Interface ViewParams

Parameters for a View.

interface ViewParams {
    autoLayers?: boolean;
    backgroundColor?: FloatArrayParam;
    backgroundColorFromAmbientLight?: boolean;
    camera?: CameraParams;
    edges?: EdgesParams;
    elementId?: string;
    highlightMaterial?: EmphasisMaterialParams;
    htmlElement?: HTMLCanvasElement;
    id?: string;
    layers?: ViewLayerParams[];
    lights?: (PointLightParams | AmbientLightParams | DirLightParams)[];
    origin?: FloatArrayParam;
    pointsMaterial?: PointsMaterialParams;
    premultipliedAlpha?: boolean;
    renderMode?: number;
    resolutionScale?: ResolutionScaleParams;
    sao?: SAOParams;
    scale?: number;
    sectionPlanes?: SectionPlaneParams[];
    selectedMaterial?: EmphasisMaterialParams;
    transparent?: boolean;
    units?: number;
    xrayMaterial?: EmphasisMaterialParams;


autoLayers?: boolean

Whether the View will automatically create ViewLayers on-demand as ViewObjects are created.

When true (default), the View will automatically create ViewLayers as needed for each new SceneObject.layerId encountered, including a "default" ViewLayer for ViewerObjects corresponding to SceneObjects that have no layerId. This default setting therefore ensures that a ViewObject is created in the View for every SceneObject that is created.

If you set this false, however, then the View will only create ViewObjects for SceneObjects that have a SceneObject.layerId that matches the ID of some ViewLayer that you explicitly created earlier with View.createLayer.

Setting this parameter false enables a View to contain only the ViewObjects that it actually needs to show, i.e. to represent only SceneObjects that it needs to view. This enables a View to avoid wastefully creating and maintaining ViewObjects for SceneObjects that it never needs to show.

Default value is true.

backgroundColor?: FloatArrayParam

RGB clear color for the View's canvas.

Only works when canvas is not transparent.

Default value is [1,1,1].

backgroundColorFromAmbientLight?: boolean

Set true to attempt to derive the View's canvas RGB clear color from any AmbientLights defined in the View .

Only works when canvas is not transparent.

Falls back on View.backgroundColor |

Default value is [1,1,1].

camera?: CameraParams

Parameters for the View's Camera.

edges?: EdgesParams

Parameters for the View's edge enhancement effect, Edges.

elementId?: string

ID of an HTMLCanvasElement in the DOM.

highlightMaterial?: EmphasisMaterialParams

Parameters for the appearance of ViewObjects in the View when they are highlighted.

htmlElement?: HTMLCanvasElement

An HTMLElement in the DOM.

Overrides ViewParams.elementId

id?: string

Optional ID, genarated automatically by Viewer.createView if omitted.

layers?: ViewLayerParams[]

Parameters for the View's ViewLayers.

Parameters for the View's light sources.

The Real-space 3D origin, in Real-space units, at which the View's World-space coordinate origin [0,0,0] sits.

pointsMaterial?: PointsMaterialParams

Parameters for the View's PointsMaterial.

premultipliedAlpha?: boolean

Whether the View performs alpha composition with premultiplied alpha. Highlighting and selection works best when this is false.

Default value is false.

renderMode?: number

Configures which rendering mode the View is in.

Default is QualityRender.

resolutionScale?: ResolutionScaleParams

Paramaters the View's ResolutionScale.

sao?: SAOParams

Parameters for the View's scalable ambient obscurance effect, SAO, which enhances 3D model visualization by darkening areas with limited ambient light exposure.

scale?: number

The number of Real-space units represented by each unit of the View's World-space coordinate system.

For example, if ViewParams.units is MetersUnit, and there are ten meters per World-space coordinate system unit, then this property would have a value of 10.0.

sectionPlanes?: SectionPlaneParams[]

Paramaters for the View's SectionPlanes.

selectedMaterial?: EmphasisMaterialParams

Parameters for the appearance of ViewObjects in the View when they are selected.

transparent?: boolean

Configures whether the View's canvas is transparent.

Default value is false.

units?: number
xrayMaterial?: EmphasisMaterialParams

Parameters for the appearance of ViewObjects in the View when they are X-rayed.