Interface CameraParams

Parameters for a Camera.


constrainPitch?: boolean

Whether to prevent the Camera from being pitched upside down.

The Camera is upside down when the angle between Camera.up and Camera.worldUp is less than one degree.

Default value is false.

customProjection?: CustomProjectionParams
deviceMatrix?: FloatArrayParam

The 3D position of the Camera's viewpoint.

Default value is [0, 0, -10].

frustumProjection?: FrustumProjectionParams
gimbalLock?: boolean

Whether to lock the Camera's yaw rotation to pivot about the World-space "up" axis.

Default value is true.

The 3D point that the Camera is looking at.

Default value is [0, 0, 0].

orthoProjection?: OrthoProjectionParams

Parameters for the OrthoProjection at Camera.orthoProjection.

perspectiveProjection?: PerspectiveProjectionParams
projectionType?: number

The Camera's active projection type.

Possible values are PerspectiveProjectionType, OrthoProjectionType, FrustumProjectionType and CustomProjectionType.

Default value is PerspectiveProjectionType.

Identifies the active projection type.

3D vector indicating the Camera's upwards direction.

Default value is [0, 1, 0].

worldAxis?: FloatArrayParam

The up, right and forward axis of the Camera's World coordinate system.

Has format: [rightX, rightY, rightZ, upX, upY, upZ, forwardX, forwardY, forwardZ].

Default value is [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1].