buffersTranscoded texture data.
True if the texture is compressed.
SceneTexture encoding format.
Supported values are constants!LinearEncoding and constants!sRGBEncoding.
Flips this SceneTexture's source data along its vertical axis when true
Pixel height of the texture.
ID for the texture.
imageHTMLImage containing the texture image.
imageImage file data.
How the texture is sampled when a texel covers more than one pixel.
Supported values are constants!LinearFilter and constants!NearestFilter.
mediaMedia type of this SceneTexture.
Supported values are constants!GIFMediaType, constants!PNGMediaType and constants!JPEGMediaType.
Ignored for compressed textures.
How the texture is sampled when a texel covers less than one pixel. Supported values are constants!LinearMipmapLinearFilter, constants!LinearMipMapNearestFilter, constants!NearestMipMapNearestFilter, constants!NearestMipMapLinearFilter and constants!LinearMipMapLinearFilter.
Ignored for compressed textures.
RGBA color to preload the texture with.
rendererInternal interface through which this SceneTexture can load property updates into a renderers.
This is defined when the owner SceneModel has been added to a Viewer.
srcPath to an image file.
Pixel width of the texture.
R wrapping mode.
Supported values are constants!ClampToEdgeWrapping, constants!MirroredRepeatWrapping and constants!RepeatWrapping.
Ignored for compressed textures.
S wrapping mode.
Supported values are constants!ClampToEdgeWrapping, constants!MirroredRepeatWrapping and constants!RepeatWrapping.
Ignored for compressed textures.
T wrapping mode.
Supported values are constants!ClampToEdgeWrapping, constants!MirroredRepeatWrapping and constants!RepeatWrapping.
Ignored for compressed textures.
A texture in a SceneModel.
See @xeokit/sdk/scene for usage.