Interface PointLightParams

Parameters for a PointLight.

interface PointLightParams {
    color?: FloatArrayParam;
    constantAttenuation?: number;
    id?: string;
    intensity?: number;
    linearAttenuation?: number;
    pos?: FloatArrayParam;
    quadraticAttenuation?: number;
    space?: string;


RGB color of the PointLight.

Range is [0..1, 0..1, 0..1].

Default value is [1.0, 1.0, 1.0].

constantAttenuation?: number

Constant attenuation factor of the PointLight.

id?: string

Optional ID, generated automatically when omitted.

intensity?: number

Intensity of the PointLight.

Value is in range [0..1].

Default value is 1.0.

linearAttenuation?: number

Linear attenuation factor of the PointLight.

3D position of the PointLight.

quadraticAttenuation?: number

Quadratic attenuation factor of the PointLight.

space?: string

3D coordinate space in which the PointLight is positioned.

Accepted value is "world" or "view".

Default is "world".