Interface PickParams


interface PickParams {
    canvasPos?: FloatArrayParam;
    pickInvisible?: boolean;
    pickSurface?: boolean;
    pickSurfaceNormal?: boolean;
    pickViewObject?: boolean;
    rayDirection?: FloatArrayParam;
    rayMatrix?: FloatArrayParam;
    rayOrigin?: FloatArrayParam;
    rayPick?: boolean;
    snapRadius?: number;
    snapToEdge?: boolean;
    snapToVertex?: boolean;


canvasPos?: FloatArrayParam

Canvas coordinates, used when PickParams.rayPick is false.

pickInvisible?: boolean

Set this false to not pick invisible ViewObjects. Default is true.

pickSurface?: boolean

Set this true to pick a 3D position on a surface.

pickSurfaceNormal?: boolean

Set this true when ray-picking to pick the normal vector on the surface of the picked object.

pickViewObject?: boolean

Set this true to pick a ViewObjects.

rayDirection?: FloatArrayParam

Ray-picking direction, used when PickParams.rayPick is true.

rayMatrix?: FloatArrayParam

Ray-picking direction matrix, used when PickParams.rayPick is true.

rayOrigin?: FloatArrayParam

Ray-picking origin, used when PickParams.rayPick is true.

rayPick?: boolean

Set this true to perform a ray-pick; leave false to pick at canvas coordinates.

snapRadius?: number

The snap radius around PickParams.canvasPos, in canvas pixels.

snapToEdge?: boolean

Whether to snap to the nearest edge to PickParams.canvasPos.

snapToVertex?: boolean

Whether to snap to the nearest vertex to PickParams.canvasPos.