import {TrianglesBatchingRenderer} from "./TrianglesBatchingRenderer.js";
// Logarithmic depth buffer involves an accuracy tradeoff, sacrificing
// accuracy at close range to improve accuracy at long range. This can
// mess up accuracy for occlusion tests, so we'll disable for now.
const ENABLE_LOG_DEPTH_BUF = false;
* @private
export class TrianglesOcclusionRenderer extends TrianglesBatchingRenderer {
_buildVertexShader() {
const scene = this._scene;
const clipping = scene._sectionPlanesState.getNumAllocatedSectionPlanes() > 0;
const src = [];
src.push("#version 300 es");
src.push("// Triangles batching occlusion vertex shader");
src.push("uniform int renderPass;");
src.push("in vec3 position;");
if (scene.entityOffsetsEnabled) {
src.push("in vec3 offset;");
src.push("in vec4 color;");
src.push("in float flags;");
if (ENABLE_LOG_DEPTH_BUF && scene.logarithmicDepthBufferEnabled) {
src.push("uniform float logDepthBufFC;");
src.push("out float vFragDepth;");
src.push("bool isPerspectiveMatrix(mat4 m) {");
src.push(" return (m[2][3] == - 1.0);");
src.push("out float isPerspective;");
if (clipping) {
src.push("out vec4 vWorldPosition;");
src.push("out float vFlags;");
src.push("void main(void) {");
// renderPass = COLOR_OPAQUE
// Only opaque objects can be occluders
src.push(`int colorFlag = int(flags) & 0xF;`);
src.push(`if (colorFlag != renderPass) {`);
src.push(" gl_Position = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);"); // Cull vertex
src.push(" } else {");
src.push(" vec4 worldPosition = worldMatrix * (positionsDecodeMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0)); ");
if (scene.entityOffsetsEnabled) {
src.push(" = + offset;");
src.push(" vec4 viewPosition = viewMatrix * worldPosition; ");
if (clipping) {
src.push(" vWorldPosition = worldPosition;");
src.push(" vFlags = flags;");
src.push("vec4 clipPos = projMatrix * viewPosition;");
if (ENABLE_LOG_DEPTH_BUF && scene.logarithmicDepthBufferEnabled) {
src.push("vFragDepth = 1.0 + clipPos.w;");
src.push("isPerspective = float (isPerspectiveMatrix(projMatrix));");
src.push("gl_Position = clipPos;");
src.push(" }");
return src;
_buildFragmentShader() {
const scene = this._scene;
const sectionPlanesState = scene._sectionPlanesState;
const clipping = sectionPlanesState.getNumAllocatedSectionPlanes() > 0;
const src = [];
src.push("#version 300 es");
src.push("// Triangles batching occlusion fragment shader");
src.push("#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH");
src.push("precision highp float;");
src.push("precision highp int;");
src.push("precision mediump float;");
src.push("precision mediump int;");
if (ENABLE_LOG_DEPTH_BUF && scene.logarithmicDepthBufferEnabled) {
src.push("in float isPerspective;");
src.push("uniform float logDepthBufFC;");
src.push("in float vFragDepth;");
if (clipping) {
src.push("in vec4 vWorldPosition;");
src.push("in float vFlags;");
for (let i = 0; i < sectionPlanesState.getNumAllocatedSectionPlanes(); i++) {
src.push("uniform bool sectionPlaneActive" + i + ";");
src.push("uniform vec3 sectionPlanePos" + i + ";");
src.push("uniform vec3 sectionPlaneDir" + i + ";");
src.push("out vec4 outColor;");
src.push("void main(void) {");
if (clipping) {
src.push(" bool clippable = (int(vFlags) >> 16 & 0xF) == 1;");
src.push(" if (clippable) {");
src.push(" float dist = 0.0;");
for (let i = 0; i < sectionPlanesState.getNumAllocatedSectionPlanes(); i++) {
src.push(" if (sectionPlaneActive" + i + ") {");
src.push(" dist += clamp(dot(-sectionPlaneDir" + i + ".xyz, - sectionPlanePos" + i + ".xyz), 0.0, 1000.0);");
src.push(" }");
src.push(" if (dist > 0.0) { discard; }");
src.push(" }");
if (ENABLE_LOG_DEPTH_BUF && scene.logarithmicDepthBufferEnabled) {
src.push(" gl_FragDepth = isPerspective == 0.0 ? gl_FragCoord.z : log2( vFragDepth ) * logDepthBufFC * 0.5;");
src.push(" outColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0); "); // Occluders are blue
return src;