
buffers?: ArrayBuffer[]

Transcoded texture data.

compressed: boolean

True if the texture is compressed.

encoding: number

SceneTexture encoding format.

Supported values are constants!LinearEncoding and constants!sRGBEncoding.

flipY: boolean

Flips this SceneTexture's source data along its vertical axis when true.

height: number

Pixel height of the texture.

id: string

ID for the texture.

image?: HTMLImageElement

HTMLImage containing the texture image.

imageData?: any

Image file data.

magFilter: number

How the texture is sampled when a texel covers more than one pixel.

Supported values are constants!LinearFilter and constants!NearestFilter.

mediaType?: number

Media type of this SceneTexture.

Supported values are constants!GIFMediaType, constants!PNGMediaType and constants!JPEGMediaType.

Ignored for compressed textures.

minFilter: number

How the texture is sampled when a texel covers less than one pixel. Supported values are constants!LinearMipmapLinearFilter, constants!LinearMipMapNearestFilter, constants!NearestMipMapNearestFilter, constants!NearestMipMapLinearFilter and constants!LinearMipMapLinearFilter.

Ignored for compressed textures.

preloadColor: FloatArrayParam

RGBA color to preload the texture with.

rendererTexture: RendererTexture

Internal interface through which this SceneTexture can load property updates into a renderers.

This is defined when the owner SceneModel has been added to a Viewer.

src?: string

Path to an image file.

width: number

Pixel width of the texture.

wrapR: number

R wrapping mode.

Supported values are constants!ClampToEdgeWrapping, constants!MirroredRepeatWrapping and constants!RepeatWrapping.

Ignored for compressed textures.

wrapS: number

S wrapping mode.

Supported values are constants!ClampToEdgeWrapping, constants!MirroredRepeatWrapping and constants!RepeatWrapping.

Ignored for compressed textures.

wrapT: number

T wrapping mode.

Supported values are constants!ClampToEdgeWrapping, constants!MirroredRepeatWrapping and constants!RepeatWrapping.

Ignored for compressed textures.