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 * @desc A pickable {@link Scene} element.
 * @interface
 * @abstract
 * @private
class Pickable {

     * Called by xeokit to get if it's possible to pick a triangle on the surface of this Drawable.
    canPickTriangle() {

     * Picks a triangle on this Pickable.
    drawPickTriangles(renderFlags, frameCtx) {

     * Given a {@link PickResult} that contains a {@link PickResult#primIndex}, which indicates that a primitive was picked on the Pickable, then add more information to the PickResult about the picked position on the surface of the Pickable.
     * Architecturally, this delegates collection of that Pickable-specific info to the Pickable, allowing it to provide whatever info it's able to.
     * @param {PickResult} pickResult The PickResult to augment with pick intersection information specific to this Mesh.
     * @param [pickResult.primIndex] Index of the primitive that was picked on this Mesh.
     * @param [pickResult.canvasPos] Canvas coordinates, provided when picking through the Canvas.
     * @param [pickResult.origin] World-space 3D ray origin, when ray picking.
     * @param [pickResult.direction] World-space 3D ray direction, provided when ray picking.
    pickTriangleSurface(pickResult) {

     * Called by xeokit to get if it's possible to pick a 3D point on the surface of this Pickable.
     * Returns false if canPickTriangle returns true, and vice-versa.
    canPickWorldPos() {

     * Renders color-encoded fragment depths of this Pickable.
     * @param frameCtx
    drawPickDepths(renderFlags, frameCtx) {

     * Delegates an {@link Entity} as representing what was actually picked in place of this Pickable.
     * @returns {PerformanceNode}
    delegatePickedEntity() {
        return this.parent;

     * 3D origin of the Pickable's vertex positions, if they are in relative-to-center (RTC) coordinates.
     * When this is defined, then the positions are RTC, which means that they are relative to this position.
     * @type {Float64Array}
    get origin() {

export {Pickable};