Interface DataModelContentParams

Parameters for populating a DataModel using DataModel.fromParams.

This interface provides the configuration required to load PropertySets, DataObjects, and Relationships into a DataModel.

For detailed usage, refer to @xeokit/sdk/data.

interface DataModelContentParams {
    objects?: DataObjectParams[];
    propertySets?: PropertySetParams[];
    relationships?: RelationshipParams[];

Hierarchy (View Summary)


objects?: DataObjectParams[]

Parameters for DataObjects in the DataModel.

This array contains the configuration for the DataObjects to be added to the DataModel.

propertySets?: PropertySetParams[]

Parameters for PropertySets in the DataModel.

This array contains the configuration for the PropertySets that will be added to the DataModel.

relationships?: RelationshipParams[]

Parameters for Relationships in the DataModel.

This array contains the configuration for the Relationships that will be established between the DataObjects within the DataModel.