Function loadDotBIM

  • Loads a .BIM file into a SceneModel and/or a DataModel.

    This function expects the following conditions:

    This method provides flexibility for loading .BIM data into both a SceneModel and DataModel simultaneously, depending on the provided parameters.

    For further usage, refer to @xeokit/sdk/dotbim.


    • params: { dataModel?: DataModel; fileData: any; sceneModel?: SceneModel }

      The parameters used for loading the .BIM data.

      • OptionaldataModel?: DataModel

        The DataModel into which the .BIM data will be loaded.

      • fileData: any

        The JSON .BIM file data to load.

      • OptionalsceneModel?: SceneModel

        The SceneModel into which the .BIM data will be loaded.

    • options: { error?: (errMsg: string) => void; translate?: FloatArrayParam } = {}

      Options for customizing the loading process.

      • Optionalerror?: (errMsg: string) => void

        A callback function that logs any non-fatal errors encountered during the loading process.

      • Optionaltranslate?: FloatArrayParam

    Returns Promise<any>

    Resolves when the .BIM data has been successfully loaded into the SceneModel and/or DataModel.


    • If the SceneModel has already been destroyed.
    • If the SceneModel has already been built.
    • If the DataModel has already been destroyed.
    • If the DataModel has already been built.