* @desc Creates cylinder-shaped geometry arrays.
* ## Usage
* In the example below we'll create an {@link XKTModel}, then create an {@link XKTMesh} with a cylinder-shaped {@link XKTGeometry}.
* [[Run this example](]
* ````javascript
* const xktModel = new XKTModel();
* const cylinder = buildCylinderGeometry({
* center: [0,0,0],
* radiusTop: 2.0,
* radiusBottom: 2.0,
* height: 5.0,
* radialSegments: 20,
* heightSegments: 1,
* openEnded: false
* });
* const xktGeometry = xktModel.createGeometry({
* geometryId: "cylinderGeometry",
* primitiveType: cylinder.primitiveType,
* positions: cylinder.positions,
* normals: cylinder.normals,
* indices: cylinder.indices
* });
* const xktMesh = xktModel.createMesh({
* meshId: "redCylinderMesh",
* geometryId: "cylinderGeometry",
* position: [-4, -6, -4],
* scale: [1, 3, 1],
* rotation: [0, 0, 0],
* color: [1, 0, 0],
* opacity: 1
* });
* const xktEntity = xktModel.createEntity({
* entityId: "redCylinder",
* meshIds: ["redCylinderMesh"]
* });
* xktModel.finalize();
* ````
* @function buildCylinderGeometry
* @param {*} [cfg] Configs
* @param {Number[]} [] 3D point indicating the center position.
* @param {Number} [cfg.radiusTop=1] Radius of top.
* @param {Number} [cfg.radiusBottom=1] Radius of bottom.
* @param {Number} [cfg.height=1] Height.
* @param {Number} [cfg.radialSegments=60] Number of horizontal segments.
* @param {Number} [cfg.heightSegments=1] Number of vertical segments.
* @param {Boolean} [cfg.openEnded=false] Whether or not the cylinder has solid caps on the ends.
* @returns {Object} Geometry arrays for {@link XKTModel#createGeometry} or {@link XKTModel#createMesh}.
function buildCylinderGeometry(cfg = {}) {
let radiusTop = cfg.radiusTop || 1;
if (radiusTop < 0) {
console.error("negative radiusTop not allowed - will invert");
radiusTop *= -1;
let radiusBottom = cfg.radiusBottom || 1;
if (radiusBottom < 0) {
console.error("negative radiusBottom not allowed - will invert");
radiusBottom *= -1;
let height = cfg.height || 1;
if (height < 0) {
console.error("negative height not allowed - will invert");
height *= -1;
let radialSegments = cfg.radialSegments || 32;
if (radialSegments < 0) {
console.error("negative radialSegments not allowed - will invert");
radialSegments *= -1;
if (radialSegments < 3) {
radialSegments = 3;
let heightSegments = cfg.heightSegments || 1;
if (heightSegments < 0) {
console.error("negative heightSegments not allowed - will invert");
heightSegments *= -1;
if (heightSegments < 1) {
heightSegments = 1;
const openEnded = !!cfg.openEnded;
let center =;
const centerX = center ? center[0] : 0;
const centerY = center ? center[1] : 0;
const centerZ = center ? center[2] : 0;
const heightHalf = height / 2;
const heightLength = height / heightSegments;
const radialAngle = (2.0 * Math.PI / radialSegments);
const radialLength = 1.0 / radialSegments;
//var nextRadius = this._radiusBottom;
const radiusChange = (radiusTop - radiusBottom) / heightSegments;
const positions = [];
const normals = [];
const uvs = [];
const indices = [];
let h;
let i;
let x;
let z;
let currentRadius;
let currentHeight;
let first;
let second;
let startIndex;
let tu;
let tv;
// create vertices
const normalY = (90.0 - (Math.atan(height / (radiusBottom - radiusTop))) * 180 / Math.PI) / 90.0;
for (h = 0; h <= heightSegments; h++) {
currentRadius = radiusTop - h * radiusChange;
currentHeight = heightHalf - h * heightLength;
for (i = 0; i <= radialSegments; i++) {
x = Math.sin(i * radialAngle);
z = Math.cos(i * radialAngle);
normals.push(currentRadius * x);
normals.push(normalY); //todo
normals.push(currentRadius * z);
uvs.push((i * radialLength));
uvs.push(h * 1 / heightSegments);
positions.push((currentRadius * x) + centerX);
positions.push((currentHeight) + centerY);
positions.push((currentRadius * z) + centerZ);
// create faces
for (h = 0; h < heightSegments; h++) {
for (i = 0; i <= radialSegments; i++) {
first = h * (radialSegments + 1) + i;
second = first + radialSegments;
indices.push(second + 1);
indices.push(second + 1);
indices.push(first + 1);
// create top cap
if (!openEnded && radiusTop > 0) {
startIndex = (positions.length / 3);
// top center
positions.push(0 + centerX);
positions.push(heightHalf + centerY);
positions.push(0 + centerZ);
// top triangle fan
for (i = 0; i <= radialSegments; i++) {
x = Math.sin(i * radialAngle);
z = Math.cos(i * radialAngle);
tu = (0.5 * Math.sin(i * radialAngle)) + 0.5;
tv = (0.5 * Math.cos(i * radialAngle)) + 0.5;
normals.push(radiusTop * x);
normals.push(radiusTop * z);
positions.push((radiusTop * x) + centerX);
positions.push((heightHalf) + centerY);
positions.push((radiusTop * z) + centerZ);
for (i = 0; i < radialSegments; i++) {
center = startIndex;
first = startIndex + 1 + i;
indices.push(first + 1);
// create bottom cap
if (!openEnded && radiusBottom > 0) {
startIndex = (positions.length / 3);
// top center
positions.push(0 + centerX);
positions.push(0 - heightHalf + centerY);
positions.push(0 + centerZ);
// top triangle fan
for (i = 0; i <= radialSegments; i++) {
x = Math.sin(i * radialAngle);
z = Math.cos(i * radialAngle);
tu = (0.5 * Math.sin(i * radialAngle)) + 0.5;
tv = (0.5 * Math.cos(i * radialAngle)) + 0.5;
normals.push(radiusBottom * x);
normals.push(radiusBottom * z);
positions.push((radiusBottom * x) + centerX);
positions.push((0 - heightHalf) + centerY);
positions.push((radiusBottom * z) + centerZ);
for (i = 0; i < radialSegments; i++) {
center = startIndex;
first = startIndex + 1 + i;
indices.push(first + 1);
return {
primitiveType: "triangles",
positions: positions,
normals: normals,
uv: uvs,
indices: indices
export {buildCylinderGeometry};