- import {createRTCViewMat} from "../../../../../math/rtcCoords.js";
- import {math} from "../../../../../math/math.js";
- import {VBORenderer} from "../../../VBORenderer.js";
- const tempVec3a = math.vec3();
- const tempVec3b = math.vec3();
- const tempVec3c = math.vec3();
- const tempVec3d = math.vec3();
- const tempMat4a = math.mat4();
- const SNAPPING_LOG_DEPTH_BUF_ENABLED = true; // Improves occlusion accuracy at distance
- /**
- * @private
- */
- export class VBOBatchingLineSnapInitRenderer extends VBORenderer {
- drawLayer(frameCtx, batchingLayer, renderPass) {
- if (!this._program) {
- this._allocate();
- if (this.errors) {
- return;
- }
- }
- if (frameCtx.lastProgramId !== {
- frameCtx.lastProgramId =;
- this._bindProgram();
- }
- const model = batchingLayer.model;
- const scene = model.scene;
- const camera =;
- const gl =;
- const state = batchingLayer._state;
- const origin = batchingLayer._state.origin;
- const {position, rotationMatrix} = model;
- const aabb = batchingLayer.aabb; // Per-layer AABB for best RTC accuracy
- const viewMatrix = frameCtx.pickViewMatrix || camera.viewMatrix;
- if (this._vaoCache.has(batchingLayer)) {
- gl.bindVertexArray(this._vaoCache.get(batchingLayer));
- } else {
- this._vaoCache.set(batchingLayer, this._makeVAO(state))
- }
- const coordinateScaler = tempVec3a;
- coordinateScaler[0] = math.safeInv(aabb[3] - aabb[0]) * math.MAX_INT;
- coordinateScaler[1] = math.safeInv(aabb[4] - aabb[1]) * math.MAX_INT;
- coordinateScaler[2] = math.safeInv(aabb[5] - aabb[2]) * math.MAX_INT;
- frameCtx.snapPickCoordinateScale[0] = math.safeInv(coordinateScaler[0]);
- frameCtx.snapPickCoordinateScale[1] = math.safeInv(coordinateScaler[1]);
- frameCtx.snapPickCoordinateScale[2] = math.safeInv(coordinateScaler[2]);
- let rtcViewMatrix;
- let rtcCameraEye;
- if (origin || position[0] !== 0 || position[1] !== 0 || position[2] !== 0) {
- const rtcOrigin = tempVec3b;
- if (origin) {
- const rotatedOrigin = tempVec3c;
- math.transformPoint3(rotationMatrix, origin, rotatedOrigin);
- rtcOrigin[0] = rotatedOrigin[0];
- rtcOrigin[1] = rotatedOrigin[1];
- rtcOrigin[2] = rotatedOrigin[2];
- } else {
- rtcOrigin[0] = 0;
- rtcOrigin[1] = 0;
- rtcOrigin[2] = 0;
- }
- rtcOrigin[0] += position[0];
- rtcOrigin[1] += position[1];
- rtcOrigin[2] += position[2];
- rtcViewMatrix = createRTCViewMat(viewMatrix, rtcOrigin, tempMat4a);
- rtcCameraEye = tempVec3d;
- rtcCameraEye[0] = camera.eye[0] - rtcOrigin[0];
- rtcCameraEye[1] = camera.eye[1] - rtcOrigin[1];
- rtcCameraEye[2] = camera.eye[2] - rtcOrigin[2];
- frameCtx.snapPickOrigin[0] = rtcOrigin[0];
- frameCtx.snapPickOrigin[1] = rtcOrigin[1];
- frameCtx.snapPickOrigin[2] = rtcOrigin[2];
- } else {
- rtcViewMatrix = viewMatrix;
- rtcCameraEye = camera.eye;
- frameCtx.snapPickOrigin[0] = 0;
- frameCtx.snapPickOrigin[1] = 0;
- frameCtx.snapPickOrigin[2] = 0;
- }
- gl.uniform3fv(this._uCameraEyeRtc, rtcCameraEye);
- gl.uniform2fv(this.uVectorA, frameCtx.snapVectorA);
- gl.uniform2fv(this.uInverseVectorAB, frameCtx.snapInvVectorAB);
- gl.uniform1i(this._uLayerNumber, frameCtx.snapPickLayerNumber);
- gl.uniform3fv(this._uCoordinateScaler, coordinateScaler);
- gl.uniform1i(this._uRenderPass, renderPass);
- gl.uniform1i(this._uPickInvisible, frameCtx.pickInvisible);
- let offset = 0;
- const mat4Size = 4 * 4;
- this._matricesUniformBlockBufferData.set(rotationMatrix, 0);
- this._matricesUniformBlockBufferData.set(rtcViewMatrix, offset += mat4Size);
- this._matricesUniformBlockBufferData.set(camera.projMatrix, offset += mat4Size);
- this._matricesUniformBlockBufferData.set(state.positionsDecodeMatrix, offset += mat4Size);
- gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, this._matricesUniformBlockBuffer);
- gl.bufferData(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, this._matricesUniformBlockBufferData, gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW);
- gl.bindBufferBase(
- this._matricesUniformBlockBufferBindingPoint,
- this._matricesUniformBlockBuffer);
- const logDepthBufFC = 2.0 / (Math.log(frameCtx.pickZFar + 1.0) / Math.LN2); // TODO: Far from pick project matrix?
- gl.uniform1f(this._uLogDepthBufFC, logDepthBufFC);
- }
- this.setSectionPlanesStateUniforms(batchingLayer);
- //=============================================================
- // TODO: Use drawElements count and offset to draw only one entity
- //=============================================================
- state.indicesBuf.bind();
- gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLES, state.indicesBuf.numItems, state.indicesBuf.itemType, 0);
- state.indicesBuf.unbind();
- }
- _allocate() {
- super._allocate();
- const program = this._program;
- this._uLogDepthBufFC = program.getLocation("logDepthBufFC");
- }
- this._uCameraEyeRtc = program.getLocation("uCameraEyeRtc");
- this.uVectorA = program.getLocation("snapVectorA");
- this.uInverseVectorAB = program.getLocation("snapInvVectorAB");
- this._uLayerNumber = program.getLocation("layerNumber");
- this._uCoordinateScaler = program.getLocation("coordinateScaler");
- }
- _bindProgram() {
- this._program.bind();
- }
- _buildVertexShader() {
- const scene = this._scene;
- const clipping = scene._sectionPlanesState.getNumAllocatedSectionPlanes() > 0;
- const src = [];
- src.push ('#version 300 es');
- src.push("// VBO SnapBatchingDepthBufInitRenderer vertex shader");
- src.push("#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH");
- src.push("precision highp float;");
- src.push("precision highp int;");
- src.push("precision highp usampler2D;");
- src.push("precision highp isampler2D;");
- src.push("precision highp sampler2D;");
- src.push("#else");
- src.push("precision mediump float;");
- src.push("precision mediump int;");
- src.push("precision mediump usampler2D;");
- src.push("precision mediump isampler2D;");
- src.push("precision mediump sampler2D;");
- src.push("#endif");
- src.push("uniform int renderPass;");
- src.push("in vec4 pickColor;");
- src.push("in vec3 position;");
- if (scene.entityOffsetsEnabled) {
- src.push("in vec3 offset;");
- }
- src.push("in float flags;");
- src.push("uniform bool pickInvisible;");
- this._addMatricesUniformBlockLines(src);
- src.push("uniform vec3 uCameraEyeRtc;");
- src.push("uniform vec2 snapVectorA;");
- src.push("uniform vec2 snapInvVectorAB;");
- src.push("uniform float logDepthBufFC;");
- src.push("out float vFragDepth;");
- src.push("out float isPerspective;");
- }
- src.push("bool isPerspectiveMatrix(mat4 m) {");
- src.push(" return (m[2][3] == - 1.0);");
- src.push("}");
- src.push("vec2 remapClipPos(vec2 clipPos) {");
- src.push(" float x = (clipPos.x - snapVectorA.x) * snapInvVectorAB.x;");
- src.push(" float y = (clipPos.y - snapVectorA.y) * snapInvVectorAB.y;");
- src.push(" return vec2(x, y);")
- src.push("}");
- src.push("flat out vec4 vPickColor;");
- src.push("out vec4 vWorldPosition;");
- if (clipping) {
- src.push("out float vFlags;");
- }
- src.push("out highp vec3 relativeToOriginPosition;");
- src.push("void main(void) {");
- // pickFlag = NOT_RENDERED | PICK
- // renderPass = PICK
- src.push(`int pickFlag = int(flags) >> 12 & 0xF;`);
- src.push(`if (pickFlag != renderPass) {`);
- src.push(" gl_Position = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);"); // Cull vertex
- src.push(" } else {");
- src.push(" vec4 worldPosition = worldMatrix * (positionsDecodeMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0)); ");
- if (scene.entityOffsetsEnabled) {
- src.push(" = + offset;");
- }
- src.push(" relativeToOriginPosition =;");
- src.push(" vec4 viewPosition = viewMatrix * worldPosition; ");
- src.push(" vWorldPosition = worldPosition;");
- if (clipping) {
- src.push(" vFlags = flags;");
- }
- src.push("vPickColor = pickColor;");
- src.push("vec4 clipPos = projMatrix * viewPosition;");
- src.push("float tmp = clipPos.w;")
- src.push("clipPos.xyzw /= tmp;")
- src.push("clipPos.xy = remapClipPos(clipPos.xy);");
- src.push("clipPos.xyzw *= tmp;")
- src.push("vFragDepth = 1.0 + clipPos.w;");
- src.push("isPerspective = float (isPerspectiveMatrix(projMatrix));");
- }
- src.push("gl_Position = clipPos;");
- src.push(" }");
- src.push("}");
- return src;
- }
- _buildFragmentShader() {
- const scene = this._scene;
- const sectionPlanesState = scene._sectionPlanesState;
- const clipping = sectionPlanesState.getNumAllocatedSectionPlanes() > 0;
- const src = [];
- src.push ('#version 300 es');
- src.push("// VBO SnapBatchingDepthBufInitRenderer fragment shader");
- src.push("#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH");
- src.push("precision highp float;");
- src.push("precision highp int;");
- src.push("#else");
- src.push("precision mediump float;");
- src.push("precision mediump int;");
- src.push("#endif");
- src.push("in float isPerspective;");
- src.push("uniform float logDepthBufFC;");
- src.push("in float vFragDepth;");
- }
- src.push("uniform int layerNumber;");
- src.push("uniform vec3 coordinateScaler;");
- src.push("in vec4 vWorldPosition;");
- src.push("flat in vec4 vPickColor;");
- if (clipping) {
- src.push("in float vFlags;");
- for (let i = 0; i < sectionPlanesState.getNumAllocatedSectionPlanes(); i++) {
- src.push("uniform bool sectionPlaneActive" + i + ";");
- src.push("uniform vec3 sectionPlanePos" + i + ";");
- src.push("uniform vec3 sectionPlaneDir" + i + ";");
- }
- }
- src.push("in highp vec3 relativeToOriginPosition;");
- src.push("layout(location = 0) out highp ivec4 outCoords;");
- src.push("layout(location = 1) out highp ivec4 outNormal;");
- ///////////////////////////////////////////
- // TODO: normal placeholder?
- // Primitive type?
- ///////////////////////////////////////////
- src.push("layout(location = 2) out lowp uvec4 outPickColor;");
- src.push("void main(void) {");
- if (clipping) {
- src.push(" bool clippable = (int(vFlags) >> 16 & 0xF) == 1;");
- src.push(" if (clippable) {");
- src.push(" float dist = 0.0;");
- for (var i = 0; i < sectionPlanesState.getNumAllocatedSectionPlanes(); i++) {
- src.push(" if (sectionPlaneActive" + i + ") {");
- src.push(" dist += clamp(dot(-sectionPlaneDir" + i + ".xyz, - sectionPlanePos" + i + ".xyz), 0.0, 1000.0);");
- src.push(" }");
- }
- src.push(" if (dist > 0.0) { discard; }");
- src.push(" }");
- }
- src.push(" float dx = dFdx(vFragDepth);")
- src.push(" float dy = dFdy(vFragDepth);")
- src.push(" float diff = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);");
- src.push(" gl_FragDepth = isPerspective == 0.0 ? gl_FragCoord.z : log2( vFragDepth + diff ) * logDepthBufFC * 0.5;");
- }
- src.push("outCoords = ivec4(*, -layerNumber);");
- src.push("vec3 xTangent = dFdx( );");
- src.push("vec3 yTangent = dFdy( );");
- src.push("vec3 worldNormal = normalize( cross( xTangent, yTangent ) );");
- src.push(`outNormal = ivec4(worldNormal * float(${math.MAX_INT}), 1.0);`);
- src.push("outPickColor = uvec4(vPickColor);");
- src.push("}");
- return src;
- }
- webglContextRestored() {
- this._program = null;
- }
- destroy() {
- if (this._program) {
- this._program.destroy();
- }
- this._program = null;
- }
- }