* Represents the usage of a {@link XKTGeometry} by an {@link XKTEntity}.
* * Created by {@link XKTModel#createEntity}
* * Stored in {@link XKTEntity#meshes} and {@link XKTModel#meshesList}
* * Specifies color and opacity
* @class XKTMesh
class XKTMesh {
* @private
constructor(cfg) {
* Unique ID of this XKTMesh in {@link XKTModel#meshes}.
* @type {Number}
this.meshId = cfg.meshId;
* Index of this XKTMesh in {@link XKTModel#meshesList};
* @type {Number}
this.meshIndex = cfg.meshIndex;
* The 4x4 modeling transform matrix.
* Transform is relative to the center of the {@link XKTTile} that contains this XKTMesh's {@link XKTEntity},
* which is given in {@link XKTMesh#entity}.
* When the ````XKTEntity```` shares its {@link XKTGeometry}s with other ````XKTEntity````s, this matrix is used
* to transform this XKTMesh's XKTGeometry into World-space. When this XKTMesh does not share its ````XKTGeometry````,
* then this matrix is ignored.
* @type {Number[]}
this.matrix = cfg.matrix;
* The instanced {@link XKTGeometry}.
* @type {XKTGeometry}
this.geometry = cfg.geometry;
* RGB color of this XKTMesh.
* @type {Uint8Array}
this.color = cfg.color || new Uint8Array(3);
* PBR metallness of this XKTMesh.
* @type {Number}
this.metallic = (cfg.metallic !== null && cfg.metallic !== undefined) ? cfg.metallic : 0;
* PBR roughness of this XKTMesh.
* @type {Number}
this.roughness = (cfg.roughness !== null && cfg.roughness !== undefined) ? cfg.roughness : 1;
* Opacity of this XKTMesh.
* @type {Number}
this.opacity = (cfg.opacity !== undefined && cfg.opacity !== null) ? cfg.opacity : 1.0;
* The owner {@link XKTEntity}.
* Set by {@link XKTModel#createEntity}.
* @type {XKTEntity}
this.entity = null; // Set after instantiation, when the Entity is known
export {XKTMesh};