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 * A texture set within a {@link SceneModel}.
 * * Created with {@link SceneModel#createTextureSet}
 * * Belongs to many {@link SceneModelMesh}es
 * * Stored by ID in {@link SceneModel#textureSets}
 * * Referenced by {@link SceneModelMesh#textureSet}
export class SceneModelTextureSet {

     * @private
    constructor(cfg) {

         * Unique ID of this SceneModelTextureSet.
         * The SceneModelTextureSet is registered against this ID in {@link SceneModel#textureSets}.
         */ =;

         * The color texture.
         * @type {SceneModelTexture|*}
        this.colorTexture = cfg.colorTexture;

         * The metallic-roughness texture.
         * @type {SceneModelTexture|*}
        this.metallicRoughnessTexture = cfg.metallicRoughnessTexture;

         * The normal map texture.
         * @type {SceneModelTexture|*}
        this.normalsTexture = cfg.normalsTexture;

         * The emissive color texture.
         * @type {SceneModelTexture|*}
        this.emissiveTexture = cfg.emissiveTexture;

         * The ambient occlusion texture.
         * @type {SceneModelTexture|*}
        this.occlusionTexture = cfg.occlusionTexture;

     * @private
    destroy() {