summary | ||
public |
A customizable HTML context menu. |
summary | ||
public |
Picks a Viewer's Entitys with a canvas-space 2D marquee box. UsageIn the example below, we
public |
Controls a MarqueePicker with mouse input. |
summary | ||
public |
A PointerCircle shows a circle, centered at the position of the mouse or touch pointer. |
summary | ||
public |
A PointerLens shows a magnified view of a Viewer's canvas, centered at the position of the mouse or touch pointer. This component is used by DistanceMeasurementsControl and AngleMeasurementsControl to help position the pointer when snap-to-vertex or snap-toedge is enabled.
summary | ||
public |
Automatically indexes a Viewer's Entitys in a 3D k-d tree to support fast collision detection with 3D World-space axis-aligned boundaries (AABBs) and frustums. See MarqueePicker for usage example. An ObjectsKdTree3 is configured with a Viewer, and will then automatically keep itself populated with k-d nodes that contain the Viewer's Entitys. |
summary | ||
public |
Measures the angle indicated by three 3D points. |
public |
Creates AngleMeasurements in an AngleMeasurementsPlugin from mouse input. |
public |
Viewer plugin for measuring angles. |
public |
Creates AngleMeasurements from touch input. |
public |
public |
public abstract |
Creates AngleMeasurements in an AngleMeasurementsPlugin from user input. |
summary | ||
public |
A Marker with an HTML label attached to it, managed by an AnnotationsPlugin. |
public |
Viewer plugin that creates Annotations. |
summary | ||
public |
Viewer plugin that shows the axii of the World-space coordinate system. |
summary | ||
public |
Viewer plugin that saves and loads BCF viewpoints as JSON objects. |
summary | ||
public |
Default data access strategy for CityJSONLoaderPlugin. |
public |
Viewer plugin that loads models from CityJSON files. |
since 2.0.13 |
summary | ||
public |
Measures the distance between two 3D points. |
public |
Creates DistanceMeasurements in a DistanceMeasurementsPlugin from mouse input. |
public |
Viewer plugin for measuring point-to-point distances. |
public |
Creates DistanceMeasurements from touch input. |
public |
public |
public |
public abstract |
Creates DistanceMeasurements in a DistanceMeasurementsPlugin from user input. |
summary | ||
public |
Default data access strategy for DotBIMLoaderPlugin. |
public |
Viewer plugin that loads models from .bim format. |
summary | ||
public |
Controls a SectionPlane with mouse and touch input. |
public |
FaceAlignedSectionPlanesPlugin is a Viewer plugin that creates and edits face-aligned SectionPlanes. |
summary | ||
public |
Viewer plugin that makes interaction smoother with large models, by temporarily switching the Viewer to faster, lower-quality rendering modes whenever we interact. |
summary | ||
public |
Default data access strategy for GLTFLoaderPlugin. |
public |
Viewer plugin that loads models from glTF. |
summary | ||
public |
Default data access strategy for LASLoaderPlugin. |
public |
Viewer plugin that loads lidar point cloud geometry from LAS files. |
since 2.0.17 |
summary | ||
public |
Viewer plugin that lets us look at the entire Scene from along a chosen axis or diagonal. |
summary | ||
public |
Viewer plugin that loads models from OBJ files. |
summary | ||
public |
Default data access strategy for STLLoaderPlugin. |
public |
Viewer plugin that loads models from STL files. |
summary | ||
public |
SectionPlanesPlugin is a Viewer plugin that manages SectionPlanes. |
summary | ||
public |
Viewer plugin that manages skyboxes |
summary | ||
public |
C Storey Information about an |
public |
A 2D plan view image of an |
public |
A Viewer plugin that provides methods for visualizing IfcBuildingStoreys. |
summary | ||
public |
A TreeViewPlugin render class. |
public abstract |
A node within a TreeViewPlugin. |
summary | ||
public |
Viewer plugin that performs view frustum culling to accelerate rendering performance. |
summary | ||
public |
Default data access strategy for WebIFCLoaderPlugin. |
public |
Viewer plugin that uses web-ifc to load BIM models directly from IFC files. |
since 2.0.13 |
summary | ||
public |
Default data access strategy for XKTLoaderPlugin. |
public |
Viewer plugin that loads models from xeokit's optimized Overview
Creating |
summary | ||
public |
Viewer plugin that loads models from 3DXML files. |
summary | ||
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
ZonesPlugin documentation to be added, mostly compatible with DistanceMeasurementsPlugin. |
public |
public |
public |
summary | ||
public |
F addContextMenuListener(elem: *, callback: *, failCallback: *): * |
summary | ||
public |
C Dot3D |
public |
C Label3D |
public |
C Wire3D |
public |
F activateDraggableDot(dot: *, cfg: *): * |
public |
F activateDraggableDots(cfg: *): * |
public |
F touchPointSelector(viewer: *, pointerCircle: *, ray2WorldPos: *): * |
public |
F transformToNode(from: *, to: *, vec: *) |
summary | ||
public |
Localization service for a Viewer. |
since 2.0 |
summary | ||
public |
Metadata corresponding to an Entity that represents a model. |
public |
Metadata corresponding to an Entity that represents an object. |
public |
Metadata corresponding to a Scene. |
public |
C Property A property within a PropertySet. |
public |
A set of properties associated with one or more MetaObjects. |
public |
V IFCObjectDefaultColors: {String: Object} Initial properties for Entitys loaded from IFC models accompanied by metadata. |
public |
V IFCObjectDefaults: {String: Object} Default initial properties for Entitys loaded from models accompanied by metadata. |
summary | ||
public |
Base class for all xeokit components. |
public abstract |
I Entity An abstract 3D scene element that can be individually shown, hidden, selected, highlighted, xrayed, culled, picked, clipped and bounded. |
public |
V stats: {components: {models: number, objects: number, scenes: number, meshes: number}, memory: {indices: number, uvs: number, textures: number, materials: number, transforms: number, positions: number, programs: number, normals: number, meshes: number, colors: number}, build: {version: string}, client: {browser: string}, frame: {frameCount: number, useProgram: number, bindTexture: number, drawElements: number, bindArray: number, tasksRun: number, fps: number, drawArrays: number, tasksScheduled: number}} xeokit runtime statistics. |
summary | ||
public |
C Bitmap A plane-shaped 3D object containing a bitmap image. |
summary | ||
public |
A plane-shaped 3D object containing a bitmap image. |
summary | ||
public |
C LineSet A set of 3D line segments. |
summary | ||
public |
C Camera Manages viewing and projection transforms for its Scene. |
public | ||
public |
Defines a sequence of frames along which a CameraPathAnimation can animate a Camera. |
public |
Animates the Scene's's Camera along a CameraPath. |
public |
Defines a custom projection for a Camera as a custom 4x4 matrix.. |
public |
C Frustum Defines its Camera's perspective projection as a frustum-shaped view volume.
public |
C Ortho Defines its Camera's orthographic projection as a box-shaped view volume.
public |
Defines its Camera's perspective projection using a field-of-view angle.
summary | ||
public |
C Canvas Manages its Scene's HTML canvas.
public |
C Spinner Displays a progress animation at the center of its Canvas while things are loading or otherwise busy. |
summary | ||
public |
Texture sampling mode that discards the |
public |
Signed 8-bit integer type. |
public |
Texture wrapping mode in which the last pixel of the texture stretches to the edge of the mesh. |
public |
Media type for compressed texture data. |
public |
Texture sampling mode that reads each element as a single depth value, converts it to a float and clamps to |
public |
Texture sampling mode that |
public |
Signed 32-bit floating-point type. |
public |
Media type for GIF images. |
public |
Signed 16-bit half-precision floating-point type. |
public |
Signed 32-bit integer type. |
public |
Media type for JPEG images. |
public |
Texture encoding mode in which the texture image is in linear color space. |
public |
Texture magnification and minification filter that returns the weighted average of the four nearest texels to the given sample coordinates. |
public |
Texture minification filter that chooses two mipmaps that most closely match the size of the pixel being textured, finds within each mipmap the weighted average of the nearest texel to the center of the pixel, then returns the weighted average of those two values. |
public |
Texture minification filter that chooses the mipmap that most closely matches the size of the pixel being textured and returns the weighted average of the four nearest texels to the given sample coordinates. |
public |
Texture minification filter that chooses two mipmaps that most closely match the size of the pixel being textured, finds within each mipmap the weighted average of the nearest texel to the center of the pixel, then returns the weighted average of those two values. |
public |
Texture minification filter that chooses the mipmap that most closely matches the size of the pixel being textured and returns the weighted average of the four nearest texels to the given sample coordinates. |
public |
Texture sampling mode that reads each of the |
public |
Texture sampling mode that reads each |
public |
Texture wrapping mode in which the texture repeats to infinity, mirroring on each repeat. |
public |
Texture magnification and minification filter that returns the nearest texel to the given sample coordinates. |
public |
Texture minification filter that chooses two mipmaps that most closely match the size of the pixel being textured and returns the nearest texel to the center of the pixel at the given sample coordinates. |
public |
Texture minification filter that chooses the mipmap that most closely matches the size of the pixel being textured and returns the nearest texel to the given sample coordinates. |
public |
Texture minification filter that chooses two mipmaps that most closely match the size of the pixel being textured and returns the nearest texel to the center of the pixel at the given sample coordinates. |
public |
Texture minification filter that chooses the mipmap that most closely matches the size of the pixel being textured and returns the nearest texel to the given sample coordinates. |
public |
Media type for PNG images. |
public |
V RGBAFormat: number Texture sampling mode that reads the |
public |
Texture sampling mode that reads the |
public |
Texture format mode in which the texture is formatted as an ATSC compressed
public |
Texture format mode in which the texture is formatted as an ATSC compressed
public |
Texture format mode in which the texture is formatted as an ATSC compressed
public |
Texture format mode in which the texture is formatted as an ATSC compressed
public |
Texture format mode in which the texture is formatted as an ATSC compressed
public |
Texture format mode in which the texture is formatted as an ATSC compressed
public |
Texture format mode in which the texture is formatted as an ATSC compressed
public |
Texture format mode in which the texture is formatted as an ATSC compressed
public |
Texture format mode in which the texture is formatted as an ATSC compressed
public |
Texture format mode in which the texture is formatted as an ATSC compressed
public |
Texture format mode in which the texture is formatted as an ATSC compressed
public |
Texture format mode in which the texture is formatted as an ATSC compressed
public |
Texture format mode in which the texture is formatted as an ATSC compressed
public |
Texture format mode in which the texture is formatted as an ATSC compressed
public |
Texture format mode in which the texture is formatted as an BPTC compressed
public |
Texture format mode in which the texture is formatted as an ETC2 compressed
public |
Texture format mode in which the texture is formatted as a PVRTC compressed
image, with |
public |
Texture format mode in which the texture is formatted as a PVRTC compressed
image, with |
public |
Texture format mode in which the texture is formatted as a DXT1 compressed |
public |
Texture format mode in which the texture is formatted as a DXT3 compressed |
public |
Texture format mode in which the texture is formatted as a DXT5 compressed |
public |
Texture sampling mode that discards the |
public |
Texture format mode in which the texture is formatted as an ETC1 compressed
public |
Texture format mode in which the texture is formatted as an ETC2 compressed
public |
Texture format mode in which the texture is formatted as a PVRTC compressed
image, with |
public |
Texture format mode in which the texture is formatted as a PVRTC compressed
image, with |
public |
Texture format mode in which the texture is formatted as a DXT1 compressed |
public |
Texture sampling mode that discards the |
public |
Texture sampling mode that discards the |
public |
Texture sampling mode that discards the |
public |
Texture sampling mode that discards the |
public |
Texture wrapping mode in which the texture repeats to infinity. |
public |
Signed 16-bit integer type. |
public |
Unsigned 8-bit integer type. |
public |
Unsigned integer type for 24-bit depth texture data. |
public |
Unsigned 32-bit integer type. |
public |
Texture packing mode in which each |
public |
Texture packing mode in which the |
public |
Unsigned 16-bit integer type. |
public |
Texture encoding mode in which the texture image is in sRGB color space. |
summary | ||
public |
F buildBoxGeometry(cfg: *): Object Creates box-shaped Geometry. |
public |
F buildBoxLinesGeometry(cfg: *): Object Creates a box-shaped lines Geometry. |
public |
F buildBoxLinesGeometryFromAABB(cfg: *): Object Creates a box-shaped lines Geometry from AABB. |
public |
F buildCylinderGeometry(cfg: *): Object Creates a cylinder-shaped Geometry. |
public |
F buildGridGeometry(cfg: *): Object Creates a grid-shaped Geometry. |
public |
F buildLineGeometry(cfg: *): Object Creates a 3D line Geometry. |
public |
F buildPlaneGeometry(cfg: *): Object Creates a plane-shaped Geometry. |
public |
F buildPolylineGeometry(cfg: *): Object Creates a 3D polyline Geometry. |
public |
F buildPolylineGeometryFromCurve(cfg: *): Object Creates a 3D polyline from curve Geometry. |
public |
F buildSphereGeometry(cfg: *): Object Creates a sphere-shaped Geometry. |
public |
F buildTorusGeometry(cfg: *): Object Creates a torus-shaped Geometry. |
public |
F buildVectorTextGeometry(cfg: *): Object Creates wireframe vector text Geometry. |
summary | ||
public |
F load3DSGeometry(scene: Scene, cfg: *): Object Loads Geometry from 3DS. |
public |
F loadOBJGeometry(scene: Scene, cfg: *): Object Loads Geometry from OBJ. |
summary | ||
public |
C Input Meditates mouse, touch and keyboard events for various interaction controls. |
summary | ||
public |
An ambient light source of fixed color and intensity that illuminates all Meshes equally. |
public |
A cube texture map. |
public |
C DirLight A directional light source that illuminates all Meshes equally from a given direction. |
public |
C Light A dynamic light source within a Scene. |
public |
C LightMap A LightMap specifies a cube texture light map. |
public |
A positional light source that originates from a single point and spreads outward in all directions, with optional attenuation over distance. |
public |
A reflection cube map. |
public |
C Shadow |
summary | ||
public |
Configures the appearance of Entitys when their edges are emphasised. |
public |
Configures the appearance of Entitys when they are xrayed, highlighted or selected. |
public |
C Fresnel Configures Fresnel effects for PhongMaterials. |
public |
Configures the normal rendered appearance of Meshes using the non-realistic but GPU-efficient Lambertian flat shading model for calculating reflectance. |
public |
Configures the shape of "lines" geometry primitives. |
public |
C Material |
public |
Configures the normal rendered appearance of Meshes using the physically-accurate metallic-roughness shading model. |
public |
Configures the normal rendered appearance of Meshes using the non-physically-correct Blinn-Phong shading model. |
public |
Configures the size and shape of "points" geometry primitives. |
public |
Configures the normal rendered appearance of Meshes using the physically-accurate specular-glossiness shading model. |
public |
C Texture A 2D texture map. |
summary | ||
public |
Calculates the surface area of triangle meshes. |
public |
Calculates the volume of triangle meshes. |
public |
Singleton instance of MeshSurfaceArea. |
public |
Singleton instance of MeshVolume. |
summary | ||
public |
Saves and restores the state of a Scene's Camera. See Also
public |
Saves and restores a snapshot of the visual state of the Entity's of a model within a Scene. UsageIn the example below, we'll create a Viewer and use an XKTLoaderPlugin to load an |
public |
Saves and restores a snapshot of the visual state of the Entity's that represent objects within a Scene.
See Also
summary | ||
public |
F DrawShaderSource(mesh: *) |
summary | ||
public |
C Metrics Configures its Scene's measurement unit and mapping between the Real-space and World-space 3D Cartesian coordinate systems. Overview
summary | ||
public |
this class was deprecated.
A high-performance model representation for efficient rendering and low memory usage. |
public |
A high-performance model representation for efficient rendering and low memory usage. |
public |
An entity within a SceneModel |
public |
A mesh within a SceneModel. |
public |
A texture within a SceneModelTextureSet. |
public |
A texture set within a SceneModel. |
public |
A dynamically-updatable transform within a SceneModel. |
public |
this class was deprecated.
A high-performance model representation for efficient rendering and low memory usage. |
public |
F uniquifyPositions(mesh: {positionsCompressed: number[], indices: number[], edgeIndices: number[]}): [Uint16Array, Uint32Array, Uint32Array] This function obtains unique positionsCompressed in the provided object .positionsCompressed array and calculates an index mapping, which is then applied to the provided object .indices and .edgeindices. |
public |
F rebucketPositions(mesh: {positionsCompressed: number[], indices: number[], edgeIndices: number[]}, bitsPerBucket: number, checkResult: boolean): {positionsCompressed: number[], indices: number[], edgeIndices: number[]}[] |
summary | ||
public |
F rebucketPositions(mesh: {positionsCompressed: number[], indices: number[], edgeIndices: number[]}, bitsPerBucket: number, checkResult: boolean): {positionsCompressed: number[], indices: number[], edgeIndices: number[]}[] |
public |
V dataTextureRamStats: {"sizeDataColorsAndFlags": *, "sizeDataPositionDecodeMatrices": *, "sizeDataTextureOffsets": *, "sizeDataTexturePositions": *, "sizeDataTextureIndices": *, "sizeDataTexturePortionIds": *, "numberOfGeometries": *, "numberOfPortions": *, "numberOfLayers": *, "numberOfTextures": *, "totalLines": *, "totalLines8Bits": *, "totalLines16Bits": *, "totalLines32Bits": *, "cannotCreatePortion": *, "overheadSizeAlignementIndices": *, "overheadSizeAlignementEdgeIndices": *} |
summary | ||
public |
V dataTextureRamStats: {"sizeDataColorsAndFlags": *, "sizeDataPositionDecodeMatrices": *, "sizeDataTextureOffsets": *, "sizeDataTexturePositions": *, "sizeDataTextureIndices": *, "sizeDataTextureEdgeIndices": *, "sizeDataTexturePortionIds": *, "numberOfGeometries": *, "numberOfPortions": *, "numberOfLayers": *, "numberOfTextures": *, "totalPolygons": *, "totalPolygons8Bits": *, "totalPolygons16Bits": *, "totalPolygons32Bits": *, "totalEdges": *, "totalEdges8Bits": *, "totalEdges16Bits": *, "totalEdges32Bits": *, "cannotCreatePortion": *, "overheadSizeAlignementIndices": *, "overheadSizeAlignementEdgeIndices": *} |
summary | ||
public |
A Curve along which a 3D position can be animated. |
public |
C Curve Abstract base class for curve classes. |
public |
C Path A complex curved path constructed from various Curve subtypes. |
public |
A QuadraticBezierCurve is a Curve along which a 3D position can be animated. |
public |
A Curve along which a 3D position can be animated. |
summary | ||
public |
C Scene Contains the components that comprise a 3D scene. |
summary | ||
public |
Implements hatching for Solid objects on a Scene. |
summary | ||
public |
An arbitrarily-aligned World-space clipping plane. |
public |
A set of arbitrarily-aligned World-space clipping planes. |
summary | ||
public |
C Skybox A Skybox. |
summary | ||
public |
Transcodes texture data. |
summary | ||
public |
Transcodes texture data from KTX2. |
summary | ||
public |
C Viewport |
summary | ||
public |
Pick result returned by Scene#pick. |