Namespace cityjson2xgf

xeokit CityJSON → XGF Converter

Command-line tools for converting CityJSON models into xeokit's optimized XGF format.

  • Converts CityJSON files into XGF, xeokit's compact geometry format for large-scale models.
  • Optionally generates a JSON file containing a data model that preserves the CityJSON model's object hierarchy.
  • Supports all versions of XGF for backward compatibility.
  • XGF contains only geometry and color—textures are not included.

npm install @xeokit/sdk

Use the cityjson2xgf CLI tool to convert a CityJSON file into an XGF file. Optionally, generate a JSON file containing a structured representation of the CityJSON model's hierarchy.

node cityjson2xgf.js -h
Usage: cityjson2xgf [options]

CLI tool to convert CityJSON files into xeokit's compact XGF format.

-v, --version Output the version number
-i, --source [file] Path to the source CityJSON file
-s, --scenemodel [file] Path to the target XGF file
-d, --datamodel [file] Path to the optional JSON data model file, extracted from the CityJSON hierarchy
-f, --format [number] Target XGF version (default: 1, supported versions: 1)
-h, --help Display help information

The following command converts a CityJSON file into an XGF file. The XGF format retains the geometry and material colors from the CityJSON file. Once converted, the XGF file can be loaded into a xeokit SceneModel using the loadXGF() function for optimized visualization.

node cityjson2xgf -i duplex.json -s duplex.xgf

This example converts a CityJSON file to XGF and also generates a JSON file that represents the CityJSON model's object hierarchy. The JSON file can then be loaded into a xeokit DataModel using Data.createModel().

node cityjson2xgf -i duplex.json -s duplex.xgf -d duplex_hierarchy.json

By default, CityJSON files are converted to the latest XGF version. If you need to generate an XGF file compatible with a specific version, you can specify the format version using the -f flag.

node cityjson2xgf -i duplex.json -s duplex.xgf -f 1