (offset) {
this._offset[0] = offset[0];
this._offset[1] = offset[1];
this._offset[2] = offset[2];
} else {
this._offset[0] = 0;
this._offset[1] = 0;
this._offset[2] = 0;
for (let i = 0, len = this.meshes.length; i < len; i++) {
this._aabbDirty = true;
this.model._aabbDirty = true;
this.scene._aabbDirty = true;
this.scene._objectOffsetUpdated(this, offset);
get saoEnabled() {
return this.model.saoEnabled;
* Sets the SceneModelEntity's capMaterial that will be used on the caps generated when this entity is sliced
* Default value is ````null````.
* @type {Material}
set capMaterial(value) {
if(!this.scene.readableGeometryEnabled) return;
this._capMaterial = value instanceof Material ? value : null;
* Gets the SceneModelEntity's capMaterial.
* Default value is ````null````.
* @type {Material}
get capMaterial() {
return this._capMaterial;
getEachVertex(callback) {
for (let i = 0, len = this.meshes.length; i < len; i++) {
getEachIndex(callback) {
for (let i = 0, len = this.meshes.length; i < len; i++) {
* Returns the volume of this SceneModelEntity.
* Only works when {@link Scene.readableGeometryEnabled | Scene.readableGeometryEnabled} is `true` and the
* SceneModelEntity contains solid triangle meshes; returns `0` otherwise.
* @returns {number}
get volume() {
let volume = 0;
for (let i = 0, len = this.meshes.length; i < len; i++) {
const meshVolume = this.meshes[i].volume;
if (meshVolume < 0) {
return -1;
volume += meshVolume;
return volume;
* Returns the surface area of this SceneModelEntity.
* Only works when {@link Scene.readableGeometryEnabled | Scene.readableGeometryEnabled} is `true` and the
* SceneModelEntity contains triangle meshes; returns `0` otherwise.
* @returns {number}
get surfaceArea() {
let surfaceArea = 0;
for (let i = 0, len = this.meshes.length; i < len; i++) {
const meshSurfaceArea = this.meshes[i].surfaceArea;
if (meshSurfaceArea >= 0) {
surfaceArea += meshSurfaceArea;
return surfaceArea > 0 ? surfaceArea : -1;
_getFlag(flag) {
return !!(this._flags & flag);
_finalize() {
const scene = this.model.scene;
if (this._isObject) {
if (this.visible) {
if (this.highlighted) {
if (this.xrayed) {
if (this.selected) {
for (let i = 0, len = this.meshes.length; i < len; i++) {
_finalize2() {
for (let i = 0, len = this.meshes.length; i < len; i++) {
_destroy() {
const scene = this.model.scene;
if (this._isObject) {
if (this.visible) {
if (this.xrayed) {
if (this.selected) {
if (this.highlighted) {
if (this._colorizeUpdated) {
if (this._opacityUpdated) {
if (this._offset && (this._offset[0] !== 0 || this._offset[1] !== 0 || this._offset[2] !== 0)) {
for (let i = 0, len = this.meshes.length; i < len; i++) {
scene._aabbDirty = true;