Options: -v, --version Output the version number. -i, --source [file] Path to the source .BIM file. -s, --scenemodel [file] Path to the target XGF file. -d, --datamodel [file] Path to the target JSON IFC data model file (optional). -f, --format [number] Target XGF version. Supported versions: 1. Default is 1. -h, --help Display help for command.
The example below demonstrates converting a .BIM file into an XGF file and a JSON data model file. The XGF file can
then be loaded into a SceneModel using loadXGF(). The JSON file can
be loaded into a DataModel using loadDataModel().
Converting a .BIM File to a Specific XGF Version
In the previous example, we converted to the latest version of XGF by default. In the next example, we will convert a
binary .BIM file to a specific version of XGF. This feature ensures backward compatibility as the XGF format may evolve
in the future.
xeokit .BIM to XGF Converter
CLI tools for converting .BIM models into xeokit's compact XGF geometry format.
To install the xeokit SDK, run:
Converting a .BIM File
Use the
CLI tool to convert a single .BIM file into a single XGF file, with an optional JSON file containing the IFC semantic data model.The example below demonstrates converting a .BIM file into an XGF file and a JSON data model file. The XGF file can then be loaded into a SceneModel using loadXGF(). The JSON file can be loaded into a DataModel using loadDataModel().
Converting a .BIM File to a Specific XGF Version
In the previous example, we converted to the latest version of XGF by default. In the next example, we will convert a binary .BIM file to a specific version of XGF. This feature ensures backward compatibility as the XGF format may evolve in the future.