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public class | source


An element of reusable geometry within an XKTModel.

Member Summary

Public Members

Compressed RGBA vertex colors.


Indices that organize the vertex positions as edges.


Unique ID of this XKTGeometry in XKTModel#geometries.


Index of this XKTGeometry in XKTModel#geometriesList.


Indices that organize the vertex positions and normals as triangles.


Non-compressed 3D vertex normals.


Compressed vertex normals.


The number of XKTMeshs that reference this XKTGeometry.


Non-quantized 3D vertex positions.


Quantized vertex positions.


The type of primitive - "triangles" | "points" | "lines".

public get

Convenience property that is true when XKTGeometry#numInstances is greater that one.


When XKTGeometry#primitiveType is "triangles", this is true when this geometry is a watertight mesh.

Public Members

public colorsCompressed: Float32Array source

Compressed RGBA vertex colors.

Defined only for point primitives. Ignored for triangles and lines.

public edgeIndices: Uint32Array source

Indices that organize the vertex positions as edges.

Defined only for triangle primitives. Ignored for points and lines.

public geometryId: Number source

Unique ID of this XKTGeometry in XKTModel#geometries.

public geometryIndex: Number source

Index of this XKTGeometry in XKTModel#geometriesList.

public indices: Uint32Array source

Indices that organize the vertex positions and normals as triangles.

Defined only for triangle and lines primitives. Ignored for points.

public normals: Float32Array source

Non-compressed 3D vertex normals.

Defined only for triangle primitives. Can be null if we want xeokit to auto-generate them. Ignored for points and lines.

public normalsOctEncoded: Int8Array source

Compressed vertex normals.

Defined only for triangle primitives. Ignored for points and lines.

This array is later created from XKTGeometry#normals by XKTModel#finalize.

Will be null if XKTGeometry#normals is also null.

public numInstances: Number source

The number of XKTMeshs that reference this XKTGeometry.

public positions: Float64Array source

Non-quantized 3D vertex positions.

Defined for all primitive types.

public positionsQuantized: Uint16Array source

Quantized vertex positions.

Defined for all primitive types.

This array is later created from XKTGeometry#positions by XKTModel#finalize.

public primitiveType: String source

The type of primitive - "triangles" | "points" | "lines".

public get reused: boolean: * source

Convenience property that is true when XKTGeometry#numInstances is greater that one.



public solid: boolean source

When XKTGeometry#primitiveType is "triangles", this is true when this geometry is a watertight mesh.

Defined only for triangle primitives. Ignored for points and lines.

Set by XKTModel#finalize.