summary | ||
public |
F convert2xkt(params: Object, stats: Object): Promise<number> Converts model files into xeokit's native XKT format. Supported source formats are: IFC, CityJSON, 3DXML, glTF, LAZ and LAS. |
summary | ||
public |
An object within an XKTModel. |
public |
An element of reusable geometry within an XKTModel. |
public |
C XKTMesh Represents the usage of a XKTGeometry by an XKTEntity. |
public |
A meta object within an XKTModel. |
public |
C XKTModel A document model that represents the contents of an .XKT file. |
public |
A property set within an XKTModel. |
public |
C XKTTile |
public |
F writeXKTModelToArrayBuffer(xktModel: XKTModel): ArrayBuffer Writes an XKTModel to an ArrayBuffer. |
summary | ||
public |
F buildBoxGeometry(cfg: *): Object Creates box-shaped triangle mesh geometry arrays. |
public |
F buildBoxLinesGeometry(cfg: *): Object Creates box-shaped line segment geometry arrays. |
public |
F buildCylinderGeometry(cfg: *): Object Creates cylinder-shaped geometry arrays. |
public |
F buildGridGeometry(cfg: *): Object Creates grid-shaped geometry arrays.. |
public |
F buildPlaneGeometry(cfg: *): Object Creates plane-shaped geometry arrays. |
public |
F buildSphereGeometry(cfg: *): Object Creates sphere-shaped geometry arrays. |
public |
F buildTorusGeometry(cfg: *): Object Creates torus-shaped geometry arrays. |
public |
F buildVectorTextGeometry(cfg: *): Object Creates wireframe text-shaped geometry arrays. |
summary | ||
public |
F parse3DXMLIntoXKTModel(params: Object): * Loads 3DXML into an XKTModel. |
public |
F parseCityJSONIntoXKTModel(params: Object): Promise Parses a CityJSON model into an XKTModel. |
public |
F parseGLTFIntoXKTModel(params: Object): Promise Parses glTF JSON into an XKTModel. |
public |
F parseIFCIntoXKTModel(params: Object): * Parses IFC STEP file data into an XKTModel. |
public |
F async parseLASIntoXKTModel(params: Object) Parses LAS and LAZ point cloud data into an XKTModel. |
public |
F parseMetaModelIntoXKTModel(params: Object): Promise Parses JSON metamodel into an XKTModel. |
public |
F parsePCDIntoXKTModel(params: Object): Promise Parses PCD point cloud data into an XKTModel. |
public |
F parsePLYIntoXKTModel(params: Object): Promise Parses PLY file data into an XKTModel. |
public |
F async parseSTLIntoXKTModel(params: Object): Promise Parses STL file data into an XKTModel. |