Represents an object within a DataModel.

For detailed usage, refer to @xeokit/sdk/data.


data: Data

The Data instance that contains this DataObject.

description?: string

A human-readable description of this DataObject.

id: string

A globally unique identifier for this DataObject.

This ID is used to store the DataObject in Data.objects, Data.rootObjects, Data.objectsByType, and DataModel.rootObjects.

models: DataModel[]

The DataModels that share this DataObject.

name?: string

A human-readable name for this DataObject.

originalSystemId?: string

The ID of this DataObject in the originating system, if available.

Defaults to the value of if not provided.

propertySets?: PropertySet[]

A list of PropertySets referenced by this DataObject.

related: { [key: number]: Relationship[] }

A map of Relationships in which this DataObject is the relatedObject.

Relationships are categorized by Relationship.type and further indexed by relatedObject.

relating: { [key: number]: Relationship[] }

A map of Relationships in which this DataObject is the relatingObject.

Relationships are categorized by Relationship.type and further indexed by relatingObject.

type: number

The type of this DataObject.