* @desc Parses PCD point cloud data into an {@link XKTModel}.
* ## Usage
* In the example below we'll create an {@link XKTModel}, then load an LAZ point cloud model into it.
* [[Run this example](]
* ````javascript
* utils.loadArraybuffer(""./models/pcd/ism_test_cat.pcd"", async (data) => {
* const xktModel = new XKTModel();
* await parsePCDIntoXKTModel({
* data,
* xktModel,
* log: (msg) => { console.log(msg); }
* }).then(()=>{
* xktModel.finalize();
* },
* (msg) => {
* console.error(msg);
* });
* });
* ````
* @param {Object} params Parsing params.
* @param {ArrayBuffer} PCD file data.
* @param {Boolean} [params.littleEndian=true] Whether PCD binary data is Little-Endian or Big-Endian.
* @param {XKTModel} params.xktModel XKTModel to parse into.
* @param {Object} [params.stats] Collects statistics.
* @param {function} [params.log] Logging callback.
* @returns {Promise}
function parsePCDIntoXKTModel({data, xktModel, littleEndian = true, stats, log}) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
const textData = decodeText(new Uint8Array(data));
const header = parseHeader(textData);
const positions = [];
const normals = [];
const colors = [];
if ( === 'ascii') {
const offset = header.offset;
const data = textData.substr(header.headerLen);
const lines = data.split('\n');
for (let i = 0, l = lines.length; i < l; i++) {
if (lines[i] === '') {
const line = lines[i].split(' ');
if (offset.x !== undefined) {
if (offset.rgb !== undefined) {
const rgb = parseFloat(line[offset.rgb]);
const r = (rgb >> 16) & 0x0000ff;
const g = (rgb >> 8) & 0x0000ff;
const b = (rgb >> 0) & 0x0000ff;
colors.push(r, g, b, 255);
} else {
if ( === 'binary_compressed') {
const sizes = new Uint32Array(data.slice(header.headerLen, header.headerLen + 8));
const compressedSize = sizes[0];
const decompressedSize = sizes[1];
const decompressed = decompressLZF(new Uint8Array(data, header.headerLen + 8, compressedSize), decompressedSize);
const dataview = new DataView(decompressed.buffer);
const offset = header.offset;
for (let i = 0; i < header.points; i++) {
if (offset.x !== undefined) {
positions.push(dataview.getFloat32((header.points * offset.x) + header.size[0] * i, littleEndian));
positions.push(dataview.getFloat32((header.points * offset.y) + header.size[1] * i, littleEndian));
positions.push(dataview.getFloat32((header.points * offset.z) + header.size[2] * i, littleEndian));
if (offset.rgb !== undefined) {
colors.push(dataview.getUint8((header.points * offset.rgb) + header.size[3] * i + 0));
colors.push(dataview.getUint8((header.points * offset.rgb) + header.size[3] * i + 1));
colors.push(dataview.getUint8((header.points * offset.rgb) + header.size[3] * i + 2));
// colors.push(255);
} else {
if ( === 'binary') {
const dataview = new DataView(data, header.headerLen);
const offset = header.offset;
for (let i = 0, row = 0; i < header.points; i++, row += header.rowSize) {
if (offset.x !== undefined) {
positions.push(dataview.getFloat32(row + offset.x, littleEndian));
positions.push(dataview.getFloat32(row + offset.y, littleEndian));
positions.push(dataview.getFloat32(row + offset.z, littleEndian));
if (offset.rgb !== undefined) {
colors.push(dataview.getUint8(row + offset.rgb + 2));
colors.push(dataview.getUint8(row + offset.rgb + 1));
colors.push(dataview.getUint8(row + offset.rgb + 0));
} else {
geometryId: "pointsGeometry",
primitiveType: "points",
positions: positions,
colors: colors && colors.length > 0 ? colors : null
meshId: "pointsMesh",
geometryId: "pointsGeometry"
entityId: "geometries",
meshIds: ["pointsMesh"]
if (log) {
log("Converted drawable objects: 1");
log("Converted geometries: 1");
log("Converted vertices: " + positions.length / 3);
if (stats) {
stats.sourceFormat = "PCD";
stats.schemaVersion = "";
stats.title = ""; = "";
stats.created = "";
stats.numObjects = 1;
stats.numGeometries = 1;
stats.numVertices = positions.length / 3;
function parseHeader(data) {
const header = {};
const result1 =[\r\n]DATA\s(\S*)\s/i);
const result2 = /[\r\n]DATA\s(\S*)\s/i.exec(data.substr(result1 - 1)); = result2[1];
header.headerLen = result2[0].length + result1;
header.str = data.substr(0, header.headerLen);
header.str = header.str.replace(/\#.*/gi, ''); // Strip comments
header.version = /VERSION (.*)/i.exec(header.str); // Parse
header.fields = /FIELDS (.*)/i.exec(header.str);
header.size = /SIZE (.*)/i.exec(header.str);
header.type = /TYPE (.*)/i.exec(header.str);
header.count = /COUNT (.*)/i.exec(header.str);
header.width = /WIDTH (.*)/i.exec(header.str);
header.height = /HEIGHT (.*)/i.exec(header.str);
header.viewpoint = /VIEWPOINT (.*)/i.exec(header.str);
header.points = /POINTS (.*)/i.exec(header.str);
if (header.version !== null) {
header.version = parseFloat(header.version[1]);
if (header.fields !== null) {
header.fields = header.fields[1].split(' ');
if (header.type !== null) {
header.type = header.type[1].split(' ');
if (header.width !== null) {
header.width = parseInt(header.width[1]);
if (header.height !== null) {
header.height = parseInt(header.height[1]);
if (header.viewpoint !== null) {
header.viewpoint = header.viewpoint[1];
if (header.points !== null) {
header.points = parseInt(header.points[1], 10);
if (header.points === null) {
header.points = header.width * header.height;
if (header.size !== null) {
header.size = header.size[1].split(' ').map(function (x) {
return parseInt(x, 10);
if (header.count !== null) {
header.count = header.count[1].split(' ').map(function (x) {
return parseInt(x, 10);
} else {
header.count = [];
for (let i = 0, l = header.fields.length; i < l; i++) {
header.offset = {};
let sizeSum = 0;
for (let i = 0, l = header.fields.length; i < l; i++) {
if ( === 'ascii') {
header.offset[header.fields[i]] = i;
} else {
header.offset[header.fields[i]] = sizeSum;
sizeSum += header.size[i] * header.count[i];
header.rowSize = sizeSum; // For binary only
return header;
function decodeText(array) {
if (typeof TextDecoder !== 'undefined') {
return new TextDecoder().decode(array);
let s = '';
for (let i = 0, il = array.length; i < il; i++) {
s += String.fromCharCode(array[i]);
try {
return decodeURIComponent(escape(s));
} catch (e) {
return s;
function decompressLZF(inData, outLength) { //
const inLength = inData.length;
const outData = new Uint8Array(outLength);
let inPtr = 0;
let outPtr = 0;
let ctrl;
let len;
let ref;
do {
ctrl = inData[inPtr++];
if (ctrl < (1 << 5)) {
if (outPtr + ctrl > outLength) throw new Error('Output buffer is not large enough');
if (inPtr + ctrl > inLength) throw new Error('Invalid compressed data');
do {
outData[outPtr++] = inData[inPtr++];
} while (--ctrl);
} else {
len = ctrl >> 5;
ref = outPtr - ((ctrl & 0x1f) << 8) - 1;
if (inPtr >= inLength) throw new Error('Invalid compressed data');
if (len === 7) {
len += inData[inPtr++];
if (inPtr >= inLength) throw new Error('Invalid compressed data');
ref -= inData[inPtr++];
if (outPtr + len + 2 > outLength) throw new Error('Output buffer is not large enough');
if (ref < 0) throw new Error('Invalid compressed data');
if (ref >= outPtr) throw new Error('Invalid compressed data');
do {
outData[outPtr++] = outData[ref++];
} while (--len + 2);
} while (inPtr < inLength);
return outData;
export {parsePCDIntoXKTModel};