Configures the size and shape of ViewObjects that represent clouds of points.

  • Located at View.pointsMaterial.
  • Supports round and square points.
  • Optional perspective point scaling.

Hierarchy (View Summary)


destroyed: boolean

True once this Component has been destroyed.

Don't use this Component if this is true.

dirty: boolean
id: string

Unique ID of this Component.

view: View

The View to which this PointsMaterial belongs.



  • Protected

    Logs an error for this component to the JavaScript console.

    The console message will have this format: [ERROR] [<component type> =<component id>: <message>


    • message: string

      The error message to log

    Returns void

  • Protected

    Logs a message for this component.

    The message will have this format: [LOG] [<component type> <component id>: <message>


    • message: string

      The message to log

    Returns void

  • Protected

    Logs a warning for this component to the JavaScript console.

    The console message will have this format: [WARN] [<component type> =<component id>: <message>


    • message: string

      The warning message to log

    Returns void


onDestroyed: EventEmitter<Component, null>

Emits an event when the Component has been destroyed.