cameraThe Camera this PerspectiveProjection belongs to.
True once this Component has been destroyed.
Don't use this Component if this is true
dirtyUnique ID of this Component.
typeThe type of this projection.
Gets the position of this PerspectiveProjection's far plane on the positive View-space Z-axis.
The PerspectiveProjection's far plane position.
Sets the position of this PerspectiveProjection's far plane on the positive View-space Z-axis.
New PerspectiveProjection far plane position.
Gets the PerspectiveProjection's field-of-view angle (FOV).
Default value is 60.0
Current field-of-view.
Sets the PerspectiveProjection's field-of-view angle (FOV).
Default value is 60.0
New field-of-view.
Gets the PerspectiveProjection's FOV axis.
Options are "x"
, "y"
or "min"
, to use the minimum axis.
Default value is "min"
The current FOV axis value.
Sets the PerspectiveProjection's FOV axis.
Options are "x"
, "y"
or "min"
, to use the minimum axis.
Default value "min"
New FOV axis value.
Gets the inverse of PerspectiveProjection.projMatrix.
The inverse of PerspectiveProjection.projMatrix.
Gets the position of the PerspectiveProjection's near plane on the positive View-space Z-axis.
Default value is 0.1
The PerspectiveProjection's near plane position.
Sets the position of the PerspectiveProjection's near plane on the positive View-space Z-axis.
Default value is 0.1
New PerspectiveProjection near plane position.
Gets the PerspectiveProjection's projection transform matrix.
Default value is [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
The PerspectiveProjection's projection matrix.
Gets the transpose of PerspectiveProjection.projMatrix.
The transpose of PerspectiveProjection.projMatrix.
errorSets the state of this PerspectiveParams from the given parameters.
setGets this PerspectiveProjection as JSON.
Un-projects the given View-space coordinates and Screen-space depth, using this PerspectiveProjection projection.
Inputs 2D View-space coordinates.
Inputs Screen-space Z coordinate.
Outputs 3D Screen/Clip-space coordinates.
Outputs un-projected 3D View-space coordinates.
Outputs un-projected 3D World-space coordinates.
warnEmits an event when the Component has been destroyed.
onEmits an event each time PerspectiveProjection.projMatrix updates.
PerspectiveProjection projection configuration for a Camera .