Namespace viewer

xeokit Viewer

The SDK's browser-based 3D/2D scene viewer

The Viewer is a tool for interactive 3D scene exploration, compatible with major browsers and mobile platforms. It supports precise rendering with double-precision coordinates, multiple views with independent configurations, and integration of semantic data models.

Key features include dynamic slicing, object interaction, ambient occlusion, edge highlighting, BIM and BCF support, and flexible rendering and lighting options, making it suitable for diverse technical applications.


  • Interactive Exploration Use a Viewer to explore a 3D Scene interactively across all major browsers, including mobile platforms.

  • Customizable Renderer The Viewer supports a pluggable Renderer strategy, ensuring compatibility with various browser graphics APIs. This documentation features the WebGLRenderer, which configures the Viewer to use WebGL for rendering.

  • Scene Models The Viewer is attached to a Scene containing the geometry and materials of models. The Scene serves as a container for SceneModels, SceneObjects, SceneMeshes, and SceneGeometries. It can be constructed programmatically or imported/exported in various file formats.

  • High Precision The Viewer enables accurate rendering of models that use large double-precision World coordinates, eliminating the need to center distant models to prevent rounding jitter during viewing.

  • Multiple Views The Viewer can manage multiple Views, each offering an independent perspective of the Scene within its own HTML canvas. Each View maintains unique camera positions, projection settings, lighting configurations, and object states (e.g., visibility, highlighting, X-ray, or colorization).

  • View Layers Objects in a View can be organized into ViewLayers, grouping them by role. This feature simplifies updates such as toggling visibility, selection, highlighting, or slicing for specific object groups.

  • Semantic Data Models The Viewer can integrate semantic Data, represented as an entity-relationship graph. This allows for programmatic creation and querying of data models, including DataModels, DataObjects, PropertySets, and Relationships. Semantic data can be linked to SceneModels and SceneObjects using corresponding IDs.

  • BCF Interoperability For BIM models, use saveBCFViewpoint and loadBCFViewpoint to share Viewer snapshots encoded as BCFViewpoints in the Building Collaboration Format (BCF). This open format facilitates data exchange and collaboration on 3D models.

  • Custom Slicing Planes Create unlimited SectionPlanes in each View to slice through models and reveal internal structures. SectionPlanes can be adjusted dynamically through code or user interaction.

  • Object Interaction Dynamically highlight, select, colorize, or X-ray objects in a View. Highlights and selections add a glowing effect, colorized objects adopt temporary colors, and X-rayed objects appear translucent.

  • Dynamic Resolution Scaling Adjust the resolution of a View’s canvas dynamically, lowering it during camera movement and restoring it upon stopping to optimize performance.

  • Ambient Shadows (SAO) Apply scalable ambient occlusion effects (SAO) to enhance 3D visualization by darkening areas with limited ambient light. This adds depth and highlights spatial relationships.

  • Edge Enhancement Automatically highlight 3D triangle mesh edges with Edges, emphasizing shared edges and non-coplanar triangle boundaries.

  • Dynamic Lighting Add unlimited light sources such as DirLights, PointLights, and AmbientLights, and adjust their positions programmatically.

  • Configuration Management Save and restore the runtime settings of a Viewer using Viewer.toParams and Viewer.fromParams. This allows sharing configurations between Viewer instances, facilitating issue reproduction and enabling control systems within applications.

  • Object Picking Pick objects in a View using 2D canvas coordinates or a 3D ray. Select entire ViewObjects or specific 3D points on their surfaces.

  • Canvas Snapshots Capture bitmap snapshots of a View's canvas, with adjustable resolution.

  • Projection Options Each View supports orthographic, perspective and custom projections.

    Render Modes Each View allows us to define multiple custom rendering modes and configure specific effects for each mode. When a View is set to a particular mode, the associated effects for that mode are applied. For example, we can configure a View to apply enhanced edges and ambient shadows in QualityRender mode, while enabling only resolution scaling in FastRender mode.


npm install @xeokit/sdk


In JavaScript, import the modules we'll need:

import {Scene} from "@xeokit/sdk/scene";
import {Viewer} from "@xeokit/sdk/viewer";
import {WebGLRenderer} from "@xeokit/sdk/webglrenderer";
import {KTX2TextureTranscoder} from "@xeokit/sdk/ktx2";
import {TrianglesPrimitive, LinearEncoding, LinearFilter} from "@xeokit/sdk/constants";
import {CameraControl} from "@xeokit/sdk/cameracontrol";
import {loadDotBIM} from "@xeokit/sdk/dotbim";
import {saveBCFViewpoint, loadBCFViewpoint} from "@xeokit/sdk/bcf";

import {
} from "@xeokit/sdk/constants";

Create a Scene to hold our model geometry and materials.

const scene = new Scene();

Create a Viewer to view our Scene.

Our Viewer gets a WebGLRenderer, which adapts it to use the browser's WebGL graphics API. We'll also equip our WebGLRenderer with a KTX2TextureTranscoder, in case we need to view compressed textures.

const myViewer = new Viewer({
id: "myViewer",
renderer: new WebGLRenderer({
textureTranscoder: new KTX2TextureTranscoder({ // Optional, this is the default
transcoderPath: "./../dist/basis/" // Optional, defaults to CDN

A Viewer draws its output to one or more Views. Each View is an independent and interactive view of the Scene, with its own canvas, Camera, object visual states etc.

Within our Viewer, we'll create a View and arrange its Camera:

const view1 = myViewer.createView({
id: "myView",
elementId: "myView1"

Each View has a Camera which controls the viewpoint and projection.

We can dynamically move the Camera: = [-3.93, 2.85, 27.01]; = [4.40, 3.72, 8.89]; = [-0.01, 0.99, 0.03];

Each Camera has a PerspectiveProjection, a FrustumProjection, an OrthoProjection, and a CustomProjection.

These can be dynamically configured:

view1.perspectiveProjection.fov = 60.0;
view1.frustumProjection.fov = 60.0;
view1.orthoProjection.scale = 1.0;
view1.customProjection.matrix = [1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1];

Switch a Camera between projection types like this:

view1.projectionType = OrthoProjectionType;
view1.projectionType = PerspectiveProjectionType;

Add a CameraControl to the View, to control its Camera with mouse and touch input:

const myCameraControl = new CameraControl({
view: view1

Different domains use varying 3D world coordinate conventions. For instance, BIM applications often use the +Z axis as "up," while others use +Y.

Each View allows dynamic configuration of its Camera to align with these World-space coordinate systems. This will affect the way that cameracontrol!CameraControl behaves, if attached.

To set the +Y axis as "up," +X as "right," and -Z as "forward" (common in some modeling software): = [
1, 0, 0, // Right
0, 1, 0, // Up
0, 0,-1 // Forward

Here, the ground lies in the X-Z plane, and vertical movement aligns with the Y axis.

To set the +Z axis as "up," +X as "right," and -Y as "forward" (common in most CAD and BIM viewers): = [
1, 0, 0, // Right
0, 0, 1, // Up
0,-1, 0 // Forward

In this configuration, the ground lies in the X-Y plane, and vertical movement aligns with the Z axis.

Our Scene is a container for model geometry and materials.

Within the Scene, we'll create a SceneModel that contains three textured SceneObjects. As soon as we've called, three new objects will appear in the View's canvas to represent them.

const sceneModel = scene.createModel();

id: "myGeometry",
primitive: TrianglesPrimitive,
positions: [202, 202, 202, 200, 202, 202, ...],
indices: [0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, ...]

id: "myColorTexture",
src: "myTexture",
encoding: LinearEncoding, // Demo some texture configs
magFilter: LinearFilter,
minFilter: LinearFilter

id: "myTextureSet",
colorTextureId: "myColorTexture"

id: "myMesh1",
geometryId: "myGeometry",
textureSetId: "myTextureSet"

id: "myMesh2",
geometryId: "myGeometry",
textureSetId: "myTextureSet"

id: "myMesh3",
geometryId: "myGeometry",
textureSetId: "myTextureSet"

id: "myObject1",
meshIds: ["myMesh1"]

id: "myObject2",
meshIds: ["myMesh2"]

id: "myObject3",
meshIds: ["myMesh3"]

When building a SceneModel, the Viewer loads all geometry data into the scene!Renderer | Renderer (e.g., a WebGLRenderer).

By default, the SceneModel retains this geometry data in SceneGeometry components for tasks like runtime querying and file saving. If this data isn't needed, you can configure the SceneModel to discard it, reducing memory usage.

const sceneModel = scene.createModel({
retained: false // Default is true

// the SceneModel...; // Discards geometry

const sceneObject = sceneModel.objects["object1"]; // SceneObject
const sceneMesh = sceneModel.meshes["myMesh"]; // SceneMesh
const geometry = sceneMesh.geometry; // null

// geometry is null

After calling, the geometry property of each contained SceneObject becomes null. Normally, this property would hold a SceneGeometry instance if geometry were retained.

The geometry remains fully viewable and functional but is no longer accessible from JavaScript memory, as it is stored solely on the GPU.

Having created our Scene, Viewer, View and SceneModel, we now have three objects showing in our View.

The objects are represented by ViewObjects, which are stored in View.objects.

Use View.setObjectsVisible to hide one of the objects:

view1.setObjectsVisible(["myObject1"], false);

We can also set ViewObject.visible directly:

view1.objects["myObject1"].visible = false;

Show the object again:

view1.objects["myObject1"].visible = true;

Get the IDs of all visible ViewObjects:

const visibleObjectIds = view1.visibleObjectIds;

The methods for highlighting, selecting and X-raying objects work the same as when hiding and showing them. Colorize is a little bit different, so we'll look at it separately.

view1.setObjectsHighlighted(["myObject1"], true);
view1.setObjectsSelected(["myObject2"], true);
view1.setObjectsXRayed(["myObject3"], true);

We can also set the ViewObject.highlighted, ViewObject.selected and ViewObject.xrayed properties directly:

view1.objects["myObject1"].highlighted = true;
view1.objects["myObject2"].selected = true;
view1.objects["myObject3"].xrayed = true;

We can configure the appearance of these effects via the EmphasisMaterials components at View.highlightMaterial, View.selectedMaterial and View.xrayMaterial.

To colorize an object, we set an RGB color value on it.

Let's colorize the first object in our View, setting it red:

view1.setObjectsColorized(["myObject1"], [1,0,0]);

We can also set the ViewObject.colorize property directly:

view1.objects["myObject1"].colorize = [1,0,0];

To un-colorize it, just set the property back to null:

view1.objects["myObject1"].colorize = null;

Use View.setObjectsColorized to batch-colorize and un-colorize objects:

view1.setObjectsColorized(["myObject1", "myObject2"], [1,0,0]);
view1.setObjectsColorized(view1.colorizedObjectIds, null);

The View.colorizedObjectIds property contains the IDs of all ViewObjects currently colorized in the View:

const colorizedObjectIds = view1.colorizedObjectIds;

A View monitors the 3D world-space boundaries of objects, allowing efficient runtime queries for tasks such as collision detection, visibility culling, and camera navigation.

You can access an object's boundary at any time:

const viewObject1 = view1.objects["myObject1"]; // ViewObject

const aabb1 = viewObject1.aabb; // [xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax]

Each View can include an unlimited number of SectionPlanes, allowing you to slice through models and reveal internal structures. SectionPlanes can be adjusted dynamically using code or the Scene allows us through user interaction.

Here’s how to create a SectionPlane that slices away half of the Scene:

id: "sectionPlane1",
pos: [0, 0, 0],
dir: [-1, -1, -1]

SectionPlanes can also be animated dynamically:

const sectionPlane1 = view1.sectionPlanes["sectionPlane1"];

sectionPlane1.dir = [-1, -1, 1];
sectionPlane1.pos = [1, 0, 0];

To remove SectionPlanes, you can destroy them individually:


Or clear all SectionPlanes at once:


If specific objects need to remain unaffected by SectionPlanes, you can make them unclippable. For example:

view1.setObjectsClippable(["myObject1"], false);

Alternatively, you can directly set the ViewObject.clippable property:

view1.objects["myObject1"].clippable = false;

Enhance the lighting of a View by adding custom DirLights, PointLights, and AmbientLights.

Here's how to set up different types of lights:


view1.createDirLight({ // DirLight
id: "dirLight1",
dir: [-1, -1, -1],
color: [0.9, 0.9, 0.9],
intensity: 0.9

view1.createPointLight({ // PointLight
id: "pointLight1",
pos: [-100, 10, -100],
color: [0.9, 0.9, 1.0],
intensity: 1.0,
constantAttenuation: 0.8,
linearAttenuation: 0.9,
quadraticAttenuation: 0.9

view1.createAmbientLight({ // AmbientLight
id: "ambientLight1",
color: [0.5, 0.5, 0.6],
intensity: 0.7

You can also dynamically animate the properties of these lights:

const dirLight1 = view1.lights["dirLight1"];
const pointLight1 = view1.lights["pointLight1"];
const ambientLight1 = view1.lights["ambientLight1"];

dirLight1.dir = [1, -1, 1];
pointLight1.pos = [1, 0, 0];
ambientLight1.intensity = 0.4;

To remove individual lights:


Or clear all lights at once:


A Viewer can have an unlimited number of View, each providing an independent view of the Scene in a separate HTML canvas. Each View can have a completely different viewpoint, projection, and configuration of which objects are visible, x-rayed, highlighted etc.

Let's create a second View, with a separate canvas, that shows the other object highlighted instead:

const view2 = myViewer.createView({
id: "myView2",
elementId: "myView2"
}); = [-3.933, 2.855, 27.018]; = [4.400, 3.724, 8.899]; = [-0.018, 0.999, 0.039];

const myCameraControl2 = new CameraControl({
view: view2

view2.objects["myObject1"].highlighted = true;

To show an independent view of SceneObjects, a View proxies them with ViewObjects, which represent and control their appearance within the View's canvas.

A ViewLayer is a layer of ViewObjects within a View.

ViewLayers allow users to group and segregate ViewObjects based on their roles or aspects in a scene, simplifying interaction and focusing operations on specific object groups.

ViewLayers group ViewObjects based on the layerId of the corresponding SceneObject.

Let's add a ViewLayer to our View, to hold environmental objects, like sky boxes, that are not part of any model.

const environmentViewLayer = view.createLayer({
id: "myEnvironmentViewLayer"

Now we'll create a SceneModel for our skybox in that ViewLayer:

const skyboxSceneModel = myVScene.createModel({
id: "mySkyBox",
layerId: "myEnvironmentViewLayer"

id: "skyBox",

Hide all objects in our new ViewLayer:

environmentViewLayer.setObjectsVisible(environmentLayer.objectIds, false);

We can view additional models by creating SceneModels and loading files into them.

Lets create a new SceneModel in the Scene and then use dotbim!loadDotBIM to load a house model into it from .BIM format.

const sceneModel2 = scene.createModel({
id: "houseModel"

.then(response => {
.then(fileData => {

.catch(err => {
}).catch(err => {
}).catch(err => {

We can save the SceneModels in our Scene to a variety of formats.

Lets use dotbim!saveDotBIM to save our house model back to a .BIM file.

const xktFileData = saveXKT({

Let's use {!link View.getSnapshot | View.getSnapshot} to capture a snapshot image of the canvas to a SnapshotResult, while including UI elements (TreeView etc) in the snapshot.

const snapshotResult = view.getSnapshot({
includeGizmos: true,
height: 100,
width: 150

const imageData = snapshotResult.imageData;

A View allows us to define multiple rendering modes and configure specific effects for each mode. When a View is set to a particular mode, the associated effects for that mode are applied.

For example, we can configure a View to apply enhanced edges and ambient shadows in QualityRender mode, while enabling only resolution scaling in FastRender mode.

import { FastRender, QualityRender } from "@xeokit/sdk/constants";

myView.edges.renderModes = [QualityRender];
myView.sao.renderModes = [QualityRender];
myView.resolutionScale.renderModes = [FastRender];

Initially, we'll set the View to FastRender mode:

myView.renderMode = FastRender;

To render the View with full resolution, edge enhancements, and ambient shadows, simply switch to QualityRender mode:

myView.renderMode = QualityRender;

Switch back to FastRender mode to enable resolution scaling and disable edges and ambient shadows for smoother interaction:

myView.renderMode = FastRender;

This example uses the pre-defined constants QualityRender and FastRender to demonstrate rendering modes. However, the number of rendering modes is not limited—you can define your own constants to create additional modes as needed.


Building Collaboration Format (BCF) is a file format designed to facilitate communication and collaboration in Building Information Modeling (BIM) projects. It enables the exchange of issues and viewpoints between various tools and platforms.

Using saveBCFViewpoint, we can capture the current visual state of a View and save it as a BCFViewpoint, which can be easily serialized to JSON.

In this example, we’ll exclude the states of the ViewObjects in the skybox or environment ViewLayer when saving the viewpoint:

const bcfViewpoint = saveBCFViewpoint({
excludeViewLayerIds: ["myEnvironmentViewLayer"]

To reload the saved BCF viewpoint back into the View, we use loadBCFViewpoint. Even though the skybox or environment ViewObject states weren’t saved, this example demonstrates how to filter them out to ensure they are not loaded:

excludeViewLayerIds: ["myEnvironmentViewLayer"]

In xeokit, everything is data-driven, including the Viewer's configuration.

You can use Viewer.toParams to serialize the current configuration of a Viewer into a ViewerParams object, which can then be saved as JSON.

const viewerParams = viewer.toParams();

Now let's create a second Viewer and configure it using Viewer.fromParams with the previously serialized ViewerParams. This allows the second Viewer to replicate the exact configuration of the first, including copies of Views, Cameras, SectionPlanes, HighlightMaterials, Lights, and other components.

const viewer2 = new Viewer({
id: "myViewer2",
scene: new Scene(), // Must have own Scene
renderer: new WebGLRenderer() // Must have own WebGLRenderer


A ViewerParams object contains parameter objects for various components within a Viewer, such as Views, Lights, Cameras, ViewLayers, and more. If the components do not already exist, Viewer.fromParams will create and configure them. If the components already exist, then Viewer.fromParams will simply update their configuration.

Individual components can also be configured directly using their respective parameter types. For example, to copy a ViewParams object between two Views:

const viewParams = viewer.views["myView"].toParams();


Since all fields in a parameter object are optional, the fromParams() methods will only configure the relevant component (and its child components) based on the fields present in the parameter object.

To go deeper, let's copy a CameraParams object between the Cameras of two Views:

const cameraParams = viewer.views["myView"].camera.toParams();


Delving further, let's exchange a PerspectiveProjectionParams object between the PerspectiveProjections of two Cameras:

const perspectiveProjectionParams = viewer.views["myView"].camera.perspective.toParams();


We can even transfer configurations for rendering effects, such as X-Ray mode:

const xrayMaterialParams = viewer.views["myView"].xrayMaterial.toParams();






