- import {ENTITY_FLAGS} from '../../../ENTITY_FLAGS.js';
- import {RENDER_PASSES} from '../../../RENDER_PASSES.js';
- import {math} from "../../../../math/math.js";
- import {RenderState} from "../../../../webgl/RenderState.js";
- import {ArrayBuf} from "../../../../webgl/ArrayBuf.js";
- import {getRenderers} from "./renderers/VBOBatchingLinesRenderers.js";
- import {VBOBatchingLinesBuffer} from "./lib/VBOBatchingLinesBuffer.js";
- import {quantizePositions} from "../../../compression.js";
- /**
- * @private
- */
- export class VBOBatchingLinesLayer {
- /**
- * @param model
- * @param cfg
- * @param cfg.layerIndex
- * @param cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix
- * @param cfg.maxGeometryBatchSize
- * @param cfg.origin
- * @param cfg.scratchMemory
- */
- constructor(cfg) {
- //"Creating VBOBatchingLinesLayer");
- /**
- * Index of this LinesBatchingLayer in {@link VBOSceneModel#_layerList}.
- * @type {Number}
- */
- this.layerIndex = cfg.layerIndex;
- this._renderers = getRenderers(cfg.model.scene);
- this.model = cfg.model;
- this._buffer = new VBOBatchingLinesBuffer(cfg.maxGeometryBatchSize);
- this._scratchMemory = cfg.scratchMemory;
- this._state = new RenderState({
- positionsBuf: null,
- offsetsBuf: null,
- colorsBuf: null,
- flagsBuf: null,
- indicesBuf: null,
- positionsDecodeMatrix: math.mat4(),
- origin: null
- });
- // These counts are used to avoid unnecessary render passes
- this._numPortions = 0;
- this._numVisibleLayerPortions = 0;
- this._numTransparentLayerPortions = 0;
- this._numXRayedLayerPortions = 0;
- this._numSelectedLayerPortions = 0;
- this._numHighlightedLayerPortions = 0;
- this._numClippableLayerPortions = 0;
- this._numEdgesLayerPortions = 0;
- this._numPickableLayerPortions = 0;
- this._numCulledLayerPortions = 0;
- this._modelAABB = math.collapseAABB3(); // Model-space AABB
- this._portions = [];
- this._meshes = [];
- this._numVerts = 0;
- this._aabb = math.collapseAABB3();
- this.aabbDirty = true;
- this._finalized = false;
- if (cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix) {
- this._state.positionsDecodeMatrix.set(cfg.positionsDecodeMatrix);
- this._preCompressedPositionsExpected = true;
- } else {
- this._preCompressedPositionsExpected = false;
- }
- if (cfg.origin) {
- this._state.origin = math.vec3(cfg.origin);
- }
- /**
- * The type of primitives in this layer.
- */
- this.primitive = cfg.primitive;
- }
- get aabb() {
- if (this.aabbDirty) {
- math.collapseAABB3(this._aabb);
- for (let i = 0, len = this._meshes.length; i < len; i++) {
- math.expandAABB3(this._aabb, this._meshes[i].aabb);
- }
- this.aabbDirty = false;
- }
- return this._aabb;
- }
- /**
- * Tests if there is room for another portion in this LinesBatchingLayer.
- *
- * @param lenPositions Number of positions we'd like to create in the portion.
- * @param lenIndices Number of indices we'd like to create in this portion.
- * @returns {Boolean} True if OK to create another portion.
- */
- canCreatePortion(lenPositions, lenIndices) {
- if (this._finalized) {
- throw "Already finalized";
- }
- return ((this._buffer.positions.length + lenPositions) < (this._buffer.maxVerts * 3) && (this._buffer.indices.length + lenIndices) < (this._buffer.maxIndices));
- }
- /**
- * Creates a new portion within this LinesBatchingLayer, returns the new portion ID.
- *
- * Gives the portion the specified geometry, color and matrix.
- *
- * @param mesh The SceneModelMesh that owns the portion
- * @param cfg.positions Flat float Local-space positions array.
- * @param cfg.positionsCompressed Flat quantized positions array - decompressed with TrianglesBatchingLayer positionsDecodeMatrix
- * @param cfg.indices Flat int indices array.
- * @param cfg.color Quantized RGB color [0..255,0..255,0..255,0..255]
- * @param cfg.opacity Opacity [0..255]
- * @param [cfg.meshMatrix] Flat float 4x4 matrix
- * @param cfg.aabb Flat float AABB World-space AABB
- * @param cfg.pickColor Quantized pick color
- * @returns {number} Portion ID
- */
- createPortion(mesh, cfg) {
- if (this._finalized) {
- throw "Already finalized";
- }
- const positions = cfg.positions;
- const positionsCompressed = cfg.positionsCompressed;
- const indices = cfg.indices;
- const color = cfg.color;
- const opacity = cfg.opacity;
- const buffer = this._buffer;
- const positionsIndex = buffer.positions.length;
- const vertsIndex = positionsIndex / 3;
- let numVerts;
- math.expandAABB3(this._modelAABB, cfg.aabb);
- if (this._preCompressedPositionsExpected) {
- if (!positionsCompressed) {
- throw "positionsCompressed expected";
- }
- numVerts = positionsCompressed.length / 3;
- for (let i = 0, len = positionsCompressed.length; i < len; i++) {
- buffer.positions.push(positionsCompressed[i]);
- }
- } else {
- if (!positions) {
- throw "positions expected";
- }
- numVerts = positions.length / 3;
- for (let i = 0, len = positions.length; i < len; i++) {
- buffer.positions.push(positions[i]);
- }
- }
- if (color) {
- const r = color[0]; // Color is pre-quantized by VBOSceneModel
- const g = color[1];
- const b = color[2];
- const a = opacity;
- for (let i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) {
- buffer.colors.push(r);
- buffer.colors.push(g);
- buffer.colors.push(b);
- buffer.colors.push(a);
- }
- }
- if (indices) {
- for (let i = 0, len = indices.length; i < len; i++) {
- buffer.indices.push(indices[i] + vertsIndex);
- }
- }
- if (this.model.scene.entityOffsetsEnabled) {
- for (let i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) {
- buffer.offsets.push(0);
- buffer.offsets.push(0);
- buffer.offsets.push(0);
- }
- }
- const portionId = this._portions.length / 2;
- this._portions.push(vertsIndex);
- this._portions.push(numVerts);
- this._numPortions++;
- this.model.numPortions++;
- this._numVerts += numVerts;
- this._meshes.push(mesh);
- return portionId;
- }
- /**
- * Builds batch VBOs from appended geometries.
- * No more portions can then be created.
- */
- finalize() {
- if (this._finalized) {
- return;
- }
- const state = this._state;
- const gl =;
- const buffer = this._buffer;
- if (buffer.positions.length > 0) {
- if (this._preCompressedPositionsExpected) {
- const positions = new Uint16Array(buffer.positions);
- state.positionsBuf = new ArrayBuf(gl, gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, positions, buffer.positions.length, 3, gl.STATIC_DRAW);
- } else {
- const positions = new Float32Array(buffer.positions);
- const quantizedPositions = quantizePositions(positions, this._modelAABB, state.positionsDecodeMatrix);
- state.positionsBuf = new ArrayBuf(gl, gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, quantizedPositions, buffer.positions.length, 3, gl.STATIC_DRAW);
- }
- }
- if (buffer.colors.length > 0) {
- const colors = new Uint8Array(buffer.colors);
- let normalized = false;
- state.colorsBuf = new ArrayBuf(gl, gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, colors, buffer.colors.length, 4, gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW, normalized);
- }
- if (buffer.colors.length > 0) { // Because we build flags arrays here, get their length from the colors array
- const flagsLength = buffer.colors.length / 4;
- const flags = new Float32Array(flagsLength);
- let notNormalized = false;
- state.flagsBuf = new ArrayBuf(gl, gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, flags, flags.length, 1, gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW, notNormalized);
- }
- if (this.model.scene.entityOffsetsEnabled) {
- if (buffer.offsets.length > 0) {
- const offsets = new Float32Array(buffer.offsets);
- state.offsetsBuf = new ArrayBuf(gl, gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, offsets, buffer.offsets.length, 3, gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW);
- }
- }
- if (buffer.indices.length > 0) {
- const indices = new Uint32Array(buffer.indices);
- state.indicesBuf = new ArrayBuf(gl, gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indices, buffer.indices.length, 1, gl.STATIC_DRAW);
- }
- this._buffer = null;
- this._finalized = true;
- }
- initFlags(portionId, flags, meshTransparent) {
- if (flags & ENTITY_FLAGS.VISIBLE) {
- this._numVisibleLayerPortions++;
- this.model.numVisibleLayerPortions++;
- }
- this._numHighlightedLayerPortions++;
- this.model.numHighlightedLayerPortions++;
- }
- if (flags & ENTITY_FLAGS.XRAYED) {
- this._numXRayedLayerPortions++;
- this.model.numXRayedLayerPortions++;
- }
- if (flags & ENTITY_FLAGS.SELECTED) {
- this._numSelectedLayerPortions++;
- this.model.numSelectedLayerPortions++;
- }
- this._numClippableLayerPortions++;
- this.model.numClippableLayerPortions++;
- }
- if (flags & ENTITY_FLAGS.EDGES) {
- this._numEdgesLayerPortions++;
- this.model.numEdgesLayerPortions++;
- }
- if (flags & ENTITY_FLAGS.PICKABLE) {
- this._numPickableLayerPortions++;
- this.model.numPickableLayerPortions++;
- }
- if (flags & ENTITY_FLAGS.CULLED) {
- this._numCulledLayerPortions++;
- this.model.numCulledLayerPortions++;
- }
- if (meshTransparent) {
- this._numTransparentLayerPortions++;
- this.model.numTransparentLayerPortions++;
- }
- const deferred = true;
- this._setFlags(portionId, flags, meshTransparent, deferred);
- }
- flushInitFlags() {
- this._setDeferredFlags();
- }
- setVisible(portionId, flags, transparent) {
- if (!this._finalized) {
- throw "Not finalized";
- }
- if (flags & ENTITY_FLAGS.VISIBLE) {
- this._numVisibleLayerPortions++;
- this.model.numVisibleLayerPortions++;
- } else {
- this._numVisibleLayerPortions--;
- this.model.numVisibleLayerPortions--;
- }
- this._setFlags(portionId, flags, transparent);
- }
- setHighlighted(portionId, flags, transparent) {
- if (!this._finalized) {
- throw "Not finalized";
- }
- this._numHighlightedLayerPortions++;
- this.model.numHighlightedLayerPortions++;
- } else {
- this._numHighlightedLayerPortions--;
- this.model.numHighlightedLayerPortions--;
- }
- this._setFlags(portionId, flags, transparent);
- }
- setXRayed(portionId, flags, transparent) {
- if (!this._finalized) {
- throw "Not finalized";
- }
- if (flags & ENTITY_FLAGS.XRAYED) {
- this._numXRayedLayerPortions++;
- this.model.numXRayedLayerPortions++;
- } else {
- this._numXRayedLayerPortions--;
- this.model.numXRayedLayerPortions--;
- }
- this._setFlags(portionId, flags, transparent);
- }
- setSelected(portionId, flags, transparent) {
- if (!this._finalized) {
- throw "Not finalized";
- }
- if (flags & ENTITY_FLAGS.SELECTED) {
- this._numSelectedLayerPortions++;
- this.model.numSelectedLayerPortions++;
- } else {
- this._numSelectedLayerPortions--;
- this.model.numSelectedLayerPortions--;
- }
- this._setFlags(portionId, flags, transparent);
- }
- setEdges(portionId, flags, transparent) {
- if (!this._finalized) {
- throw "Not finalized";
- }
- if (flags & ENTITY_FLAGS.EDGES) {
- this._numEdgesLayerPortions++;
- this.model.numEdgesLayerPortions++;
- } else {
- this._numEdgesLayerPortions--;
- this.model.numEdgesLayerPortions--;
- }
- this._setFlags(portionId, flags, transparent);
- }
- setClippable(portionId, flags) {
- if (!this._finalized) {
- throw "Not finalized";
- }
- this._numClippableLayerPortions++;
- this.model.numClippableLayerPortions++;
- } else {
- this._numClippableLayerPortions--;
- this.model.numClippableLayerPortions--;
- }
- this._setFlags(portionId, flags);
- }
- setCulled(portionId, flags, transparent) {
- if (!this._finalized) {
- throw "Not finalized";
- }
- if (flags & ENTITY_FLAGS.CULLED) {
- this._numCulledLayerPortions++;
- this.model.numCulledLayerPortions++;
- } else {
- this._numCulledLayerPortions--;
- this.model.numCulledLayerPortions--;
- }
- this._setFlags(portionId, flags, transparent);
- }
- setCollidable(portionId, flags) {
- if (!this._finalized) {
- throw "Not finalized";
- }
- }
- setPickable(portionId, flags, transparent) {
- if (!this._finalized) {
- throw "Not finalized";
- }
- if (flags & ENTITY_FLAGS.PICKABLE) {
- this._numPickableLayerPortions++;
- this.model.numPickableLayerPortions++;
- } else {
- this._numPickableLayerPortions--;
- this.model.numPickableLayerPortions--;
- }
- this._setFlags(portionId, flags, transparent);
- }
- setColor(portionId, color) {
- if (!this._finalized) {
- throw "Not finalized";
- }
- const portionsIdx = portionId * 2;
- const vertexBase = this._portions[portionsIdx];
- const numVerts = this._portions[portionsIdx + 1];
- const firstColor = vertexBase * 4;
- const lenColor = numVerts * 4;
- const tempArray = this._scratchMemory.getUInt8Array(lenColor);
- const r = color[0];
- const g = color[1];
- const b = color[2];
- const a = color[3];
- for (let i = 0; i < lenColor; i += 4) {
- tempArray[i + 0] = r;
- tempArray[i + 1] = g;
- tempArray[i + 2] = b;
- tempArray[i + 3] = a;
- }
- this._state.colorsBuf.setData(tempArray, firstColor, lenColor);
- }
- setTransparent(portionId, flags, transparent) {
- if (transparent) {
- this._numTransparentLayerPortions++;
- this.model.numTransparentLayerPortions++;
- } else {
- this._numTransparentLayerPortions--;
- this.model.numTransparentLayerPortions--;
- }
- this._setFlags(portionId, flags, transparent);
- }
- /**
- * flags are 4bits values encoded on a 32bit base. color flag on the first 4 bits, silhouette flag on the next 4 bits and so on for edge, pick and clippable.
- */
- _setFlags(portionId, flags, transparent, deferred = false) {
- if (!this._finalized) {
- throw "Not finalized";
- }
- const portionsIdx = portionId * 2;
- const vertexBase = this._portions[portionsIdx];
- const numVerts = this._portions[portionsIdx + 1];
- const firstFlag = vertexBase;
- const lenFlags = numVerts;
- const visible = !!(flags & ENTITY_FLAGS.VISIBLE);
- const xrayed = !!(flags & ENTITY_FLAGS.XRAYED);
- const highlighted = !!(flags & ENTITY_FLAGS.HIGHLIGHTED);
- const selected = !!(flags & ENTITY_FLAGS.SELECTED);
- // no edges
- const pickable = !!(flags & ENTITY_FLAGS.PICKABLE);
- const culled = !!(flags & ENTITY_FLAGS.CULLED);
- let colorFlag;
- if (!visible || culled || xrayed
- || (highlighted && !this.model.scene.highlightMaterial.glowThrough)
- || (selected && !this.model.scene.selectedMaterial.glowThrough)) {
- } else {
- if (transparent) {
- } else {
- }
- }
- let silhouetteFlag;
- if (!visible || culled) {
- } else if (selected) {
- } else if (highlighted) {
- } else if (xrayed) {
- } else {
- }
- let pickFlag = (visible && !culled && pickable) ? RENDER_PASSES.PICK : RENDER_PASSES.NOT_RENDERED;
- const clippableFlag = !!(flags & ENTITY_FLAGS.CLIPPABLE) ? 1 : 0;
- if (deferred) {
- // Avoid zillions of individual WebGL bufferSubData calls - buffer them to apply in one shot
- if (!this._deferredFlagValues) {
- this._deferredFlagValues = new Float32Array(this._numVerts);
- }
- for (let i = firstFlag, len = (firstFlag + lenFlags); i < len; i++) {
- let vertFlag = 0;
- vertFlag |= colorFlag;
- vertFlag |= silhouetteFlag << 4;
- // no edges
- vertFlag |= pickFlag << 12;
- vertFlag |= clippableFlag << 16;
- this._deferredFlagValues[i] = vertFlag;
- }
- } else if (this._state.flagsBuf) {
- const tempArray = this._scratchMemory.getFloat32Array(lenFlags);
- for (let i = 0; i < lenFlags; i++) {
- let vertFlag = 0;
- vertFlag |= colorFlag;
- vertFlag |= silhouetteFlag << 4;
- // no edges
- vertFlag |= pickFlag << 12;
- vertFlag |= clippableFlag << 16;
- tempArray[i] = vertFlag;
- }
- this._state.flagsBuf.setData(tempArray, firstFlag, lenFlags);
- }
- }
- _setDeferredFlags() {
- if (this._deferredFlagValues) {
- this._state.flagsBuf.setData(this._deferredFlagValues);
- this._deferredFlagValues = null;
- }
- }
- setOffset(portionId, offset) {
- if (!this._finalized) {
- throw "Not finalized";
- }
- if (!this.model.scene.entityOffsetsEnabled) {
- this.model.error("Entity#offset not enabled for this Viewer"); // See Viewer entityOffsetsEnabled
- return;
- }
- const portionsIdx = portionId * 2;
- const vertexBase = this._portions[portionsIdx];
- const numVerts = this._portions[portionsIdx + 1];
- const firstOffset = vertexBase * 3;
- const lenOffsets = numVerts * 3;
- const tempArray = this._scratchMemory.getFloat32Array(lenOffsets);
- const x = offset[0];
- const y = offset[1];
- const z = offset[2];
- for (let i = 0; i < lenOffsets; i += 3) {
- tempArray[i + 0] = x;
- tempArray[i + 1] = y;
- tempArray[i + 2] = z;
- }
- this._state.offsetsBuf.setData(tempArray, firstOffset, lenOffsets);
- }
- //-- RENDERING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- drawColorOpaque(renderFlags, frameCtx) {
- if (this._numCulledLayerPortions === this._numPortions || this._numVisibleLayerPortions === 0 || this._numTransparentLayerPortions === this._numPortions || this._numXRayedLayerPortions === this._numPortions) {
- return;
- }
- if (this._renderers.colorRenderer) {
- this._renderers.colorRenderer.drawLayer(frameCtx, this, RENDER_PASSES.COLOR_OPAQUE);
- }
- }
- drawColorTransparent(renderFlags, frameCtx) {
- if (this._numCulledLayerPortions === this._numPortions || this._numVisibleLayerPortions === 0 || this._numTransparentLayerPortions === 0 || this._numXRayedLayerPortions === this._numPortions) {
- return;
- }
- if (this._renderers.colorRenderer) {
- this._renderers.colorRenderer.drawLayer(frameCtx, this, RENDER_PASSES.COLOR_TRANSPARENT);
- }
- }
- drawDepth(renderFlags, frameCtx) {
- }
- drawNormals(renderFlags, frameCtx) {
- }
- drawSilhouetteXRayed(renderFlags, frameCtx) {
- if (this._numCulledLayerPortions === this._numPortions || this._numVisibleLayerPortions === 0 || this._numXRayedLayerPortions === 0) {
- return;
- }
- if (this._renderers.silhouetteRenderer) {
- this._renderers.silhouetteRenderer.drawLayer(frameCtx, this, RENDER_PASSES.SILHOUETTE_XRAYED);
- }
- }
- drawSilhouetteHighlighted(renderFlags, frameCtx) {
- if (this._numCulledLayerPortions === this._numPortions || this._numVisibleLayerPortions === 0 || this._numHighlightedLayerPortions === 0) {
- return;
- }
- if (this._renderers.silhouetteRenderer) {
- this._renderers.silhouetteRenderer.drawLayer(frameCtx, this, RENDER_PASSES.SILHOUETTE_HIGHLIGHTED);
- }
- }
- drawSilhouetteSelected(renderFlags, frameCtx) {
- if (this._numCulledLayerPortions === this._numPortions || this._numVisibleLayerPortions === 0 || this._numSelectedLayerPortions === 0) {
- return;
- }
- if (this._renderers.silhouetteRenderer) {
- this._renderers.silhouetteRenderer.drawLayer(frameCtx, this, RENDER_PASSES.SILHOUETTE_SELECTED);
- }
- }
- drawEdgesColorOpaque(renderFlags, frameCtx) {
- }
- drawEdgesColorTransparent(renderFlags, frameCtx) {
- }
- drawEdgesHighlighted(renderFlags, frameCtx) {
- }
- drawEdgesSelected(renderFlags, frameCtx) {
- }
- drawEdgesXRayed(renderFlags, frameCtx) {
- }
- drawPickMesh(frameCtx) {
- }
- drawPickDepths(frameCtx) {
- }
- drawPickNormals(frameCtx) {
- }
- drawSnapInit(renderFlags, frameCtx) {
- if (this._numCulledLayerPortions === this._numPortions || this._numVisibleLayerPortions === 0) {
- return;
- }
- if (this._renderers.snapInitRenderer) {
- this._renderers.snapInitRenderer.drawLayer(frameCtx, this, RENDER_PASSES.PICK);
- }
- }
- drawSnap(renderFlags, frameCtx) {
- if (this._numCulledLayerPortions === this._numPortions || this._numVisibleLayerPortions === 0) {
- return;
- }
- if (this._renderers.snapRenderer) {
- this._renderers.snapRenderer.drawLayer(frameCtx, this, RENDER_PASSES.PICK);
- }
- }
- drawOcclusion(frameCtx) {
- }
- drawShadow(frameCtx) {
- }
- destroy() {
- const state = this._state;
- if (state.positionsBuf) {
- state.positionsBuf.destroy();
- state.positionsBuf = null;
- }
- if (state.offsetsBuf) {
- state.offsetsBuf.destroy();
- state.offsetsBuf = null;
- }
- if (state.colorsBuf) {
- state.colorsBuf.destroy();
- state.colorsBuf = null;
- }
- if (state.flagsBuf) {
- state.flagsBuf.destroy();
- state.flagsBuf = null;
- }
- if (state.indicesBuf) {
- state.indicesBuf.destroy();
- state.indicesBuf = null;
- }
- state.destroy();
- }
- }