Interface PerspectiveProjectionParams

interface PerspectiveProjectionParams {
    far?: number;
    fov?: number;
    fovAxis?: string;
    near?: number;



far?: number

Position of the PerspectiveProjection's far plane on the View-space Z-axis.

Default value is 10000.

fov?: number

The PerspectiveProjection's field-of-view angle (FOV) in degrees.

Default value is 60.0.

New field-of-view.

fovAxis?: string

The PerspectiveProjection's FOV axis.

Options are "x", "y" or "min", to use the minimum axis.

Default value is "min".

The current FOV axis value.

near?: number

Position of the PerspectiveProjection's near plane on the View-space Z-axis.

Default value is 0.1.